[外絮] A “Big Splash” Summer Move?

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (NYSleepless)時間10年前 (2014/06/02 08:18), 編輯推噓36(36017)
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NBA Sunday: A “Big Splash” Summer Move? http://0rz.tw/gE5x6 Houston Rockets owner Les Alexander made quite an impression when he claimed that his team would make a “big splash” addition this summer. With one quick quote he fired the imaginations of Clutch City fans who were left cold when the team that hoped to contend was ejected from the playoffs in the first round. Several weeks have passed since Alexander dropped that bomb, and rumors are starting to leak out about just which ripples Alexander is targeting. The ever-entertaining, often-wrong rumor mill has it that Houston will chase Carmelo Anthony, Kevin Love and Kyrie Irving this summer. Of course, chasing and landing are two different things, as the Rockets have often learned. Here’s a look at the scenarios surrounding each player and how they would help Houston grab a spot in the NBA Finals. In each case, we assume that the Rockets are able to move Omer Asik and Jeremy Lin, either to Minnesota, New York or Cleveland, or to some third team that just wants to take on those balloon-payment ending deals. The Rockets have zero ability to add a big name this summer if they don’t move Asik and Lin in the process. Les曾說今夏火箭將會有驚人的大交易,幾個星期之後據傳火箭準備來追逐Anthony, Love跟Irving。當然,追逐跟追到是兩回子事,我們假設火箭能將Asik跟Lin賣到明 尼蘇達,紐約,克里夫蘭或是某個三方交易會願意接納這兩個膨風合約。如果這倆人 不交易掉,火箭今夏將不會有任何能力來追得任何巨星。 Carmelo Anthony is clearly target number one for Houston, yet he is also the least likely to get Houston beyond the second round. Houston was a poor defensive squad in 2013-14 despite having Dwight Howard sending shots back in the middle, and Anthony would only exacerbate that problem. He is also a ball stopper, like James Harden, so the likelihood that Howard would be happy getting even fewer shots is very real. Scoring was not Houston’s problem this season, so adding a one dimensional scorer would not seem to make them substantially better. Having a third huge contract on the books, on the other hand, would certainly mean Houston’s already anemic supporting cast would be even less impressive. Anthony顯然是個頭號目標,但他也是最沒有能夠讓火箭能挺過季後第二輪的人。休 士頓是隻防守爛隊,儘管有Howard鎮守,Anthony只會讓被防守問題雪上加霜,他同 時也是個愛持球的人,就跟Harden一樣。得分一直都不是火箭的問題,增加一個只有 單調的得分手,不會讓他們能有多大改善。而這第三個大約,意味著火箭隊的已經貧 血的綠葉配角甚至會更加遜色。 Kevin Love would absolutely help the Rockets at arguably their most needed position. Love would perfectly complement Howard because he has shooting range all the way out to three-point land and he is an even better rebounder. Between the two of them they would vacuum up the vast majority of available rebounds. It’s difficult to see Love landing in Houston because he knows as well as anyone that the Lakers have their sights set on him and signing with them would allow him to return home. It’s also extremely likely that the Timberwolves could get more then Houston could offer if they elected to trade him. Nonetheless, there is no question Love would make the Rockets exponentially better. Kevin Love絕對能幫助火箭所最需要的位置。Love會是Howard的最佳搭檔,因為他的 射程可以直達到三分線外,他也是一個更好的籃板癡漢。這倆人可以搶下大多的籃板 。不過休士頓拿到Love機會不大,因為大家跟他自己都知道湖人在他身上投下的目光 ,而跟湖人簽約將能讓他回家。而且灰狼極有可能拿到比火箭更好的報價,如果他們 決定交易Love。無論如何,毫無疑問的Love能讓火箭戰力大幅提昇。 The Rockets could certainly use an elite playmaker, and Kyrie Irving is on track to be one. In fact, the only thing that seems to be able to slow down Irvin is the injury bug. He’s an amazing leader off the court and a stellar performer on it, making him the complete package. It’s hard to see him leaving Cleveland, but with the aforementioned rumor mill saying he doesn’t want to be in Cleveland long-term, it’s possible the Cavaliers could look to deal him before he can walk. If they do, they could almost certainly get more than a package revolving around Asik and Lin, but there’s no question that Irving could help the Rockets become a contender. 火箭隊當然可以使用一個精英級的進攻組織者,而Kyrie Irving正是個人選。他是一 個卓越的場下領導者以及擁有巨星般的表現。