Re: [艾叔] 為何我仍要繼續用GNR的團名

看板GunsNRoses作者 (bass手找團啦,幹)時間15年前 (2008/12/25 16:46), 編輯推噓4(401)
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※ 引述《lordlpg (M)》之銘言: : AXL ROSE: Why I Am Continung To Use Name GUNS N' ROSES - Dec. 14, 2008 愛叔叔回答關於為什麼要繼續用槍花這個名字 : GUNS N' ROSES singer Axl Rose has made a lengthy posting to the : web site where he answered a number of fan-submitted questions : related to such topics as why he is continuing to use the GUNS name and the : circumstances that led to the breakup of the classic GN'R lineup. His posting : follows below in its entirety. (Note that the questions Axl is responding to : were not included in his original post.) 因為太多人問了所以愛叔叔一併回答關於為什麼繼續用槍花這團名 以及老槍為什麼解散 (接下的文章內容都沒有附歌迷所提的問題,只有愛叔叔回答的部分) : "OK, then!! The questions aren't here but the answers, as it moves along, I : think point pretty clearly to what was asked in pretty much order or close of : the seven pages. If I didn't answer, it was either already answered, off : topic or I mistakenly overlooked the question. My apologies for the : inconvenience. It's not as light hearted as some of the other sessions but : that's the subject matter. Whew!! 以上廢言 (按:好像是問問題的人太多所以愛叔叔邊看問題邊在同一篇文章裡面回, 大家自己看內容想想愛叔叔在回答啥吧,然後有些東西太煩我就不翻了.) : "So let's start here… the whole 'Axl wouldn't go on stage' yada yada… is : complete and utter crap. Never happened, all made up, fallacy and fantasy. : Not one single solitary thread of truth to it. Had that been the case, I : would've have been cremated years ago legally, could've cleaned me out for : the name and damages. It's called under duress with extenuating : circumstances. In fact, the time that was mentioned, the attorneys were all : in Europe with us dealing with Adler [original GUNS N' ROSES drummer Steven : Adler] depositions. 那些什麼"axl不想表演"啥的都是鬼話,如果真是那樣的話我早就被燒死了. 事實上那段時間我們都在歐洲跟律師處理跟adler的問題. (按:真的不知道在講啥) : "Couldn't talk sooner as it could have jeopardized whatever nonsense was : going on. 不想講得太快免得又有人生一堆話出來 : "When GUNS renegotiated our contract with Geffen, I had the bit about the : name added in as protection for myself as I had come up with the name and : then originally started the band with it. It had more to do with management : than the band, as our then-manager was always tryin' to convince someone they : should fire me. As I had stopped speaking with him, he sensed his days were : numbered and was bending any ear he could along with attempting to sell our : renegotiation out for a personal payday from Geffen. 當時在跟Geffen重談合約時,我要求把名稱的問題放到裡面,這是為了保護我自己,畢竟 這個團名是我想出來的,而我從這團組成時就在團裡了. 這跟團比較沒關係,跟樂團管理方面比較有關 當時我們的經紀人試圖說服別人開除我. 但當我不再跟他說話後,那王八蛋知道事情不妙,再活也沒多久,於是就試圖把我們的合 約賣給其他人並從中拿到好康. : "It was added to the contract and everyone signed off on it. It wasn't hidden : in fine print, etc., as you had to initial the section verifying you had : acknowledged it. 我把這條件加到合約裡面,每個人也都簽名了. 我並沒有把這條件夾帶在合約裡面偷闖關,當要簽署那部分合約前你必須先同意那個條件. : "Now, at that time I didn't know or think about brand names or corporate : value etc. All I knew is that I came in with the name and from day one : everyone had agreed to it being mine should we break up and now it was in : writing. 當時這樣做並不是為了商業或是為了我們樂團考量. 就我所知,我把這名字帶進這個團,並且從第一天開始大家就同意如果哪天團散了 這名字歸我使用,而這點現在白紙黑字寫在那裡. : "I still didn't grasp any other issues until long after I'd left and formed a : new partnership which was only an effort to salvage GUNS, not steal it. 