[新聞] Pfizer and Moderna don't want to deal

看板HatePolitics作者時間2年前 (2021/05/31 21:00), 2年前編輯推噓5(8319)
留言30則, 16人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
1.新聞網址︰ ※ 網址超過一行 請縮網址 ※ https://www.wionews.com/india-news/pfizer-and-moderna-dont-want-to-deal-with-indian-states-for-vaccines-387168 https://reurl.cc/83nLdM 2.新聞來源︰ WION 世界一體新聞台 3.完整新聞標題 ※ 請完整轉載標題 請勿修改與編排 ※ Pfizer and Moderna don't want to deal with Indian states for vaccines 輝瑞和莫德納不想就疫苗與印度各州打交道 4.完整新聞內容︰ ※ 請完整轉載原文 請勿修改內文與編排 ※ When the Indian government allowed states to pursue their own vaccine procurement, the idea was welcomed. 印度政府允許各州自行採購疫苗之政策受到歡迎。 States governments were quick to seize the moment. Some chief ministers announced global tenders to buy shots from the international market. Weeks later, they are complaining again. 各州政府很快抓住了時機。各州首席部長宣布從國際市場購買鏡頭的全球招標,但幾 週後,他們再次抱怨。 Because companies like Pfizer and Moderna don't want to deal with them. They want to negotiate directly with the centre and set the terms. 因為像輝瑞和莫德納這樣的公司並不想與其打交道。這些公司想直接與中央政府談判 並約定條款。 It's not just about the money. They want the kind of guarantees that India hasn't given any vaccine maker. 這不僅僅是錢的問題,這些公司想要印度政府從未給過任何疫苗製造商的保證。 So what do these vaccine majors need from India? 那麼這些疫苗大廠想要從印度政府得到什麼? Pfizer and Moderna are among the best shots on the international market. Both vaccines work on the same technology. They are more than 90 per cent effective. Together, they have been approved by more than 40 countries. India wants them too. But on its own terms. 輝瑞和莫德納是國際市場上最好的標的之一。兩種疫苗都採用相同的技術,其疫苗有 效性超過 90%,也都同時得到了 40 多個國家的批准。印度也想要這些疫苗,但前提 必須是符合其自身要求。 The government has authorised states to negotiate for themselves. Global tenders were announced. But it proved to be a damp squib as vaccine makers refused to deal with state governments. 政府已授權各州自行談判,各州亦宣布全球招標。但事實證明,由於疫苗製造商拒絕 與州政府打交道,因此這種方式已被證明是無稽之談。 Punjab made request to Moderna, it was denied. Moderna says it will only deal with the central government. 旁遮普省向摩德納提出要求但被拒絕。莫德納表示只會與中央政府打交道。 The Delhi state government wrote to Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson. It got the same reply. They will only deal with the Government of India. 德里州政府寫信給莫德納、輝瑞和嬌生,也得到了同樣的答覆,其只會與印度中央政 府打交道。 Beyond the obvious need of approvals and clearances, these vaccine companies have their own demands. 明顯地,除了需要批准和許可之外,這些疫苗公司還有自身其他要求。 For instance, Pfizer CEO claims that they have been trying to get Pfizer vaccines to India for months. But Pfizer wants indemnity, a legal exemption from future lawsuits over their vaccines. Countries like the US and Britain have signed such clauses. 例如,輝瑞公司的首席執行官聲稱,他們幾個月來一直在試圖將輝瑞疫苗進口至印度 。但輝瑞公司想要將來對其疫苗訴訟的法律豁免,而美國和英國等國家已經簽署此類 條款。 It basically means that if the vaccine maker is sued in India, it will be the government's problem, not the company's. India has not given such indemnity to any vaccine producer. Why should Pfizer be the exception? 這基本上表示著,如果疫苗製造商於印度被起訴,那將是政府的問題,而與疫苗公司 無關。目前印度政府尚未向任何疫苗生產商提供此類免責條款,那為何輝瑞可以例外 ? The discussion is still on between the company and the government. In the past, Pfizer has been accused of bullying Latin American countries. They demanded embassy buildings and military bases as guarantee against the cost of any future legal cases. 疫苗公司與政府之間的討論仍持續進行。而過去輝瑞曾被指責欺凌拉美國家,其要求 大使館建築和軍事基地作為未來任何法律案件費用的保證。 The other problem is supply. Rich countries have already taken most of the shots off the shelves. Reports say, Moderna has its hands full with the existing orders. It might not have more doses for India. According to a report in April, Moderna already had orders to supply more than 1,000 million doses. These are for countries like the US, the EU, Canada, Japan, Switzerland and others. 另一個問題是供應問題。富裕國家已經取得了大量提供,報導稱,莫德納忙於處理現 有訂單。其可能不會為印度提供更多劑量。根據 4 月份的一份報告,莫德納已經接到 超過 10 億劑的供應訂單,以提供於美國、歐盟、加拿大、日本、瑞士等國家。 Moderna is planning a major expansion in manufacturing. But even with a global tender, India may have to wait in line for its deliveries. 莫德納正計劃大規模擴張製造能量。但即使有全球招標,印度也可能不得不排隊等候 交貨。 States like, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka have issued global tenders. But all of them are waiting for a bid. 馬哈拉施特拉邦,北方邦,泰米爾納德邦,喀拉拉邦和卡納塔克邦等州已經發布了全 球招標,但這些州也都在等待賣方。 5.附註、心得、想法︰ ※ 40字心得、備註 ※ 這一篇講的比較清楚, 1. 輝瑞、莫德納、嬌生都拒絕地方政府的採購。 2. 拒絕的主因原因在於藥害救濟的問題,這也是地方政府跟個人都無法解決的。 3. 訂單滿載,除非有特別的原因不然很難插隊。 其實我是蠻期待地方政府自己去洽談,民間團體願意盡力,且有管道可以購得國際原 廠疫苗的話,不過輝瑞、莫德納跟嬌生都表示只跟國家以及超國家團體簽約,在這種 情況下還可以取得的,我想應該是非常厲害,而不是TAMAMA。 https://reurl.cc/qg86Ry ※ 「Live」、「新聞」、「轉錄」此類文章每日發文數總上限為3篇, 自刪與板主刪除,同樣計入額度 ※ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HatePolitics/M.1622466023.A.555.html ※ 編輯: rocky ( 臺灣), 05/31/2021 21:00:48 ※ 編輯: rocky ( 臺灣), 05/31/2021 21:01:13

