Re: [官網] 熱刺2013年財報公佈

看板Hotspur作者 (LilyWhites)時間10年前 (2014/04/03 02:31), 10年前編輯推噓4(400)
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在這個令人失望的賽季中,今天官網發布的這則消息算是比較振奮"刺迷"心,內容蠻長的 大致分為4點: 1.今年財務狀況報告 2.NDP(新家)的近況報告 3.籌措資金的方法報告 4.Levy對股東及球迷要說的話 以下我只提供大概的內容,畢竟太專業的東西即使翻出來大多數的人也是跳過,上列4點主 要就第2及第4點做說明(對刺迷比較重要) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==Non-Core Properties Divested Phase 1 Stadium Development Financed to Completion £40m Capital Investment Financial Highlights== Revenue for the year ended 30 June 2013 was £147.4m, an increase of 2% on the prior year (2012: £144.2m). Profit from operations excluding football trading and before depreciation was £23.4m (2012: £23.0m) for the year ended 30 June 2013. Looking back over the past five years this measure of cash generated from operations has averaged over £25m per annum. Profit for the year after interest and tax was £1.5m (2012: loss £4.3m). Premier League gate receipts rose by 4% to £22.2m (2012: £21.4m) while gate receipts and prize money from the domestic cup competitions and the UEFA Europa League were 14% higher at £11.3m (2012: £9.9m). Revenues continued to increase on the commercial front with Sponsorship and Corporate Hospitality revenues increasing by 6% and Merchandising revenues increasing by 5%. @ 上面說那多簡單來說就是今年刺刺賺的錢相較去年有些許成長 We were delighted to be able to announce, subsequent to this period, a record new shirt partnership with one of the world’s leading insurance companies, AIA, for the next 5 years. AIA is the largest independent, publicly listed Pan-Asian life insurance group and we now have the opportunity to further extend our fan base in the Asian and Oceania continents. @ 這點比較重要,就是未來5年刺刺不論盃賽或聯賽球衣胸前都將印上"AIA"這3個大字 也由於這項合作,刺刺獲得拓展亞洲"球迷庫"的機會 (從WHL看的到中文廣告也大概能猜到Levy的意圖) Levy開心和AIA簽約圖 The Club continues to comply with the Financial Fair Play regulations and supported the adoption of similar financial regulations by the Premier League in February 2013. @ 說明刺刺是個乖寶寶,會持續配合"FFP"的政策 ==Stadium and Associated Development Update== (Northumberland Development Project“NDP”) (WHL to NDP 變遷圖) The Club has undertaken a review of its property holdings in order to determine the essential core properties required to deliver the new stadium, with non-core properties, that are excess to requirements, being sold and the proceeds used to pay down debt secured against those properties. As a result, Phase 1 of the NDP and a number of properties to the west of the High Road have been divested, at arm's length, to a Group company, TH Property Limited a subsidiary of ENIC International (‘’ENIC’’), the Company’s principal shareholder. This has been agreed through a process of independent valuations that has been approved by the Club’s independent Non-Executive Directors. ENIC has subsequently financed the Phase 1 development through to completion which includes the Supermarket, commercial space and incorporates the northern access podium for the stadium development. By transferring these non-core sites, the Club continues to be able to determine the development and the nature and setting of the immediate environs around the new stadium, particularly given that Phase 1 will be linked to the stadium podium, whilst additionally securing space in the Phase1 building for the Club’s staff and project team ahead of the start of construction of the stadium. In respect of the next stage of the new stadium process, a Public Inquiry was held in April 2013 relating to the last remaining property to be acquired so that we can move forward with completing land assembly and we currently await the Secretary of State’s decision on the Compulsory Purchase Order ( CPO ) During the delay in land acquisition, we have continued to progress the stadium finance plans with advice from N M Rothschild. It is a major development that will present ongoing challenges and subject to these challenges being manageable we anticipate going out to tender for construction late this year which will make a stadium opening date of Summer 2017 feasible. We welcome the ongoing commitment from, and continue to work closely with, National Government, the Greater London Authority and Haringey Council, to deliver regeneration and make Tottenham a better place to live, work, study, play and visit – a vision supported in the newly adopted Tottenham Strategic Regeneration Framework. @ 上面說那多主要就是在交代目前NDP進行的狀況,大致上來說還算順利,就剩下一些俗 稱"釘子戶"的還沒搬遷,對於這些住戶只能靠"CPO"(強制購買令),利用政府的公權力 來清除蓋新家的障礙,但是目前還在等CPO下來,等待的同時和"N M Rothschild"討論 蓋新家時的融資計畫,Levy打算於今年尾進行NDP招標,若一切進行順利刺刺的新家將 於2017年夏季啟用! PS: 其實NDP周圍的計畫案大都已完成,如: 1.Sainsbury超市開張... <---和King去購物 @@ 2.Tottenham University Technical College (UTC) <---UTC官網,內可看到Eriksen 3.