Re: [專欄] 史騰和媒體對AI做出最後的攻擊

看板IVERSON作者 (-:- 過往今昔 -:-)時間14年前 (2010/04/19 07:53), 編輯推噓28(28014)
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有種突然想入一下火坑的感覺0.0 大略翻一下 由於文章真的頗長 照文意翻 不照文法翻... 翻得不好處請大家包涵 ============ 先說一下自己看完的心得: 其實這篇文章完全的單方面挺AI 然後把問題推給萬惡史騰 雖然我是個不專業的AI迷 但對於這部份我也不是很認同 希望大家看看就好 不過文中自然也有些可供參考的地方 算是一些反向思考 不然也不用勞心神來翻了... 希望AI在還能打的情況下 不要放棄他最愛的籃球 讓我們還有機會看到他在場上的拼勁與身影 對我來說: 真正的AI = 兩個字 --------- 鬥魂 一個為了信念而奮戰的鬥士... ============正文開始=========== ※ 引述《lightmyfire ( )》之銘言: : : The Latest Attempts by David Stern and Media to Destroy Allen Iverson : written on April 16, 2010 by Tyson C ( Correspondent ) 來自David Stern和媒體, 企圖摧毀AI的最新消息. 寫於 4/16, 2010 by Tyson C : Since I wrote this article : : (abbreviated account : : 5 months ago, the day A.I. announced his brief "retirement", detailing the : series of events the media and NBA teams, under the instruction of presumably : Stern, undertook to undermine, sabotage, and ultimately destroy Allen : Iverson's legacy and career and the publication of this article 3 years ago : that eerily predicted A.I.'s demise :, a series : of other events have occurred that further proved that people high up are out : there to get A.I. and drive him out of the league at all cost. These new : developments deserve to be scrutinized and analyzed at length with a new : article. 自從我在五個月前, AI宣佈他短暫"退休"時, 所寫(連結中)的文章 詳述了在Stern指示下, 媒體和NBA球隊所做一系列事件, 目的是為了詆毀AI傳奇生涯. 和早在三年前的這篇文章(連結中), 一系列其他為了將AI敢出聯盟, 不惜一切的事件. 這些新來的發展值得被詳細檢視和分析, 也是我寫這篇文章的原因. : After this ESPN article :, no one can dismiss : this as a "conspiracy theory". We all know what Stern is capable of and he's : the reason the NBA is no longer worth watching. : : Soon after his forced "retirement", there was suddenly an outpour of supports : from loyal fans especially from the City of Philadelphia, old teammates such : as Eric Snow and Aaron McKie, his former coaches and father figures such as : Larry Brown and John Thompson who both encouraged him to return to the game : that defines A.I. The major backlash was obviously a surprise to Stern. A.I. : fans petitioned and campaigned their teams to sign the blackballed superstar. 在這篇來自ESPN的報導後(連結中), 沒人能不去聯想"陰謀論"的可能. 我們都知道Stern有這能耐, 也是NBA不再值得觀看的原因. 在AI迫不得已的退休後, 突然間有很多忠實的支持者或粉絲, 尤其是來自費城的, 和像Eric Snow, Aaron McKie, Larry Brown, John Thompson等昔日隊友與教練, 都支持他重回聯盟, 重回屬於他的舞台. 這波聲援AI的大浪潮著實讓Stern驚訝到了. 支持者們不斷的請訴要求他們的球隊(76人), 重新簽回這位被柄棄的超級球星. : When stat stuffer Lou Williams was injured, the Sixers, cornered by the fans, : were forced to sign A.I. after he sat at home for a month lamenting that his : career was officially sabotaged. There is one major catch to his signing, : however. The contract was "non-guaranteed", which is essentially David : Stern's way of saying that if you try to be the focal point and the superstar : you are still capable of being again, you will be released. It is laughable : that a man of A.I.'s talent and resume not only have to take the minimum, but : a non-guaranteed contract. The Sixers slapped A.I. in the face and dissed the : man who contributed so much to this franchise and this city with this clause. : Ultimately, they were unwilling to let A.I. be A.I. That's why some fans were : suggesting that A.I. was playing scared. 