傳聞他並不想在克利夫蘭長久待下來, 騎士可能在他約滿前將他交易掉。如果他們願意,他們幾乎可以肯定得到火箭的萬用 包,但毫無疑問,Irving能幫助火箭成為一個冠軍候補隊。 Can the Rockets make a big splash this summer? Wanting to doesn’t make it so. Harden and Howard are an incredible duo to build around, but moving the contracts of Asik and Lin will be no small task for Rockets management. Still, adding another star to round out a big three for Houston would seem to be the best move as the Rockets look to live up to the contender title they adopted when Howard came to town. 火箭隊會在今年夏天做出很大的舉動?想要不見得能做到。Harden跟Howard是一對令 人難以置信的建隊基石,但交易掉Asik跟Lin不是一個很小的任務。儘管如此,加入另 一顆巨星,來打造一隻擁有三巨頭似乎是休士頓最好的選擇,而這不辜負Howard對於 成為冠軍候補的渴望。 The Best Choice For New York? 紐約最佳的選擇? The New York Knicks are still licking their wounds in the wake of Steve Kerr’s decision to accept the head coaching position with the Golden State Warriors. It seems the Knicks, and especially team president Phil Jackson, had their hearts set on Kerr. The simple fact, however, is that Kerr took the more attractive position with a more complete team, so the Knicks have to move on. The next most logical choice has much in common with Kerr, in that he has an established relationship with Jackson and once helped a very successful team do extremely well with Jackson has head coach. Kerr played that role for Jackson’s Chicago Bulls, but the player who was instrumental in a similar way with Jackson’s Los Angeles Lakers appears to be ready to don a suit and take up a clipboard. Kerr決定選擇較完整的勇士隊而不是Jackson總裁的尼克隊(提了Kerr在公牛時跟總教 練Jasckson的合作無間)。 Derek Fisher is not only intimately familiar with Jackson’s mentality when it comes to running a team, he is also one of the most respected veterans in the NBA. His years as the president of the player’s association showed he was more than capable of handling the business side of the league and also earned him the trust of the majority of the league’s players. That, combined with his exploits on the basketball court, his championship rings, and his penchant for making the right decisions (and the right shots) under enormous pressure make his a natural choice for the Knicks. Unlike established coaches, his desire to get his foot in the coaching door also means he won’t be afraid of the losses that are likely to mount in his first season as coach. Derek Fisher是一個熟悉Jackson的理念的人,他能管理團隊,也是NBA中最受人尊敬 元老。他作為球員工會主席表現他能夠處理聯盟的業務方面的問題,也為他贏得了多 數球員的信任。加上他在籃球場上的功績,他的冠軍戒指,在巨大的壓力之下,他的 正確決策的比例(與正確的出手機會)讓他成為尼克的自然選擇。不同於其它成名的 教練,他渴望能執教也意味著他不會害怕輸球,有可能在他的第一個賽季就成為總教 練。 Fisher has 17 years of NBA experience, 13 of those with the Lakers. Jackson coached the Lakers from 1999 to 2011 (minus the 2004-05 season), winning five championships in seven trips to the NBA Finals. Though Fisher did a stretch of time in with the Golden State Warriors and then the Utah Jazz between stints with the Lakers, he was there for five championships. He also made a trip to the Finals with the Oklahoma City Thunder in 2012. Fisher擁有17年的NBA經驗,13年跟湖人。Jasckson在1999年到2011年間執教湖人隊 (扣掉2004-05賽季),七人NBA冠軍總決賽中贏得了五次總冠軍。雖然Fisher待過金 州勇士隊,猶他爵士隊,他在湖人那裡拿了五次總冠軍。他還在2012年跟雷霆隊晉級 總決賽。 Suffice to say, these two men know something about what it takes to play elite basketball, and they have a great deal of experience making that happen together. 簡而言之,這兩人了解籃球跟豐富的經驗,知道如何能成就大事。 No matter who coaches the Knicks next season, the team is going to take its lumps – with or without free agent to be Carmelo Anthony. What the Knicks need, no matter who’s there, is a strong leader who commands respect and knows how to win. Derek Fisher is just such a person, and he is now available for an interview. 下個球季不管是誰來帶尼克隊,不論有沒有Anthony,無論誰在那裡,尼克所需要的是 一個強力的領導者,能贏得尊重,並且知道如何取勝。而Derek Fisher就是這樣一個 人。 =========================================================================== 如果Morey聰明的話,不管他的數據如何告訴他,他應該知道Anthony應該不是他要的 ,Love我深深覺得火箭拿不到,至少要大動元氣,但那意義就不大,除非只需要動到 萬用包最多加一個首輪,而且這個消息煙霧彈成份很重,至於Irving,個人覺得火箭 只是喊喊... =========================================================================== 要去放長假了,所以就簡譯... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Jeremy_Lin/M.1401668330.A.732.html