嚴格來說不算周圍的新訓練場早已蓋好使用,舊的已於前些日子關閉... ==Fundraising== In addition to acquiring the non-core properties and financing the Phase 1 build, ENIC has supported the Club by way of an interest free, unsecured loan of £40m. This loan will be converted, subject to shareholder approval, into non-voting preference share capital. A circular will be dispatched to shareholders in due course. The sale of the properties has extinguished the Club's property borrowing which had accumulated over the last decade - a decade which has seen the club acquire over 18 acres of land, successfully relocate 72 businesses, with the majority staying in the area, and invest in excess of £100m in the stadium project. The finance has ensured that, throughout the CPO process, the ongoing costs of design development, pre-construction works and the costs associated with the CPO itself, have not affected the progress of this project. Importantly, this support leaves the Club in a position where it currently has negligible net debt and has financing for the material ongoing costs of taking the stadium project to the next stage. It has always been important that the daily operations and football side of the Club remain unaffected and that the Club has the stability to enable the Board to move the project forward with confidence. @ ENIC集團(也就是刺刺的頭家)自掏腰包40m來給球隊(免息免抵押),剩下的基本可以用 "小心駛得萬年船"來蓋括計畫核心思想,由於將來CPO以及新家設計等事會增加開支,因 此保持財務健康才得以讓NDP順利進行 Chairman, Daniel Levy, commented "Our financial position is key to ensuring we can continue to thrive both on and off the pitch and we have taken the necessary, prudent steps to ensure that we are in a secure financial position as we move forward. @ 財務健康才能讓球隊穩定向前邁進 “At the time of this announcement, we are in sixth position in the Premier League and it has been another season when the top four places have been fiercely contested by at least seven teams. It is no surprise that the English Premier League is the most watched League in the world as every season the fight for a top four UEFA Champions League place becomes more competitive. @ 目前我們位居第六,英超最多人看,英超競爭超激烈...= = “We have come far in the last decade - we have raised our expectations from a Club aiming to be in the top half of the table, to competing in Europe each season - to the point at which we find ourselves disappointed if we don't make Champions League. “This season we have had to make significant changes, both in respect of coaching and playing staff and yet we are currently only two points less than last season’s tally. Whilst this season’s performances and results have not lived up to expectation, we believe our squad has potential and it is important that we all now show commitment and teamwork to get the best possible finish to the season. @ 這季我們在各方面都有很大變動(EX:教練),但我們相信刺刺陣容有深度,保持團隊合作 爭取最佳的賽季名次... “We have fantastic, strong support. Our current 36,000 seater stadium sells out and the waiting list for season ticket holders is currently in excess of 47,000. We cannot stress strongly enough how critical the new stadium is over the long-term to these raised expectations. We have the smallest capacity stadium of any club in the top 20 clubs in Europe, let alone the current top four Premier League clubs, and given we now operate within UEFA Financial Fair Play rules, an increased capacity stadium and associated revenues is fundamental to supporting the future ambitions and consistent achievement at the top of the game. @ 我們擁有大批死忠的球迷,3萬6千張椅子根本不夠坐,刺刺是歐洲前20大球隊中家最小 的,為了配合FFP必須去新家...(之前看新聞NDP新家約有6萬3千張椅子) “Our focus therefore is to continue to invest in and develop the squad - we shall not look to a summer of major upheaval, but rather to strengthen in key positions - to play the style of football for which we are famous - and to deliver the new stadium. @ 這段可以說是我最注重的,因為Levy已經在這段透露夏天刺刺可能採取的行動,基本上 Levy不會在夏天來個"大地震",只會就一些關鍵位置做補強,至於是哪些位置沒明講 留個伏筆...不會有大震動難道是TS繼續在樓上當教頭一年!?一切要等球季結束才知 分曉了... “The new stadium is a landmark project, of importance not just for our Club , but to the regeneration of an area which has been our home for more than 132 years and to London as a whole. It will be a key regenerative component of the local economy and a significant tourist attraction in its own right. “To anyone visiting Tottenham today, our commitment to delivering the new stadium project and associated regeneration is clear for all to see - Phase 1 is built, the Club-sponsored Tottenham University Technical College is due to open this Summer, 447 jobs have been delivered to date and some 9 acres have been cleared in readiness for the stadium development. We eagerly await the outcome of the CPO decision by the Department of Communities and Local Government. @ 新家不僅對刺刺重要,對於這片刺刺已經居住超過132年的土地來說能提供新生的機會 EX:增加就業,吸引觀光客等等,我們熱切期盼CPO的結果出爐... “We are optimistic for the long-term future and believe our efforts will make this great Club even greater over time. Our supporters are our life-blood and we shall ensure that they are our most important stakeholder as we move forward." @ "To Dare Is To Do !" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: gamecock (, 04/03/2014 02:31:56

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