[外絮] Woodson任正教練+關於Lin的消息

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (0000)時間12年前 (2012/05/26 12:29), 編輯推噓28(28047)
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Knicks extend coach Mike Woodson http://ppt.cc/lMB; 以下只節譯我個人覺得比較重要的段落: The New York Knicks liked Mike Woodson so much they never even considered calling Phil Jackson during their coaching search. So said Knicks GM Glen Grunwald on Friday night, when the team named Woodson their next head coach. 尼克GM Glen Grunwald表示,尼克實在太愛Woodson了, 以致於他們甚至沒考慮給禪師打個電話。XDD Woodson, who served as interim head coach for the final 24 games of the regular season and the playoffs, signed a multiyear extension on Friday. The Knicks did not disclose terms of the deal, but sources told ESPNNewYork.com's Stephen A. Smith that Woodson's deal includes two guaranteed years and a third-year option, worth approximately $4 million per season. 尼克禮拜五召開記者會,正式宣佈與Mike Woodson簽約, 任命他為總教練。 合約內容細節未透露,但根據SAS的消息來源, 應該是一份每年4M,2+1的合約。 Woodson is longtime friends with Grunwald. Both played college basketball together at Indiana. Many believe Woodson's candidacy for the full-time job greatly improved when the Knicks removed the interim tag from Grunwald's title late in the regular season. But Grunwald said at the time that hiring the team's next coach would be an "organizational" decision, not his alone. In addition to the support of Grunwald, Woodson had the backing of many Knicks, including Carmelo Anthony, Amare Stoudemire and Jeremy Lin. 很多人相信Woodson能得到這份合約是來自於GG的引薦, (因為他們是朋友,大學時還一起打籃球) 但GG否認,澄清這是整個組織的決定。 除了GG,Woodson也得到許多球員的支持,包括 Melo、阿罵及Lin。 Woodson said on Friday he wanted to "set the record straight" regarding his agent. "I have no contract with the Glasses. I paid for my services and I elected to move on," Woodson said. "Mr. Dolan had nothing to do with me making this decision. It was Mike Woodson's decision. I had every right to make that decision, to move on if I choose to do that." Woodson confirmed he hired Terry Prince of CAA to represent him. CAA has several business ties to the Knicks. The agency represents Anthony and J.R. Smith. It also represents Knicks executive Mark Warkentien and assistant GM Allan Houston. Woodson said that, from a "business standpoint," he thought CAA would be the best fit for him. But he said the fact that CAA has business ties to the Knicks didn't factor into his decision. "Not really," he said. "After my doing my due diligence on their company, I liked what I saw and I took them on. And I'm happy about taking them on. So we'll see where it takes us." Woodson否認他開除原經紀人,跟CAA簽約,與Dolan有關。 (很多記者都在推特上表示不相信XDD) CAA同時也是Melo和JR的經紀公司。 Woodson was able to coach Lin for only seven games before the point guard was shut down for the season with a meniscus tear in his left knee. Grunwald made it clear the Knicks intend to give Woodson more opportunities to coach Lin. "We can keep him if we want him, and we do want to keep him, and I believe that Jeremy had a great experience here," Grunwald said. "I believe he wants to come back." 本季Woodson並沒多少機會執教Lin,GG表示尼克傾向給他更多這樣的機會。 GG表示:『假如我們要Lin,我們就一定能保有他,而我們的確想要他。』 (意思是要別隊不用浪費時間開價嗎?= = 不行啊!麻煩有興趣的球隊還是要多多開價,不能讓尼克輕易賺到唷!XDD) 另外,根據另一篇報導: Glen Grunwald sees Knicks retaining Jeremy Lin http://ppt.cc/sLpf Both Woodson and Grunwald insisted that Lin's rehab from season-ending knee surgery is going well and Woodson remarked that he expects to work with Lin in Las Vegas this July as the point guard will be training against Team USA on the U.S. National Men's Select Team. Woodson跟GG都表示Lin的復健進度良好(好消息XD) 而Woodson也說他期待七月時能到Las Vegas與Lin 一起工作。 (是要去監督Lin嗎?然後順便看看拳王跟Melo?><) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/26 12:41, , 1F
恭喜武僧! 但...請其他球隊還是要對Lin踴躍開價喔^^
05/26 12:41, 1F

