[轉錄][外電] 美海軍核潛艦燃料外洩可能已逾月

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※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板] 作者: ispy03532003 (又胖又醜又矮又笨又宅(泣) 站內: Gossiping 標題: [外電] 美海軍核潛艦燃料外洩可能已逾月 時間: Sat Aug 2 12:02:11 2008 U.S. sub leaked radioactive water, possibly for months 美海軍核潛艦燃料外洩可能已逾月 WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Water with trace amounts of radioactivity may have leaked for months from a U.S. Navy nuclear-powered submarine as it traveled around the Pacific to ports in Guam, Japan and Hawaii, Navy officials told CNN on Friday. 華盛頓報導(CNN) -- 目前可能造成海水中放射性污染殘留的美國海軍核子動力潛艦已在 太平洋航行經過關島、日本以及夏威夷,美海軍官方如是說。 The leak was found on the USS Houston, a Los Angeles-class fast attack submarine, after it went to Hawaii for rutine maintenance last month, Navy officials said. 海軍官方表示這場外洩發生在美國海軍一艘洛杉磯及核動力快速攻擊潛艦休斯頓號(USS Houston),在夏威夷經過一次例行性的維修之後。 Navy officials said the amount of radiation leaked into the water was virtually undetectable. But the Navy alerted the Japanese government because the submarine had been docked in Japan. 海軍官方說在水中的放射性燃料外洩總量實際上非常少量,但這艘潛艦仍停泊在日本所以 海軍還是對日本政府提出警訊。 The problem was discovered last month when a build-up of leaking water popped a covered valve and poured onto a sailor's leg while the submarine was in dry dock. 這個問題被發現在上個月,當這艘潛艦在乾塢做維修時一個累積了透水的蓋閥爆裂並潑到 一位水兵的腿上。 An investigation found a valve was slowly dripping water from the sub's nuclear power plant. The water had not been in direct contact with the nuclear reactor, Navy officials said. 美海軍官方表示一項調查發現這艘潛艦的核子動力系統上某一個閥門正緩慢地滴下含有外 洩燃料的水。這些水並沒有直接接觸到核反應裝置。 Officials with knowledge of the incident could not quantify the amount of radiation leaked but insisted it was "negligible" and an "extremely low level." The total amount leaked while the sub was in port in Guam, Japan and Hawaii was less than a half of a microcurie (0.0000005 curies), or less than what is found in a 50-pound bag of lawn and garden fertilizer, the officials said. 這次透漏消息來源的官員並無法估測此次外洩的輻射量,但強調這是"可忽略的"和"非常( 極)低的危險性"。這次在港口的這艘潛艦在關島、日本與夏威夷所造成的外洩總額低於一microcurie(0.0000005 curies)的一半不到 ,大約相當於一袋50磅的草坪用/花園肥料所發出的天然輻射值。 The sailor who was doused, a Houston crew member, tested negative for radiation from the water, according to Navy officials. 根據海軍官方說法,那位外洩燃料水被浸到腳的休斯頓號船員之一的水兵所做的檢查結果 為陰性反應。 Since March, the Houston had crisscrossed the western Pacific, spending a week in Japan and several weeks in both Guam and Hawaii, Navy officials said. 海軍官方表示從今年三月開始休斯頓號已經交叉航行經西太平洋,在日本花費一個禮拜的 時間和幾週的時間在關島和夏威夷。 The Navy on Friday notified the Japanese government of the leak, the officials said, and told them it was possible the ship had been leaking while in port in Sasebo, Japan, in March. 官方表示海軍在周五已告知日本政府關於此次外洩,並告訴他們這艘潛艦有可能在三月於 佐世保港停泊時就已經出現外洩情況。 While Japan has agreed to allow U.S. nuclear-powered ships in Japanese ports, the decision was a not popular in Japan. 日本日前同意美國海軍核子動力船艦能在日本港口停泊,這項決定在日本國內並不受到歡 迎。 The Houston incident comes at a time when the Navy is trying to smooth over a problem with a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. 此次休斯頓號事件在美國海軍正在試圖紓解核子動力航空母艦的問題時接踵而來。 The USS George Washington was due to replace the aging, conventionally powered USS Kitty Hawk this summer as the United States' sole carrier based in Japan. 美國海軍喬治‧華盛頓號航空母艦(USS George Washington)取代了傳統動力航艦小鷹號 而照慣例在今年夏天成為唯一已日本為母港的航艦 While en route to Japan this May, a massive fire broke out on the George Washington, causing $70 million in damage. The fire was blamed on crew members smoking near improperly stored flammable materials. 今年五月喬治‧華盛頓號航艦在航行往日本途中發生一場大火,造成近7千萬美元的損失 。這場大火肇因於航艦上的某些水兵在靠近易燃物質附近吸煙所導致。 There was no damage or threat to the nuclear reactor, but the ship was diverted to San Diego, California, for repairs. It now is expected to arrive in Japan at the end of September. 目前核子反應爐並沒有損壞的現象或徵兆,但本艘潛艦已轉向至加州聖地牙哥做修理。目 前可期望能在九月底抵達日本。 The Navy this week fired the captain and his deputy, saying an investigation into the fire led to a lack of confidence in the leadership of both men. 海軍在這週已經開除這艘船艦的艦長及副長,並表示一項關於這場火災的調查顯示(海軍) 對於兩人領導能力的缺乏信心。 Just two weeks ago, thousands of Japanese protested the pending arrival of the George Washington. 就在兩週前,數以千計的日本居民抗議喬治‧華盛頓號航艦的到來。 http://edition.cnn.com/2008/US/08/01/navy.sub.leak/index.html -------------------------------------------------------------- 這篇是CNN的新聞 中文部分是不才所翻 要是有翻譯錯誤請多多包含 <(__ __)> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/02 12:04,
先推翻譯 再發你好人卡
08/02 12:04

08/02 12:07,
哥吉拉要來了 大家準備!!!
08/02 12:07

08/02 12:09,
08/02 12:09

08/02 12:13,
08/02 12:13
多謝艦隊大喔 ( ̄y▽ ̄)╭ *[1;37m推 poppoya:Sasebo => 佐世保 08/02 12:13

08/02 12:14,
08/02 12:14
※ 編輯: ispy03532003 來自: (08/02 12:16)

08/02 12:16,
08/02 12:16

08/02 12:18,
08/02 12:18

08/02 12:18,
記者:有翻譯文 趕快抄!
08/02 12:18

08/02 12:18,
妓者:耶 可以直接打包帶走了
08/02 12:18

08/02 12:25,
08/02 12:25

08/02 12:32,
我才不相信, 軍方最愛大事化小, 小事化無...
08/02 12:32

08/02 12:52,
08/02 12:52

08/01 23:47,
A6站起來 以跑百米的速度衝出門去 口中還喊著 水 水 快給我水
08/01 23:47

08/01 23:57,
過不了多久 A6一聲嬌喘 全身似乎沒力的躺在小葵身上
08/01 23:57

08/02 00:04,
小葵餓得肚子咕嚕作響 阿姆的一聲 硬生生將 A6吞下肚
08/02 00:04

08/02 00:05,
08/02 00:05

08/02 00:05,
08/02 00:05

08/02 00:14,
其實差不多可以做簽名檔了 嘖嘖
08/02 00:14
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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