在我離開後這麼長的時間之間並沒有得到什麼好處,我只是重新組了個團試圖想要 挽救GNR,並不是要竊取他. : "In my opinion, the reality of the shift and the public embarrassment and : ridicule by others (which included a lot of not-so-on-the-level business : types he was associating with at the time) for not contesting the rights to : the brand name, were more than Slash [former GUNS N' ROSES guitarist] could : openly face. Also, we aren't lawyers or formally business educated, so it was : just a matter of all of us being naïve and doing what we thought was right : at the time. Slash was, in my opinion, being on the up and up in agreeing I : had the rights, and I wasn't trying to be some snake in the grass pulling a : fast one. The others could've cared less. 在我看來,那些嘲笑slash不爭團名的事已經超過slash能夠面對的. 我們並不是律師,也沒有學過怎麼談生意,所以這一切只是因為我們都太天真 天真地去做我們認為是對的事情. 就我看來,slash那時很誠實地同意我有這權力,而我也不想去攻擊那個最顯眼的人 其他人則對這事比較不在意. : "But when the reality of the breakup hit and the strategy to have me crawl : back was put into play, Slash had to save face and get business team and : public support. Painting me as the one who held a crowd hostage forcing the : others to sign over the name worked out pretty well in that regard. I'm the : bad guy, and Duff [McKagan, ex-GUNS bassist], the fans and most importantly : himself were the victims. Oh, and they had actually made the sacrifice for : the crowd, the people, the fans at the show. But again…. IT NEVER HAPPENED. 但當解散的真相"爆孔"後,那些試圖叫我蛇回去的計謀開始執行了. slash有他的面子要顧,而他也需要商業團隊及民眾的支持. 放話說是我逼他們簽下那些東西的奧步看起來挺成功的. 我變成壞人,而大夫、觀眾,還有slash則變成受害者.搞得好像他們為了歌迷 跟群眾犧牲了.但 那 並 不 是 事 實. : "Media and others ignorantly, wrongly and falsely harped on about it at mine : and the fans' expense for years, and Slash has hoped to use all that to : continually sue and have some sort of legal nonsense going on behind the : scenes in an effort to reverse things. He wouldn't have been able to get the : support and action on the part of his various team members over the years to : do so if the truth were out there especially when the statute of limitations : had run out years ago. 媒體跟其他人用這一些錯誤的事在我跟歌迷之間挑撥了好幾年,而slash想利用這些鳥事 去打官司,並採取一些抬面下的無聊的手段想要挽回一些事情. 如果這些事實早點攤在陽光下,slash也不會在他的團隊協助下撐那麼久,特別是狀況早就 顯示他玩不下去了. : "Why keep the name? I'm literally the last man standing. Not bragging, not : proud. It's been a fucking nightmare but I didn't leave GUNS and I didn't : drive others out. With Slash, it's been nothing more than pure strategy and : saving face while manipulating the public like he used to me. I earned the : right to protect my efforts and to be able to take advantage of our contract : I'd worked hard for where Slash's exact words were that he didn't care. I get : that some like a different version or lineup the same way some like a : specific team line up or a particular year of a specific car but because you : and I are getting played I'm supposed to throw the baby out with the bath : water? 為什麼要保留這個名字?事實上因為我是撐到最後的那個. 這是一場惡夢,但我並沒有放棄GNR,也沒有把誰趕走. 在slash這邊,他不過是單純的想要(像以前對我那樣)操弄群眾來保住自己的面子. 在這之中,我學到了我有權力保護我的努力成果,並學會利用合約. 我努力找出了合約中slash說他並不介意的文字. 