當Lou Williams受傷後, 76人考量到球迷的意願和輿論的訴求, 在AI呆在家感嘆球員生涯正式被摧毀的一個月後, 重新簽回AI. 然而這次的簽約有個附加條款. 那就是這紙合約將是"未保證約" 而這是Stern用來打壓AI的手段, 示意AI要是打得再如超級球星一樣好, 成為鎂光燈焦點, AI將被再次趕出聯盟. (Stern深知AI還能打) 一位像AI一樣有才華和豐功偉業的球員, 不只得接受最低薪合約, 還是個未保證約, 這是很可笑的一件事. 這紙約就像打了AI一巴掌, 對這位帶給這城市如此多貢獻的人不敬. 最終, 他們也不願讓AI打得像AI. 而這也是為何有些球迷會說: AI帶著恐懼在打球. : The coach phased him out offensively despite him obviously being the most : talented player on the team (the team is almost .500 with him including : blowing 2 games with Iguodala and Carney missing wide open buzzer beaters, : rarely losing by double digits. They were 5-15 and on a 10 game losing streak : before he showed up and 6-19 after he left. For that alone, he's the MVP for : the Sixers this year. : : After coming back to Philly after sitting out a month without conditioning or : playing basketball and having the learn the Princeton offense on the fly, : A.I. was immediately thrown into action and obviously developed arthritis and : had to have his knee drained. The arthritis forced him in and out of the : lineup, but when he did suit up, he had very limited shot attempts despite : getting to the free throw line at a decent clip with the limited amount of : touches he was getting nightly. The Sixers also showed improvement as soon as : he signed. Despite all this, the media right now continues to insult A.I.'s : stint with the Sixers this year as a "bust". Given the trying circumstances : (no training camp, fitting in on the fly, arthritis resulted from getting : immediately thrown into action after not playing for a month, and playing a : limited role), A.I. still managed to make a winning impact. 儘管AI很明顯是隊上最有才華的球員, 教練仍逐步排除他限制他. (有AI在的時候, 球隊勝率接近五成, 而這包括了兩場由Iguodala 和 Carney 執行最後一擊未果輸球, 和其間輸球差距幾乎在兩位數之內. ) 在AI重回76人之前, 該隊的當時的戰績很不理想, 5-15 並處在十連敗的狀況中. 而在他離開球隊之後, 76人的戰績一樣不理想, 6-19 單就此來看的話, AI可算是76人今年的MVP. 在離開球場的一個月後, AI重回費城並盡全力融入進攻當中, 但這樣突然暴增的運動量使得AI產生了關節炎的情況, 並嚴重到必須從膝蓋抽出積水. 傷痛使得他沒辦法持續穩定地出場, 但只要在場上, 他仍努力控制自己的攻擊欲望, 和以盡量適當的方式讓自己站上罰球線. 在他的加盟後, 76人的戰績也立即有起色. 儘管有這些努力和成績, 媒體現在仍持續地在羞辱AI, 指稱這樁交易是個大失敗. 但在這些內外不利的處境下, AI仍對球隊勝利有著正面的影響. : However, Iverson was not allowed to take the buzzer beater in January 8th 2 : points loss against the Raptors and the 1-point loss against the Knicks 5 : days later. Both games ended with his teammates missing wide open buzzer : beaters when A.I. clearly should had been the one to take the shot or at : least act as a decoy. 然而, AI在1/8以兩分差敗給暴龍, 和五天後以一分敗給尼克的比賽中, 仍然沒有取得最後一擊的執行權. 兩場比賽都以隊友空檔出手但未果的情況作為結束, 而當下AI很明顯是該執行最後一擊的那個人, 至少作個幌子誘騙對手. : After Lou Williams came back from his injury, there was a lot of noise by the : media hyping up Williams and how good his stats were. They started crying for : Williams about how he "unfairly" lost his starting job even though the team : was clearly better with A.I. starting than stat stuffer Lou Williams, who was : with the team when they lost 10 in a row before A.I. arrived. Where are the : media now when Williams needs them the most? He has been buried on the bench : even after A.I. left the