Re: [球隊] 召開Buffon & Chiellini續約記者會

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官網: Buffon and Chiellini extend Juventus stay 20 Nov 2014 - in: Events Andrea Agnelli hailed the contributions of stalwarts Gianluigi Buffon and Giorgio Chiellini during this lunchtime’s press conference to announce their contract extensions until 2017 and 2018 respectively. 在今日午餐時間的記者會上,Andrea Agnelli讚揚了肱骨忠臣Gianluigi Buffon與 Giorgio Chiellini,並宣布延長他們的合約分別到2017與2018。 The club president believes the unwavering loyalty and professionalism demonstrated over the years make both players examples for all concerned and is backing the duo to continue their glittering association with the club by inspiring the team to further triumphs. Agnelli主席相信多年來不逾的忠誠與職業精神的表現使這兩位球員都成為全方位的 榜樣,並支持這兩位繼續維持讓球隊贏取更多榮譽的光耀關聯。 Addressing the media in Vinovo, Agnelli began: “It’s an important day for Juventus. Gigi has extended his contract with us until 2017, while Giorgio has signed until 2018. The captain is in his fourteenth season with the club and has made more than 500 appearances, won seven Scudetto titles and a World Cup. Giorgio is in his tenth season here and has more than 300 appearances to his name as well as four Scudetto titles. Agnelli開始向媒體宣達:「今日對Juventus來說是重要的一天。Buffon延長與我們 的合約至2017,而Chiellini則簽到了2018。隊長Buffon已經是第14個賽季在隊,並 出場超過五百次,贏得七座義甲聯賽冠軍與一座世界盃冠軍。Chiellini已經是在隊 的第10個賽季,出場三百多次,也有四座義甲聯賽冠軍。」 “I believe these figures alone are enough to summarise what two champions like Gigi and Giorgio mean to Juventus. These are two people who were in heaven and experienced hell before taking Juventus back to heaven. 「我相信光是這些數字就足以說明像Buffon與Chiellini這樣的冠軍球員對Juventus 是多麼重要。這兩位可是經歷了天堂到地獄,並帶領Juventus重返榮耀。」 (譯按: 雖然Marchisio、Giovinco等人2005年就已經待在球隊的青訓系統,但直到 2006-2007賽季之前都還沒能在一軍出賽。) “They embody the values that set Juventus apart: work ethic, determination to never give in and the awareness that only one result counts – victory. I don’t just share the same goals with these two, we also share the same dreams. 「秩序、永不放棄、勝利就是一切,這兩位將這些使Juventus獨樹一格的價值發揚 光大。我不只與他們有一致的目標,也有著相同的夢想。」 “As far as Gigi’s concerned, I can only repeat what I said when we announced his previous contract renewal together on 23 January 2013. He is an honest, loyal and decent man. Giorgio is an example for every youngster who wants to enjoy success in life. He’s the proof that application, work, effort and sweat always pay off.” 「對於Buffon,我只能重複上一次我們一起宣布續約的2013年01月23日那天我所說 的那些話:Buffon是位誠信、忠誠且認真的人。Chiellini是每位想要成功的年輕人 的榜樣,他是實踐、勞動、付出、流汗終將得償所願的例證。」 Gigi Buffon “The praise from the club makes me proud of the choices I made 14 years ago. My relationship with Juventus and the Agnelli family over the years is something that’s made me who I am today, both as a player and person. 「球隊的讚揚讓我對我14年前的決定感到光榮。不論是單就個人還是身為球員,我 與Juventus以及Agnelli家族這些年來的情誼塑造成就了今日的我。」 “I’m very happy to be sharing a day like this with Giorgio: he is a great example for young people. Hard work, sweat, sacrifice, desire, professionalism and discipline have made Giorgio the great player he is. 「能與Chiellini共度像是今天這樣的日子我覺得非常開心。勤奮、努力、犧牲、 求勝、專業與紀律使Chiellini成為如此偉大的球員,是年輕人的絕佳楷模。」 “As both parties wished to continue, it was the natural choice to extend my contract for another two years. The fact that it could very well be my last contract was a factor, but I’m not worried about that: I feel energised. I want to continue performing to a high level, so that I can be an asset and a point of reference for the club.” 