我瞭解這就像是不同的說法、不同的排列,就好比像是不同的團隊排列或是特別年份 的某輛車子 但就因為妳跟我都被耍了所以我就要連洗澡水一起把小孩倒掉嗎? (按:我還是無法體會外國人的比喻邏輯orz) : "I didn't make a solo record. A solo record would be completely different : than this and probably much more instrumental. I made a GUNS record with the : right people who were the only people who really wanted to help me try, were : qualified and capable while enduring the public abuse for years . The songs : were chosen by everyone involved. I didn't want to do 'This I Love' in any : way shape or form, and Robin [Finck, current GUNS guitarist] and Caram : [Costanzo; co-producer] insisted gaining Tommy's [Stinson, bass] and the : others' support. There's been a lot of pressure to go with using my name (all : external) but that never felt right to me for this band and the parameters in : regard to this music have lots more to do with the mindset of GUNS than : something else. The instrumental I wrote for 'End of Days' that's more a solo : effort, at least presently. 這並不是一張個人人專輯.如果是的話那應該會很不一樣,例如可能會有更多的演奏部分 (按:我不太確定instrumental是啥) 我跟一群對的人做了一張GNR專輯,他們有意願也有能力,並且也忍受了這些年來民眾的 責難. 這些歌是每個有參與的人挑的. 我並沒有特別想要把This I love做成什麼樣子,但Robin堅持要有Tommy跟其他人的協助. 掛我的名字有著很大的壓力,但我覺得這樣並不正確,因為我是抱著GNR這個樂團的心態 在做音樂. 比較起來寫給"end of days"的歌還比較像是個人作品,只少看起來比較像. : "As far as a new name… this is who I am, not whatever else someone else : thinks of. I don't see myself as solely GUNS, but I do see myself as the only : one from the past making the effort to take it forward, whether anyone : approves or not, and giving beyond what many would or fight for to do so. The : name helped the music more than you could ever know, and I'm not talking in : regards to studios or budgets, I mean it as in being pushed by something and : having to get the music to a place where I can find my peace regardless of : what anyone says. And that wasn't fully achieved until the last round of : mastering and swapping out a version of a track at the pressing plant that : had gotten inadvertently changed at the last minute. Also, the name was what : the industry wanted as well and the burden of keeping it was something to : endure in order to make the record. After the monies invested by old Geffen : (that were decisions made that have worked out for me but I'm on record as : having opposed) dropping the name became suicide. 至於幫團取個新名字....我想我就是我,我並不是別人所想出來的. 我並不會認為我是這個團的唯一主角,但我視我自己為過去那些人之中唯一一個 到現在還在為團努力奮鬥的人. GNR這團名對於音樂的幫助比你們所瞭解的還要大許多,而我並不是為了錄音室 或是錢而堅持這點. 我並不管別人怎麼說,我只堅持在被催促之下將我的作品做到我覺得ok的地步.這一直要 到東西出版才算真正的完成. 這個名字也是商業上需要的,並且我們也必背負著他來做這張唱片. 在Geffen砸了這麼多錢在這個團名上之後,把這個名字丟掉是一種自殺的舉動. (當時的一些決定已經生效而我已經開始做這張唱片,並受到一些阻礙) : "The cost of legal battles has been astronomical but I felt the deal made : with Universal was fair for where it is and most things balanced out for both : sides. 在法律上的爭論太過麻煩了,並且我覺得跟環球的合約相較起來是比較合理的. : "David Bowie likes Floyd with Barret, many with Waters and those without. And : there are those who like all the different lineups. In my opinion, what makes : our situation a bit more unique, at least in how it's played out, is the : ugliness of what really took place. If I'd done what was said then, I'd say : fuck me too. I also realize this is just one issue in something with upteen : however many more so conclusions can't be formulated off this little bit : alone by most which is more than understandable. David Bowie喜歡有Barret的pink floyd,有沒有Water的他都有喜歡的部分. 有些人則不同的組合都喜歡. 在我看來,讓我們的情形變得特殊的是那些發生的醜事. 如果我當時真的作了他們說的那些事,那我會說我真他媽的該死. "我也體會這是在事的一個一個問題許多多數的howerver,因此結論不可能被 公式化這tittle單獨咬住與由更比可理解是的多數。" (按:上面這幾句是用奇摩翻譯翻出來的.) 