team. Isn't Lou's stats vastly superior to Jrue : Holiday's? Why no love for Lou anymore now that the person starting in front : of him is not named Allen Iverson? It happened with Rip Hamilton, Rodney : Stuckey, Will Bynum, and Mike Conley. The media always brainwashes fans into : thinking A.I. is now a bench player and whoever scrub who plays his position : on that team that the media never previously cared about is somehow suddenly : an irreplaceable player. The fact is everybody in the NBA can put up : "fantasy-worthy" numbers when he is getting starter's minutes, but whether he : could be efficient with it and whether the team is winning or not is the main : issue. It is all about maximizing the potential of everyone on your roster. 在Lou歸隊之後, 媒體放出了很多捧Lou的消息並渲染他的帳面表現有多好. 他們開始為Lou大聲疾呼, 說他受到了不公平的待遇, 被佔去了先發的位置. 即使很明顯球隊戰績在AI先發的情況下比Lou先發好很多. 而在現在的此刻, Lou最需要他們的時刻, 這些媒體又到哪去了? 他已被埋在板凳上, 即便是AI已不在的此刻. 他的成績不是比Holiday好嗎? 為什麼擋在他前面的人不是Allen Iverson後, 他就沒愛了? 同樣的事也發生在Rip Hamilton, Rodney Stuckey, Will Bynum, and Mike Conley身上 媒體總是在對球迷洗腦, 說AI現在是個板凳球員, 然後再塑造每個被AI卡住位置的球員都是不可替代的. 事實上就是在NBA, 每個球員都有能耐打先發, 只是效益上的差別罷了. 如何將手頭名單上每個人的潛能發揮到極限才是重點. : As A.I.'s return began to gain traction despite the media, Stern, and the : front office's best effort to marginalize him, fans began to vote for him to : the all-star game. I, for one, wrote an article urging real basketball fans : to vote for A.I. :, : not based on his entire body of work, but for the winning impact he brought : to the Sixers this year alone. It would not be far fetched at all if A.I. : went through training camp with the Sixers, which would allow him to avoid : arthritis, the Sixers would be competing with the Bucks and Bobcats for the : 5th seed given that even a hobbled and marginalized Iverson can lead the : Sixers to a record close to .500. The overrated Derrick Rose and Chris Bosh : can't even lead their teams to .500 with far superior rosters. It is clear : who the more valuable player is. 當AI的回歸開始發揮影響力時, 儘管媒體和Stern努力的邊緣化他, 球迷開始投票給他, 希望能送AI進全明星賽. 當時我也寫了篇驅策球迷出來投票支持AI的文章. 這並非因為他的個人表現, 而是他帶給球隊勝利的正面影響. 如果AI有參加季前的訓練營, 或許他就不會得到關節炎, 76人也將能和公鹿, 山貓(當時)競爭第五種子. 即使AI步履蹣跚和被邊緣化, 他仍能使球隊回到近五成的勝率, 這是Rose, Bosh在擁有更佳陣容下還做不到的事. (當時) 很明顯誰是更有價值的球員. : Yet as the ballot was about to close, the media, with dumb so-called : "experts" aka Stern's cronies, bombarding fans hourly with hate-filled : articles lashing out at the all-star voting process. They went as far as : calling fans, the ones who pay them, "stupid" and "uneducated", yet they are : the ones who are responsible for choosing role players like "Al Horford", : "Jameer Nelson", "Mo Williams", "Rashard Lewis", and "Jamaal Magloire" to the : all-star game. It was apparent that Stern had officially lost it at that : time. All his effort to brainwash the fans into hating A.I. backfired and he : was livid how popular A.I. still was despite almost 2 years of constant : brainwashing claiming that A.I. is "washed up", "bench player", "role : player", "team killer", "cancer", "loser", and every single name you can : think of. 在投票尚未接近尾聲時, 媒體又放話了, 一個自稱Stern近交的"專家", 以充滿仇恨的文章轟擊球迷. 