[翻譯] K神淺談改版

看板Hearthstone作者 (江)時間6年前 (2017/09/10 12:38), 6年前編輯推噓113(117449)
留言170則, 128人參與, 最新討論串1/1
原影片來源 : https://youtu.be/mvwa4RIBAgo
K神在影片中提出對這次改動的看法, 來自烏克蘭的他腔調比較重,用字詞也比較特殊,YouTube自動字幕都是錯誤, 想說可以盡量翻譯其中的內容跟大家分享。 他對改版的看法基本上和大家差不多, 其中除了啟動他覺得有點可惜之外,其它都抱持比較中立的觀點。 我很喜歡他在最後面提到關於任何改版的看法, 想跟大家分享。 -- 00:00 ~ 00:36 Hello guys Kolento here, So this video I want to talk about balance changing in Hearthstone. Blizzard is going to nerf five cards, so I'll talk about impact, is it a good idea to do it, if I think its good or maybe its a bit hasty, maybe its a bit influenced by players' opinions too much. 大家好,我是Kolento。 這部影片我想談談關於爐石的平衡改動。 暴雪將要改弱五張牌,我會談到其中的影響、是否是個好的改變, 或者它是否太躁急地被玩家的意見左右。 -- 00:37 ~ 03:57 Innervate So first card Innervate, it used to gain 2 crystals this turn only. It will be gain 1 crystal, so its basically a copy of Counterfeit Coin. Rogue can benefit from combos thats why coins are so powerful. It will never be as good on Druid so basically this card is no longer any good. Its on level of a claw, even worse, so druid still have to replace innvervate with something else. So what will happen with no Innervate, what you can do with Innvervate. You either ramp early you can play Ultimate Infestation two turns early, you can Innvervate out your Vicious Fledging if you play Aggro Druid, or just play a bunch of minions and buff them very early. So all these options are no longer available, obviously power level of Druid will drop down. Druid has been tier 1 tier 2 decks always for basically forever. So what Innvervate used to do, it smooth out your curve right, you have nothing to do, but this card lets you just have a plan in general. On turn 3 you can play Nourish if you play normal deck, or you can play Hydra on turn 3 if you play Aggro. Stuff that make stuff faster accelerate, have a plan, so now listening to it now gone, Druid can become much weaker versus Aggro decks. Its not obvioulsly the whole thing to not have Innervate versus Control, because it gives you an extra threat into the deck if you plan to fatigue. Yeah yeah Jade Druid never runs out of value, but this mid stage mid game is when Jade Druid sometimes have nothing to do. if you replace Innervate with something else, you'll still be pretty much competitve against control decks. But versus Aggro you will lose opportunities to go for, like Mine Keeper or Jade Blossom to ramp early, and then spend your following turns to answer the board with your removals, so against Aggro, Druid will drop rates a lot. Personally i think Blizzard could find a different way of nerfing Druid, because Innervate has been there and I really like the mechanic. I really like that I can play this card whenever I want. Zero mana cards and spells in general there're very skill heavy, because you can play it whenever you can, and its difficult to understand whens the right time to do it, so I personally prefer skill heavy decks to keep me relevant. But who cares about my opinion? If you're a Druid hater you will love to see that. I think Druid will drop a level alot because of Innervate nerf. 啟動 啟動從本回合給兩顆水晶改成一顆,基本上就是個盜賊偽造的幸運幣。 盜賊之所以受益於幸運幣是因為可以搭配連擊, 對於德魯伊來說就沒那麼好用,所以這張牌基本上已經沒那麼好, 它的程度大概就跟一個爪擊差不多,甚至更糟,所以德魯伊必須用別的東西替換掉啟動。 所以沒了啟動會怎樣,你原本可以用啟動做甚麼。 你可以跳費,你可以早兩回合下終極瘟疫, 若你玩快攻德你可以啟動下兇惡幼雛(3/3/3演化), 或者下一堆怪然後很早地 buff 他們。 這些選項基本上已經不再可行,顯然地德魯伊的強度排名會下降。 德魯伊基本上一直以來都是 T1 T2 的牌組, 啟動過去會讓你的出牌曲線較平順, 儘管你沒有事可以做,這張卡可以讓你有個大概的計畫。 第三回合下滋補術,或者打快攻的可以下惡潮多頭蛇(5/8/8)。 讓你加快速度,有個計畫, 而現在沒有了啟動,德魯伊會弱勢於對付快攻牌組。 當然少了啟動在對上控制牌組時就不那麼一定是負面的, 因為啟動會讓你的牌組在進入疲勞時帶來潛在的風險。 而對於本身沒有不划算出牌的翠玉德,中期偶爾還是會沒甚麼事情做, 如果你把啟動換成別的東西,你還是能保有一定的競爭力, 但對付快攻牌組會失去跳費的機會, 像是直衝沼地看守者(4/3/3 2選1)或翠玉之花(3費召喚魔像 給水晶), 再用接下來的回合解場。 我個人認為暴雪可以找一個不同的方式 nerf 德魯伊,因為啟動一直以來都在, 他從我開始玩爐石就在了,而且我很喜歡他的技巧性。 我很喜歡隨時出這張牌都可以的特性, 零費的卡片和法術整體來說非常吃技術, 因為你可以隨時打出這張牌,卻又因此很難判斷打出它的正確時機。 而我個人就是喜歡很吃技術的牌組,它可以讓我保持對於遊戲的關注, 話又說回來,誰會在意我的意見呢? 如果你是個討厭德魯伊的人,你會愛死看到這樣的改變。 我認為德魯伊會因為啟動的 nerf 掉一個檔次。 -- 03:58 ~ 07:29 Firey War Axe Used to be 2 mana now its 3. Obviously any Pirate Warrior deck used to play Firey War Axe. If normally the case I think with Firey War Axe getting nerfed. I can see Firey War Axe being played, maybe at 1 copy still with 3 mana in some Control decks, and 2 copies for Pirate Warrior still. Theres no good replacement for it. Again hurts Pirate Warrior alot, Firey War Axe used to be the card to look for when you Mulligan, and this would be in 3 mana, I'm not sure if you wanna keep it in your open hand. Really limits amount of cards you can keep being a Pirate Warrior. Forget about strong opening like N'zoth's first mate into Fiery War Axe, into Bloodsail Cultist its no longer possible. I mean probably Pirates can benefit from Steel Forge, Forge of Steel now, because they have less stuff to do on two. and Forge of Steel (Soul) curves into Firey War Axe in three, and then you can Play Pirates. Its pretty much slower but if you curve this way, you can also get benefit from having an extra weapon. You can play Arcanite at turn 5 you also like cycle your deck a bit, so don't draw weapons too frequently. Nevertheless Forge of Soul even so is seen in some play, its not as common and its only one off. So obviously Pirate Warrior will take a huge hit as well, The power of Firey War Axe, was its ability to be able to go to fight to the board very very early. If you hit him turn 2 then you hit on turn 3 u remove 2 threats in a row, you're not taking any damage from minion who just play in turn 2, you're getting damage after, its always worthwile. If you play it on turn 3 warrior doesn't have too much to do early game, and with Firey War Axe being 3 mana, It even limits the amount of options we're gonna have on the game even more. I don't think Taunt Warriors will be playing Firey War Axe anymore. You might say Taunt warrior isn't existent anyways, but it will probably change with the recent Druid Innervate nerf. Druid will become less dominant, I can also see this Firey War Axe nerf will make it impossible for Taunt Warrior to come back still. So yeah all Warrior decks Pirate particular, will take a huge hit because of it. I think this change is probably needed, Firey War Axe has been a very powerful card since forever. Its also common its also a very strong classic card. Its hard to play a strong free to play Warrior, from this point of view its kind of sad. But in general I think Firey War Axe is a bit strong, it has always been a bit underpriced for what it does. 熾炎戰斧 熾炎戰斧從兩費改成三費, 顯然地所有海盜戰都會放熾炎戰斧, 也因此我認為熾炎戰斧被 nerf 算是正常。 我可以預見熾炎戰斧在三費情況下,仍然會被放一張在控制牌組中, 且海盜戰仍然會放兩張,畢竟沒有好的替換卡片。 這對海盜戰的傷害很大,熾炎戰斧曾經是起手換牌階段必留的卡片, 改成三費後,我不確定你是否還會想把它留在起手, 它確實限制了你起手能夠留的卡片。 強力的開局,像是恩若司的大副 > 熾炎戰斧 > 血帆教徒 不可能發生了。 海盜戰或許會改放靈魂熔爐(2費 抽2把武器),畢竟第二回合比較少事情可以做。 (這邊K神說Forge of Steel,但個人猜測是Forge of Souls) 二費打完靈魂熔爐,接第三回合熾炎戰斧,接著再打出海盜, 它會慢很多,但會讓牌組曲線較好,且也可以讓你多擁有一把武器。 你可以在第五回合打出奧金收割斧,它也可以稍為幫你濾牌,避免太常抽到武器。 然而靈魂熔爐雖然偶爾會看到,但畢竟還是不太常見,且它只比熾炎戰斧少一費。 所以顯然地海盜戰會被影響很深, 熾炎戰斧之所以強勢在於它可以很早讓你開始比拼牌面。 如果你二三回合都把對手的怪清掉,你不會有他們造成接下來的損傷, 這是非常划算的事。 如果第三回合才能打出熾炎戰斧,戰士開場比較沒甚麼可以做的事, 這個改變限制了我們早期能有的選擇。 我不認為嘲諷戰會再放熾炎戰斧, 你可能會說嘲諷戰本來就幾乎不存在,但德魯伊的啟動 nerf 原本可能會改變這件事, 德魯伊會變得沒那麼有宰制力,但熾炎戰斧更動我認為也會讓嘲諷戰難以回歸。 所以的確所有戰士都會受影響,尤其是海盜戰。 我想這個 nerf 或許還是需要的,畢竟它已經強太久了 他同時也是個基本經典牌, 現在要玩免塵的戰士更加困難了,從這個角度來說滿可惜的。 但整體來說我認為熾炎戰斧還是有點過強, 相較它能做的事,它的花費實在太便宜了。 -- 07:30 ~ 08:37 Next card is Hex. You might say why would you nerf Hex? It has no play right not, it isn't even used in any Shaman deck. The only Shaman deck which is good right now is Token Shaman. I would say Hex was probably limitng Blizzard's ability to make some cards they want. Its not like a necessary nerf its not like first, just they probably looking forward to new expansions, and hex is colliding with their future plans. I can see it being 4 mana, Polymorph for Mage has always been 4, and Hex kind of does the same sometimes better sometimes worse, and its been 3 doesn't make much sense, so 4 mana hex placed with Jade Lightning right now, will be rotated out next rotation. It doesn't change anything right now, Hex havent seen play now, and I don't see why you should play it with more mana either. I don't see why you suddenly play it in your deck after recent changes. It won't have too much impact on either I don't want to talk it too much. 