[爆雷] 炸到爽

看板Heroes作者時間15年前 (2008/11/17 15:57), 編輯推噓13(13010)
留言23則, 13人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
有良心一點,確定要被炸再往下吧 再有良心一點 你確定嗎............ 1) Matt is respecting Daphne's privacy and not reading her mind Matt基於尊重不會去讀Daphne的心 2) Episode 3x10 - We will learn what Arthur has on Daphne Daphne的把柄? 3) Volume 4 Fugitives is scheduled to begin Feb. 2nd 第四話始於2月2號 4) "Depowering" Peter was planned from the beginning of the show, but was also adjusted along the way. 一開始就打算把外掛開太強的Peter去除能力,但一路來視情況調整 5) As reported earlier, the Heroes game is indeed canceled for now. 遊戲Bye~ 6) Linderman does not have any kids. Linderman沒有小孩 7) Episode 3x12 - Sylar will gain a new power, that will reveal the truth about whether Angela really tried to drown Baby Gabriel 12集Sylar會得到新能力,解開媽媽淹死他的秘辛 8) Usutu's paste is similar to Isaac's Heroin 會畫未來的都沒有好下場 9) Volume 4 Fugitives will reveal more about Sylar's struggles and his past 第四話將描繪更多Sylar的過去與掙扎 10) Sylar is not going to sacrifice himself to stop Arthur, but they do have a "plan" for Sylar Sylar不會犧牲自己來阻止爸爸,但是有另外的安排 11) Episode 3x10 - We will see more of The Haitian in Haiti (going after his brother the Villain Samedi) 第10集會到海地找海地人 12) Arthur does not have The Hunger 爸爸沒有Sylar能力的副作用(這樣怎麼解釋呢...) 13) Nathan will fly to Haiti (based on previous spoilers it will happen in Episode 3x10 to track The Haitian with Peter) Nathan跟Peter兩兄弟飛到找尋海地人 14) The Season 3 DVD Deleted Scenes will confirm what happened to Molly. S3DVD 會解釋小羅利莫力的下場 15) Episode 3x10 - Claire will be trained by "The Master" Claire會被大師訓練??你哪位?? 16) Howard Grigsby, the bioluminescent man from the graphic novels is one of the escaped Level 5 villains level5逃犯 17) The Haitian will be the key to stopping Arthur. 阻止老爸的關鍵就是海地人!!!!!! 再來就是我看到的片段,Hiro能力沒被吸走 但是他忘了怎麼用,好家在。 不然好人陣營真的是一點勝算都沒有 還有就是Nathan跟Peter到海地之後還有跟海地人的兄弟大戰 不知道是為什麼?? 又挖到幾個雷 公式並不完全,需要一個催化劑,是一個人! 恐懼人跟火焰人追殺不死人跟沒能力的人(知道我在說誰嗎...哈) 沒能力的人跟不死人說你未來會殺了我,而且你會變成冷血殺手, 所以希望她能置身事外,保持無辜 Nathan去找老爸,老爸一見面又要跟人抱抱,好煩阿他,是有沒有這麼愛吸 不過應該是沒有被吸拉 畢竟還要帶Peter飛到海地 Sylar跟Elle HOT 看來是會有親熱戲碼... Parkman會叫醒老媽 看到Peter很生氣,不過說幾聲不是我幹的就沒事了... 失憶的Hiro要靠漫畫回復記憶 期中考還在被雷炸 期中考真的要被炸成期終考了........ 誰來幫我從Heroes拉出來,我被制約了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/17 16:15, , 1F
推一個 不敢看XD
11/17 16:15, 1F

11/17 16:20, , 2F
海地人還有兄弟阿 XDD
11/17 16:20, 2F
※ 編輯: willy77229 來自: (11/17 16:35)

11/17 17:02, , 3F
關於12點…可以翻成,P爸不饑渴嗎? > <"
11/17 17:02, 3F

11/17 17:09, , 4F
11/17 17:09, 4F

11/17 17:43, , 5F
11/17 17:43, 5F

11/17 18:47, , 6F
推阿 第一點解釋的不錯
11/17 18:47, 6F

11/17 19:27, , 7F
Sylar跟Elle HOT 看來是會有親熱戲碼!!! 好期待啊!!!
11/17 19:27, 7F

11/17 19:51, , 8F
聽說是會玩Elle跟Claire的導電小遊戲 真是令人期待
11/17 19:51, 8F

11/17 20:12, , 9F
催化劑似乎是寶貝熊XDD 看到預告好像是這樣
11/17 20:12, 9F

11/17 20:15, , 10F
原來如此 難怪P爸要抓她
11/17 20:15, 10F

11/17 20:36, , 11F
話說 純血的梗被遺忘了嗎
11/17 20:36, 11F

11/17 20:37, , 12F
ps. P爸會不會無聊就開自己的腦來止飢
11/17 20:37, 12F

11/17 21:18, , 13F
不要啊,elle那麼正,賽樂根本就是蠟筆小新 > <"
11/17 21:18, 13F

11/17 21:21, , 14F
也沒這麼糟吧 Sylar看久也蠻順眼的阿..
11/17 21:21, 14F

11/17 22:36, , 15F
11/17 22:36, 15F

11/17 22:37, , 16F
Claire不會又被隱形人訓練吧~然後一直推她下樓 囧
11/17 22:37, 16F

11/17 22:45, , 17F
P媽昏迷的原因? 上面有解釋嗎?
11/17 22:45, 17F

11/17 23:47, , 18F
11/17 23:47, 18F

11/18 00:29, , 19F
我覺得sylar很帥啊 身材又好 可壞可居家 不可多得的好男人
11/18 00:29, 19F

11/18 00:41, , 20F
我是男生 sylar很帥 但是史巴克造型有點鳥XD
11/18 00:41, 20F

11/18 09:06, , 21F
11/18 09:06, 21F

11/18 09:07, , 22F
11/18 09:07, 22F

11/24 20:34, , 23F
11/24 20:34, 23F
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