[外絮] Lin需要成為愛神的誘餌

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (this is it)時間10年前 (2014/05/22 16:16), 編輯推噓45(45033)
留言78則, 35人參與, 最新討論串1/1
原文網址:http://ppt.cc/afw2 前言: 內文人名翻譯沿用NBA版常用的 大家讀起來會比較親切 XD Love譯作愛神 Rubio譯作盧小比 Curry譯作咖哩 Noah則直譯為諾亞 這篇是Lin的好朋友Chris Baldwin昨天發的新文章 主要是針對Love的交易提出他的看法 大家看看吧 :) Jeremy Lin needs to be a Kevin Love lure: Star is used to Ricky Rubio level point guard not Harden Hero Ball Lin需要成為愛神的誘餌:這名球星已經習慣盧小比等級的控球後衛,而不是鬍子的英雄主義球風 Kevin Love might be the perfect Daryl Morey player. He shoots close to the basket. He shoots threes. And he doesn't believe in defense. 愛神可能是莫雷心目中的完美球員。他能在籃框附近出手、能投三分球,同時他並不相信防守。 But if Morey who lusts after Love is truly committed to convincing the Minnesota Timberwolves All-Star that he needs to push for the Houston Rockets as his destination in a trade, he needs to highlight the Jeremy Lin factor. (Through backdoor channels of course. Morey cannot officially recruit a player under contract to another franchise.) For it's hard to imagine this multi-skilled forward being thrilled with the idea of standing around and watching James Harden pound the basketball into submission on the perimeter. 但是如果渴望愛神的莫雷真的想要說服這位明尼蘇達灰狼全明星他(愛神)需要前往休士頓作為他交易的目的地,他(莫雷)必須強調Lin這個因子。(當然是私底下。莫雷不能在公開場合拉攏一個跟另一支球隊還有約在身的球員。)因為實在很難想像這名技巧全方位的前鋒(愛神)會對站在一旁看鬍子敗球這件事情感到興奮。 P.S「pound the basketball into submission on the perimeter」有點難翻,不過應該是敗球的意思沒錯,請多指教! Love — who's informed the Timberwolves that he plans to become a free agent after next season rather than signing an extension to stay in Minnesota — is anything but a Hero Ball kind of player. 愛神 — 已經告知灰狼下一季他打算成為一名自由球員而不是簽一份延長合約待在明尼蘇達 — 不單單只是個英雄主義球風的球員。 Love benefited immensely from playing with one of the most skilled passers in the game in Ricky Rubio. For all his other faults (still can't shoot, has trouble finishing at the rim, could only be considered a decent defensive player with the type of myth making that turned Rockets guard Patrick Beverley into a "stopper"), Rubio is a wizard with the basketball. Love's gaudy scoring numbers (26.1 points per game in 2013-14) are helped by the fact that the Timberwolves are always moving the ball with Rubio. 愛神在跟技巧最高明的傳球手之一盧小比一起打球時打球時獲益良多。暫且不論盧小比其他缺點(不會投籃、沒辦法進攻籃框,以及只能在「讓小貝動彈不得」這個謬論下被認為是個還算不錯的防守球員),他是個一球在手的魔術師。愛神華麗的得分數字(2013-14賽季場均26.1分),事實上是灰狼總是靠盧小比來轉移球所致。 It's hard to imagine Love eagerly pushing to go to a place where he's only a third option, waiting and waiting for his touches after Harden and Dwight Howard. And the Rockets likely will need Love to lobby for Houston. The most feasible trade scenario is that Minnesota involves Love in the process like the New Orleans Hornets did with Chris Paul and Love agrees to pick up his option for the 2015-16 season for the new team of his approval. 實在很難想像愛神會渴望去一個他只是第三選擇的地方,只能盼望在鬍子跟魔獸之後能不能碰到球。火箭很可能需要愛神替休士頓遊說。最合理的交易劇本是灰狼參考之前黃蜂對CP3所做的,同時愛神同意在2015-16賽季為他中意的新球隊收起他的球員選項。 P.S CP3過去的交易與愛神現有合約內容與細節我不太熟悉,如有錯誤請多指教! That way the team that trades for Love is guaranteed at least two seasons of his services while the player gets some say in his future. 這樣一來,想要交易得到愛神的球隊至少能夠讓愛神再為他們效力兩個賽季,同時愛神對自己的未來也能保留一些決定權。 Morey already has a point guard capable of making Kevin Love very happy on his roster. He just needs to empower Jeremy Lin. 莫雷已經擁有一個能夠讓愛神在他的位置上打得非常開心的控球後衛。他只需要授權給Lin。 A Rockets offense with Love, Harden, Howard and a true point guard — one where Lin has the ball in his hands, making sure everyone gets their touches — would be deadly. It'd also likely eliminate any concerns Love harbors about being reduced to just another stand-up shooter in Morey World. Lin could guarantee that all of Love's skills are put to great use. 試想火箭進攻端擁有愛神、鬍子、魔獸,以及一個貨真價實的控球後衛 — 這裡指的是Lin擁有一球在手,以確保每個人都能碰到球 — 將會是致命的。這也能夠一掃任何愛神所抱持的疑慮 — 在莫雷的世界裡被降格為另一個定點射手。Lin能夠確保所有愛神的技巧都能被妥善運用。 While Lin's not as gifted a natural passer as Rubio is (few in history are), his ability to get to the rim with his speed and break down defenses opens up myriad possibilities. 