Re: [情報] 美國動漫雜誌《WIZARD》第228期 青蜂俠 …

看板Jay作者 (勘)時間14年前 (2010/09/01 11:41), 編輯推噓4(404)
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這是六月青蜂俠的製作團隊(男主角/製片/導演)一起受訪的新聞稿, 有略微解釋加藤視角和當初採用3D的過程,將這個地方擷取出來供參考: (只有大略將意思翻出來,附上原文,如果有人要看的話, 有錯譯的地方請見諒 Q___Q) ___________________________________________________________________________ Q: Some of the shots look very different in terms of how the action is shot. Is this the final look of "Kato Vision" or is it still evolving? Gondry: It's not really represented here. There's an outside of Kato vision. There's the way he sees things... [which is] more like a surprise I guess. (有些動作場景與一般傳統的動作戲很不一樣。這是「加藤視角」(Kato Vision)的呈現 方式嗎?或是還在發展當中?) Rogen: [There are] two steps to "Kato Vision" as I guess we've called it. The way you see the fights as an observer and then the way Kato sees fights in his own eyes. 男主:「加藤視角」是兩階段的。第一是從旁觀者的角度去看動作戲,最後才是從「加藤 視角」(從他的主觀視角)來看。 ____________________________________________________________________________ Q: Have you reconsidered how you stage fights, now that you're doing it in 3D? Gondry: To be honest, we were always hoping to go 3D. The way I put the camera was always [thinking] it would be so cool to see it in 3D. We pushed a little more of the effects. The way the fight works... the use of the 3D to split the screen. We sort of always wanted to do it in 3D. (知道這部電影將以3D的方式呈現之後,你們有想過如何呈現攝動作戲的方式嗎?) 鬼才導演:老實說,我們一直希望會是3D。我當時在運鏡時,就在想如果能以3D呈現 一定很屌。以動作戲來說,我們用了比較多的效果,例如動作戲的呈現方式,以3D畫面 做思考和切割,我們從一開始其實就一直很想要嘗試3D。 Q: 3D conversion process has gotten criticisms lately because of "Clash of the Titans" and "Alice in Wonderland." What measures are you taking to avoid pitfalls? Moritz: That's why we moved the release date back. We wanted the 3D to look really good. The only way was buying ourselves time to make it look good. We already have some sequences that we've turned over now in 3D so we have plenty of time to actually make it good and do it the right way as opposed to "Clash of the Titans" which was done in six to eight weeks. (最近許多3D版本的電影被攻訐的很厲害,像是:諸神之戰和魔境夢遊。你們有什麼樣 的對策以免落入同樣的窘境嗎?) M:這就是為什麼我們將上映日期往後延。我們希望3D的效果是很棒的。只有用時間換 取成效。我們有許多的時間,而不是如諸神之戰僅僅使用了6-8週做3D處理。 Rogen: It's like any other visual effect. There's really good applications of it and really bad applications of it. It all depends on whose hands it's in. You look at CG sometimes and it's terrible. You look at CG sometimes and it's great. I think it's no different. Very good versions and very bad versions. I think it's like any other creative decision. It's going to be gauged by the levels of enthusiasm... of the creative people behind it. It's something that we all feel really strongly about... something that we've always wanted to do... since the first idea of this movie came along. I've been working in 3D movies for years. I started in "Monsters vs Aliens" almost four or five years ago. It was then that I traveled around the world with Jeffrey Katzenberg, hearing him pontificate on 3D and what a big evolution it was going to be. So its always something I've been a big fan of. It started in the society of the 60's I believe so its always been something we've been big supporters of and I think just like I said there's good versions and bad versions and we hope to do a really good version. 男主角這裡大概在講述很多特效運用都會有所謂的很爛和很贊,端看誰做的。並且順帶提 到他四五年前就要嘗試使用過3D科技醬。 Gondry: You could imagine a movie in 2D in 3D and transform it. If you take this type of movie where they really use the full depth of field. This movie, if it was transformed in 3D, would use much more fast editing. And even before we could do it in 3D, we'd talk about the fight or we'd say, "Okay, we don't want to rely too much on the other team, so we didn't make it so fast with editing and this is a very important element to make 3D work well." 導演則說有關於當初他們並沒有做很多快速剪輯,所以很適合轉成3D。(按:這段不太理 解fast editing是什麼?) Moritz: We didn't make a rash decision by any means. We saw a lot of demonstrations with a lot of different companies and then ultimately brought in a number of these companies into the editing room and then went through the film with them together and really looked at the pitfalls, Positives and negatives to doing it. And kind of weighed those all out before we even approached the studio and asked them to let us turn it into 3D which is obviously a huge financial impact. After that as well. And I remember Amy Pascal said to us, "this is going to cost a lot of extra money. Are you sure about this?" And we were because we had done so much homework on it. And we did not want to be reprimanded like "Clash of the Titans" was. We really wanted to take our time and do it right. Moritz則提到他們當初也有"貨比三家",比較不同特效公司做出來的東西,以挑選最適合 這部片的夥伴,並且認真得考量過3D對影片正面和負面的影響。雖然轉成3D會造成財務壓 力,但不想要先前的功夫付之流水,也不想重蹈 "諸神之戰"的覆轍,因此會仔細的善用 的時間作到最好。 Rogen: First thing people like you say is that the studio is forcing us to do it and it's a quick fix. The funny thing is it could not be more opposite. It was us begging and pleading as creative entities to the studio to allow us to have this tool to tell our story in an original way. And were super excited that were able to do it. 男主說不是電影公司強迫他們做成3D,而是製作團隊主動要求的。 Gondry: There were some ideas. The father relationship is such that, even after he's passed away, he keeps talking to him in his mind. Several times. We got this idea to represent his father by his silhouette, which you can only see if you watch the movie in 3D. In 2D you would hear the voice but in 3D, he's going to pop out. So that's why we were so thrilled to be able to execute this in 3D. We always had the voiceover of the father in the story but then when we decided to do it in 3D, it was perfect. 導演提到劇中的男主角會不時的在腦海中與他過世的父親對話,而他的父親將會以一個剪 影的輪廓出現,這需要去看3D才看得到,如果只是看2D的話只聽的到聲音。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/01 12:52, , 1F
09/01 12:52, 1F

09/01 13:23, , 2F
09/01 13:23, 2F

09/01 13:24, , 3F
09/01 13:24, 3F

09/01 13:24, , 4F
09/01 13:24, 4F

09/01 13:34, , 5F
09/01 13:34, 5F

09/01 17:02, , 6F
用了半年去調整3D,出來應該不會太誇張的雷人啦 :)
09/01 17:02, 6F

09/01 17:03, , 7F
09/01 17:03, 7F

09/01 23:27, , 8F
09/01 23:27, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1CVSjWPQ (Jay)
文章代碼(AID): #1CVSjWPQ (Jay)