Re: [問題] 請教Speaking Part 2的筆記如何做?

看板IELTS作者 (時間7年前 (2017/02/03 07:32), 7年前編輯推噓3(3010)
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這種題目其實說穿了就是你到底會不會用英文講事情 筆記這種東西,如果你真的有想講的事情,根本不需要作也講的出來啊~~~ 我那天考試認識考官結果重考,兩次我都完全沒有任何筆記看了題目就考了 因為~這種東西正常你如果真的是講真的不是在背答案,應該都很多可以講 我覺得你缺的是把他擴大 比如說when,你不能只講簡單的時間點,舉例講說去年暑假 你可以擴大到說,(以下先用中文代替) 去年暑假我跟我爸媽去了墾丁玩了兩天 Lsat summer I went to Kenting with my parents for two days 那時候因為我剛考完大學聯考 As I just finished my college entrance examination. 爸媽為了鼓勵我所以帶我去了我從沒去過的地方 My parents would like to reward me so took me to a place where I'd never been 由於我是台北人,你也知道對很多台北人來說,墾丁跟出國沒兩樣 I was born in TP and as you may know that for most TP residents, visiting other cities of TW is just like travelling abroad. 我也不懂,但可能因為台北太方便了又跟其他台灣很多縣市不同 I don't know why but maybe it's because TP is co convenient and quite different from other places of TW 所以也被戲稱是天龍國 So many ppl call TP 天龍國,which means a place for ppl with higher social status. It's for fun and a cynical phase from a comic book. 不過這是另一個話題了 But that's another topic 我從沒去過墾丁,也不知道熱帶地區的海灘是什麼樣子 I had never been there before and didn't know what beach in tropical zone was like. 但因為有了高鐵,我們到高雄很容易,在左營下火車後轉客運,雖然還是很久 However, now we've got high speed rail now, it'ss very easy to go to KH. Alhtough you still have to take the shuttle bus to Kenting and took some time, maybe one more hour. 但已經比以前方便許多 It's still way more approchable now. 墾丁就是有美麗的沙灘還有海洋, KT is a place with beautiful beach and ocean. 因為我是都市小孩,對海特別嚮往,也許是因為這讓我想到自由自在的魚 Since I am an urban kid. I had been longing for ocean for a long time. I think it's because the fished in the ocean always remind me of freedom. 我們在沙灘上曬太陽,住在很漂亮的民宿,就好像地中海一樣的地方 We laid down on the beach for sunbathing, living in a beautiful Bnb,which is just like the one you may see in Mediterranean. 夏天是很熱鬧的季節,所以到處都是人,也有很多外國人在這裡 The place is popupar in Summer, so there were ppl everwhere. There were also may foreigners . 我想是因為墾丁對很多外國人來說也很有名 I guess it's due to the fact that the place is also famous among them. 雖然我會游泳,但是我對於在海裡面游泳還是很害怕 I could swim but I was quite scared to swim in the ocean. 晚上我們還去了墾丁有名的大街逛街,到處都是人但是也很熱鬧 At night we also go to the famous KT avenue night market. It's crowded and ppl were everywhere too. 吃了很多小吃 We had many taiwanese snacks like stingy tofu fried chicken ribs. 我覺得墾丁還是個很好的地方 I personally think it's a nice place to have a visit. 雖然人多了一點,但如果下次我要再去,也許挑淡季比較好, evne though its too busy and to many ppl there. It would be better to go next time in off-season period. 但不熱鬧,好像又不好完了,真是可惜 But if it was off season period, it seemed to me not fun anymore. It's such a delimma. ----- 以上只是我簡單想到可以敘述的地方 如果你講不出來,原因可能如下: 1)你真的無法用英文思考,所以就算是掰的,你也講不出來 2)你去過的地方太少,或是你對周遭的觀察不夠,所以無法延伸你的話題 老實說P2是最簡單的一部分,因為考官幾乎不會問你問題而是讓你一直講完 你想要講什麼都沒關係啊,重點是show what you've got and TALK ※ 引述《Kate5566 (Kate)》之銘言: : 如題~ : 本身底子不好 : 上了2次考官的教學,還是不懂一分鐘的筆記該如 : 何寫,考官有提到作筆記非常重要! : 寫關鍵字 keyword / ideas/ 轉折語 : 可是我還是非常不了解,目前練習我根本還是等於 : 在抄寫它的題目, 例如: : You shoud describe a place ____ : - When did you go to there : - Who with you to go to there : - is it very good place? : 我就會寫 : 1. When : 2. who- My Parents.. : 3. very good, with beautiful scene etc, : 之後就不知道怎麼寫了,而且會詞窮,希望前輩可以給我意見!! : 謝謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: Chioushiyan (, 02/03/2017 07:54:10

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02/03 10:59, , 13F
抱歉抱歉我只是想講出問題點 沒有不敬的意思
02/03 10:59, 13F
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