[外絮] Jeremy Lin benching reaches new height

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (我要馬丁頭)時間10年前 (2014/01/20 18:47), 編輯推噓68(71361)
留言135則, 59人參與, 最新討論串1/4 (看更多)
原文網址:http://0rz.tw/8OKUF Jeremy Lin benching reaches new heights of insanity: McHale's dooming the Rockets to first round failure 冰來瘋探新高:火箭將在McHale的帶領之下,於季後賽第一輪步向滅亡 Jeremy Lin sits and sits ... and sits. He doesn't get back into the game until it's long gone and there's no chance to save the Houston Rockets from the most embarrassing collapse in NBA regular season history. 林書豪坐著...坐著....坐著...坐到天荒地老。在這場NBA史無前例的大崩盤中,火箭 在被對手甩得看不到車尾燈之後,林書豪才回到場上,可惜已無力回天。 When Kevin McHale finally reinserts Lin, Oklahoma City holds a 97-89 lead with only 4:05 remaining. Lin immediately hits a long jumper, but it's too late to stave off the Rockets humiliation at this point. Houston — one of the most talented teams in the NBA — will limp to a still largely unfathomable 19-point second half with its best playmaker glued to the bench for large chunks of the meltdown. 當McHale終於把林書豪擺回場上時,只剩下4分05秒,雷霆以97-89領先。林書豪立刻 投進一記長距離跳投,但仍無法讓火箭脫離如此窘境。休士頓火箭隊-一支才華洋溢的 隊伍-整個下半場竟然只得到19分,而且還在領先優勢逐漸被鯨吞蠶食之際,讓隊上最 優秀的進攻發動機死守開特力。 Even Oklahoma City Thunder star Kevin Durant will be caught off guard by how low the Rockets managed to go. 甚至連雷帝KD都對火箭隊下半場的低迷表現大為吃驚。 "The scored 19 points in the second half?!" Durant says in a live on-court TNT interview. "Wow." 「下半場19分!? 太驚人了!」KD在TNT的賽後訪問說道。 The really Wow is how McHale allows the Rockets to sink to historical futility while chaining his best point guard to the bench. All the analysis, all the articles written and all the groaning let loose in the days following Houston going from a 73 point first half to a 19-point second half somehow ignore this inconvenient truth. 真正驚人的是McHale在球隊大崩盤時,竟然把隊上最好的控球後衛綁在板凳上。在火箭 隊上半場得73分,下半場得19分的崩盤秀之後,所有的評論、文章、抱怨聲傾巢而出, 但不知為何他們全都忽略冰林書豪導致崩盤的難堪事實。 It's easier to declare that the Rockets need to make a trade than to admit what they're wasting that's already on their roster. 也許我們可以猜想火箭在醞釀交易,而不是平白浪費這位陣中好手。 Kevin McHale's treatment of Jeremy Lin has quickly gone from questionable to absurd. A 10-point win over the worst team in the NBA — with Terrence Jones treating the Bucks like they're Radford University — doesn't change this fact. McHale對待林書豪的方式很快地從有問題變為愚蠢。對爐主公鹿的比賽以10分之差取勝 ,也無法改變這個事實。 It's bad enough when McHale benches Lin for Patrick Beverley, a limited player whose intangibles somehow never seem to show up in any of the analytics that Rockets general manager Daryl Morey treasures. Lately, McHale's been benching Lin for Aaron Brooks, a 6-foot point guard who nearly found himself out of the league a few years ago. McHale讓林書豪當Beverley的替補已經夠愚蠢了,Beverley在總管Morey的眼中從不 是個重要資產,只是個天花板有限的球員罷了。(別戰嘿~小貝打球也很努力~) In the Thunder debacle, Lin plays only 24 minutes, the same as Brooks. Two nights later against Milwaukee, Brooks gets 25 minutes and Lin receives a measly 23 minutes of court time. 在被雷霆電焦焦的比賽中,林書豪僅上場24分鐘,與小AB一樣。兩天之後對上公鹿, 小AB上場25分鐘,而林書豪竟然僅僅只有23分鐘。 Even when Beverley is injured, Lin is only a starter during introductions. Once the games start, McHale goes back to treating him like a scrub. 即使Beverley因傷缺賽,林書豪也只是個名義上的先發罷了。一但比賽開始,McHale 又會把他當成空氣。 With Beverley set to return from his broken hand Monday night against the Portland Trailblazers, things aren't about to improve. McHale is already gleefully taking about Beverley and Lin being able to get back to their roles. 當Beverley即將在對上波特蘭拓荒者隊的比賽回歸之時,情況不會有任何改善。McHale 樂於讓林書豪跟Beverley回到之前的角色。 Which means Patrick Beverley will get unlimited chances as the starter while Jeremy Lin's tight leash continues off the bench. 