06/02 08:28, , 1F
06/02 08:28, 1F

06/02 08:29, , 2F
只要能走 去哪隊都行
06/02 08:29, 2F

06/02 10:13, , 3F
不管拿到誰 鬍子持球發呆缺點不改火箭永遠沒救
06/02 10:13, 3F

06/02 10:25, , 4F
06/02 10:25, 4F

06/02 10:54, , 5F
06/02 10:54, 5F

06/02 11:20, , 6F
萬用包就算加兩個首輪也換不到Love 火箭的首輪不值錢
06/02 11:20, 6F

06/02 11:21, , 7F
笑話一篇~~~~看到KI能讓火箭冠軍後補 我笑噴了
06/02 11:21, 7F

06/02 11:35, , 8F
KI跟JH完全不能相容吧 兩邊都死要球 KI休息室風評也
06/02 11:35, 8F

06/02 11:35, , 9F
不是很好 他跟鬍子會在休息室打起來吧
06/02 11:35, 9F

06/02 12:05, , 10F
很愛持球又會得分的PG在火箭只會被壓抑到死吧, 希望
06/02 12:05, 10F

06/02 12:06, , 11F
06/02 12:06, 11F

06/02 12:06, , 12F
06/02 12:06, 12F

06/02 12:10, , 13F
我想看! 當Lin打火箭時XDDDD
06/02 12:10, 13F

06/02 12:13, , 14F
那拜託林到東岸吧, 這樣可以少看到#13一點
06/02 12:13, 14F

06/02 12:45, , 15F
06/02 12:45, 15F

06/02 13:19, , 16F
06/02 13:19, 16F

06/02 14:00, , 17F
問題在馬刺不缺控衛 價錢也太貴 約滿再看看有沒有機
06/02 14:00, 17F

06/02 14:00, , 18F
06/02 14:00, 18F

06/02 14:17, , 19F
Irving個人能力真的很強 可是打團體職業賽 我覺得
06/02 14:17, 19F

06/02 14:18, , 20F
以他喜歡的打法 感覺幫助不大 小跑車那樣才叫猛
06/02 14:18, 20F

06/02 14:43, , 21F
KI不是被罵沒領導特質嗎 這記者是只看數據寫文章嗎
06/02 14:43, 21F

06/02 15:26, , 22F
06/02 15:26, 22F

06/02 16:08, , 23F
這文沒看跟咀嚼思考的必要 KI的打法也要球權 廢文
06/02 16:08, 23F

06/02 16:08, , 24F
06/02 16:08, 24F

06/02 16:16, , 25F
http://ppt.cc/xB6m 四方交易方案
06/02 16:16, 25F

06/02 16:19, , 26F
06/02 16:19, 26F

06/02 16:20, , 27F
06/02 16:20, 27F

06/02 18:00, , 28F
06/02 18:00, 28F

06/02 19:06, , 29F
我還是覺得Asik不錯啦 只是Asik也是要給他時間調整的
06/02 19:06, 29F

06/02 19:22, , 30F
看阿西奶油也很有樂趣XD 除了不能接阿哩屋阿西很好用
06/02 19:22, 30F

06/02 19:24, , 31F
阿西經過第一季其實有練出來 只是DH來了有一場沒一場
06/02 19:24, 31F

06/02 19:25, , 32F
加上球都給鬍子了 就變回原樣了
06/02 19:25, 32F

06/02 19:39, , 33F
06/02 19:39, 33F

06/02 19:39, , 34F
06/02 19:39, 34F

06/02 21:27, , 35F
06/02 21:27, 35F

06/02 21:50, , 36F
如果去尼克,尼克教練又換fisher, 那林當初的360度過
06/02 21:50, 36F

06/02 21:50, , 37F
人實在很不給新總仔面子 XD
06/02 21:50, 37F

06/02 22:29, , 38F
阿西應該要用暑假特訓 徒手接網球 可以減少奶油
06/02 22:29, 38F

06/03 08:22, , 39F
06/03 08:22, 39F

06/03 09:06, , 40F
06/03 09:06, 40F

06/03 09:06, , 41F
06/03 09:06, 41F

06/03 11:37, , 42F
06/03 11:37, 42F

06/03 11:41, , 43F
耐斯PonPonMAN 2014年度代言人捧捧貝
06/03 11:41, 43F

06/04 00:09, , 44F
06/04 00:09, 44F

06/04 08:08, , 45F
ASIK是不是手掌不夠大,接不穩? 這樣該練鐵砂掌
06/04 08:08, 45F

06/04 08:48, , 46F
06/04 08:48, 46F

06/04 16:22, , 47F
aisk主要是跳不高吧 很多灌籃都沒辦法
06/04 16:22, 47F

06/04 19:22, , 48F
06/04 19:22, 48F

06/04 19:29, , 49F
06/04 19:29, 49F

06/04 19:30, , 50F
06/04 19:30, 50F

06/04 21:37, , 51F
Asik爆發力好一點加上他的防守智商 聯盟前三C絕對有
06/04 21:37, 51F

06/09 22:17, , 52F
Asik身高夠高了 除了奶油手 其他用一點時間差彌補
06/09 22:17, 52F

06/09 22:18, , 53F
我覺得問題不大 ... 手滑滑的發作 才是無解
06/09 22:18, 53F
文章代碼(AID): #1JYyBgSo (Jeremy_Lin)