我也瞭解這不過是一個由許多瑣事堆積起來的問題,因此在這問題上 很難有清楚的結論,雖然其中很多事情是很容易理解的. : "That said, because someone leaves the shop I started in which I still : legally have the rights to the name I started it with… makes up a bunch of : nonsense to win public and legal support in an effort to get whatever it is : they want at mine and the public's expense… I don't feel any reason : whatsoever I should have to throw what I've not only worked for but fought : and suffered for away because some hurt, angry, betrayed, misguided and lied : to people with a lynch-mob mentality, joined by others who could care less : (especially in the media), enjoying the controversy and hate, choose one over : the other regardless of what's right because they want what they want. And : you can still prefer then as opposed to now and no one's arguing your right : to do so. 也就是說,只因為有人離開了我開的店,而這家店的店名在法律上還屬於我 所以他(們)就在媒體上搞一堆屁事,然後用法律手段想要從我這拿走他們想要的. 我想不到任何理由說服我放棄我過去努力得來的心血.只因為這些傷害、憤怒、背叛、 以及那些被誤導,想要像燒女巫一樣燒死我的暴民,還有那些其實並不是真的關心(特別是 那些媒體)、拿這些背叛跟仇恨尋開心,以及想要從中得利所以選邊站的人嗎? 你當然還是可以像當時那樣繼續這麼做,沒有人會去質疑你的. : "In regard to nuGUNS, I get that sometimes it helps to be able to clarify. : Personally I call this GUNS and the 'Illusions' or previous lineups 'old : GUNS.' 我個人稱這個組合跟"illusions"還有更之前的組合為"老槍" : "We can play what we want, as far as I'm aware. 我可以表演任何我們想要表演的,只要我還活著 : "It wasn't so much that it was a good course or that, if looking back, I : could do something differently; it's that, for better or worse, it was the : only course, and had I not done this, Slash would have succeeded in : destroying me publicly much more than he, others or myself have so far and I : would have gone bankrupt. 回過頭來看,這並不是一個好的變化,我也沒有其他選擇. 也就是說,事情不得不演變成現在這樣.如果我沒有這麼做的話,slash會讓我死得 比現在還要慘,我也可能因此破產. : "I don't know where I'd be, but there's clearly no happy ending there and : with everything else that had gone on in every other area of my life the : devastation isn't something I feel I would have overcome at least to any real : degree publicly. Hopefully I would've been able to pick myself up enough to : get a job or sing somewhere else but I doubt anything that significant. 我不知道那樣的話我現在會變成怎樣.但可以知道的是結局並不會是好的. 而跟我生命中其他消失的東西比起來這些糟蹋我的事並不算什麼. 我想我已經可以算撐過來了 (如果是那樣的話)希望我已經能夠準備好開始工作或唱歌,但我懷疑那樣對我有什麼 意義 : "The sharing thing is interesting, but even with all this time, the : complications of the red tape and trying to get something out fall on my : world to sort and not theirs. They are amazingly supportive and do their best : to keep me in up spirits and focused which I had less and less of in GUNS way : before 'Sweet Child' caught on. If that were to change, then that may be : something to look at. I hope for us to grow more together as we continue so : who knows. 跟別人分享是件很有趣的事,但即使過了這麼久了,要整理出我的想法還是很困難. 在"sweet child" hido前,他們全力支持我,並讓我保持正面及專注的態度. 沒有這些支持的話,那麼事情可能會變得不一樣 我希望如果我們繼續下去的話,我們能夠一起成長.但誰曉得呢? : "If I hadn't secured the rights, I don't know where I'd be and I'd probably : call what would then be the current lineup 'THOSE MOTHER FUCKERS!!' 如果我不保護我的權利,我不知道我現在會變成什麼樣 或許我會把我現在這個團取名叫"那些幹娘的的王八蛋" : "The name is something I take great pride in as I feel anyone who's been a : part of it should, the same as other bands or teams etc. The burden when it : is such is a nightmare but not as much or as hopeless as I'd imagine without : it could have been. 我對這團名感到驕傲,我想其他的團員應該也是,其他的團應該也是這麼想. 