[轉錄][外絮] Tim Donaghy 大爆料

看板IVERSON作者 (追隨AI到白頭天荒)時間14年前 (2009/10/30 08:31), 編輯推噓5(505)
留言10則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Tim Donughy 大爆料 時間: Fri Oct 30 06:43:56 2009 有注意外電的, 應該都知道 Tim Donaghy 之前到底做了什麼事情. 然而, Tim Donaghy 這幾天原本要出版一本叫做 "Blowing the whistle - the culture of fraud in NBA" 的書 卻被出版社擋了下來. 在這本書裡面, 講盡了許多之前的裁判黑哨事件. 有鑒於台灣也發生類似的體壇真實性疑雲, 這事件的時間點對於我們台灣人來說, 實在雪上加霜. Tim Donaghy 的這件事情... 不喜觀賞著, 請左轉離開. 小小翻譯一段從 sport.yahoo.com, ball don't lie 這個部落格中引用這書其中的一段. (by Donaghy) http://tinyurl.com/yznhd5n " 03-04 季賽結束前兩週, 我 (Donaghy) 和 Bavetta 要去吹一場在 Oakland (勇士) 的比賽. 賽前我和 Bavetta 在聊接下來我們一起要去執法的比賽, 金塊 at 馬刺. 幾週前金塊因為一個執法錯誤而輸掉了比賽, 而因為那場比賽, 金塊很有可能會在 季後賽名單中被刷掉. Bavetta 和我說如果金塊因為輸掉那場而使他們以一場之差沒進 季後賽, 那聯盟, 裁判將會頗為不悅. 儘管那場比賽離今天還有兩週, 還有很多事情會 改變, 但該天 (在 Oakland), Bavetta 就告訴我: Denver 會贏如果他們需要那場勝利. 這也是因為我為什麼要去吹那場." "當時我想, 金塊怎麼可能能在馬刺主場贏球? 馬刺當時是相當優等的球隊. 但 Bavetta 在我還沒問他前告訴我: Duncan 會在第一節前五分鐘拿到三犯下場." "Bavetta 也告訴他, 這已經不是第一次聯盟叫他去吹這種重要大賽了. 93 年季後賽 他迅速送給 Drazen Petrovic 三犯, 讓當時的騎士打敗籃網晉級. 另外一場, 則是 02 年季後賽, 轟動的湖人/國王系列賽." "到了我們倆去吹金塊/馬刺那場, 當時金塊已經確定晉級, 而馬刺需要贏球保住分區冠軍 . Bavetta 也知道. 他當時也告訴我這場對馬刺多重要, 對金塊多不需要, 因此這場在 吹哨上, 會幫 San Antonio 多一點. 因為如此, 我馬上打電話給 Jack Concannon ( Donaghy 的高爾夫球友, 前 NFL 明星) 叫他去下馬刺." "不意外的, 馬刺大勝, (當晚馬刺 93-67 大勝金塊). 我們也賺了一大筆.Jack 隔天早 上打給我, 他很意外的 NBA 居然可以如此 "操縱". 難過嗎? 會. 訝異嗎? 不會. 因為這就是 NBA 如何進行的." http://tinyurl.com/ykmdxby 在這網站裡有更多的 preview, 包含裁判如何自己下注, 對大明星的保護/賭爛 (Kobe vs Raja Bell 那次/ Steve Javie vs Allen Iverson), 以及幾個老字號裁判的一些癖好. 至於要不要相信, 大家各自自行判斷吧. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/30 06:59,
10/30 06:59

