[外絮] 暴風雪無法阻止Lin出席日舞影展

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (木。無華)時間11年前 (2013/01/28 14:34), 編輯推噓21(2107)
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Snowstorm can’t keep Jeremy Lin from Sundance screening ‘Linsanity’Houston Rockets point guard shares his amazing story in documentary. By Scott D. Pierce | The Salt Lake Tribune At the height of Linsanity, much was made of the fact that sudden NBA star Jeremy Lin was sleeping on a teammate’s couch. It was true, and it’s the one thing he’s corrected since signing a three-year, $25 million contract with the Houston Rockets last summer. 在林瘋狂時期,最常被人津津樂道的事就是一夕爆紅的NBA球星林書豪睡在隊友的 沙發上。這是真的!而這也是Lin在去年夏天獲得火箭隊三年二千五百萬合約後更 正的事。 "My biggest purchase was my mattress," Lin said Sunday night at a screening of the documentary "Linsanity" at Salt Lake City’s Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center. "I don’t really have too many nice things. I pretty much dress the same and live the same. Lin在星期天晚上出席鹽城湖日舞影展的Linsanity紀錄片放映時表示:"床墊是我最大 的一筆花費。我並沒有擁有很多昂貴的東西。基本上,我的吃穿都沒什麼改變。" "But my bed is awesome." 但我的床很讚! So is his story. How he overcame doubters and racism to get a shot at the NBA. How he survived not getting drafted, then overcame getting cut by the Warriors and the Rockets. How he was down to what would have been his last game with the Knicks when he went crazy on the court and — in the space of two weeks — became an international star. 他的故事也很讚!他如何克服質疑者和種族歧視,進入NBA。他如何歷經選秀落選,又 接連被勇士隊和火箭隊揮棄。當他在尼克隊時可能面臨最後一場比賽時心情有多麼低 落,而後在場上他展現了瘋狂。在短短兩個星期內,他變成了國際巨星。 And how his faith kept him humble. How his sudden rise to fame can be attributed to "definitely, first and foremost, God," he said. "As the documentary showed, there were too many things that happened in my life that were beyond my control. And I’ll be the first one to admit that." (He said he’s thought about going into the ministry, and hasn’t ruled it out for after basketball.) 他的信仰如何讓他保持謙遜。Lin表示他的名聲快速崛起毫無疑問地是神的功蹟。 "正如同紀錄片裡所呈現的,我的生命裡有太多發生的事是我無法掌控的。而我將會是 第一個承認的人。" (Lin表示他曾經考慮過要成為宣教士,現在也不排除打完籃球之後會進入教會。) What nobody could control on Sunday night, the last night of the Sundance Film Festival, was the weather. The big question was whether Lin, 24, would make it to the screening at all. The snowstorm left the Rockets grounded in Grand Junction, Colo., as they were trying to fly to Salt Lake City for Monday ’s game against the Utah Jazz. 星期天晚上,日舞影展電影節的最後一晚,沒有人能控制的則是天氣。最大的問題是 24歲的Lin究竟能不能出席。火箭隊為了星期一和猶他爵士隊的比賽飛往鹽湖城,卻 因為暴風雪而被迫降落在科羅拉多州的Grand Junction。 Lin slipped into the back of the theater in the final minutes of the 6:30 p.m. screening, just in time to take questions from the audience. Lin在晚上六點半放映結束的最後一分鐘趕到戲院,剛好趕上觀眾的問答時間。 "If you’ve seen the film, you know nothing is going to stop Jeremy Lin — even a snowstorm," said director Evan Jackson Leong. 導演梁伊凡表示:"假如你看過這部影串片,你就會明白沒有任何事可以阻擋林書豪, 就算是暴風雪。" It was just the latest in a string of serendipitous events for Lin and the filmmakers. Leong first approached the man at the center of "Linsanity" when Lin was still a college basketball player at Harvard, long before anyone knew if he’d ever get a shot at the NBA. And Lin wasn’t exactly enthusiastic. 這僅僅只是Lin和影片製作人一連串意外收穫中的最後一件。梁第一次和Lin接觸時, Lin只是哈佛的一名籃球隊員,沒有人知道他是否能進入NBA,而Lin也不是很有興趣 拍攝紀錄片。 "In general, I’m a very private person. I’m very camera shy," he said. "So I was definitely very against it." "基本上,我是個很注重隱私的人,我面對鏡頭也很害羞。"Lin表示,"所以我之前很 排斥。" But Leong persevered, and Lin eventually decided, "If my career goes down the drain, the worst thing I’ll have is some cool footage. It turned into this. And we had no idea." 但是梁非常地不屈不撓,而Lin最後決定,"假如我的生涯將就此結束,最糟的狀況就是 我還可以擁有一些蠻酷的影片。我們都不知道事情會有這樣的變化。" No one expected that, after years of hard work, Lin would become an overnight sensation. 沒有人期望在經年累月的努力之後,Lin會一夜變成大人物。 "As we kept shooting, we didn’t have an ending," Leong said. "And when he got cut by the Warriors and by the Rockets, we were like, ‘Oh, man.’ And last February, he gave us an ending." "當我們在拍攝的時候,我們並沒有設定結局。"梁表示,"當他接連被勇士和火箭隊 揮棄的時候,我們只能"oh man"(替他嘆息),但在去年二月,Lin給了我們一個 結局。" 原文網址:http://tinyurl.com/b9rszjr 我的會只開了六分鐘, 所以我還是堅持把這篇翻完了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/28 14:35, , 1F
01/28 14:35, 1F