儘管Lin並不像盧小比是個渾然天成的天才傳球手(歷史上很少人能),他利用速度進攻籃框並撕裂對手防守的能力(為球隊)打開了無數的可能性。 Oh, all the Lin Only Haters will despise this idea. But Lin's staying around if Kevin Love rolls into town. The Timberwolves already have their young playmaker. Chandler Parsons, Terrence Jones and perhaps Omer Asik are likely to be the price for a Love trade (at least, it's the price Morey has to hope Minnesota will take). 噢,所有林黑將會鄙視這個想法。但如果愛神來到火箭的話Lin將會留下。灰狼已經擁有他們年輕的playmaker(盧小比)。CP、TJ,或許還有阿西,很有可能成為交易來愛神的代價(至少這是個莫雷認為灰狼會接受的代價)。 If the Rockets are lucky enough to get Love, Jeremy Lin becomes even more crucial. They'll be less fake stars to prop up over Lin. (Parsons' limitations will become even more apparent on a losing team like Minnesota). Lin will need to be used more for a revamped Rockets team to reach its potential. 如果火箭夠幸運能夠得到愛神,Lin會變得更加重要。(CP的一些缺陷在一支像灰狼這樣的失敗球隊會變得更加明顯)對改頭換面的火箭來說,要達到他的潛力,LIN將需要被更加地重用。 P.S「They'll be less fake stars to prop up over Lin.」意思知道不過有點難翻,請多指教! The Jeremy Lin Question Lin的問題 Whether Morey — and even more tellingly, coach Kevin McHale — can stomach no longer limiting Lin is a huge question. It hover over this franchise like the White Walkers hover over the north in Game of Thrones. 莫雷 — 或講得更明白一點,冰箱 — 是否能夠"忍受"不再限制Lin,還是個很大的疑問。這個疑問不斷徘徊著這支球隊,就如同「冰與火之歌:權力遊戲」影集裡北方的White Walkers一樣陰魂不散。 Kevin Love's already expressed interest in the Golden State Warriors and Chicago Bulls — two teams where the ball doesn't stick. The Warriors have an elite point guard in Stephen Curry, whose skilled passing (a career-high 8.4 assists per game, second in the entire NBA this season) is bolstered by the threat of the deadliest jumper in basketball. The Chicago Bulls are a historic franchise in desperate need of scoring — one that already possesses one skilled big man passer in Joakim Noah. 愛神已經表示對勇士跟公牛感興趣 — 兩支球隊都不黏球。勇士擁有一個優秀的控球後衛,他那極其致命的跳投所帶來的威脅,支撐著他技巧高超的傳球(場均8.4助攻,生涯新高,本賽季全NBA排名第二)。公牛是一支歷史悠久但極度需要得分的球隊 — 已經擁有諾亞這個技巧高超的大個子傳球手。 The Rockets need to show Love they offer the same type of opportunity. Pitching the willing passing of Jeremy Lin would be a great way to start. 火箭需要讓愛神知道他們能提供同樣類型的機會。推銷Lin的樂意傳球將會是個好的開始。 Of course, then Lin would have to start. He'd have to be treated like the player his play often screams he is (a triple double off the bench, scoring half of the Rockets points in a playoff overtime, etc, etc . . .) 當然,這樣一來Lin將必須打先發。他將被當成the player his play often screams he is那般對待(板凳出發拿到大三元、季後賽延長賽得到火箭一半分數,之類的)。 P.S「the player his play often screams he is」的意思是「一個球員的表現"宣示"了他是個怎麼樣的球員」,也就是作者認為Lin的表現早已說明他該是個先發球員。 Kevin Love would be great with the Rockets. Can you imagine the 6-foot-10 force triggering Rockets fastbreaks with his incredible outlet passes? The ball might never touch the floor. Or Love and Howard fighting each other for the league's rebounding crown in the same front court? The other team might never touch the basketball. 愛神與火箭的組合將會很棒。你能想像一個6尺10吋的強力前鋒用他不可思議的傳球發動火箭快攻嗎?球很可能再也碰不到地板。或者愛神與魔獸在同一個前場彼此較勁爭奪聯盟籃板王?其他球隊很可能再也碰不到球了。 But Love's an old-school type player who sees basketball as a symphony of sharing. He's at his best when the ball is really moving. He needs a Jeremy Lin type point guard to truly take advantage of his gifts. 但愛神是個認為籃球就像是首分享交響曲的老派球員。當球能夠確實地移轉時就是他打得最好的時候。他需要Lin這類型的控球後衛來確實地利用他的天賦。 Will Morey swallow his objections and try and give him one? 莫雷能夠嚥下愛神的異議並且嘗試給他想要的嗎? It's a fascinating give and take. To get the perfect Daryl Morey player, the GM may have to empower the player he's long discounted and once outright dismissed (on Christmas Eve no less). It's funny how things work out. 這是個很吸引人的讓步。為了讓莫雷得到心目中的完美球員,這位總經理也許必須授權給這個他長久以來低估並且曾經徹底拋棄(聖誕夜裁掉Lin)的球員(Lin)。事情如何發展將會很有趣。 How much does Daryl Morey really want Kevin Love? Everyone will soon find out. 莫雷到底有多想要愛神?所有人很快就會知道。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Jeremy_Lin/M.1400746601.A.351.html

