[情報] 美服 patch notes

看板Hearthstone作者 (BrowningZen)時間9年前 (2015/04/01 21:27), 9年前編輯推噓39(3903)
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更新patch- General The following card back has been added: Classic Card Back: Remastered—We’ve re-visited the Classic Hearthstone card back and have given it a painstaking HD update. Acquire the new card back by r eaching Rank 20 during the Ranked Play season. 新的卡背將會被加入遊戲: 重製經典卡背-我們重新製作了高清晰版本的經典爐石卡背.在這個賽季達到20級或以上以 獲取此卡背. We’ve implemented a new card type, Ninjas, which ALWAYS beat Pirate cards! 我們加入了新的卡片種類:忍者.忍者將能永遠打敗海盜! We’ve added a new feature called Harrison Jones’ Museum! Accessing it will a llow you to gaze proudly upon all the weapons you’ve put in the museum, where they belong. 我們加入了名為哈里遜博物館的新功能!探索它可讓了自豪地看所有你曾放進博物館的武 器,它們屬於這裡. Mistress of Pain has turned over a new leaf and is now called Mistress of Unco mfortableness. 痛苦侍女已經重生,現在成為了不舒服侍女. Crush has been renamed to Big Gross Demon Foot. 粉碎現已被重新命名為噁心的惡魔大腳 Card packs can now be opened by blowing gently on the screen. 卡片現在可以以輕吹螢幕的方式開啟 Alexstrasza will no longer say anything upon being played because she’s tired of being misunderstood. 打出紅龍時,紅龍現不會再有語音,因為她已經受夠了被誤解的日子了 ("I bring life") Cogmaster no longer spits, because let’s be honest, that’s pretty gross. 齒輪大師不會再吐口水了,因為老實說,這滿噁的 Leeroy Jenkins will now whisper his name upon being played in accordance withm andatory workplace etiquette classes. 在被強制上了禮儀課後,炸雞勇者現在登場會小聲說出他的名字 Sludge Belcher has taken some antacids and now feels great! 淤泥噴射者喝了一些抗酸劑後感覺好多了! Upon playing Unleash the Hounds, players will be taken to a menu that allows t hem to choose the exact breed of their hounds—with over 100 options! 現在使用放狗時,玩家將會被導向到一個選擇狗狗配種的菜單,這將會有超過100個選擇喔! Snowchugger is now an 8/8 because it’s too cute and people are not taking it seriously enough. 剷雪機器人現在變成了8/8,因為他實在太可愛了而玩家對它卻不夠認真 After many bouts with brain freeze, Snowchugger now eats snow at a more reason able rate. 在喝了一輪冷飲後,剷雪機器人現在會以合理的速度吃雪 Annoy-o-Tron now says “GOODBYE, GOODBYE, GOODBYE” upon being slain. 煩人機器人現在在被殺死的時候會說"再見,再見,再見" Sorcerer’s Apprentice has graduated to Sorcerer’s Adept. All those long hour s hitting the books finally paid off! 巫師的學徒現在會變成巫師的老手了.以往一直長時間讀書的成果終於出來了! A Lost Tallstrider has been found. If it’s yours, please visit lost and found to claim it. 我們找到了一隻失落的陸行鳥.如果那是屬於你的,請到失物招領處領取 Recycle now provides the Responsible Citizen buff to Malfurion when cast. 回收將會給瑪法理恩一個"負責任的市民"的增益效果 After sensitivity training, Ancient of Lore, Ancient of War, and Ancient Mage will now be known as Senior Citizen of Lore, Senior Citizen of War, and Harold respectively. 在知性訓練後,知識古樹,戰爭古樹,及年邁的魔法師現在成為了耆英知識樹,耆英戰爭樹, 及國王了. Savage Roar now also turns off squelch and removes the cooldown on emotes. 兇蠻咆哮現在能關掉消音效果及移除表情的冷卻時間 Naturalize now causes Zombie Chow and Poison Seeds to be all-natural, vegan, a nd gluten free. 自然化現在能將肉身殭屍及毒性種子變得自然,全素,及無麩質 Hunter’s Mark has been renamed Hunter’s George. 獵人印記(獵人的馬克)現被重新命名為獵人的喬治了 Mark of the Wild has been renamed George of the Wild. 野性印記(野性的馬克)現被重新命名為野性的喬治了 Mark of Nature has been renamed George of Nature. 自然印記(自然的馬克)現被重新命名為自然的喬治了 We like George more than Mark. Mark still owes us $20. 