Re: [歐聯] 客場 vs. Lech Poznan

看板Juventus作者 (at the beginning)時間14年前 (2010/12/02 06:20), 編輯推噓3(302)
留言5則, 5人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
from official competition regulations. Group Stage 7.05 If two or more teams are equal on points on completion of all the group matches, the following criteria are applied to determine the rankings (in descending order): 若相同積分的話,依序以這些條件判斷: a) higher number of points obtained in the group matches played among the teams in question; 同積分的球隊彼此對戰取得的積分; b) superior goal difference from the group matches played among the teams in question; 同積分的球隊彼此對戰的淨勝球; c) higher number of goals scored away from home in the group matches played among the teams in question; 同積分的球隊彼此對戰的客場進球; d) superior goal difference from all group matches played; 整個小組的淨勝球; e) higher number of goals scored; 取進球多的; f) higher number of coefficient points accumulated by the club in question, as well as its association, over the previous five seasons (see paragraph 9.03). 最後若還是不分勝負,取前五季內球隊取得的綜合積分較高者。 -- Juve敗在(c),主場3:3客場1:1。 總而言之只能怪自己該穩穩拿下來的沒有贏。 -- ※ 編輯: dimhdp10 來自: (12/02 06:26)

12/02 10:12, , 1F
看到要比c) 就知道沒機會了
12/02 10:12, 1F

12/02 11:45, , 2F
12/02 11:45, 2F

12/03 00:20, , 3F
12/03 00:20, 3F

12/03 22:50, , 4F
12/03 22:50, 4F

12/03 23:17, , 5F
喔喔喔 門神抱怨傷後復出沒歐聯可踢XDDDD
12/03 23:17, 5F
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文章代碼(AID): #1Cziev1u (Juventus)