05/22 16:23, , 1F
05/22 16:23, 1F

05/22 16:27, , 2F
05/22 16:27, 2F

05/22 16:29, , 3F
有鬍子在 這一切不可能發生 鬍子也不可能去龜第六人
05/22 16:29, 3F

05/22 16:30, , 4F
05/22 16:30, 4F

05/22 16:39, , 5F
05/22 16:39, 5F

05/22 16:40, , 6F
1.先發PG以及鬍子冰箱愛的PG, 是PB, 不是林書豪
05/22 16:40, 6F

05/22 16:41, , 7F
2.鬍子不會犧牲自己球權, 都沒防守了當然數據要好啊
05/22 16:41, 7F

05/22 16:41, , 8F
05/22 16:41, 8F

05/22 16:42, , 9F
嘿啊, 快逃吧! 火箭不是林的歸宿啦
05/22 16:42, 9F

05/22 16:42, , 10F
抱歉我不相信火箭 lin還是離開吧
05/22 16:42, 10F

05/22 16:43, , 11F
來開一個"林書豪下一季會留在火箭與否"的賭盤, 必輸
05/22 16:43, 11F

05/22 16:44, , 12F
05/22 16:44, 12F

05/22 16:46, , 13F
第一SG換愛神 我箭小虧
05/22 16:46, 13F

05/22 16:46, , 14F
05/22 16:46, 14F

05/22 16:47, , 15F
05/22 16:47, 15F

05/22 16:47, , 16F
除非天降神跡火箭居然拿鬍子去換愛神 XDDDDD
05/22 16:47, 16F

05/22 16:48, , 17F
SG林 + PG小貝 + DH + 愛神 + 高富帥.....阿斯讚啊!!
05/22 16:48, 17F

05/22 16:48, , 18F
但這是不可能的戴志 XDDD
05/22 16:48, 18F

05/22 16:52, , 19F
05/22 16:52, 19F

05/22 16:57, , 20F
幻想文… 哈登怎麼可能甘願讓別人控球
05/22 16:57, 20F

05/22 17:01, , 21F
05/22 17:01, 21F

05/22 17:02, , 22F
幻想文無誤 林的地位不可能有改變 上一季已經夠清楚
05/22 17:02, 22F

05/22 17:08, , 23F
很美的夢 但沒換教練的前提下不會發生
05/22 17:08, 23F

05/22 17:17, , 24F
05/22 17:17, 24F

05/22 17:24, , 25F
謝謝翻譯 but 林還是塊陶比較好
05/22 17:24, 25F

05/22 17:27, , 26F
05/22 17:27, 26F

05/22 17:27, , 27F
05/22 17:27, 27F

05/22 17:35, , 28F
愛神來了教練也順便換冷笑話 反正就不管防守了 大家
05/22 17:35, 28F

05/22 17:35, , 29F
05/22 17:35, 29F

05/22 18:00, , 30F
讓Lin主導 分配正解阿 一群人搶球要打個屁
05/22 18:00, 30F

05/22 18:06, , 31F
只要鬍子還在就不成吧 !
05/22 18:06, 31F

05/22 18:09, , 32F
快來喔! 讓你投籃投到有手感 刷數據好地方
05/22 18:09, 32F

05/22 18:10, , 33F
那就繼續吃屎瞜 反正也合約年 逃喔
05/22 18:10, 33F

05/22 18:49, , 34F
05/22 18:49, 34F

05/22 18:50, , 35F
05/22 18:50, 35F

05/22 19:08, , 36F
05/22 19:08, 36F

05/22 19:09, , 37F
雷霆還不是西河霸的死死 KD老大地位 數據兩者都有
05/22 19:09, 37F

05/22 19:10, , 38F
Lin控球時哈登的數據是掉到哪去 還不就貪心+實力不夠
05/22 19:10, 38F

05/22 19:10, , 39F
05/22 19:10, 39F

05/22 20:12, , 40F
沒時間陪鬍子哥玩啦 快交易吧
05/22 20:12, 40F

