[外絮] 火箭VS勇士 賽後訪談

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (YOYO)時間11年前 (2013/02/06 15:51), 編輯推噓38(38014)
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心得: 又是多話的一天,但記者真的太會跳針了 = = 原文出處: http://www.nba.com/rockets/news/bombs-away QUOTES 我有話要說 KEVIN MCHALE 冰箱 (On the win and three's) “We just had to keep playing. I really didn't even know we had a chance to break the record until late in the game. We shoot a lot of 3's, that's just what we do. If we were to get them in the flow, we were going to get them. Mark (Jackson) didn't want it to happen and fouled and I didn't have any problem with how they played. Mark's got to coach his team, I have no problem with that. We had a night tonight where needless to say, we shot lights out. We started off the game just on fire from the 3-point line and kind of stayed that way the whole night. That doesn't happen very often.” (對於今日的勝利以及三分球紀錄) 我們只是一直專注在比賽中,我甚至不知道我們有機會破紀錄 我們投了許多三分,我們一直都是這樣的球風,如果投順了,當然會繼續出手 勇士的教頭當然不會希望這樣的情形發生,我對他們最後的防守沒有任何意見 Mark必須帶領他的球隊,我覺得這很正常 我們今晚超準的,而且從頭到尾都準翻了,但畢竟不會天天過年(你也知道 XDDD) (On issues of piling up points against opponents) “I don't have any issues with anybody. We run offense. For the most part, I thought we took a couple (shots) that we made that were a little early. Kind of the ones we've been trying to stay away from lately. I told our guys, any 3 early in the clock has gotta be a “How do ya feel? Are you flowing? Are you rolling?,” and then we had some guys that were flowing and that were rolling and they made them. A lot of the 3's came later on after we had a drive and kick, drive and kick, they packed the paint and made the extra pass and that's just kind of how we play. I have no problem at all with what Mark was doing with his team. We were just trying to play.” (對於持續在比分上屠殺對手) 我沒有任何想法,我們只是不斷進攻,剛開始我們的三分出手是有些急躁 於是我對球員們說 如果你在進攻時間還有很多的時候就想投三分 必須思考一下"你的感覺如何? 出手順嗎? 手感火熱?" 很顯然的,一些球員的確有這樣的感覺 透過不斷地跑攻、導傳,我們的三分火力得以展現 (On comments to the team when game was getting chippy) “Just keep playing. Just move the ball and take the shot that presents itself and just play basketball. The guys that were in the game at the end, Patrick Beverley, D-Mo (Donatas Motiejunas), they're just out there playing. They didn't have an agenda. They were in there just playing. We do play a push it up style. I told the guys that when you get the rebound let's push it up, see what presents itself and just play basketball.” (當比賽進入垃圾時間,你有給球隊任何意見嗎?) 就是專注於比賽中,該做的傳導、該有的投籃,都不會有什麼改變 D-MO、比佛利,並沒有想要達成什麼目標 他們只是在打球,就這麼簡單 (On teams play) “The biggest thing we had was 9 turnovers, which was huge for us. We had 35 assist, which was huge for us. So you go 35 and 9, that's fantastic. We were aggressive. We really got out there and really started off unconscious from the 3 point line but then I thought we broke the defense down. We're going to have periods with our team where shots don't go but if we keep having ball movement and body movement and attacking again in the paint and pushing it out, Bogut (Andrew) is a good rim protector and probably one of the better jobs that we've done driving into the paint and kicking it out and finding a shot. The thing I like the best was we kicked it out and made the extra shot on top of that.” (對於今日球隊表現) 今天表現最好的就是控制失誤,我們送出35次助攻只有9次失誤,這太神了 我們今天表現得很好,也沒想到三分球那麼準,但我們的確擊潰了他們的防守 澳洲人禁區的防守非常有威脅性,但我們透過不斷的傳導和跑位、攻擊禁區 切入後把球傳到空檔的球員,然後把球投進,這很棒不是嗎? (On putting the game away) “The very big thing was we wanted to win the third quarter and we did by three. Then after that it was just keep playing. We kept putting ours guys in and just told them to just keep playing our style, keep