05/31 21:02, 2年前 , 1F
05/31 21:02, 1F

05/31 21:02, 2年前 , 2F
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05/31 21:02, 2年前 , 3F
弄一個保險不就好了 不要因噎廢食
05/31 21:02, 3F

05/31 21:03, 2年前 , 4F
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05/31 21:03, 2年前 , 5F
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05/31 21:04, 2年前 , 6F
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05/31 21:06, 2年前 , 7F
05/31 21:06, 7F
對阿,怎樣?出水了嗎? 前一篇並沒有提到嬌生,這邊補嬌生不行嗎?

05/31 21:06, 2年前 , 8F
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05/31 21:06, 2年前 , 9F
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05/31 21:06, 2年前 , 10F
這就是我說DPP頭鐵的原因, 你就讓地方政府或法人團體
05/31 21:06, 10F

05/31 21:07, 2年前 , 11F
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05/31 21:07, 2年前 , 12F
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05/31 21:07, 2年前 , 13F
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05/31 21:09, 2年前 , 14F
05/31 21:09, 14F
這篇只是在說難度很高,大家也都是樂觀其成, 上面說了「樂觀其成」,那一句說是野雞疫苗?

05/31 21:09, 2年前 , 15F
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05/31 21:10, 2年前 , 18F
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05/31 21:10, 2年前 , 19F
佛光山剛新聞有手上有訂單了 當然你要說這不算現貨也行啦
05/31 21:10, 19F
我可沒說,不過如果有的話,應該很容易備齊 執行計劃書、藥品說明書、數量及計算依據、冷鏈及倉儲設備、供貨期程、原廠 授權書、有效期限以及國外上市證明或替代文件這八點 如果是這樣,中央根本擋不下來

05/31 21:11, 2年前 , 20F
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05/31 21:12, 2年前 , 21F
05/31 21:12, 21F
921時的執政者應該是DPP。 ※ 編輯: rocky ( 臺灣), 05/31/2021 21:25:38

05/31 21:31, 2年前 , 22F
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05/31 21:52, 2年前 , 23F
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05/31 21:54, 2年前 , 24F
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05/31 23:20, 2年前 , 25F
05/31 23:20, 25F
的確沒有正式官方新聞稿,這種東西不一定會放在官網上面就是, 不過倒是很多新聞有報導就是,就只貼一個就好 https://reurl.cc/1Y4LLQ “During the pandemic phase, across the world Pfizer is supplying the Covid-19 vaccine only to central Governments and supra-national organizations for deployment in the countries’ national immunization programs," the statement said. 這個是白左最愛的XiNN,也用了引號,如果還有問題的話,麻煩自己做功課。 ※ 編輯: rocky ( 臺灣), 06/01/2021 00:17:47

06/01 01:39, 2年前 , 26F
06/01 01:39, 26F

06/01 01:40, 2年前 , 27F
06/01 01:40, 27F

06/01 01:41, 2年前 , 28F
他說他買不到 怎麽這裡就有人信?
06/01 01:41, 28F

06/01 01:41, 2年前 , 29F
06/01 01:41, 29F

06/01 01:42, 2年前 , 30F
06/01 01:42, 30F
你有看XiNN這篇文章嗎? 「cnn這文章可沒說印度德里leader的話可靠哦」 嗯...XiNN這篇文章是引述這位在當地捲入貪污事件印度德里市長的陳述嗎? 這段聲明是輝瑞發給XiNN的... In a statement to CNN, Pfizer said the company would continue to engage with the Indian government on making their vaccine available for use in India. “During the pandemic phase, across the world Pfizer is supplying the Covid-19 vaccine only to central Governments and supra-national organizations for deployment in the countries’ national immunization programs," the statement said. "The allocation of doses and implementation plan within a country is a decision for local governments based on relevant health authority guidance.” 再次聲明,對於如果有人可以有管道取得有效的疫苗當然很好,跟熟不熟印度政治圈 或是是不是德里韓國瑜無關。 政治不難,找回良心而已,新聞不難,找回上下段而已。 ※ 編輯: rocky ( 臺灣), 06/01/2021 22:11:56
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