這代表著當林書豪被拴在板凳上的時候,Beverley將以先發身份得到更多表現機會。 Jeremy Lin's Sliding Minutes 林書豪上場時間的下滑 Lin's dilemma is actually getting worse. Now McHale's taken to sitting the 25-year-old for ultra long stretches. The coach kept Lin on the bench for 17 straight minutes against the Bucks. He played him the first eight minutes against the Thunder and then didn't go back to Lin again till late in the first half. It's a farce that's only growing more ridiculous. 林書豪的困境不減反增。McHale給了25歲的林書豪極長的冷凍時間。這位天才教練在對 公鹿的比賽中連續冰了17分鐘。在對雷霆的比賽中,他讓林書豪打了開場的前8分鐘, 然後在上半場快結束時才再把他擺回場上。這場鬧劇越看越可笑。 Only Morey and Rockets owner Leslie Alexander should not be laughing. 也許只有Morey與老闆Leslie Alexander笑不出來。 For the Rockets are continuing to flounder around, treading water in the power packed Western Conference. If the playoffs started today, McHale's team wouldn't even have homecourt advantage in the first round of the playoffs. The Rockets are fifth in the West, one game ahead of current sixth seed Golden State, which has a ton of home games coming up. Do you really think anyone would favor Houston in a four-five series against the LA Clippers and Chris Paul? 火箭隊在西區列強中持續掙扎。如果季後賽從今天開始,McHale的隊伍在第一輪甚至 沒有主場優勢。火箭目前在西區排名第五,與第六名的勇士隊僅有一場勝差,而勇士 在接下來的比賽中有一~大堆的主場比賽可打。你認為有誰會覺得火箭能夠擊敗快艇 跟小保羅? "I've thought the Rockets, all along, are not legit contenders," Charles Barkley declares on TNT. TNT球評惡漢巴克利說道:「老實說我不認為火箭有角逐冠軍的實力。」 Not with Patrick Beverley or Aaron Brooks playing point guard, they aren't. 當Beverley與小AB當控衛時,火箭的確沒有這個實力。 With a Jeremy Lin who is given the confidence to attack and play through a few mistakes, they could be though. 當林書豪在進攻上建立起信心,而且沒犯什麼錯時,火箭是一支強勁的隊伍。 McHale is stubbornly holding back his own team. Whether he cannot see the truth staring him in the face or simply doesn't want to see it, does not matter at this point. Lin's shown he can play at a level that neither Beverley or Brooks are capable of reaching. He's carried a team offensively before. Heck, he's carried these Rockets in stretches. McHale對自己的球隊固執地畫地自限。不論是他看不到事實,或是他視而不見,都不 重要了。林書豪早已證明他能夠到達Beverley與小AB所無法到達的高度。他曾經在進攻 端上帶領一支球隊。唉...但他在火箭卻是如此悽慘。 Houston simply doesn't have enough weapons to win in the playoffs if Lin continues to be benched and banished. Offensively is where its recent meltdowns have come. The pathetic finish in Atlanta after that 11-0 start. The second half implosion for the ages against the Thunder at home. 如果林書豪在季後賽依然被冰在板凳上,火箭將沒有足夠的武器來取勝。進攻是近來 火箭的問題。在對老鷹一戰中開局11-0之後進攻開始杯具,還有在自己家裡對雷霆時 下半場的自爆。 Francisco Garica and Omri Casspi are both much too inconsistent shooters to be counted on nightly. Chandler Parsons is a true third star only in Never Never Land. James Harden's individual brilliance and Dwight Howard's power and underrated heart will mean little in the end if Jeremy Lin isn't allowed to be a point guard. 老賈跟Casspi這兩位不穩定的砲台每晚都受到重用。在現實世界中,Parsons根本稱不上 是個巨頭。如果林書豪不被重用,即使Harden個人技巧多突出,DH有多猛,全都沒用。 Forget McHale's tired mumbo jumbo about the ball getting "sticky" sometimes (a lot of times) and Howard's naive insistence that the Rockets will just naturally grow to be better by April. The true super promise of the season is slipping away now thanks to the guy with the clipboard. 把McHale那些關於「有時候(其實是很多時候)球的流動性不佳」之類的屁話,以及DH說 球隊在四月前會越變越好的天真傻話給忘了吧!我可以跟你掛保證的是這個球季會以失 敗收場,而這都要歸功於那位拿著戰術板的傢伙。 The Rockets need a change in coaching philosophy. Someone must make Kevin McHale see the truth he keeps looking away from. 火箭隊需要改變他們的執教哲學。必須要人來擦亮McHale的雙眼,讓他能夠看清他不 願正視的事實。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/20 18:50, , 1F
我先推 再慢慢看文章
01/20 18:50, 1F

