[Del Piero] 帶著世界盃回故鄉探訪

看板Juventus作者 (離題我命不離我幸)時間17年前 (2006/10/03 18:16), 編輯推噓2(200)
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皮耶羅竟是邊後衛出身 德尚品味德爾:他的動力永遠在 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年10月02日14:38 足球-勁體育 有特雷澤蓋、皮耶羅組合,尤文在乙級無所畏懼。事實很清楚,本場皮耶羅兩個助 攻,法國人兩次搶點,第二球皮耶羅的任意球開出,如果特雷澤蓋不頂的話,很難 說此球就不會直接入網,隊長和第200個入球就這樣失之交臂。 上輪狂勝摩德納,兩人交相呼應打入3球。再往前贏克羅多內,皮耶羅受傷,特雷 澤蓋休息,都沒出場。此前2比1勝維琴察,還是兩人包辦進球。特雷澤蓋狀態來 得晚但突然,只用了3場就當上最佳射手,5球。皮耶羅的狀態一直穩定,聯賽進 2球,盃賽進3球。有趣的是,盃賽對切塞納和那不勒斯的3球都在替補出場後完 成,對切塞納上場9秒便破門,創了自己替補最快進球紀錄! (從踏進賽場就開始算的話其實是十五秒。) 如此前鋒搭檔,德尚怎能不高興?主帥細細品味道:「皮耶羅還能踢多長時間?這 問題很難說。我當初感覺不到自己的重要性,所以就退了,這問題在皮耶羅身上不 存在。我看他現在很有動力,他剛從卡佩羅的灰色兩年中走出來,這兩年他踢得太 少了。顯然他一周不能踢三場,我們也沒那麼多賽事,可他一個賽季踢40場沒問題。」 新尤文給皮耶羅更多空間,他踢得更自在。 上周三,皮耶羅先為青年隊超級盃開球,而後乘專機飛回家鄉聖維德米亞諾,應邀 參加該鎮專門為皮耶羅舉辦的職業生涯慶典,名為“皮耶羅之夜”。聖維德米亞諾 位於義大利東部威尼托區,一個只有8000人口的小鎮,因德爾‧皮耶羅這個名字家 喻戶曉。 當晚19點46分,皮耶羅還在飛機上,小鎮球場就已隆隆作響。皮耶羅當初穿9號, 在家鄉球隊還踢過邊後衛,13歲被斯坎坦布羅相中帶到帕多瓦。聖維德米亞諾俱樂 部老闆說:「我們想在家鄉多看到他。」皮耶羅母親布魯娜女士坐在看臺第一排, 看著報紙,「他還是從前的阿萊,沒有絲毫要變的理由。」 21點31分,皮耶羅走下專機,白褲,黑色長袖襯衫,一臉笑容,「沒想到來這麼多 人,太美了」多少人?來了4000,半個小鎮。皮耶羅的第二句話讓人吃驚:「今天 是托蒂生日,祝他30歲快樂。」晚會正題,兒童足球賽,同時大屏幕上播放皮耶羅 199個尤文入球…… 之後皮耶羅把7號球服送給市長,再拿著大力神盃繞場展示,「我很榮幸回到這, 講述我的冠軍歷程。尤文降級?我生活的方式沒變,只要讓我踢球,我就高興。」 23點15分,皮耶羅在喊聲中走上飛機。哥哥斯蒂法諾說:「他的第一步就從這裡邁 開,如今帶著大力神盃回來了。現在又走了,會帶著什麽回來呢?」 -- http://www.juventus.com/uk/news/ detail.aspx?lml_language_id=0&trs_id=1370000&ID=8854 〔http://tinyurl.com/z76gw〕 Events - 28 Sep 2006 - 2:53 PM Del Piero celebrates at San Vendemiano It was a wonderful evening, intense and at times moving, as Del Piero last night brought the World Cup home to his people. 10 000 turned up to celebrate the return of the Bianconeri captain who first kicked a ball on their town's narrow streets. It seems like only yesterday… But having grown up and won everything there is to win, Alex is now leading Juventus forward in a new and exciting adventure, proud to be the guide, the symbol of the club. His brother Stefano had organised the party down to the very last detail and didn't disappoint, serving up the comedy of Max Pisu, the story of the scout who first spotted a young Del Piero's talents, the pride of his first coaches, the emotion of his mother Bruna and the warmth of his friends and family. But these were just preludes to the arrival of the main man himself, the star of the show, who watched as the highlights of his extraordinary career were beamed onto two giant screens, all 199 of the goals he has scored for the Bianconeri, so far. -- 〔隊長個人官網的發言〕 Festa a San Vendemiano (2006-09-28) Thank you. 謝謝你們。 Thank you to all the 10.000 people that greeted me at San Vendemiano, 謝謝你們在聖維德米亞諾的萬人歡迎, that celebrated together with me all the victories, 跟我一同慶祝所有的勝利, from the first until the last one, 從第一場到最近一場, from when I was a kid to the final in Berlin. 從我還小的時候到在柏林的決賽。 There was so much enthusiasm, 這裡有著如此盛大的熱情, we joked and we were all deeply moved, me as well. 我們開著玩笑、深刻感動,我也是如此。 It was a great welcome. 這是場偉大的款待, And as I said already yesterday, 就如同我昨天已經說過的, I hope to be able to come back again to celebrate more victories. 我希望能再次回到這裡,為更多勝利慶祝。 --  聖維德米亞諾(San Vendemiano)是個小鎮,人口8776,  在威尼托(Veneto)大區,特雷維索(Treviso)省,  科內利亞諾(Conegliano)區裡面,  而隊長的第一隻職業球隊當然在帕多瓦(Padova)大區,特雷維索大區旁邊。  隊長這個,應該就是傳說中的台語加油口號了,  「真行~真行~出國比賽~得冠軍~拿金牌~光榮返回來~」 -- 唯有談到 JUVENTUS AZZURRI ,才用『我們』 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/04 00:20, , 1F
10/04 00:20, 1F

10/04 12:21, , 2F
10/04 12:21, 2F
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