這名字或許是個負擔,就現在來看甚至可稱得上是惡夢,但相較起來,失去它還是比較 叫人絕望. : "On the what's the difference… I think I get what you're asking… I feel it : depends on how and in what ways either the former members are using the : association and what the true circumstances regarding why they moved on from : both the band and the name that would or could affect the decision to : continue on with the name by in this case this lineup and or myself. 至於可能會有什麼不一樣....我想這取決於舊團員們如何運用彼此之間的聯繫 及現實的環境,包括他們為什麼願意繼續留在團裡. : "As for selling more records, it'd be nice to be in a position to possibly do : so at some point but that's never been my base reasoning. I would think it : fits into not feeling I shouldn't be forced to throw away possible : opportunities in a hostile attempted takeover. I believe I should fight for : GUNS in a patriotic sense or sense of loyalty or honor. Not just my vision or : direction for GUNS as those things can evolve and you can make forward moving : positive compromises by what others bring to the table but I mean more as in : what principles I feel were important to GUNS in regard to an overall : commitment to the music. 如果能多賣一點唱片,在某些方面來講當然是好事,但那都不會是我的動機. 我想如果我沒有感到我是在惡意接收下被迫放棄機會的情形下,這樣做也可以. 我相信我應該基於對於團的忠貞跟愛護來捍衛他. 這之間不只是我對於這個團將來的看法或決定,畢竟事情是會變化的 你也可經由與其他人的妥協來促使這個團繼續向前. 但我覺得重要的是對於槍團的音樂而言有些原則我認為是不可妥協的. : "It helped us get here but most of that was with Universal and the positives : of that wore off years ago until recently and after the initial run it'll be : about the music and us. Then it's about touring and there's not a question : the name's helped at most everywhere but not so much the states. With that it : comes down to the strength or quality of the performance. Having the name : kicks your ass every night as it's not some side project or something u can : fuck off in. You don't deliver u get your ass handed to you. So it makes us : work much harder than I feel we would outside of it and it hasn't been too : ugly yet. 這團名給我們撐到現在的力量,但多數的協助還是來自於環球唱片. 不過多數正面的協助在多年前就已經消耗得差不多了,直到最近開始重新 做唱片之後才又得到幫助. 在巡迴演出上,這個名字在美國以外的地方對我們的幫助不小. 背著這名字我們的演出必須更有力道跟水準. 這名字迫使你不得不認真點.而我覺得我們做得還不算太糟. : "I didn't see lineup changes, etc., back then — I saw it more as a crash and : burn, goin' down with the ship. On one hand, I knew the band was over before : we started touring 'Illusions' but you have hope… but I saw it more like the : Titanic sinking than moving on or surviving. And in reality, I went the : distance with each and every one in GUNS to where they felt for whatever : reasons they either couldn't or wouldn't give what GUNS required. And I'm not : talking change of styles or sounds etc. A lot of people bought that crap and : me having gone in other directions seems to many to have verified that. Then : you have the mind twisting equally as true horseshit in Slash's book, but I : have the rehearsal tapes. There's nothing but Slash-based blues rock and he : stopped it to both go solo and try to completely take over GUNS. I read all : this 'if Axl would've put words and melodies on it could've…' That was : denied and I didn't walk 'till several months after having 3-to-4-hour phone : conversations nearly every day with Slash trying to reach a compromise. I was : specifically told no lyrics, no melodies, no changes to anything and to sing : what I was told or fuck off. 那時並不覺得團會改組,感覺比較像是這艘船要沈了. 一方面,在Illusion的巡迴開始前,我就知道我們團完了,但是心裡還有覺得有轉圜 的餘地,但我覺得像鐵達尼一樣沈掉的機率大於存活下來. 後來我跟每個團員越走越遠,而他們也說不出來為什麼. 