我們喜歡喬治多於馬克,馬克還欠我20塊呢 The spell Blizzard now causes enemy minions to attack Soon™. 法術"暴風雪"現在令敵人的生物可以攻擊Soon™ A new Hearthstone mini-series was in the works titled “Portrait: The Last Spe llbender,” but everything changed when the Fireball attacked. 我們本來在製作一套新的爐石迷你影集叫"最後一個法術扭曲者的影像"但自從我們被火球 術攻擊後,一切都變了 To make things more convenient, Tirion Fordring will now silence himself when summoned. 為了令遊戲更方便,提理奧弗丁現在在登場時會把自己給沉默 Circle of Healing has been renamed Oval of Healing upon discovery that Hearths tone boards are not circular. 治療之環現被重新命名為治療橢圓因為我們發現爐石的遊戲盤並不是正圓的 Fixed a bug with Thoughtsteal where playing it would sometimes fail to steal y our opponent’s best cards. 我們修好了有時思想竊取無法偷到對手最好的卡的錯誤 Two new Shaman spell cards have been added—Snap and Pop. 我們加入兩張新的薩滿法術"Snap和 Pop“(加上Crackle 就是好吃的早餐了) Armorsmith has finally finished that chest plate she’s been working on this w hole time. Whew! 護甲鍛造師終於做好了她一直都在做的胸甲了.太棒了! Pirates will now always beat the new Ninja sub-type, because Pirates are obvio usly better. 海盜現在能永遠打敗忍者了,因為海盜很明顯就比較棒 Leper Gnome now feels better, and will be known simply as Gnome. He would howe ver still like to receive big hugs, please. 痲瘋地精現在感覺好多了,現在成為了地精.但他仍然很想獲得一個大大的擁抱,拜託啦. Several cards have completed their anger management training, have been rename d accordingly: 以下的卡完成了它們的怒氣管理課程後被重新命名了: Grumbling Worgen 愛抱怨的狼人 Magma Kvetcher 熔炎埋怨者 Disgruntled Chicken 不滿雞 Mildly Annoyed Scientist 有點煩的科學家 Somewhat Perturbed Bomber 忐忑炸彈客 Slightly More Perturbed Bomber 些許更忐忑的炸彈客 Azure Drake has been renamed Blue Drake because no one says “Azure” correctl y. 蒼藍龍現在被重新名為藍色龍因為沒人能把"蒼"給讀對 Blade Flurry has been renamed Blade Furry, and now equips the Rogue with a 1/5 Kitten. 劍刃亂舞現在被重新命名為毛茸茸劍,它會為盜賊裝上一隻1/5小貓 We’ve fixed a bug with Animal Companion that sometimes caused the spell to no t summon Huffer. 我們修好了有時動物夥伴會召喚胡佛以外生物的錯誤 Snake Trap has been renamed Pug Trap and now summons 3 very excited 1/1 Pugs t hat wheeze very loudly. 毒蛇陷阱現被重新命名為八哥陷阱,現在這會召喚三隻1/1叫很得大聲的八哥 Playing Feign Death after playing Unleash the Hounds will now result in good d ogs. Yes they are! They are such good dogs. 在使用放狗後打出假死將會令獵犬變成乖狗狗.沒錯,它們真的是一群乖狗狗 Call Pet card text now reads, “Hello, this is dog.” 召喚寵物的文字說明現在是"你好,這是一隻狗" Fixed an error where Skill Command was incorrectly named Kill Command. The Hun ter spell will now correctly do damage based on the caster’s skill at Hearths tone. 修正了誤將技術命令命名為擊殺命令的錯誤.獵人的法術現在會正確地依照玩家技術造成 傷害 Anima Golem is now correctly named Animal Golem, and has been changed to a Hun ter card with the following text: 憎惡魔像現在會被正確地命名為動物魔像,及變成了一張有以下效果的獵人卡片 Deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 kitten for each enemy minion. It was made of KITTENS ! How could you? 死亡之聲:每有一個敵人在場上,召喚一隻1/1小貓.這可是小貓喔!你怎忍心下的了手!! After reading so much community feedback about Wisp value, the cost of Wisps h as been raised to 2 mana. 在看過許多關於幽光價值的社群回報後,現在幽光將會花費2法力. 來源:http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/18554123/hearthstone-patch-notes -4012015-4-1-2015 -- Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hearthstone/M.1427894834.A.607.html ※ 編輯: BrowningZen (, 04/01/2015 21:29:33 ※ 編輯: BrowningZen (, 04/01/2015 21:31:41 ※ 編輯: BrowningZen (, 04/01/2015 21:35:18