說這些NBA的衣食父母是未受教育的笨蛋, 投票給一些角色球員是在貶低明星賽. 這很明顯是Stern的一場挫敗, 鐵青的面對他極力想洗腦球迷討厭AI, 在將近兩年以, 衰老力竭, 板凳球員, 角色球員, 球隊殺手, 毒瘤, 輸家...等字眼, 卻換來AI仍廣受歡迎的結果. : The media was coming up with nonsensical rants hyping up stat : stuffers like Monta Ellis, Tyreke Evans, Devin Harris, Danny Granger, and : Rudy Gay, Stern's pet projects Derrick Rose, Joe Johnson, Brandon Roy, Rajon : Rondo while forgetting that perennial stat stuffing losers like Michael Redd, : Kevin Martin, Corey Maggette, Jason Richardson, Elton Brand, Antawn Jamison, : and Zach Randolph rarely make the team. : Steve Nash, who was trashed by the media last year in favor of Chris Paul, : Deron Williams, and Tony Parker and was snubbed by the all-star game in his : own home court last year, was suddenly a media darling again simply because : he was the only one with a realistic shot to overtake Tracy McGrady. (Stern's : preferred choice, Paul, was too far behind in the votes.) : A.I., with his contract now guaranteed and his play picking up (including a : memorable duel with Kobe Bryant and the Lakers in late January. That was the : last time he got 30 plus minutes.), claimed that all-star game is for the : fans and felt he deserved to make the team. He openly thanked his fans on : twitter and was adamant that he will attend the weekend's festivity. Larry : Brown opined that A.I. deserved the nod. Just as A.I. seemed to be finally on : his way back to prominence, he was gone. The official reason was that his : daughter was deathly ill, but no one with half a brain cell would buy that. 媒體開始莫名其妙的捧其他球星以轉移焦點, 如Monta Ellis, Tyreke Evans, Devin Harris, Danny Granger, and Rudy Gay. Stern 也計劃以Derrick Rose, Joe Johnson, Brandon Roy, Rajon Rondo 等人來取代那些沒辦法成大器的球星, 如Michael Redd, Kevin Martin, Corey Maggette, Jason Richardson, Elton Brand, Antawn Jamison, and Zach Randolph. 拿Nash作例子, 去年在媒體上失寵於CP3, Deron Williams, and Tony Parker, 甚至沒辦法進在自家舉行的明星賽, 在今年又突然成為寵兒進入明星賽. 只是因為他是能取代T-Mac出賽的唯一人選. (史騰所愛的 CP3今年票數差太遠了) AI在當時的合約已成為正式保證約, 表現也有目共睹( 包括了那場和Kobe對轟的比賽, 那也是他最後一次得到30分鐘以上的出場時間. ) 他聲稱明星賽是辦給球迷看的, 也覺得他應該出場明星賽. 他在twitter上 公開感謝支持他的球迷, 並也堅稱他一定會出席明星賽. Larry Brown 也公開表示他值得這肯定. 而就在AI準備回到突出頂點的時刻, 他又消失了. 官方聲稱是因為他的女兒重病了, 但沒有人會傻到相信這鬼話. : Someone high up forced him to leave just so he wouldn't be at the all-star : game. Can you picture A.I. at the all-star game and accepting the MVP of the : game from Stern? Just as the picture of Mark Cuban accepting the championship : trophy from David Stern, Stern would never allow this to happen. Upset that : his plan to make the fans hate A.I. did not work, he forced A.I. out of the : all-star game and ultimately the NBA altogether. : Interestingly enough, the day after the all-star game, A.I. was back in : uniform. He played 3 more games, getting limited minutes and offensive : touches. Then, presumably frustrated and disillusioned with the politics of : the NBA, he left the team again. 某個高層人士迫使他放棄出席明星賽. 你能想像AI在明星賽中爆發並從史騰手中接過MVP 的景象嗎? 就像讓Cuban 從他手中接過冠軍盃一樣, 史騰是不會讓它發生的. 夠有趣的是, 在明星賽後的第一場比賽, AI就歸隊了. 此後他在上場時間受限的情況下又打了三場比賽. 