pushing and rebounding and pushing it up and see what we got. All of the stuff that we run and unless its the side out of bounds, is a flow offense which means you push it and you go, you turn the ball over from side to side. Its a read and react, multi flowing offense. It's hard to walk it up and play, we just don't do that and when we do that, we don't play very well. So I told the guys just keep on doing what we do.” (對於完全掌握球賽) 我們對於第三節的求勝欲望是非常強烈的,而我們靠著三分球辦到了 然後我們只是照這樣打下去,不斷地推進並且衝搶籃板,看看可以打出怎樣結果 每個上場的球員都必須不斷跑動,除非是球出界中斷比賽,流暢的攻擊就是如此 我們對於打慢節奏的比賽不是那麼擅長,所以我告訴球員,繼續衝吧! (On how important was it to not play anyone over 33 minutes) “That was nice but it will be a huge game tomorrow. We'll just have to go over there and try to find a way to win in an awful tough place to win games.” (對於今日沒有人上場超過33分鐘) 這很棒,因為我們明天還有一場艱難的比賽, 我們明天必須找到辦法在恐怖的熱火主場取勝 (On James Anderson's play) “I thought he played well. He had to because of Carlos (Delfino) not available. I thought James did a nice job. I thought James got back down and rebounded very well. He came back and got some nice rebounds in the crowd and did a nice job, so he's going to have to until Carlos can get himself back. James practices hard, I thought he showed tonight what he could do.” (對於JA今日的表現) 他表現的很好,補上了屌飛龍的缺,他補防跟籃板球都做得很好 在屌飛龍回來前,他都必須適時上場,他練習的很認真,今晚,他證明了自己能打 (On fouling and the last minute situation) “I don't know. Mark has done a great job with the Golden State guys, those guys play hard. They're a tough team, they can get up and down. This is just one of those nights where a lot of stuff happened well for us, every coach makes a decision on how he coached his team.” (對於勇士的駭三分戰術) 我不表示任何意見,Mark今年帶勇士打出了好成績,他們也非常認真 今晚只是所有事情都對我們比較有利而已 每個教練都有自己領導球隊的方式 JAMES HARDEN 鬍子 (On the key to the win) “Hot shooting and us moving the basketball when the shots were there we were taking it and not make things hard on each other, we just got hot tonight.” (勝利的關鍵?) 手感火熱,以上 (On the intentional fouls by Golden State at the end of the game) “It kind of ended crazy. They didn't want us to get the record, a couple of flagrant fouls and intentional fouls. I'm just happy the game got over with and that we came away with the victory.” (對於最後勇士的故意犯規) 最後的幾分鐘好像有點失去理性了,他們不想讓我們破紀錄,所以有一些蓄意犯規 很高興最後我們帶走了勝利 CHANDLER PARSONS 高富帥 Guys were making the extra pass and guys stepped up and knocked down shots. The amount of threes we hit is pretty ridiculous but guys stepped up. We were open and no one’s going to turn down open shots. We did a great job moving the ball and I think it’s a product of how unselfish we played all game long. That’s how you get to shoot than many threes and make that many threes – just your ball movement and your spacing and everyone playing unselfish. When guys are that open it makes it a lot easier to make shots rather than taking contested jumpers. That has a lot to do with us getting stops and being able to get out in transition and space the floor like that. 我們今晚誇張的準,無私、流暢、把握住了所有空檔、清出空間、轉換快攻 總之,我們從頭到尾都做的很好 (On the way that the game ended with the intentional fouls by Golden State) “ Honestly, I don't think we did anything wrong. We played basketball the way we played for 48 minutes and I think they (Warriors) let the crowd get to their head a little bit. It happens, its competitive out there. Nobody wants to get a record or whatever on them. At the end of the day its just a win.” (對於勇士的故意犯規) 老實說,我不覺得我們做錯什麼,我們48分鐘都是這樣打的 勇士隊只是被觀眾影響了,畢竟這是一場競賽,沒有人希望留下難堪的紀錄 但說穿了,不過只是一場勝利 JEREMY LIN 啾咪林 Happy Anniversary of LINSANITY (on his recent hot shooting from beyond the arc) I’ve been feeling a lot better. I got off to a really slow start and it was frustrating because I’d been working on it all summer but hopefully I’ll be able to turn the corner and shoot the way that I’m capable of shooting it. (對於最近三分線火熱的手感?) 