[外絮] Rockets’ playoff push gets vital shov

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (淡定~ 穩中求勝)時間11年前 (2013/03/21 15:17), 編輯推噓41(41020)
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Rockets’ playoff push gets vital shove with win over Jazz 擊退來犯的爵士後, 火箭又朝季後賽邁進了一大步 http://tinyurl.com/c59r9y8 With a day off and orders to clear his mind, Jeremy Lin took the opportunity to head to the gym. 經過一天的休息沉澱後, 揪咪林果敢的踏進球場迎戰 He did change things up a bit. With Alicia Keys taking over Toyota Center, Lin found a different court and a few different teammates. But Lin’s idea of a day off included basketball. 揪咪今天更快更猛了些. (昨晚)Alicia Keys在豐田中心開了演唱會, 今天的主場跟隊友 都有些不同, 但在揪咪的腦海中, 雖然放假了, 但還是要練練跳投~ “It’s therapeutic,” he said. 揪咪說, 練投後人也清爽多了~ After Sunday’s 30-point loss to Golden State, he and the Rockets needed the therapy, so Lin spent a chunk of Monday launching jumpers and playing HORSE. 被勇士狂電30分後, 揪咪跟隊友們都很需要療癒一下脆弱的小心靈, 所以林書豪周一花 了很多時間練跳投 & 玩HORSE籃球遊戲 (http://tinyurl.com/dyxru8o) When the Rockets reconvened at Toyota Center on Wednesday, Lin spent the night as if still goofing with his brother and buddies far from the cameras and lights. He repeatedly pierced the Utah Jazz defense, helping to drive the Rockets to a 26-point lead. And when the Jazz rallied in the fourth quarter, Lin knifed through them again, with one drive to a layup and another and a pass for a Chandler Parsons dunk that finally closed out the Jazz 100-93. 然後今天再戰主場, 林狂切猛切一直切, 硬是把爵士的防守切到潰不成軍, 帶領火箭來 到最多26分的領先~ 第四節爵士不服輸的急起直追, 也是林書豪跳出來化身成刀, 人 球一體的疾切上籃 + 妙傳高富帥, 再度擊潰了爵士的攻勢, 火箭100-93獲勝! Lin made eight of nine shots in the paint as the Rockets went from launching 3-pointers to beating the Jazz at the rim, and from a series of slow starts to a rapid bolt from the opening tip that set the tone for the game. 今天火箭不靠三分雨, 靠的是揪咪這把快刀~ “JLin made them pay,” Parsons said. “He’s a good player, especially in pick-and-roll. He’s fast. … He can get in the paint.” 高富帥說: 林書豪讓爵士付出慘痛的代價, 他真的好出色, 尤其是他的pick n roll. 他的速度也驚人的快, 往往都能切入禁區得分~ With that, the Rockets pushed their lead over ninth-place Utah to three games and clinched the head-to-head tiebreaker. Though they needed a late push to finish off a game, the Rockets knocked each line of a checklist. They started rapidly, leading by 10 points in the first quarter and never trailing. They limited the Jazz, who are sixth in offensive rebounding, to five. They even got a first-half lift from a struggling bench. Living in the lane Most of all, when they built their lead early and protected it late, they lived in the lane. “Jeremy really attacked the rim well,” Rockets coach Kevin McHale said. “I thought that Jeremy made some big hoops coming down the stretch when we needed them. They were really intent on staying with James (Harden) in the second half and really not giving him a lot of room, so Jeremy really broke free. Jeremy kept turning the corner and got in the paint. We needed all of those.” Harden similarly got in the lane, especially in the first half when he scored 20 of his 29 points. He drew fouls and made 17 of 18 free throws but went 0-for-6 from the field in the second half. With the Jazz guards going over screens and the big men showing only briefly before scrambling back to the Rockets’ rolling centers, Lin repeatedly turned the corner and finished at the rim. He made nine of 13 shots to score 24 points. In March’s nine games, he has made 53.9 percent of his shots. “A lot of times I read the big man and what the guard is doing,” Lin said. “The guard was coming over the screen and the big man was leaving early. It allowed a lot of dribble penetration for me and James tonight.” Lin had 10 third-quarter points as the Rockets built a 26-point lead. But when they slowed down and Utah’s Gordon Hayward got hot, the Jazz closed to within eight with 4:25 left. With that, Lin twice beat Alec Burks off the dribble. After a timeout, the Rockets ran a rare set play with Lin passing to a cutting Parsons, pushing the lead back to 10. Horsing around The Jazz never really threatened again. No additional therapy was needed. “Sometimes, when you do that, you get the feel of the joy of the game back in you again,” Lin said of his day off in the gym. “I went and shot. My little brother is in town. My buddy is here. We just went out and messed around, played some HORSE. But we didn’t get to finish because other people started playing. Everyone had S.” On Wednesday, however, he finished what the Rockets started. 臨時忙起來, 請求接力翻譯~ thanks! -- 清晨霧一般的思念, 清新 double, 美麗 double, 捉摸不定 double... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/21 15:19, , 1F
送小紅包 準備出門
03/21 15:19, 1F

