[義乙] Juventus - Bari 賽前報導

看板Juventus作者 (離題我命不離我幸)時間17年前 (2007/01/20 02:09), 編輯推噓6(602)
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http://www.juventus.com/uk/news/ detail.aspx?lml_language_id=0&trs_id=1573000&ID=9887 〔http://tinyurl.com/2ydsfl〕 Serie B Tim - 19 Jan 2007 - 3:51 PM Deschamps: “Nedved: immeasurable quality” Didier Deschamps' traditional pre-match press conference opened with a word on the likelihood of Gigi Buffon taking the field against Bari tomorrow. “We'll see how he feels today but it's going to be difficult. His condition has improved a lot over the last few days but only he knows if he's good to play or not”. DD先談到 Buffon上場的可能:「我們會看他今天感覺如何, 不過這有點難度,他的狀況在過去幾天改善了許多, 不過只有他知道自己適不適合上場比賽。」 The injury troubles of the last few months seem to have reached a turning point. “Giannichedda and Zanetti are ready to play. Marchionni and Legrottaglie have also been training with the rest of the group but even so, when a player's been out for a long time, it takes a while to regain peak condition”. 談到傷病問題,DD說:「Giannichedda、Zanetti都作好上場準備了, Marchionni、Legrottaglie也都隨隊訓練了,不過儘管如何, 球員久疏戰陣,還是需要一點時間找回巔峰狀態。」 Giannichedda's return may also give some relief to the beleaguered defence. “He can also play at the back. It's not his natural role but he's played there in the past and is more than capable, especially when we have an emergency on our hands. It's complicated though as, after two months out, he doesn't have ninety minutes in his legs yet”. Giannichedda復出讓兵源短缺的後防線鬆了一口氣,DD說:「他也能打後衛, 這並非他天生的位置,不過他曾經踢過,也有能力勝任,特別是當面臨緊急狀況時, 儘管這有點複雜,缺陣了兩個月,他還沒有辦法踢滿全場。」 Perhaps the most positive news for tomorrow's clash at the Olimpico is the return of Pavel Nedved. “It's great he's back. He's been unavailable for so long it's almost as if we've signed a new player in the transfer window. He's more motivated than ever to get out there and lead the team forward. His quality as a player and what he adds to this team are immeasurable. He not only gives us a tactical advantage but a psychological one as well, it's a different team when he's on the field”. Nedved從禁賽中復出是最正面的消息,DD說:「他能歸隊太好了, 他不能上場的時間已經長到我們像是在冬季轉會窗口簽了一名新球員一樣, 他比以往都更積極想上場帶領球隊向前,他的水平與對球隊的助益不可計量, 他不只帶給我們戰術上的優勢,也體現在精神層面,他在場上時球隊截然不同。」 (隊長應該不會因為這番話生氣吧? XD) As one suspension ends, another begins, with Zebina sitting out the first of three matches tomorrow afternoon. “They know they were in the wrong but players with their personality and character can sometimes lose their cool during games. Yellow and red cards are part of football but players should avoid incidents which can carry lengthy bans. Of course they're experienced players, but so was Zidane. Players can try and keep a lid on things throughout their careers but that fire inside can often be one of their main strengths”. 一個禁完賽,另一個開始禁,DD談到 Zebina:「他們知道他們錯了, 不過球員的個性與特質有時候會讓他們在比賽中失去冷靜;紅黃牌是足球的一部分, 但是球員應該避免會被長期禁賽的事件,他們當然是有經驗的球員, 但 Zebina也是,球員可以嘗試不去看自己職業生涯的某些經歷, 然而內心的火焰也經常是他們主要的強項之一。」 