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01/28 14:38, 3F

01/28 14:38, , 4F
01/28 14:38, 4F

01/28 14:56, , 5F
01/28 14:56, 5F

01/28 14:59, , 6F
席夢思?水床?KING SIZE?
01/28 14:59, 6F

01/28 15:01, , 7F
01/28 15:01, 7F
※ 編輯: akthebest 來自: (01/28 15:34)

01/28 15:11, , 8F
我來翻 :)
01/28 15:11, 8F

01/28 15:14, , 9F
01/28 15:14, 9F

01/28 15:15, , 10F
01/28 15:15, 10F

01/28 15:22, , 11F
01/28 15:22, 11F

01/28 15:34, , 12F
加入教會 翻成 成為宣教士 似乎比較適當
01/28 15:34, 12F

01/28 15:39, , 13F
01/28 15:39, 13F

01/28 15:47, , 14F
AK大 你不介意的話 可以把幾位版友的翻譯拿去整理一下
01/28 15:47, 14F

01/28 15:47, , 15F
跟你的合成一篇 保留第一篇就好 :)
01/28 15:47, 15F

01/28 15:50, , 16F
01/28 15:50, 16F

01/28 15:51, , 17F
不用不用 ~~~ 那就這樣放著好了 :P
01/28 15:51, 17F

01/28 15:52, , 18F
是說 這導演真有慧眼!^^
01/28 15:52, 18F

01/28 15:54, , 19F
你千萬不要像dj大給我把原本那篇偷偷刪掉喔 XDDD
01/28 15:54, 19F

01/28 15:55, , 20F
01/28 15:55, 20F

01/28 16:01, , 21F
感謝翻譯! :)
01/28 16:01, 21F

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01/28 16:13, 22F
※ 編輯: akthebest 來自: (01/28 16:25)

01/28 18:50, , 23F
01/28 18:50, 23F

01/28 19:43, , 24F
01/28 19:43, 24F

01/28 20:33, , 25F
暴風雪還是要注意安全阿 林書豪小朋友....
01/28 20:33, 25F

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01/28 20:37, 26F

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01/28 22:05, 27F

01/29 01:38, , 28F
01/29 01:38, 28F
文章代碼(AID): #1H1XleQT (Jeremy_Lin)
文章代碼(AID): #1H1XleQT (Jeremy_Lin)