01/20 18:53, , 2F
老實說 在火箭隊莫名奇妙的事很多 踩到三分線投進 被鞭的
01/20 18:53, 2F

01/20 18:54, , 3F
半死 教練團鬼調度導致下半場只得19分 應該負更大責任吧
01/20 18:54, 3F

01/20 18:54, , 4F
沒人看得懂火箭在搞啥 是因為球員內鬥還是制服組有問題?
01/20 18:54, 4F

01/20 18:54, , 5F
01/20 18:54, 5F

01/20 18:55, , 6F
還是教練團討厭Lin 這種調度簡直稱不上是調度 羞辱比較像
01/20 18:55, 6F

01/20 18:56, , 7F
01/20 18:56, 7F

01/20 18:56, , 8F
01/20 18:56, 8F

01/20 18:56, , 9F
記者應該看過戰術板到底寫了甚麼了 XD
01/20 18:56, 9F

01/20 18:56, , 10F
桑普僧這傢伙在搞鬼的機率不低 冰箱也很爛啦
01/20 18:56, 10F

01/20 18:57, , 11F
01/20 18:57, 11F

01/20 18:58, , 12F
01/20 18:58, 12F

01/20 18:58, , 13F
01/20 18:58, 13F

01/20 19:00, , 14F
這隻球隊早就已經脫離冰箱掌握了 他根本什麼都做不了
01/20 19:00, 14F

01/20 19:01, , 15F
01/20 19:01, 15F

01/20 19:02, , 16F
01/20 19:02, 16F

01/20 19:06, , 17F
01/20 19:06, 17F

01/20 19:06, , 18F
01/20 19:06, 18F

01/20 19:07, , 19F
01/20 19:07, 19F

01/20 19:08, , 20F
感謝翻譯。 作者還不明白這整齣鬧劇都是賤隊GM在搞鬼嗎
01/20 19:08, 20F

01/20 19:09, , 21F
01/20 19:09, 21F

01/20 19:09, , 22F
感謝翻譯! 感謝這作者的敢言 但 懶得再理火箭了
01/20 19:09, 22F

01/20 19:10, , 23F
01/20 19:10, 23F

01/20 19:11, , 24F
莫雷有老闆的裸照嗎? 還是他是老闆的親戚?
01/20 19:11, 24F

01/20 19:19, , 25F
推翻譯 坐等箭隊自爆
01/20 19:19, 25F

01/20 19:22, , 26F
不只GM阿 教練團也很詭異
01/20 19:22, 26F

01/20 19:27, , 27F
01/20 19:27, 27F

01/20 19:28, , 28F
01/20 19:28, 28F

01/20 19:28, , 29F
01/20 19:28, 29F

01/20 19:29, , 30F
01/20 19:29, 30F

01/20 19:29, , 31F
我x勒 敢整豪哥 你火永遠火不過1/3輪 超!
01/20 19:29, 31F

01/20 19:31, , 32F
01/20 19:31, 32F

01/20 19:32, , 33F
01/20 19:32, 33F

01/20 19:33, , 34F
調適一下心情 明天來看阿拓血洗火箭
01/20 19:33, 34F

01/20 19:33, , 35F
要不然之前的TDG及小貝小AB都能取代Lin 這在其他29隊有可
01/20 19:33, 35F

01/20 19:34, , 36F
01/20 19:34, 36F

01/20 19:36, , 37F
01/20 19:36, 37F

01/20 19:36, , 38F
原來原PO是國王迷... (  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
01/20 19:36, 38F

