Re: [外電] Don't give up on Pistons' Iverson ju …

看板IVERSON作者時間15年前 (2009/03/08 15:33), 編輯推噓16(16010)
留言26則, 14人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
作者 smilesbee (Go My Way ..) 看板 IVERSON 標題 Re: [外電] Don't give up on Pistons' Iverson just yet 時間 Tue Mar 8 15:30:29 2009 ─────────────────────────────────────── 因為等了很久都沒有人翻 所以我就試著翻翻看 有錯還請大家指教 ^^" 內容大致上是談 Iverson 的背傷與他跟 Pistons 的問題,要他改打替補等 裡面也談到了當 Hamilton 受傷時,Pistons 也是能在 AI 的帶領下打出好成績 所以要大家好好想想 看清楚事實 不要對 AI 與八連敗這事做出太大的反應!!! 當然,也有點出說要怎麼分配三個後補的上場時間,這是該努力的目標與方向。 最後還有提到一些季後賽的事,就目前的球隊氣氛可能在季後賽走不遠,但是, 若能把 AI 好好的運用,對季後賽絕對是一大幫助,大概是降摟。 ※ 引述《Paraguay (巴拉圭)》之銘言: : Source: : : 1127/rss13 : ********************************************************************* : Don't give up on Pistons' Iverson just yet : Bob Wojnowski / Friday, March 6, 2009 Iverson 別放棄在 Pistons 努力奮鬥的 Iverson : ********************************************************************* : He can still help the Pistons if he accepts his role coming off the bench and : tries to fit into offense. 他仍然能夠幫助 Pistons,只要他能接受從板凳出發並且試著融入他們的 進攻體系。 : Allen Iverson is Ailing Iverson right now. His sore back doesn't feel good, : his opportunity to start doesn't look good, his future with the Pistons : doesn't look good. Iverson 現在依然感到不舒服,他的背傷不太明朗,他重返先發的機會不大, 他與 Pistons 的未來充滿變數。 : But sorry, I'm not ready to toss aside a future Hall of Famer. No way. Or, : not yet. 但是,抱歉,我還沒打算放棄進入名人堂這事。不可能,或者說,還不是時候! : Iverson might need two more weeks to rest his back, which means when (not : if?) he returns, there'll be less than a month left in the regular season, : not a lot of time to adjust to a new role coming off the bench. Iverson 還需要兩週以上的時間來修養他的背傷,意思是說當他回到球場時, 季賽只剩下不到一個月的時間就要結束,他將沒有很多的時間去調整從板凳出 發的這個角色。 : I'm sure the Pistons and their fans are feeling pretty good without Iverson, : having won three straight. But come on, let's not pretend Iverson's : quick-burst scoring can't be useful, and let's not turn him into some : gigantic scapegoat, either. He's played hard, he just hasn't fit, and it's : not entirely his fault. 我確信 Pistons 跟他們的球迷對於沒有 Iverson 這件事感覺相當的好,他們也 取得了三連勝的成績。但是別這樣,不要假裝 Iverson 強大的得分能力沒有用, 也不要把戰績不理想的原罪加在他身上。他是一個努力的球員,他只是還沒融入 球隊,這不完全是他的錯。 : Iverson said in a statement Thursday he's willing to accept the reserve role, : and coach Michael Curry said they're eager to get him back. All appropriate : words, awaiting the appropriate actions. I'm guessing Iverson isn't ecstatic : about it, but frankly, if he'd shot better (41.7 percent), it wouldn't be an : issue. Iverson 說他願意接受從板凳出發的新角色,教頭 MC 也說他們渴望他歸隊。 我猜想 Iverson 對這件事並不開心,但坦白說,如果他能打的更好,這一切 將不會是個問題。 : Here's the key point, the one that will determine how much time Iverson, 33, : still has in this league: If he really has matured and just wants to win, : this is his chance to prove it. If he's just a chemistry-killer because of : his need to control the basketball, this will cement that reputation, or : diminish it. 關鍵在於,這個結果將會決定已經屆滿33歲的 Iverson 還能在聯盟裡打多久: 如果他夠成熟而且只想贏得勝利,這是他的機會來證明這件事。如果他只是個 球隊殺手想要控制籃球,這將會傷害到他的名聲。 : The Pistons and Iverson should do everything possible to make this work : because the unique skills that gave him the third-highest scoring average in : NBA history (27.7) remain intriguing. He can provide elements the Pistons : have lacked, a change-of-pace dimension in tight playoff games. Besides, they : only have him for the rest of this season, so why not drain every drop of : energy out of him? Pistons 與 Iverson 應該盡可能的去達成這個任務,因為他獨特的技巧讓他得 到了在 NBA 歷史平均得分第三高的紀錄。