妖術 你可能會問為何要 nerf 妖術,它並沒有出現在現在主流薩滿牌, 而薩滿本來就只有進化薩還算堪玩。 我猜想妖術限制了暴雪想做的一些新卡牌, 它不是一個必要的 nerf,但它或許和未來的計畫有所衝突。 我可以了解它變成四費,畢竟法師的變羊術一直都是四費, 而妖術雖然有時好有時壞,但基本上做的事情算是差不多。 而它一直以來三費確實不太合理, 而改成四費會和現在的翠玉閃電重疊,也因此下個版本應該就會被淘汰。 它不太改變任何現狀,現在也很少看到這張牌, 當它花費變高就更不用考慮了。 我認為改動後沒有理由突然會用到它,我也不想再多做評論了。 -- 08:38 ~ 09:58 Murloc Warleader Murloc Warleader now gives 2 attack, no more health buff. Probably it need a change Murloc Paladin had to be nerfed in some way, and this way Murloc Paladin doesn't change like a deck. It will still be the same way nothing changes, because Warleader is still very good. Its still good enough even if it doesn't give the plus life buff just sometimes you lose the game when you should have won it, because you didn't get this plus life buff. Because maybe you didn't have some favor trade before because of it. So Murloc Paladin will drop win rate a bit, Murloc Pala has been a deck with a very high winrate, after Rockpool Hunter was introduced, so I think changes need especially if you're nerfing Firey War Axe, Pirate Warrior used to be decent with Murloc Paladin, now with the change of the weapon, you will no longer be able to hit a turn 2 turn 3 to deal with those Murlocs, and they will just snowball, so Murloc Warleader nerf, will help all these Warriors that have no breathing room, and other decks in general. Like in this change it will be the most subtle change of them all. 魚人隊長 魚人隊長不再給生命力 buff, 魚人可能確實需要一些改動,尤其是魚人聖真的必須要某種程度上去 nerf 它。 而這樣的方式魚人不太會改變牌組組成, 基本上牌組會長得一樣,畢竟魚人隊長還是很好用, 它儘管不再給生命力 buff 但還是算不錯。 只是有時候你可能會因為沒有這個生命力 buff 而輸掉對戰, 因為你前期沒辦法再這麼划算地換血, 因此魚人聖會降低一些勝率。 魚人聖自從石塘獵人(賦予魚人+1/+1) 推出之後就有很高的勝率, 所以改動是必需的,尤其是海盜戰曾經挺好對付聖騎士, 現在熾炎戰斧的改動,讓你沒辦法在第二三回合尻爆那些魚人了, 這樣這些魚人只會雪球越滾越大, 也因此魚人隊長的 nerf 會給這些戰士和其它的牌組一些喘息。 魚人隊長的更動算是這次改動中影響較輕微的。 -- 09:59 ~ 11:22 Spreading Plague Spreading Plague now 6 mana up from 5. So in their blog Blizzard said that Spreading Plague has been having some crazy win rates when played. My experience its not that good, its very good in Taunt Druid Tempo, Druid deck I used to play on the stream. This change will definitely hurt the deck, and probably will even make it unplayable, but for Jade Druid I don't think you will notice it too much. I think it was a very mediocore card for Jade Druid, it wasn't broken or anything for 6 mana, maybe you can still play 1 off for deck slot, but most likely you will have to find a new replacement. The problem I see though you don't have Innervate anymore, so you have to find 4 slots for the Druid its very difficult. There are just not so many good cards Druid can put in a deck to replace the powerful ones. So obviously they'll hurt win rate overall, so can Druid be still tier 2 I'm not sure. 散播瘟疫 散播瘟疫從五費改成六費, 暴雪說散播瘟疫打出後有著瘋狂高的勝率, 我個人的經驗是它沒那麼好。 它在我實況中玩的嘲諷德和節奏德很好用, 而這次的改動一定會影像到這牌組,甚至讓它沒辦法再玩了。 但對於翠玉德,我不認為會有太大的影響, 我覺得散播瘟疫對翠玉德來說非常一般, 它沒有過強,改成六費後你可能還是可以放一張在牌組, 但目前看來或許還是會需要去找它的替換牌。 我看到的問題是沒了啟動又沒了散播瘟疫, 要找四張牌補上空缺對於德魯伊來說很困難。 德魯伊就是沒有其他夠好的卡片來頂替原本這些強力的卡。 所以勝率顯然會滑落,而德魯伊是否還能在 T2 也是未知數。 -- 11:21 ~ 12:01 Overall So here are the all changes, I think any type of change is always healthy for the game. It will refresh the meta people with think of replacements, make people think about are those cards still worth playing or not, make people think about maybe there are different decks you can play, which are better because of nerfs. So overall like in changes like in nerfs, and I hope u guys not super upset with anything that happened. At the end of the day, everyone in the same spot. So hope u guys like the review see you next video. 總結 這裡是所有卡片的更動, 我認為任何更動對於遊戲來說都是好事, 它會改變潮流,玩家會想不同的替換方案。 改動會讓玩家思考這些牌是否真的值得放入牌組, 有些人會思考因為 nerf 其他牌組變強的可能性。 所以整體來說無論是改動還是 nerf, 希望大家不要因為哪件事情發生了而感到難過, 到頭來,所有人都是在相同的位置。 希望大家喜歡我的評論,下次見。 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hearthstone/M.1505018294.A.55F.html