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03/21 15:25, , 5F
感謝翻譯 眼殘看成好色
03/21 15:25, 5F

03/21 15:25, , 6F
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03/21 15:26, , 7F
人也清爽多了 XDD
03/21 15:26, 7F

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03/21 15:28, , 9F
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03/21 15:29, , 10F
狂切猛切一直切XDDDD 感謝d大的幽默翻譯
03/21 15:29, 10F

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03/21 15:37, , 14F
今天應該不會又變成[大家來猜momo星座]了吧? XDDD
03/21 15:37, 14F

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03/21 15:42, , 19F
最後一節林就很喘了 挑籃也沒力XD
03/21 15:42, 19F

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03/21 15:43, , 22F
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03/21 15:44, , 23F
說到挑籃沒力 讓我想到Lin上次那球五大好糗XD
03/21 15:44, 23F

03/21 15:45, , 24F
看到林命中率比鬍子高 就值了
03/21 15:45, 24F

03/21 15:47, , 25F
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03/21 15:49, , 26F
應該是起跳時間差吧 不過切的漂亮!
03/21 15:49, 26F

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03/21 15:55, , 28F
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03/21 16:08, , 29F
上次是湊巧吧QQ 不是出現就會歪拉..Q.Q (默默飄走...
03/21 16:08, 29F

03/21 16:11, , 30F
Lin's idea of a day off那句好像不是這樣
03/21 16:11, 30F

03/21 16:12, , 31F
哈哈mo大腸胃好點沒阿 今天妳又奪一勝囉!
03/21 16:12, 31F

03/21 16:12, , 32F
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03/21 16:13, , 33F
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03/21 16:14, , 34F
"it's therapeutic"應該和演唱會沒關係,是指放假練投
03/21 16:14, 34F
哈哈 感謝指正~ ※ 編輯: djviva 來自: (03/21 16:23)

03/21 16:22, , 35F
還好..睡到剛剛QQ 這次用生病為祭品召喚抗糗成功! (?
03/21 16:22, 35F

03/21 16:24, , 36F
MOMO大 最近天氣多變化 要小心啊 ~~
03/21 16:24, 36F

03/21 16:25, , 37F
就算抗糗成功 這樣的犧牲也太大了~~ QQ
03/21 16:25, 37F

03/21 16:33, , 38F
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03/21 16:51, , 39F
感謝翻譯! “狂切猛切一直切”XDDDD 今天看Lin的表現真的
03/21 16:51, 39F

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03/21 18:07, , 46F
推~感謝翻譯 :)
03/21 18:07, 46F

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03/21 20:18, , 56F
感謝翻譯 等等補推!!
03/21 20:18, 56F

03/21 20:39, , 57F
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03/21 22:15, , 58F
很棒 感謝翻譯
03/21 22:15, 58F

03/21 23:36, , 59F
謝謝翻譯~翻的很生動活潑~ 放假還練球真是乖小孩~
03/21 23:36, 59F

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文章代碼(AID): #1HIhGDoP (Jeremy_Lin)
文章代碼(AID): #1HIhGDoP (Jeremy_Lin)