04/01 21:34, , 1F
煩人機器人那項可以實裝 沒問題
04/01 21:34, 1F

04/01 21:34, , 2F
治療橢圓 XD
04/01 21:34, 2F

04/01 21:34, , 3F
放下CASE 抬頭一看 聖光又遠離我一步了
04/01 21:34, 3F
※ 編輯: BrowningZen (, 04/01/2015 21:38:43

04/01 21:37, , 4F
04/01 21:37, 4F

04/01 21:40, , 5F
陸行鳥那個 應該是要到失物招領處吧
04/01 21:40, 5F

04/01 21:40, , 6F
04/01 21:40, 6F

04/01 21:40, , 7F
SKILL command. Kappa
04/01 21:40, 7F
※ 編輯: BrowningZen (, 04/01/2015 21:42:09

04/01 21:41, , 8F
暴風雪讓人soon.... 獵人的擊殺命令要skill. 佛丁
04/01 21:41, 8F

04/01 21:41, , 9F
04/01 21:41, 9F

04/01 21:42, , 10F
04/01 21:42, 10F

04/01 21:42, , 11F
04/01 21:42, 11F

04/01 21:43, , 12F
04/01 21:43, 12F

04/01 21:43, , 13F
04/01 21:43, 13F

04/01 21:44, , 14F
哈里遜博物館 滿滿的武器啊XD
04/01 21:44, 14F

04/01 21:48, , 15F
BZ終於為把Soon變為商標了 溫馨 Soon™
04/01 21:48, 15F

04/01 21:50, , 16F
skill comand 這是技術
04/01 21:50, 16F

04/01 21:50, , 17F
04/01 21:50, 17F

04/01 21:54, , 18F
04/01 21:54, 18F

04/01 21:55, , 19F
04/01 21:55, 19F

04/01 21:57, , 20F
Soon™XDDDDDDDDD 這超靠北的阿
04/01 21:57, 20F

04/01 22:08, , 21F
04/01 22:08, 21F

04/01 22:24, , 22F
04/01 22:24, 22F

04/01 22:25, , 23F
滿滿的笑點 XD
04/01 22:25, 23F

04/01 22:48, , 24F
自己酸臉獵 只好推
04/01 22:48, 24F

04/01 23:33, , 25F
04/01 23:33, 25F

04/01 23:36, , 26F
04/01 23:36, 26F

04/01 23:45, , 27F
官方認證的Soon™ XD
04/01 23:45, 27F

04/02 00:00, , 28F
04/02 00:00, 28F

04/02 00:06, , 29F
04/02 00:06, 29F

04/02 00:37, , 30F
04/02 00:37, 30F

04/02 00:47, , 31F
04/02 00:47, 31F

04/02 01:09, , 32F
04/02 01:09, 32F

04/02 02:07, , 33F
04/02 02:07, 33F

04/02 04:03, , 34F
04/02 04:03, 34F

04/02 04:18, , 35F
題外話 twitch 的Kappa表情現在被改成 GreyFace了
04/02 04:18, 35F

04/02 09:59, , 36F
剷雪機器人那裏的意思是應該是 之前吃雪太快
04/02 09:59, 36F

04/02 10:00, , 37F
所以brain freeze(喝思樂冰或吃冰太快而頭痛)
04/02 10:00, 37F

04/02 10:00, , 38F
現在學乖了 用一個比較合理(正常)的速度來吃
04/02 10:00, 38F

04/02 10:20, , 39F
04/02 10:20, 39F

04/02 11:35, , 40F
Hunter's GeorgeXDDD
04/02 11:35, 40F

04/02 14:23, , 41F
The last spellbender XD, 降世神通嗎
04/02 14:23, 41F

04/02 15:17, , 42F
04/02 15:17, 42F
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