05/26 12:50, , 2F
05/26 12:50, 2F

05/26 12:52, , 3F
萬一有其他隊開長約高價希望尼克不要跟 就讓啾咪走...
05/26 12:52, 3F

05/26 12:56, , 4F
05/26 12:56, 4F

05/26 13:14, , 5F
伍僧說期待跟就可以跟去啊? 那7月陪練團光看尼克球員、新舊
05/26 13:14, 5F

05/26 13:16, , 6F
教練齊聚ㄧ堂就好熱鬧(尷尬?) XD
05/26 13:16, 6F

05/26 13:18, , 7F
05/26 13:18, 7F

05/26 13:40, , 8F
05/26 13:40, 8F

05/26 13:41, , 9F
約都還沒簽就說要去看啾咪練習 真的好奇怪~XD
05/26 13:41, 9F

05/26 13:42, , 10F
05/26 13:42, 10F

05/26 13:44, , 11F
05/26 13:44, 11F

05/26 14:15, , 12F
尼克直接開三年總額15.675M 除了金門王以外 其他應該都會閉嘴
05/26 14:15, 12F

05/26 14:32, , 13F
05/26 14:32, 13F

05/26 14:33, , 14F
雖然不可能,但真想一人一信請尼克放開Lin吧 XDDD
05/26 14:33, 14F

05/26 14:38, , 15F
05/26 14:38, 15F

05/26 14:45, , 16F
05/26 14:45, 16F

05/26 14:46, , 17F
05/26 14:46, 17F

05/26 14:46, , 18F
05/26 14:46, 18F

05/26 14:50, , 19F
05/26 14:50, 19F

05/26 14:50, , 20F
05/26 14:50, 20F

05/26 14:54, , 21F
對不起 我承認我只是想酸一下那個人而已..
05/26 14:54, 21F

05/26 14:56, , 22F
XDDDDD 原來如此.....我正想說是什麼梗看不懂
05/26 14:56, 22F

05/26 15:09, , 23F
05/26 15:09, 23F

05/26 15:09, , 24F
05/26 15:09, 24F

05/26 15:09, , 25F
05/26 15:09, 25F

05/26 15:09, , 26F
05/26 15:09, 26F

05/26 15:09, , 27F
05/26 15:09, 27F

05/26 15:10, , 28F
05/26 15:10, 28F

05/26 15:10, , 29F
太高~尼克如果跟了~最慘就是未來跟豪華稅say hello?
05/26 15:10, 29F

05/26 15:13, , 30F
他那就是放話希望別人別跟他搶啊 畢竟現在看來暴龍應該是
05/26 15:13, 30F

05/26 15:14, , 31F
認真的有想要跟他搶 價碼不知道但總會是個麻煩 反正放話
05/26 15:14, 31F

05/26 15:14, , 32F
不用錢 總要有點動作吧
05/26 15:14, 32F

05/26 15:21, , 33F
05/26 15:21, 33F

05/26 15:21, , 34F
05/26 15:21, 34F

05/26 15:23, , 35F
尼克現在好像要交易amare..如果成功的話 就不用擔心錢.
05/26 15:23, 35F

05/26 15:24, , 36F
05/26 15:24, 36F

05/26 15:26, , 37F
尼克目前沒有要交易阿罵吧= = 至少目前沒啥風聲
05/26 15:26, 37F

05/26 15:26, , 38F
別隊說想要換阿罵的倒是有= =
05/26 15:26, 38F

05/26 15:26, , 39F
應該沒有吧 畢竟教練 老闆 和GM都對他沒啥意見啊
05/26 15:26, 39F

05/26 15:27, , 40F
05/26 15:27, 40F

05/26 15:27, , 41F
05/26 15:27, 41F

05/26 15:33, , 42F
開約要占薪資不能追其他人 不是真的有興趣不會亂開啦
05/26 15:33, 42F

05/26 15:37, , 43F
雖然很多人要阿罵走 但我覺得機會小 希望阿罵下一季發威
05/26 15:37, 43F

05/26 15:39, , 44F
希望發威+1 他現在低點根本換不到什麼東西啊
05/26 15:39, 44F

05/26 16:43, , 45F
05/26 16:43, 45F

05/26 16:44, , 46F
05/26 16:44, 46F

05/26 16:47, , 47F
我竟然猜對了 果然連電話都沒打:D
05/26 16:47, 47F

05/26 16:49, , 48F
補一推 恭喜武僧!
05/26 16:49, 48F

05/26 16:53, , 49F
05/26 16:53, 49F

05/26 16:54, , 50F
友...參加夏令營 有沒有吃好睡好把球練好XD
05/26 16:54, 50F

05/26 17:02, , 51F
05/26 17:02, 51F

05/26 17:10, , 52F
伍森都操到沒頭髮了 他以前髮線還比LBJ高
05/26 17:10, 52F

05/26 17:10, , 53F
05/26 17:10, 53F

05/26 17:21, , 54F
恭喜武僧! 他應該是目前最適合尼克的總教練了
05/26 17:21, 54F

05/26 17:22, , 55F
雖然可能不是最能讓林發揮的教練 所以暴龍籃網小牛加油吧XD
05/26 17:22, 55F

05/26 17:24, , 56F
05/26 17:24, 56F

05/26 18:07, , 57F
05/26 18:07, 57F

05/26 20:44, , 58F
05/26 20:44, 58F

05/27 00:30, , 59F
05/27 00:30, 59F

05/27 00:32, , 60F
05/27 00:32, 60F

05/27 00:33, , 61F
05/27 00:33, 61F

05/27 00:33, , 62F
05/27 00:33, 62F

05/27 00:34, , 63F
05/27 00:34, 63F

05/27 00:34, , 64F
05/27 00:34, 64F

05/27 00:37, , 65F
05/27 00:37, 65F

05/27 00:40, , 66F
感覺還有他們不要的選項...= =
05/27 00:40, 66F

05/27 01:03, , 67F
我覺得杜蘭的指示應該是不管別對報多少全部跟 就算4年36M
05/27 01:03, 67F

05/27 01:04, , 68F
也一樣= =+ 反正要清新資可以交易
05/27 01:04, 68F

05/27 01:09, , 69F
05/27 01:09, 69F

05/27 01:09, , 70F
05/27 01:09, 70F

05/27 03:32, , 71F
唉...可憐的Lin。想走可是卻沒有自己決定未來的權力 QQ
05/27 03:32, 71F

05/27 13:20, , 72F
05/27 13:20, 72F

05/27 13:20, , 73F
僧能好好用他(?) 如果結局真的還是在尼克的話T^T
05/27 13:20, 73F

05/27 14:54, , 74F
沒什麼好可憐的 更何況他的想法我們也無從得知吧
05/27 14:54, 74F

05/27 14:54, , 75F
05/27 14:54, 75F
文章代碼(AID): #1Fm5mdi7 (Jeremy_Lin)