10/30 07:02,
球員有*, 裁判應該也要有* XD
10/30 07:02

10/30 07:06,
10/30 07:06

10/30 07:13,
10/30 07:13
補上在後面連結裡, 提到的 LAL vs SAC (2002) & LAL vs POR (2000): The 2002 Western Conference Finals between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Sacramento Kings presents a stunning example of game and series manipulation at its ugliest. As the teams prepared for Game 6 at the Staples Center, Sacramento had a 3–2 lead in the series. The referees assigned to work Game 6 were Dick Bavetta, Bob Delaney, and Ted Bernhardt. As soon as the referees for the game were chosen, the rest of us knew immediately that there would be a Game 7. A prolonged series was good for the league, good for the networks, and good for the game. Oh, and one more thing: it was great for the big-market, star-studded Los Angeles Lakers. In the pregame meeting prior to Game 6, the league office sent down word that certain calls — calls that would have benefitted the Lakers — were being missed by the referees. This was the type of not-so-subtle information that I and other referees were left to interpret. After receiving the dispatch, Bavetta openly talked about the fact that the league wanted a Game 7. "If we give the benefit of the calls to the team that's down in the series, nobody's going to complain. The series will be even at three apiece, and then the better team can win Game 7," Bavetta stated. As history shows, Sacramento lost Game 6 in a wild come-from-behind thriller that saw the Lakers repeatedly sent to the foul line by the referees. For other NBA referees watching the game on television, it was a shameful performance by Bavetta's crew, one of the most poorly officiated games of all time. The 2002 series certainly wasn't the first or last time Bavetta weighed in on an important game. He also worked Game 7 of the 2000 Western Conference Finals between the Lakers and the Trail Blazers. The Lakers were down by 13 at the start of the fourth quarter when Bavetta went to work. The Lakers outscored Portland 31–13 in the fourth quarter and went on to win the game and the series. It certainly didn't hurt the Lakers that they got to shoot 37 free throws compared to a paltry 16 for the Trail Blazers. ※ 編輯: mrkey 來自: (10/30 07:21)

10/30 07:22,
書內容的第一第三大段到底是要哪隊贏 還是不同場....
10/30 07:22

10/30 07:25,
這段的 he 指的是 Dick Bavetta
10/30 07:25

10/30 07:28,
老實講比賽看多了 要說聯盟沒有立場我還不相信
10/30 07:28

10/30 07:30,
NBA至少不是球員 兄弟象那幾個....
10/30 07:30

10/30 07:40,
本來要金塊贏 後來金塊確定晉級 為了保馬刺分組冠軍
10/30 07:40

10/30 07:40,
10/30 07:40

10/30 07:40,
10/30 07:40

10/30 07:43,
10/30 07:43

10/30 07:49,
10/30 07:49

10/30 07:49,
連最起碼的公平性都沒辦法保證,還打什麼? -_-
10/30 07:49

10/30 07:49,
10/30 07:49

10/30 07:50,
10/30 07:50

10/30 07:52,
10/30 07:52

10/30 08:06,
習慣就好 NBA不也是要捧LBJ捧很大
10/30 08:06

10/30 08:06,
抱歉 先讓我開噓= =
10/30 08:06

10/30 08:07,
再補推 Donughy說的是真的話 那NBA...
10/30 08:07

10/30 08:10,
10/30 08:10

10/30 08:15,
9798二年冠軍站也是黑邵 可憐的爵士
10/30 08:15

10/30 08:24,
與其相信美國人都玩真的 不如相信美國聯盟有政府在罩
10/30 08:24

10/30 08:31,
10/30 08:31

10/30 08:31,
10/30 08:31
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/30 08:32, , 1F
內有Steve Javie和Joe Crawford對AI觀感的推測
10/30 08:32, 1F

10/30 08:48, , 2F
唉 婊人明顯到AI本人都知道了 可見有多誇張
10/30 08:48, 2F

10/30 11:01, , 3F
10/30 11:01, 3F

10/30 11:02, , 4F
以前戳眼或直接被手臂揮擊也沒吹大概是04之前的事了 XD
10/30 11:02, 4F

10/30 14:38, , 5F
之前看雜誌好像就看過AI說Steve Javie對他有偏見...
10/30 14:38, 5F

10/30 14:38, , 6F
10/30 14:38, 6F

10/30 17:14, , 7F
10/30 17:14, 7F

10/30 17:14, , 8F
10/30 17:14, 8F

10/30 21:47, , 9F
10/30 21:47, 9F

10/30 22:59, , 10F
其實還好啦 演戲的是瘋子 看戲的是傻子
10/30 22:59, 10F
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