05/22 20:13, , 41F
感謝翻譯! Love應該不會想待在沒u林只有i鬍的火箭!
05/22 20:13, 41F

05/22 20:14, , 42F
管他能力如何 球都給他玩就好了
05/22 20:14, 42F

05/22 20:32, , 43F
05/22 20:32, 43F

05/22 21:23, , 44F
這作者是誰啊?整篇文章其實是在promote Lin。比我
05/22 21:23, 44F

05/22 21:23, , 45F
05/22 21:23, 45F

05/22 21:27, , 46F
XDDDDDDDDDD 他的比多數人還鐵桿擁護林書豪
05/22 21:27, 46F

05/22 21:33, , 47F
05/22 21:33, 47F

05/22 22:33, , 48F
05/22 22:33, 48F

05/22 23:14, , 49F
05/22 23:14, 49F

05/22 23:14, , 50F
05/22 23:14, 50F

05/22 23:15, , 51F
05/22 23:15, 51F

05/22 23:16, , 52F
05/22 23:16, 52F

05/22 23:19, , 53F
05/22 23:19, 53F

05/22 23:20, , 54F
05/22 23:20, 54F

05/22 23:22, , 55F
05/22 23:22, 55F

05/22 23:24, , 56F
以哈瞪&豪爾為主建隊 先發控衛是天空貝 LIN合約到必
05/22 23:24, 56F

05/22 23:25, , 57F
定離開 不論從金錢還是先發 火箭都不能滿足LIN 何苦
05/22 23:25, 57F

05/22 23:28, , 58F
到時天空貝與高富X也要換約了 LIN跟ASIK一定會離開
05/22 23:28, 58F

05/22 23:31, , 59F
所以每次Lin一連進 鬍子就開始搶球自幹
05/22 23:31, 59F

05/23 00:02, , 60F
與其說包德溫是林迷我感覺他是喜歡林這個題材, 加上
05/23 00:02, 60F

05/23 00:03, , 61F
05/23 00:03, 61F

05/23 00:05, , 62F
出來。點進去他的介紹裡面, 15年體育記者生涯, 6年拿
05/23 00:05, 62F

05/23 00:06, , 63F
國家體育媒體獎座, 他感謝在密西根時被教導"無懼的說
05/23 00:06, 63F

05/23 00:07, , 64F
出事實"(write the truth, fearlessly)我想是他決定
05/23 00:07, 64F

05/23 00:07, , 65F
05/23 00:07, 65F

05/23 00:33, , 66F
05/23 00:33, 66F

05/23 00:48, , 67F
所以先前有翻譯在總板加註說作者是big McHale hater
05/23 00:48, 67F

05/23 00:50, , 68F
加強暗示文章有立場篇頗問題 其實我滿火大的
05/23 00:50, 68F

05/23 00:51, , 69F
05/23 00:51, 69F

05/23 00:52, , 70F
控衛生存空間, 林能跟Love搭配可以在夢中完美實現,
05/23 00:52, 70F

05/23 00:53, , 71F
就像大家說的哈豋不會放棄控球, 先發不會是林, 所以
05/23 00:53, 71F

05/23 00:53, , 72F
就像文章下方林迷一致都表示林在火箭沒救了, 逃要緊
05/23 00:53, 72F

05/23 00:55, , 73F
Bluesun大, 15年記者6年拿6獎座的人會去刻意抹黑嗎
05/23 00:55, 73F

05/23 08:22, , 74F
05/23 08:22, 74F

05/23 08:39, , 75F
05/23 08:39, 75F

05/23 08:39, , 76F
05/23 08:39, 76F

05/23 08:40, , 77F
05/23 08:40, 77F

05/24 01:20, , 78F
用鬍子換就好了 草莓+阿喜+LOVE+CP25+林
05/24 01:20, 78F
文章代碼(AID): #1JVR9fDH (Jeremy_Lin)