09/10 12:38, , 1F
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09/10 12:43, , 7F
散播瘟疫感覺沒有到死去吧 多一費而已還是可以配423
09/10 12:43, 7F

09/10 12:43, , 8F
09/10 12:43, 8F

09/10 12:44, , 9F
到頭來,所有人都是在相同的位置 淚推
09/10 12:44, 9F

09/10 12:44, , 10F
K神的評論有一定參考價值 他以往算很喜歡聖德
09/10 12:44, 10F

09/10 12:44, , 11F
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09/10 12:44, , 12F
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09/10 12:45, , 13F
爪擊是什麼呀?? 揮擊嗎?
09/10 12:45, 13F

09/10 12:45, , 14F
09/10 12:45, 14F

09/10 12:46, , 15F
妖術真的很莫名其妙 不過要相信BB 他眼光深遠
09/10 12:46, 15F

09/10 12:46, , 16F
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09/10 12:46, , 17F
K神都說了 認為任何更動對於遊戲來說都是好事
09/10 12:46, 17F

09/10 12:47, , 18F
職業選手很愛更動 不然整天打根本沒熱情
09/10 12:47, 18F

09/10 12:48, , 19F
之前不少選手提出 經典卡要加入輪替整個環境會更活
09/10 12:48, 19F

09/10 12:49, , 20F
爪擊就1費法術 +2攻2盾吧
09/10 12:49, 20F

09/10 12:50, , 21F
好猛 你連英文都transcript出來 應該花很多時間吧
09/10 12:50, 21F

09/10 12:50, , 22F
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09/10 12:51, , 23F
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09/10 12:51, , 24F
K神居然認為德會掉到T2 終瘟還沒改說
09/10 12:51, 24F