他能提供 Pistons 缺乏的元素,在緊 湊的季後賽賽程裡提供節奏的變換。此外,Pistons 跟他的合約只到這一季,所 以,為什麼不榨光他所有的能量呢? : It's not personal 這不是個人的問題 : The Pistons have given Iverson plenty of chances, and now it's up to him to : find a role. Richard Hamilton has earned the right to start. I give him : credit for weathering his stint off the bench, and maybe it helped him. : Handed the starting role the past three games, Hamilton has played very well. : But remember, when he was out with a groin injury earlier, the Pistons went : 6-2. Iverson played well for stretches as a starter too, so let's not get : goofy and overreact. Pistons 已經給了 Iverson 很多的機會了,現在是時候讓他去找到自己的角色。 Richard Hamilton 得到先發的權利。我讓他相信從板凳出發未必不是好事,這或 許對他有幫助。看看他這三場先發的表現,他打的非常好,但記住一件事,當他 因傷休息的期間,Pistons 得到了6勝2負的成績。Iverson 做為先發的時候也打的 相當好,所以不要對 Iverson 的事反應過度。 : Hamilton wasn't buried then -- and didn't allow himself to be buried -- and : Iverson shouldn't be buried now. Curry is in a tough spot as a rookie head : coach, and has been since Joe Dumars traded Chauncey Billups a week into the : season. I can't endorse the job Curry has done, but now comes his biggest : challenge: He must coax productive minutes out of Iverson without disrupting : Hamilton and young Rodney Stuckey. Hamilton 不願被埋沒,也不允許自己被埋沒,當然,Iverson 現在也不應該被 埋沒。做為一個菜鳥總教頭,自從 Chauncey Billups 被 Joe Dumars 交易後, Curry 的處境艱難。我不能為 Curry 的所做所為背書,但現在的情況是他的重 大挑戰:他必須好好安排 Iverson 的上場時間,並且不能讓Hamilton跟年輕的 Rodney Stuckey 感到不舒服。 : Hamilton and teammates don't have a personal problem with Iverson, not at : all. On-court compatibility is the issue, and Iverson's style makes it : difficult. But he surely can fill a valuable sixth-man role that shouldn't be : viewed as an insult. Hamilton 跟隊友們與 Iverson 之間不存在私人的問題,至少不是全部。場上隊 友的相互配合是主要的問題,而 Iverson 打球的風格讓這件事變得困難。但他確 信可以用最佳第六人的角色解決這個問題。 : Not dead yet 還未出局 : It's pretty obvious the Pistons aren't making a seventh straight trip to the : Eastern Conference finals, but they're way too talented to miss the playoffs : or expire meekly. They don't get to take the rest of the season off just : because it appears they can't win more than one playoff series. The past few : games have been encouraging, an indication they have some fight left. 明顯地,Pistons 不可能第七次打入東區決賽,他們甚至有可能因為太有才能而無 法打入季後賽。他們還沒準備好要迎接季後賽,並且被認為連第一輪都過不了。過 去的幾場比賽說明了他們還有餘力去對抗。 : It'd be very interesting to see the Pistons enter the postseason as a sixth : seed, no pressure and no expectations, taking on one of the East's big three : -- Cleveland, Boston, Orlando. Could they pull the huge upset? I doubt it. If : Hamilton is playing well and Iverson is contributing, could they scare : someone? Yep. 看到 Pistons 以第六種子的姿態進入季後賽將是有趣的事,沒有意外的他們將會 在首輪碰上東區的三大強隊 Cleveland,Boston,Orlando。他們能殺出重圍嗎? 我很懷疑。假如 Hamilton能打的很好,Iverson 也能有所貢獻,那他們能令人感 到害怕嗎?答案是"Yes"! : Iverson needs to find his way back, with a healthy back, and there's no : guarantee he will. But it's worth the effort, whether he realizes it or not. : Even in the waning weeks of a long, strange season, there's an opportunity : for him to prove something. Iverson 需要帶著健康的背並找到回來的方法,但沒有任何的保證說明他將能夠 辦到。但這是值得努力的,無論他是否能理解。即使這個球季剩下的時間不多, 這對他仍將是個機會去證明某些事情。 : ********************************************************************* -- ╮ ╭═╮ ╭═╮╮╮╮╰╦╮║ ║╭═╮╭═╮ ╰═╮║║║ ║ ╰╭╯╠═╝╰═╮ ╰═╯╰╰╰╰╩═╰╯╯╰═╯╰═╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/08 15:35, , 1F
03/08 15:35, 1F

