[閒話] 哈利和金妮

看板HarryPotter作者 (psucc)時間17年前 (2007/05/07 19:26), 編輯推噓6(602)
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以下是JKR訪談中關於金妮的回答: JKR: Well, no, not really, because the plan was, which I really hope I fulfilled, is that the reader, like Harry, would gradually discover Ginny as pretty much the ideal girl for Harry. She's tough, not in an unpleasant way, but she's gutsy. He needs to be with someone who can stand the demands of being with Harry Potter, because he's a scary boyfriend in a lot of ways. He's a marked man. I think she's funny, and I think that she's very warm and compassionate. These are all things that Harry requires in his ideal woman. But, I felt — and I'm talking years ago when all this was planned — initially, she's terrified by his image. I mean, he's a bit of a rock god to her when she sees him first, at 10 or 11, and he's this famous boy. So Ginny had to go through a journey as well. And rather like with Ron, I didn’t want Ginny to be the first girl that Harry ever kissed. That's something I meant to say, and it's kind of tied in. One of the ways in which I tried to show that Harry has done a lot of growing up — in “Phoenix,” remember when Cho comes into the compartment, and he thinks, ‘I wish I could have been discovered sitting with better people,’ basically? He's with Luna and Neville. So literally the identical thing happens in “Prince,” and he's with Luna and Neville again, but this time, he has grown up, and as far as he's concerned he is with two of the coolest people on the train. They may not look that cool. Harry has really grown. And I feel that Ginny and Harry, in this book, they are total equals. They are worthy of each other. They've both gone through a big emotional journey, and they've really got over a lot of delusions, to use your word, together. So, I enjoyed writing that. I really like Ginny as a character. JKR: The backstory with Ginny was, she was the first girl to arrive in the Weasley family in generations, but there's that old tradition of the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter and a seventh son of a seventh son, so that's why she's the seventh, because she is a gifted witch. I think you get hints of that, because she does some pretty impressive stuff here and there, and you'll see that again. 給懶的看全部原文的人→JK大概是說... 金妮自己要經過一段情感上的成長 才能和有名到嚇人地步的哈利變成站在同一水平的情侶 還有金妮的個性 TOUGH in a pleasant way, gutsy, and compassionate, etc. 這些在過去的幾本書裡都緩緩地發展 所以金妮這個腳色 JK認為是哈利的ideal woman (哈利自己在這期間也有情感上的成長 例如他曾在張秋出現時因為外表而認為奈威和露娜不酷 到這一集羅咪凡邀他時的認為他們非常酷的轉變) 其實我年紀比較大以後就覺得 張秋和哈利最後不會走在一起 畢竟張秋從來沒有像榮恩和妙麗一樣 和哈利分享一些特別重要的秘密 最多也只有DA 而那是一個社團 根本不算個人秘密或心事 可是和金妮交往後 她會和他們一起混在交誼廳(雖然部分原因是他們都是葛來分多) 更重要的是 在第五集當天狼星死後 哈利徹徹底底喪失對張秋的悸動 然而在第六集鄧不利多的葬禮上 金妮和哈利卻交換了互相了解彼此的眼神 然後才分開 讓哈利順從地離開鄧不利多屍體的也是金妮的手 所以就我看來 張秋就跟大多數人的初戀一樣 只是哈利在情竇初開的年紀 對特別吸引自己的漂亮異性的興趣罷了 說到底 他到底了解她多少? 不過 這裡要幫張秋說說話 我倒覺得張秋對哈利的感情比較有深度 我這麼說不光只是因為一般認為女生比男生早熟 張秋又大他一歲 而是因為哈利是個風雲人物 運動又很行 還很紳士 (打魁第奇的時候 個人覺得那個時候張秋就在跟哈利打情罵俏了) 又異常勇敢 常做些一般人做不到的偉大事 一般女生(尤其被這種人邀請來當舞伴過後) 我想要無動於衷是很難的 種下這個小小前因 西追死後 她發現哈利還是很喜歡自己 因為又恢復自由之身(套句榮恩的話) 當然就更加心動啦 換句話說她的感情其實比哈利多了一點基礎 雖然對我來說這個基礎還是顯得有點單薄 畢竟她對哈利的了解又不如讀者多 然而她其實很困惑 心理還是會因為跟哈利兩情相悅而覺得對不起突然死去的西追 所以她才會那麼常哭 我想應該很少人會在接吻的時候哭吧 所以其實對張秋來說 這是一次很複雜的關係 就跟屬於這個領域的妙麗一直開示哈利的道理是一樣的 不過那時候哈利大概沒辦法理解那麼多 甚至最後還覺得張秋太常哭很煩 而他們的關係也經不起重大的波折 其實他們也沒有很常約會 所以這樣莫名其妙走到終點 還蠻正常的 所以基本上我對哈利和金妮 沒什麼覺得不合適或突兀的 畢竟作者舖陳很久了 細看的話充滿了合情合理的元素 只是 總覺得JK對金妮在他們終於在一起後的反應 就算是一個小表情 小動作 例如JK很擅長的人物在說話時的修飾口氣等 她幾乎都略而不提 不知道她是不是故意的 可是身為一個讀者 我還蠻想知道金妮心理到底怎麼想 至少給我一點點線索去推測嘛 但是從頭到尾 重點似乎更是哈利心中的吼叫的怪獸 是很有趣沒錯 可是可愛的金妮的感覺都沒有描繪的很細膩 真想知道阿... 個人認為這是小小可惜的一點 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/08 01:48, , 1F
05/08 01:48, 1F

05/08 16:21, , 2F
我從來就不覺得張秋會跟哈利在一起 因為英雄總是寂寞的XD
05/08 16:21, 2F

05/08 16:21, , 3F
不過跟金妮在一起 而且這麼快就如膠似漆令我相當的不習慣
05/08 16:21, 3F

05/08 22:36, , 4F
外國人都好快就火熱起來~"~ 我對裡面的感情配對都很不習慣
05/08 22:36, 4F

05/11 21:57, , 5F
推推@@! 話說我不太喜歡張秋xD
05/11 21:57, 5F

05/13 00:20, , 6F
05/13 00:20, 6F

05/15 13:01, , 7F
05/15 13:01, 7F

05/15 13:02, , 8F
05/15 13:02, 8F
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