09/10 12:52, , 25F
推翻譯 一定很久
09/10 12:52, 25F

09/10 12:52, , 26F
後面職業玩家大部分都是這個想法 畢竟他們打爐石
09/10 12:52, 26F

09/10 12:53, , 27F
所以他覺得菜德會掉到T2甚至以下? 有點大膽的預測
09/10 12:53, 27F

09/10 12:53, , 28F
一個禮拜可能打得比你一個月還多 天天都打一樣真的
09/10 12:53, 28F

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09/10 12:58, , 34F
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09/10 12:58, , 35F
對啦 之前砍爆刀也是自慰說之後可能會出強武器
09/10 12:58, 35F

09/10 12:58, , 36F
辛苦翻譯 推
09/10 12:58, 36F

09/10 12:59, , 37F
他們不在意誰掉到T2誰跑到T1 環境有動就是好更動
09/10 12:59, 37F

09/10 12:59, , 38F
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09/10 12:59, , 39F
結果一把叉子 每次看到這種為了護航而腦補的說法就
09/10 12:59, 39F
還有 91 則推文
還有 1 段內文
09/10 18:52, , 131F
好戰的 護航牧師不強的那一派一直拿不出人權 然後被
09/10 18:52, 131F

09/10 18:52, , 132F
其他有人權的玩家打臉 早就龜縮起來了 XD
09/10 18:52, 132F

09/10 19:26, , 133F
妖術這點廚爹也有提到 廚爹是說任何卡牌遊戲的調整
09/10 19:26, 133F

09/10 19:26, , 134F
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09/10 19:26, , 135F
09/10 19:26, 135F

09/10 19:26, , 136F
廚爹有舉一個具體例子就是賊的偽裝大師 當初莫名從
09/10 19:26, 136F

09/10 19:26, , 137F
永久潛行變成潛行一回合 後來古神出以後發現是因為
09/10 19:26, 137F

09/10 19:26, , 138F
09/10 19:26, 138F

09/10 19:26, , 139F
09/10 19:26, 139F

09/10 19:59, , 140F
09/10 19:59, 140F

09/10 20:01, , 141F
09/10 20:01, 141F

09/10 20:04, , 142F
感謝翻譯 k神講得不錯
09/10 20:04, 142F

09/10 20:08, , 143F
09/10 20:08, 143F

09/10 20:08, , 144F
09/10 20:08, 144F

09/10 20:09, , 145F
09/10 20:09, 145F

09/10 20:19, , 146F
09/10 20:19, 146F

09/10 20:59, , 147F
09/10 20:59, 147F

09/10 21:39, , 148F
09/10 21:39, 148F

09/10 21:43, , 149F
09/10 21:43, 149F

09/10 23:02, , 150F
09/10 23:02, 150F

09/10 23:02, , 151F
夢龍+大師 十費的才能做出來 勝負早就定向
09/10 23:02, 151F

09/10 23:03, , 152F
09/10 23:03, 152F

09/10 23:03, , 153F
大師+瑪爾加尼斯早就注定 大師要被砍
09/10 23:03, 153F

09/10 23:17, , 154F
09/10 23:17, 154F

09/10 23:19, , 155F
09/10 23:19, 155F

09/10 23:23, , 156F
09/10 23:23, 156F

09/10 23:35, , 157F
推 翻譯辛苦了
09/10 23:35, 157F

09/10 23:46, , 158F
最快7費就能做了 用隱蔽先蓋一回合
09/10 23:46, 158F

09/10 23:48, , 159F
下一回合還能打完再上大師 這比你的馬爾有說服力多
09/10 23:48, 159F

09/11 00:02, , 160F
09/11 00:02, 160F

09/11 01:22, , 161F
09/11 01:22, 161F

09/11 02:13, , 162F
09/11 02:13, 162F

09/11 02:22, , 163F
推 感謝翻譯
09/11 02:22, 163F

09/11 09:05, , 164F
09/11 09:05, 164F

09/11 09:23, , 165F
09/11 09:23, 165F

09/11 10:10, , 166F
09/11 10:10, 166F

09/11 12:40, , 167F
09/11 12:40, 167F

09/11 13:58, , 168F
09/11 13:58, 168F

09/11 20:00, , 169F
09/11 20:00, 169F

09/12 17:59, , 170F
垃圾遊戲 只會削弱基本牌 然後出新牌打臉
09/12 17:59, 170F
文章代碼(AID): #1PjC6sLV (Hearthstone)