我最近感覺越來越好,今年球季初到現在,我的三分線都沒有完全進入狀況, 這對我來說還蠻沮喪的,畢竟我花了一整個夏天在練習,希望我可以快點展現成果 (On the Rockets hot shooting from behind the arc) “Sometimes that's the way it goes. Thankfully we were able to get a bunch of open looks and knock them down tonight and that's just the way it is sometimes. We are comfortable playing at home.” (對於火箭今晚的三分雨) 有時候就是那麼的順,很高興我們都能掌握到空檔,我們很喜歡在主場出賽 (On the Rockets only having 9 turnovers tonight) “We were just trying to attack and just take what the defense gave us and I think tonight we did a really good job of being unselfish. We played the way we are capable of playing and I feel like we did that for most of the game.” (對於今晚只發生9次失誤) 我們專注於進攻,而且我們的防守帶給我們許多機會 今晚我們做的最好的就是"無私",而且打出我們擅長的球風,掌控了全場 MARCUS MORRIS 摩里斯 (On the win) “At the end of the day, we just continued to play, the crowd was into it but its still playing basketball and we were just taking the shots the defense were giving.” (對於勝利) 直到最後,我們也只是在完成比賽,群眾或許影響了些什麼 但那就只是在打球而已,我們只是在防守中找機會出手 (On whether or not he had an issue with Golden State fouling intentionally at the end of the game) “Not at all. That's what their coach told them to do. If it was reversed, and our coach told us to do the same thing, then that would be the case. That's what they were told to do so we can't really control that.” (你對於勇士最後的犯規戰術很有意見?) 一點也不,那只是教練希望他們這麼做, 相反的,要是我們的教練授意我們,我們也會照做 PATRICK PATTERSON 派特森 (On being a part of a large margin winning game): “Maybe on the opposing side, I’m sure I have been. But, on the opposite side in a game like this where the opposing team is hitting almost every shot, moving the ball extremely well, low turnovers and doing every thing the right way, no. I think it’s the first time that we’ve done something like that all year.” (對於能參與大比分獲勝的比賽) 我以前的確體驗過被屠殺的感覺,但若是像今天這樣,手感火熱、流轉順暢、低失誤 然後做什麼都對了,我想這是我的第一次 (On the opinion of the play of Golden State down the stretch): “I can understand from that standpoint. If I were the coach I would do everything in my power to have my players pretty much nit get embarrassed. We were hitting on all cylinders, all of our shots were falling. We were moving the ball and everything was clicking for us. We were getting stops when we needed to get stops and just capitalizing on the offensive end. Their coach made a call and their team followed through with it, and that’s fine. But all in all, I think we played a great game tonight.” (對於最後勇士採取的戰術) <--- 到底是要問幾次啦? 站在他們的角度,我能夠理解,如果我是教練,我也會想盡辦法不讓自己的球員難看 我們今晚一切都很順,不管是進攻還是防守 他們的教練做出指示,而他們執行,這完全沒有問題 總之,我們打出了一場好比賽 GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS HEAD COACH MARK JACKSON 勇士主帥 Mark Jackson (On fouling at the end of the game) “We’re not going to lay down. I’m an old school basketball player and an old school coach. If you cant appreciate that, that’s on you. We’re not going to lay down. If you’re going to try to get the record, we’re going to stop it. There is a way to do it, that’s all. Understand it, appreciate it, and I would expect nothing less if I was on the other side. As a team, we’re learning. Its nothing personal, but we have a goal and we have a mindset. And this is not last year’s Warriors. (對於最後的犯規戰術) 我們可不打算繳械投降,我是一個老派的球員、也是一個老派的教練 如果你不能理解,那是你的事 我們不會就這樣舉白旗,如果你們想盡辦法要破紀錄,我們就會想盡辦法阻止 這就是比賽,就算我今天是勝利的一方,我也不會改變我的想法 身為一個球隊,我們還在學習,但我們有目標、我們有態度 我們已經不是去年的勇士了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/06 15:56, , 1F
勇士教練最後的戰術, 其實有助於維持隊伍士氣..
02/06 15:56, 1F