然後, 無預警的, 他帶著挫折與頓悟再次了離開人們視線. : From then on, the media seems to realize that the time is ripe again to keep : beating a dead horse. First, report sufficed that A.I.'s wife had filed for : divorce. A development that has nothing to do with basketball. Yet, for the : first time ever, ESPN, Yahoo Sports, all became TMZ and tabloids : sites. Dwyane Wade, Vince Carter, Shaquille O'Neal, and Kenyon Martin are : just a few well-known NBA players who went through divorce or marital : problems in recent years. It had nothing to do with basketball. It did not : affect their performances on the court. It was also largely ignored by the : sports media. How is A.I.'s situation any different? 從那之後, 媒體似乎理解到鞭屍這匹死馬的機會又來了. 首先強力報導了AI老婆要和他簽離婚協議的新聞. 一件和籃球沒有直接關係的新聞. 首無前例的, ESPN, Yahoo Sports, NBA.com通通都變成了名人八掛網站. Dwyane Wade, Vince Carter, Shaquille O'Neal, and Kenyon Martin 在這幾年都有相同的婚姻問題, 甚至離婚了, 而這還只是少數知名的球星. 這和籃球一點關係也沒有. 這也並沒有影響到他們在場上的表現. 這更沒有被媒體大肆報導. 何以AI遭受的情況就這麼不一樣? : A few days later, journalist Stephen A. Smith, a basketball insider who has : connection to all the power brokers in the NBA, used the most boring and : overplayed argument by detractors of A.I. that Iverson was "gambling and : drinking his life away". First of all, plenty of NBA players have similar : problems including Michael Jordan, whose gambling problems was a subject of a : probe in the early '90s : : Furthermore, A.I., like many other superstars in the NBA, has been drinking : and gambling his entire career. How is this news worthy? It has nothing to do : with basketball. It doesn't have any relevance to his play on the court or : the fact that he is getting blackballed, unfairly targeted by the media, and : marginalized by his team. Aside from the fact that this story will act as : justification to the fans when no team will sign A.I. this offseason and a : mean to further derail his career and legacy, I fail to see any other purpose. 幾天之後, 專欄作家Stephen A. Smith, 一位和NBA知名經紀人們很有交集的人, 用了最無聊也過火的批判去詆毀AI, 指稱AI沉淪在賭博和酗酒中無法自拔. 對此首先, 很多的NBA球員都有相同的問題, 包括了MJ在90年代早期也一樣. 他們也是整個球員生涯都會賭博會喝酒. 這算哪門子有價值的新聞? 再次的和籃球一點關係也沒有. 事實是, 當AI消失在這舞台時, 這會是人們對他很好的批判藉口和理由. 對他的整個職業生涯和傳奇, 更是最大的毀損, 我看不出這樣的報導有任何其他的目的或用意. : The newest story related to A.I. reveals that it was Michael Jordan, the : golden child of Stern in the '90s and a guy who obviously has direct access : to Stern, who prevented Larry Brown from reuniting with Allen Iverson. It is : really no surprise at all given that Jordan is obviously part of Stern's : inner circle. All these subsequent developments since my last article only : make me more convinced that Stern is personally responsible for derailing : A.I.'s career. 最新有關AI的消息就是MJ阻止Brown重新簽下AI的可能性. 這位史騰在90年代的金童, 很明顯的和史騰有密切的關連. 他很明顯和史騰是同掛的, 這一點也不令人意外. 在我最近文章後的這些發展, 讓我更加相信史騰對AI生涯的詆毀與結束, 要付最大的責任. ========================================================================== 呼..........好累= = 文意大致上是如此 細部單字或文法可能配合文意沒細翻就請看倌包涵.. 個人覺得這是一篇很偏激的文章.... 大家瞄瞄就好 AI老化也是事實 (當然還能打也是事實) 立場一面倒的文章 我相信大家自有判斷能力... 能把史騰寫成陰狠到無可附加..我也滿佩服就是了 噗 但一個人的生命 生活都是自己的 第一個該面對該負責的 我相信是自己 而不是別人 此文雖擺明挺AI 但若AI是我們一直以來所認知所支持的那個AI 我反而覺得文中某些部份 反倒看扁了AI 也對AI的形象給予了反效果 以上 大家早安... <攤倒> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: JerryChanel 來自: (04/19 07:56)