03/08 15:36, , 2F
原來不是等了幾天 是我一天內來了好多次 以為過了很多天
03/08 15:36, 2F

03/08 15:36, , 3F
03/08 15:36, 3F

03/08 15:37, , 4F
還做了summarize 酷!!
03/08 15:37, 4F

03/08 15:39, , 5F
03/08 15:39, 5F

03/08 15:47, , 6F
S大辛苦了 XD
03/08 15:47, 6F

03/08 15:58, , 7F
好想看他開心打球啊 私心覺得 如果不考慮拿冠軍的問題
03/08 15:58, 7F

03/08 15:59, , 8F
想要他去打跑轟的球隊 看他盡情奔跑 得分 就甘心!!
03/08 15:59, 8F
※ 編輯: smilesbee 來自: (03/08 16:01)

03/08 16:03, , 9F
03/08 16:03, 9F
※ 編輯: smilesbee 來自: (03/08 16:07)

03/08 16:08, , 10F
修文不小心刪掉Title 補回來 ^__^"
03/08 16:08, 10F

03/08 16:47, , 11F
我們也沒放棄AI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03/08 16:47, 11F

03/08 16:48, , 12F
03/08 16:48, 12F

03/08 16:49, , 13F
們也沒放棄AI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03/08 16:49, 13F

03/08 16:50, , 14F
03/08 16:50, 14F

03/08 16:50, , 15F
哭的跟小孩子一樣...> < AI 加油啦!
03/08 16:50, 15F

03/08 17:25, , 16F
這兩週就先讓AI好好休息 準備季後賽爆發!!!!!!!!!
03/08 17:25, 16F

03/08 18:05, , 17F
NBA 歷史得分第三高的紀錄 <= 應該是"平均"第三高
03/08 18:05, 17F

03/08 18:06, , 18F
AI還不夠老XD 被抓到小BUG :P
03/08 18:06, 18F

03/08 18:15, , 19F
03/08 18:15, 19F
※ 編輯: smilesbee 來自: (03/08 19:29)

03/08 19:30, , 20F
抱歉 翻錯的部份已改正 ^^" 眼睛看著平均卻忘了打 XD
03/08 19:30, 20F

03/08 22:03, , 21F
03/08 22:03, 21F

03/09 03:31, , 22F
"Don't give up on Pistons' Iverson just yet" 是叫大家不要
03/09 03:31, 22F

03/09 03:32, , 23F
放棄在活塞打球的 AI...不是 "AI 還未放棄活塞"
03/09 03:32, 23F
※ 編輯: smilesbee 來自: (03/09 06:37)

03/09 06:39, , 24F
謝謝 已修改完畢! 如還有錯就麻煩大家修改摟~ 當兵去~
03/09 06:39, 24F

03/09 08:43, , 25F
03/09 08:43, 25F

03/09 22:26, , 26F
03/09 22:26, 26F
文章代碼(AID): #19itJXe2 (IVERSON)
文章代碼(AID): #19itJXe2 (IVERSON)