02/06 15:57, , 2F
02/06 15:57, 2F

02/06 15:59, , 3F

02/06 16:00, , 4F
02/06 16:00, 4F

02/06 16:09, , 5F
林的談話很得體 大家的談話也都有禮貌 真是一群懂事的小孩
02/06 16:09, 5F

02/06 16:21, , 6F
02/06 16:21, 6F

02/06 16:23, , 7F
02/06 16:23, 7F

02/06 16:23, , 8F
02/06 16:23, 8F

02/06 16:24, , 9F
其實教練最後就還蠻嗆的阿 XDDD
02/06 16:24, 9F

02/06 16:24, , 10F
但我覺得他這樣也沒啥不對 被人家創紀錄不OK的
02/06 16:24, 10F

02/06 16:25, , 11F
02/06 16:25, 11F

02/06 16:25, , 12F
BTW 勇士教練的談話我只有節錄
02/06 16:25, 12F

02/06 16:27, , 13F
我覺得PPT的回答很有趣 以往都是別隊屠殺火箭 XD
02/06 16:27, 13F

02/06 16:28, , 14F
這樣大比分贏勇士 他可能還不習慣~~
02/06 16:28, 14F

02/06 16:32, , 15F
借轉 感謝
02/06 16:32, 15F
knanda:轉錄至看板 Rockets 02/06 16:33

02/06 16:46, , 16F
02/06 16:46, 16F

02/06 16:58, , 17F
02/06 16:58, 17F

02/06 17:01, , 18F
02/06 17:01, 18F

02/06 17:17, , 19F
02/06 17:17, 19F

02/06 17:18, , 20F
02/06 17:18, 20F

02/06 17:21, , 21F
的確有助於隊伍士氣 讓他們在這種情況還有要達成的東西
02/06 17:21, 21F

02/06 17:21, , 22F
02/06 17:21, 22F

02/06 17:22, , 23F
推錯地方XDD 算惹
02/06 17:22, 23F

02/06 17:24, , 24F
沒有人超過33分鐘 小帥哥表示:
02/06 17:24, 24F

02/06 17:26, , 25F
zero大 哪位XDDD
02/06 17:26, 25F

02/06 17:29, , 26F
02/06 17:29, 26F

02/06 17:46, , 27F
02/06 17:46, 27F

02/06 17:52, , 28F
02/06 17:52, 28F

02/06 18:21, , 29F
感謝翻譯! 推 今晚我們做的最好的就是"無私"! 希望繼續保持
02/06 18:21, 29F

02/06 18:45, , 30F
Lin說他一整個暑假都有練三分 希望以後都能有好成果
02/06 18:45, 30F

02/06 19:54, , 31F
02/06 19:54, 31F

02/06 20:51, , 32F
02/06 20:51, 32F

02/06 20:53, , 33F
02/06 20:53, 33F

02/06 20:58, , 34F
02/06 20:58, 34F

02/06 21:27, , 35F
02/06 21:27, 35F

02/06 21:30, , 36F
02/06 21:30, 36F

02/06 22:05, , 37F
補一下 Beverly對GSW板凳嗆了 Guard me
02/06 22:05, 37F

02/06 22:10, , 38F
喔喔 那真的是太囂張 不知LIN是否真去致歉了 大哥應該不會怪他
02/06 22:10, 38F

02/06 22:10, , 39F
GSW下次可以回嗆:你上來打啊!!! XDDD (萬一又被冰整場@@)
02/06 22:10, 39F

02/06 22:12, , 40F
有沒有那麼嗆 @@
02/06 22:12, 40F

02/06 22:33, , 41F
我是昨天看比賽的時候 聽到Matt轉撥時講的 應該不會有錯
02/06 22:33, 41F

02/06 22:35, , 42F
S大我相信你說的阿 我只是覺得 這樣也太嗆了吧
02/06 22:35, 42F

02/06 22:36, , 43F
02/06 22:36, 43F

02/06 22:43, , 44F
他應該不爽禁區沒人守他(為守三分XD) 那他就灌個大的
02/06 22:43, 44F

02/06 22:44, , 45F
垃圾時間兩隊為了紀錄打的像季後賽 有夠弔詭 XDD
02/06 22:44, 45F

02/06 22:44, , 46F
我知道啦16 我只是想說明一下我從哪邊聽到的
02/06 22:44, 46F

02/06 22:45, , 47F
02/06 22:45, 47F

02/06 22:46, , 48F
02/06 22:46, 48F

02/06 23:33, , 49F
02/06 23:33, 49F

02/06 23:55, , 50F
到底是要問幾次啦? XDDD
02/06 23:55, 50F

02/07 05:09, , 51F
02/07 05:09, 51F

02/07 05:39, , 52F
02/07 05:39, 52F
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