04/19 08:36, , 1F
04/19 08:36, 1F

04/19 09:08, , 2F
04/19 09:08, 2F

04/19 10:04, , 3F
04/19 10:04, 3F

04/19 10:07, , 4F
推測的還蠻有理的 每次都在關鍵時刻給AI致命一擊
04/19 10:07, 4F

04/19 10:39, , 5F
04/19 10:39, 5F

04/19 11:39, , 6F
04/19 11:39, 6F

04/19 12:14, , 7F
敬禮!!! 辛苦了!!!
04/19 12:14, 7F

04/19 12:43, , 8F
大推翻譯 推推!
04/19 12:43, 8F

04/19 12:47, , 9F
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04/19 13:20, , 10F
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04/19 13:37, , 12F
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04/19 13:38, , 13F
04/19 13:38, 13F

04/19 13:47, , 14F
推!! 我也是怎麼看怎麼有道理
04/19 13:47, 14F

04/19 13:50, , 15F
04/19 13:50, 15F

04/19 14:12, , 16F
舉例 看AI在七六的比賽就知道,達叔的調度蠢的一個很
04/19 14:12, 16F

04/19 14:12, , 17F
04/19 14:12, 17F

04/19 14:13, , 18F
04/19 14:13, 18F

04/19 14:42, , 19F
不管史騰是不是 至少他說媒體的部分非常好 離婚? 酗酒?XD
04/19 14:42, 19F

04/19 14:43, , 20F
還有捧所有檔在AI前面的球員 這些球員當然是很好的球員
04/19 14:43, 20F

04/19 14:44, , 21F
但是AI離開了 他們還有愛嗎XD 媒體...陰的太明顯
04/19 14:44, 21F

04/19 14:44, , 22F
04/19 14:44, 22F

04/19 15:07, , 23F
同意,媒體陰的太明顯。 AI一離開那些說被打壓的選手
04/19 15:07, 23F

04/19 15:07, , 24F
04/19 15:07, 24F

04/19 16:16, , 25F
04/19 16:16, 25F

04/19 16:29, , 26F
04/19 16:29, 26F

04/19 17:17, , 27F
史騰一句話可以殺死一個人 大歐離婚兩天就沒消息了
04/19 17:17, 27F

04/19 17:17, , 28F
04/19 17:17, 28F

04/19 18:09, , 29F
04/19 18:09, 29F

04/20 00:16, , 30F
04/20 00:16, 30F

04/20 00:17, , 31F
04/20 00:17, 31F

04/20 00:18, , 32F
04/20 00:18, 32F

04/20 00:54, , 33F
同f大所想 :)
04/20 00:54, 33F

04/20 00:57, , 34F
沒辦法 小艾太不乖了 史藤喜歡乖乖牌
04/20 00:57, 34F

04/20 02:14, , 35F
謝謝你努力翻完 我等下寄稅前500P給你 聊表心意
04/20 02:14, 35F

04/20 03:13, , 36F
04/20 03:13, 36F

04/21 03:05, , 37F
04/21 03:05, 37F

04/21 13:11, , 38F
04/21 13:11, 38F
感謝一下Louto大 讓我回去再看一次原文 原文寫的是more 並非你我認為的MVP... 這是我的疏忽跟大家道歉 降子文意就很通暢了~ 該處也沒有偏激與否的問題... 至於我原本講得偏激 指得並非AI進明星賽這回事 而是拿Rose Bosh的情況來比較就說AI因此是MVP 這也挺太over 但當然這些現在都沒意義 因為原文根本並非寫 MVP... 不過還是解釋一下我說偏激的點在哪 我也是AI迷 單純只是希望大家迷歸迷 也要保持一顆澄明的心去看待事理 不然不就跟總板那些酸民一樣了嗎 以上:) ※ 編輯: JerryChanel 來自: (04/21 14:01)

04/21 15:02, , 39F
04/21 15:02, 39F

04/21 21:06, , 40F
第二...阿 我沒推了 XD
04/21 21:06, 40F

04/22 01:52, , 41F
04/22 01:52, 41F

04/28 01:13, , 42F
04/28 01:13, 42F
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