As Juventus look to open up a three point gap at the top against Bari, Alex Del Piero will be making his 500th appearance for the club. “I think he's in his 14th year here. In Italy it's more common, but it's very hard to find players in other countries who stay loyal to a club for so long. He's an example for everyone. He's very attached to Juventus, he believes in the strength of this team. 500 appearances is an incredible milestone that few players can ever hope to reach. I know him well and the number is befitting of a player who's been here his whole career, who's always had the desire to give his all for the team. I hope he celebrates this milestone in fitting style tomorrow”. Del Piero將在對 Bari一戰為 JUVE效力第500場,DD說: 「我想這應該是他在此的第14年,在義大利這很普遍, 不過在國外很難找到有球員對一家球會效忠這麼久的,他是所有人的楷模, 他跟 JUVE非常親密,他相信這隻球隊的強大, 500場是很少球員想過自己能達到的偉大里程碑,我很瞭解他, 這數字對於所有職業生涯都在此渡過的球員來說很得體, 他總是願意為球隊付出一切,我希望他明天能亮麗地慶祝這個里程碑。」 The journalist asked whether there are any down sides to having a player of his reputation in the dressing room. “None whatsoever. He sets a fine example, as we saw against Cesena. The team were in trouble and both him and David were on hand to help out. That's what makes a true leader; when things aren't going your way, you can always count on them to give the team a lift and lead by example”. 記者問到隊長的名聲在更衣室有沒有什麼負面的,DD說: 「哪會有!他樹立了優良的典範,就像我們在對 Cesena一戰看到的, 球隊處於困境,他跟 Trezeguet聯手幫上大忙,這就是真正的領袖該做的事, 當事情不如己意,你總是能仰賴他們給球隊帶來提昇。」 And finally, a word on the opposition. “Bari have only conceded 12 goals so far, but they've also only scored 18. They defend well and leave very little space for the opposition to play in. I don't expect them to play any differently tomorrow, they'll play their natural game of keeping it tight at the back and hitting us on the break, just as Cesena did and most other teams do at the Olimpico. We have to create space for ourselves so we'll be looking to get forward at every opportunity. We'll inevitably leave gaps at the back but that's how it is for us in Serie B”. DD最後談到對手:「Bari本季至今僅失12球,不過也只進了18球, 他們防守出色,給對手進攻的空間很少,我不指望他們明天會有不同的打法, 他們會自然保持後防密集然後打反擊,就跟 Cesena還有大多數球隊來到這裡一樣, 我們必須為自己創造空間,所以將會找尋所有可能往前壓的機會, 這不可避免地會在後防留下空隙,但是我們在義乙就是會遇到這種事。」 -- Serie B Tim - 19 Jan 2007 - 6:23 PM Juventus–Bari: The call-ups 2 Birindelli 6 Zanetti 8 Giannichedda 9 Bojinov 10 Del Piero 11 Nedved 12 Mirante 13 Piccolo 14 Balzaretti 15 Marchisio 16 Camoranesi 17 Trezeguet 19 Paro 20 Palladino 22 Belardi 29 De Ceglie 30 Legrottaglie 32 Marchionni --  結果 Buffon還是沒進大名單,這讓我有點擔心,  現在不是因為傷勢,而是因為看來沒有大礙卻一直沒有出場,  這種場面讓我認為是球會在評估 Mirante是否能擔大任,  以決定要不要強留 Buffon,或是可以拿去換取高額轉會費省薪資。  因為 Buffon、Trezeguet大概是隊上最能套現的球員了,  我本來以為本季就看不到他們倆了,相信很多人也這麼認為,  而這兩人的薪資加起來一年將近10m,所以…只要別賣給國內球隊,  我就能勉為其難忍下這口氣,畢竟來季要拼的是歐冠席次,  要是被 Buffon擋下致勝球或是被 Trezeguet搞進致勝球,我會殺人。 -- 「晚輩今天是來勸架,並不是來結怨的。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/20 13:11, , 1F
01/20 13:11, 1F

01/20 17:52, , 2F
01/20 17:52, 2F

01/20 22:58, , 3F
01/20 22:58, 3F

01/20 22:59, , 4F
的印象...沒印象到玩FIFA會不認得 Orz
01/20 22:59, 4F

01/20 23:05, , 5F
........2' Gol del Bari....0:1......
01/20 23:05, 5F

01/20 23:06, , 6F
真的 在切耳希版那裡逛一逛再看官網就傻掉了....
01/20 23:06, 6F

01/20 23:13, , 7F
01/20 23:13, 7F

01/20 23:16, , 8F
01/20 23:16, 8F
※ 編輯: Okuthor 來自: (01/23 01:04)
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