「既然雙方都想繼續,續約兩年自然當然。也許這會是我最後一份合約,但我感到 動力十足,一點也不擔心。我想繼續高水準的演出,以成為球隊的財富與支柱。」 Giorgio Chiellini “It’s an emotional day for me and I’m really proud to be here. I’d like to thank Gigi and the president for their wonderful words. Today I’m looking back and thinking about all the people over the past ten years who have helped me grow and feel at home here. I’ve become a man at this club and in this city. Leaving Tuscany and being far away from my family was traumatic to begin with, but everyone here made me feel increasingly at ease. 「對我來說這是個情感澎湃的一天,並且我非常榮幸能來到這邊。我要感謝Buffon 與Agnelli主席美妙的致詞。回想起這十年來幫助我成長並如獲歸宿的所有人們, 我已經在這支球隊、在這座城市成為一個男人。以離鄉背井告別故土托斯卡尼以及 我的家人作為起點是痛苦難堪的,但這裡的每一個人都讓我感到格外安心。」 “I think the president would be the first to admit that all those who have been with us in recent years and are still here to this day have enabled us to reach historic achievements. I can assure you that there’s a big family that works on a daily basis to help us players reach the levels we aspire to. 「我想Agnelli主席將會率先響應我的看法:這些年來的所有夥伴、以及仍舊一同 奮進的人們,使我們能夠達成留名青史的成就。我保證每天都有個龐大家族協助我 們球員們築夢踏實更上層樓。」 “It makes me proud to know that, in years to come, when people talk about Gigi and Giorgio, they’ll think of Juventus.” 「知道接下來幾年人們談到Buffon與Chiellini時想到的是Juventus,我感覺相當 光榮。」 When asked about future goals, Agnelli concluded by discussing the club’s desire to cement their spot in Europe’s top eight, with the Champions League the ultimate aim. 當被問到下一步時,Agnelli論述鞏固球隊在歐洲前八的地位並以歐洲冠軍聯賽為 終極目標來為記者會收尾。 He added: “Juventus aim to win every competition, it’s in our DNA. We know we’re not the only ones with this desire, but we’re taking important steps to make the Champions League a realistic objective. Agnelli說:「Juventus的目標是在所有的競賽奪冠,這個精神烙印在我們的DNA之 中。我們知道我們不是唯一這樣期盼的,但我們正一步步化歐冠冠軍為現實。」 “It’s worth bearing in mind that Real Madrid had been gunning for their tenth title since 2004 and only managed to win it last year. This shows how tough it is. Having said that, I also believe that this team has the potential to be among Europe’s top eight. 「值得警惕的是打從2004年開始Real Madrid就已經瞄準了其隊史第十座歐冠冠軍, 但直到去年他們才達成,這足以顯示其難度之高。話說回來,我相信我們的隊伍有 潛力躋身歐洲八強。」 “From that moment on it’s a competition where anything can be decided by a one-off moment. Speaking on behalf of the entire club, backroom staff and fans, the Champions League is our dream.” 「從那一刻起,這就是不可放鬆、一瞬足以定生死的競爭。我代表整支球隊、教練 員工與球迷們,宣示歐洲冠軍聯賽就是我們的夢想。」 -- Buffon的事情大家應該都還記得,當年以破紀錄的門將轉會費來到Juventus並從此 成為絕對主力。 那Chiellini呢? Chiellini出身Livorno青訓,當年率先出手的是Roma,先是與Livorno簽下共有協議 但讓Chiellini留在甫升入義乙的母隊Livorno繼續鍛鍊。但Roma沒能將Chiellini 完全所有,反而是Livorno購回了另一半共有權。接著,幫助Livorno衝上義甲的 Chiellini再度被共有,這次是Fiorentina與Juventus。2004-2005賽季Chiellini 在重返義甲聯賽的Fiorentina獲得大量機會,甚至入選了國家隊。對於Juventus來 說,幸運的是當時因為義甲聯賽擴編為20隊而吊車尾獲得附加賽資格擠下義甲聯賽 倒數第四Perugia的Fiorentina,聲勢雖狀但財務狀況卻不算寬裕,最後一輪才勉強 保級成功,面對同時與Juventus共有三位球員Chiellini、Miccoli與Maresca的處 境,當初以總價13M買來三位球員共有權的Fiorentina完全無能為力,經過最後的 密封投標,手握經濟優勢的Juventus只需要付給Fiorentina大約6.7M的轉會費, 一口氣回收三位球員還有得賺,是球員共有制的經典搶劫交易。 也是直到這時,2005-2006賽季Chiellini才算是真正加入Juventus。然而頂著前個 賽季優秀表現與新晉義大利國腳的光環,剛開始的Chiellini沒能拿到上場機會, 幾乎可以說是無球可踢,甚至還放話說要離隊。而就算開始有一些上場機會,表現 也往往跌跌撞撞、時好時壞。 所以Chiellini在記者會上說的往事是非常深刻的,離開家鄉托斯卡尼的Livorno與 Fiorentina之後,Chiellini確實經歷了一段艱苦的時期。 接下來逐漸進步的Chiellini把握在義乙的2006-2007賽季,就此站穩了主力位置。 Chiellini僅僅較血統純正的Marchisio早一年上一軍,但有這樣的經歷與本身的 個性,至少現階段Chiellini比溫文儒雅的Marchisio更適合擔任球隊的隊長。 -- 啊不過雖然看到Chiellini說他在這支球隊、這座城市成長為男人,我是比較希望 他常常退化回大猩猩啦XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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