Re: Vieri: 我尚未要求離開國米, 轉會之事我並不知情

看板Inter作者 (揮別漏斗,迎向新人生)時間20年前 (2004/06/05 10:30), 編輯推噓1(101)
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同一件事情 米體的報導 和Channel 4那篇重點差不多 不過 寫得又更仔細些 Vieri生氣了 堅決否認跟尤文有任何接觸 -- 我自己用翻譯軟體亂翻的 請不要轉載^^ -- Christian Vieri decided to speak. Vieri決定開口 The shouting on an its possible transfer from the inter to the Juve became untenable. 說他將從Inter轉到尤文的傳言 讓Vieri很不爽 而這個轉會的可能性 目前變得難以達成 A Vieri gotten angry that unloaded all its tension to the microphones of the Main hall of Covercianoo. 在國家隊訓練中心的大廳 憤怒的Vieri把他的壓力 都藉由麥克風發洩出來 "I am here - it affirmed - to explain all. The newspapers say that I signed for the Juventus. It is fake, it does not exist not any agreement, also because I have still two years of contract with the inter. It was for me rimarrei to Milan, have to be the society to yield me. 我在這裡把一切說明白 報紙說我已經跟尤文簽約 都是一派胡言 沒有任何協議存在 而且我和國米還有兩年約 如果球隊要賣掉我 那就另當別論 If I do not return more in their programs and they want to sell myself they say me it, it there is not problems, I am available". Bobo has heard the patron nerazzurro Moratti "a month and means does, then there is not more spoken". "In that circumstance it told me that I rhymed to the inter - it added -. From that day I have not more heard not any. I do not have to be I telephone, THERE it IS people paid to do this". 這段就是上篇oba翻譯過的 談到和俱樂部間的聯繫 Vieri has besides revealed yourselves it it that the confirmation of Zaccheroni never was a problem. "I have not ever place of the aut aut. I repeat, if they want to yield it depends myself from them". Therefore it denied to have met the managers of the Juventus. Vieri同時透露 對於Zac留任 他完全沒有問題 他也否認曾經和尤文的經理人們會面 "I have not heard no. Their interest does to please me also because means that I did well". On the arrival of Veron, I finish purchase in house interista, I am smiled: "a large champion". For then to reveal: "it worker with Capello would please Me". Vieri說他沒有聽說任何消息 但是尤文對他感興趣 讓他很高興 因為這意味他的表現不錯 談到Veron, Vieri說Veron是個高手 球隊引進Veron他很高興 提起卡佩羅, Vieri表示, 和卡佩羅共事滿不錯的 Finally a beaten to the venom: "in all this event I feel me a pochino teased. I repeat, if they want to yield myself they say it there is not me it problems. I will be not ever I ask their it". Vieri最後說 這整件事 讓他覺得自己被報紙戲弄 他重申 自己並不想離開 對於轉會也一無所悉 -- 足球上的事情永遠都說不清楚, 但我可以承諾一點, 如果有一天維耶裏離開,決不會像羅尼那樣走。 --Christian Vieri -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: 06/05, , 1F
腦中又浮現當年]馬德里競技的情景.... 06/05, 1F 06/05, , 2F
......泣......Q___Q 06/05, 2F
※ 編輯: Zanetti6 來自: (06/05 14:53)
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