Re: [外電] Kuo shows his flip side for L.A.

看板HCKuo作者 (heartnsoul)時間17年前 (2007/06/14 00:40), 編輯推噓20(2002)
留言22則, 21人參與, 5年前最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
※ 引述《logicmana (就是要看棒球)》之銘言: : : Kuo shows his flip side for L.A. : BY TONY JACKSON, Staff Writer : Article Last Updated: 06/12/2007 11:54:16 PM PDT : Hong-Chih Kuo created a national stir back in Taiwan, becoming the first and pe : rhaps least likely native of that country to hit a home run in a major-league g : ame. 小小郭是台灣之光 : The Dodgers left-hander also created a smaller stir with his reaction to the bl : ast, a gentle flip of his bat that raised at least one set of eyebrows in the o : pposing dugout. 幹完本之後本能的帥氣甩棒 : But the most important stir Kuo would create in Tuesday night's game, a 4-1 vic : tory over the New York Mets in front of 42,438 at Dodger Stadium, was in the co : rner of his own team's dugout, where manager Grady Little and pitching coach Ri : ck Honeycutt finally saw exactly what they had been looking for from their late : st fifth starter. 在四萬多躲人球迷前拿下勝利 : Kuo, whose twice-reconstructed left elbow suggests that his mere presence in th : e major leagues is something of a miracle, is beginning to prove he can be more : than a feel-good story. 兩次手術後不死鳥重生 : Besides capping a stretch of three consecutive Dodgers home runs off a shell-sh : ocked John Maine in the bottom of the second inning, Kuo also put on a convinci : ng display from the mound. : The result was a stellar, seven-inning effort in which the Mets couldn't muster : more than five hits, allowing Kuo to finally muster his first win of the seaso : n and the second of his big-league career - both of which have come at the hands of t : he suddenly struggling Mets. 豪投強打奪本季首勝 - 梅子惠我良多 : With Honeycutt's blessing, Kuo worked entirely out of the stretch, from which h : e has been much more comfortable since his second Tommy John surgery in 2003. : "I went back to it, and I pitched a little better," said Kuo, who had made two : previous starts since being recalled from the minors June 2 and immediately dro : pped into the fifth spot. "After my surgery, they sent me to the minors on a re : hab, and I only pitched out of the stretch for the next two or three years befo : re I ever went back to the windup. So it got to the point where I was just more : comfortable pitching that way, and I have been ever since." 把出手伸展動作改回03年手術前的方式 : Honeycutt said he and Kuo discussed the matter sometime after Kuo's previous st : art, a solid, six-inning effort last Thursday night at San Diego in which Kuo o : utdueled the inimitable Jake Peavy only to see the Dodgers bullpen blow a four- : run lead in the ninth. : "He brought it up between outings, and I said that the main thing is for him to : be comfortable," Honeycutt said. "If you're more comfortable going out of the : stretch, then go out of the stretch." Honeycutt跟小小郭討論投球姿勢後認為哪樣好投就哪樣投 : For the most part, Kuo looked comfortable throughout. : He gave up consecutive singles to David Wright and Carlos Delgado to begin the : second, with a Wright stolen base in between, to give the Mets a short-lived, 1 : -0 lead. But Kuo quickly shut that inning down after getting Paul Lo Duca to gr : ound into a double play, and the Dodgers immediately responded with home runs o : n three consecutive pitches from Maine by Wilson Betemit, Matt Kemp and Kuo. : Kuo's theatrics, whether intentional or otherwise, had Mets manager Willie Rand : olph in a sarcastic mood after the game. 先讓梅子得一分爽一下之後就展開回來又回來又回來三發攻勢, 梅子教練心情變差了. : "He must be used to doing that a lot," said Randolph, who might or might not ha : ve known that it was Kuo's first home run since high school. : "It was pretty stylish." 梅子教練酸小小郭: "厚姿勢很帥~" : Little said he was watching the flight of the ball and didn't see Kuo flip his : bat. : "We'll talk to him," Little said. "That might be the only chance in his whole c : areer he gets to do that, to tell you the truth." 小教練說沒看到小小郭甩棒, 說會要小小郭低調一下. : Armed with that 3-1 lead, Kuo got into mild trouble in the third by walking Mai : ne (6-4). : But he pitched out of a first-and-second, one-out jam by getting Shawn Green an : d Carlos Beltran to fly to left, and he cruised from there. : Kuo retired 14 of his last 16batters to lift the Dodgers (37-28) back into a th : ree-way tie for the National League West lead with San Diego and Arizona, and a : lso put them in a position for what as recently as two days ago would have seem : ed like a highly improbable, three-game sweep of the Mets. 之後有點亂流但還是順利拿勝 : Most importantly for Kuo (1-1) is that he clearly is improving with each start. : "He is just throwing strikes," Little said. "That first outing (on June 2 at Pi : ttsburgh), he was all over the place. It just takes a little time to get comfor : table out there, and he is certainly feeling more comfortable now." 最重要的是小小郭現在越投越好 : Takashi Saito retired the heart of the Mets order in the ninth for his 18th sav : e. 最後齋藤大叔關門, 收工. : : --- : 這一篇交給強者... 簡略翻加減看:p KUO = Not only K u all, but knocked u out also! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

06/14 00:42, , 1F
06/14 00:42, 1F

06/14 00:42, , 2F
梅子教練酸小小郭: "厚姿勢很帥~" XD
06/14 00:42, 2F

06/14 00:43, , 3F
06/14 00:43, 3F

06/14 00:45, , 4F
06/14 00:45, 4F

06/14 00:47, , 5F
其實上次也可以勝投的 不過搞砸了 算了 B胖也不是故意的
06/14 00:47, 5F

06/14 00:50, , 6F
06/14 00:50, 6F

06/14 00:50, , 7F
06/14 00:50, 7F

06/14 00:52, , 8F
防超小技巧 讚!! 有看有推
06/14 00:52, 8F

06/14 00:52, , 9F
06/14 00:52, 9F

06/14 00:52, , 10F
我覺得兩邊教練都只是在講玩笑話 頗幽默的 pretty stylish!
06/14 00:52, 10F

06/14 00:53, , 11F
傳說的高速翻譯是天使版吧XDD 超速翻譯
06/14 00:53, 11F

06/14 00:56, , 12F
軟豆腐:"厚姿勢很帥~" -______-凸
06/14 00:56, 12F

06/14 01:04, , 13F
06/14 01:04, 13F

06/14 01:06, , 14F
06/14 01:06, 14F

06/14 01:08, , 15F
『KUO 03'式樣 HR加強型』
06/14 01:08, 15F

06/14 01:19, , 16F
06/14 01:19, 16F

06/14 01:47, , 17F
06/14 01:47, 17F

06/14 01:55, , 18F
原文前半段不斷翻玩flip這個字~ 標題很歡樂:P
06/14 01:55, 18F

06/14 05:00, , 19F
有看星星台播梅子教練的訪問 真的酸很大XDDDD
06/14 05:00, 19F

06/15 16:44, , 20F
06/15 16:44, 20F

06/17 14:57, , 21F
06/17 14:57, 21F

06/30 20:19, 5年前 , 22F
06/30 20:19, 22F
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