01/20 19:37, , 39F
幹嘛噓原PO啊 人家是無辜的耶
01/20 19:37, 39F
還有 56 則推文
01/20 22:32, , 96F
01/20 22:32, 96F

01/20 22:33, , 97F
01/20 22:33, 97F

01/20 22:36, , 98F
01/20 22:36, 98F

01/20 22:37, , 99F
01/20 22:37, 99F

01/20 22:37, , 100F
01/20 22:37, 100F

01/20 22:39, , 101F
01/20 22:39, 101F

01/20 22:40, , 102F
淚推 這作者從以前就很挺Lin
01/20 22:40, 102F

01/20 22:41, , 103F
想知道 美國 其他球評 是怎樣看林書豪的?
01/20 22:41, 103F

01/20 22:57, , 104F
真部大想看比賽了 冰冰冰 冰火大的
01/20 22:57, 104F

01/20 23:00, , 105F
01/20 23:00, 105F

01/20 23:01, , 106F
盟模板球員: Nate Robinson.
01/20 23:01, 106F

01/20 23:10, , 107F
感謝翻譯! 推倒護士服正妹~~~
01/20 23:10, 107F

01/20 23:14, , 108F
01/20 23:14, 108F

01/20 23:19, , 109F
01/20 23:19, 109F

01/20 23:19, , 110F
謝翻譯的用心 希望林能早日適得其反所 不然他難過 挺他
01/20 23:19, 110F

01/20 23:19, , 111F
的球迷也難受 場內場外形象都那麼好的球員很珍貴了!
01/20 23:19, 111F

01/20 23:28, , 112F
01/20 23:28, 112F

01/20 23:37, , 113F
戰績應該不至於爛到哪 但火箭這樣搞就一輪球隊 不上不下的
01/20 23:37, 113F

01/20 23:43, , 114F
01/20 23:43, 114F

01/20 23:44, , 115F
01/20 23:44, 115F

01/20 23:56, , 116F
01/20 23:56, 116F

01/21 02:22, , 117F
世界上還好還有這種正義之聲, 懂球又敢說真話的才令人敬
01/21 02:22, 117F

01/21 02:23, , 118F
配 (不像某些沒風度的半調子裝中立令人作噁)
01/21 02:23, 118F

01/21 07:55, , 119F
01/21 07:55, 119F

01/21 07:56, , 120F
01/21 07:56, 120F

01/21 07:57, , 121F
01/21 07:57, 121F

01/21 07:57, , 122F
01/21 07:57, 122F

01/21 08:17, , 123F
當然算好事 這樣火箭打的多爛都怪不到替補去
01/21 08:17, 123F

01/21 08:43, , 124F
01/21 08:43, 124F

01/21 08:53, , 125F
可是小貝先發的時候輸球 有怪過小貝嗎 好像也沒有
01/21 08:53, 125F

01/21 08:53, , 126F
林不管先發替補 都是專業領繩啊
01/21 08:53, 126F

01/21 08:55, , 127F
01/21 08:55, 127F

01/21 08:55, , 128F
01/21 08:55, 128F

01/21 08:56, , 129F
01/21 08:56, 129F

01/21 08:57, , 130F
01/21 08:57, 130F

01/21 15:19, , 131F
再推一次,也請看看認真留言回應 http://disq.us/8gype6
01/21 15:19, 131F

01/21 15:19, , 132F
by Ido Amir
01/21 15:19, 132F

01/21 16:29, , 133F
中肯 (感謝翻譯)
01/21 16:29, 133F

01/22 10:19, , 134F
01/22 10:19, 134F

01/25 01:26, , 135F
01/25 01:26, 135F
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