許多人都聽信了他們說的那堆鬼話,而我卻走向了難以辯解的方向. 你看了slash的書中那些鬼話後,你的看法就跟他的說法一樣被扭曲了,但我這邊卻一直 清楚事情的真相是什麼. slash後來走向了他的blues rock,他單飛了,並且想要整碗捧去把槍團拿走. 我讀到了那段"如果Axl肯把詞跟曲填上去的話..."的話,但那並不是事實. 剛開始時我每天都跟slash電愛三四個小時想要讓彼此說出"不要停",一直到 那之後的幾個月我才離開他們. 我被特別告知沒有歌詞、沒有旋律、每件事都沒有轉圜的餘地,而且他們要我唱他們 要我唱的歌. : "As to what would possibly make me change the name, [it] would be some form : of evolving that I don't feel we've reached yet and not in any way : consciously trying to at this time. It's really hard to say. I'd have to feel : it was right for me and those involved and whatever we're doing at that time. 說到我有沒有可能改用其他名字,我想如果團演變到某個程度的話可能吧,但我目前沒有 那種感覺.不過事情總是很難說.但前提是我跟團裡的每個人都覺得ok了才會改名. : "Never thought about that, with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The whole : 'mature enough' bit was cute. Not to offend anyone, but personally I don't : have an interest and other than inducting Elton don't quite get what it is : exactly and who decides what. It seems to mean more to some than others and : more so amongst fans. It's nice to get recognition and have some form of : acceptance, but in regards to joining others, the price is too high and just : not worth it. It's a ways away and seems a bit presumptuous to be : contemplating being inducted now. 從來沒有這樣想過. 所謂的"夠成熟"的說法很可愛. 這麼說並沒有要冒犯別人的意思,但我個人對於把elton(按:英國那個老屁眼?) 吸收進來的事並沒有興趣.有這種說法的人不知道是哪聽來的. 這是對歌迷來說可能比較有興趣一點. 被別人認同或接受是一件好事,但關於參加別人的團這件事,要付出的太價似乎太高 也不太值得. 現在談跑去尬其他團好像太早也有點沒禮貌. : "About following particular styles, yes I do feel there are parameters with : GUNS as opposed to not being or in GUNS. 'Chinese Democracy' is, in my : opinion, an evolution not necessarily how each from the past would but how : the music and intent could and did. GUNS did not have specific lifelong : criteria to follow and many of the influences on 'Appetite' were abandoned by : the others long before me. In fact, Slash hated a good portion of those on : 'Appetite' and wasn't all that into the involvement or association but knew : it worked at the time and realized it was the cusp of a wave that was : growing. It's a trip for me to witness as so many of the people he performs : with etc he hated then, them, their bands and their music where the others or : I were the fans. 至於將來的曲風,我確實是感到一些瓶頸,不管是不是待在槍團裡都是. 在我看來,"中國民主"確實是個演變,但這演變指的是音樂及企圖而非關於團的每一件事. 槍團並沒有什麼不變的準則要遵守,而"毀滅慾"的許多影響在我之前就被其他團員拋棄了. 事實上slash對於"毀滅慾"的很大部分都感到反感,並且並不想被認為跟這張唱片有多大 的關連,即使他知道這些東西在當時確實是很受歡迎並且開創了一些風潮. 當時我目擊了他跟許多他討厭的人或團一起演出,這些團可能你跟我其實都還滿喜歡的. : "I like touring with these guys a lot more than the old band. The beginning : was fun but it started going bad our first gig opening for THE CULT in : Halifax between Slash and I. That's when the 'OK I put up with all Axl's and : Izzy's crap, now I'm gonna be the man' trip started with him runnin' right : out front on the ego ramp for the whole show. It was pretty funny. 比較起來我比較喜歡跟新團巡迴的感覺. 剛開始巡迴的時候是還不錯,但在Halifax幫the cult開場的表演之後我跟slash的 關係就慢慢變糟了. 從那時候開始巡迴就變成了"ok,我受夠了跟axl和Izzy寫的那堆垃圾一起打混,我要 掛頭牌"的巡迴,整場他都跑在舞台的前端好像希望觀眾都能聞到他的跨下一樣.這真 的很有趣. : "No one ever talked about or suggested using another name. The guys are : really respectful in regard to the old band and I'm not sure if they've said : a paragraph apiece in all the years towards or about the old band whether I'm : talking about whatever or not. But from being with me for so long they know a : lot of it's shit so they get bummed at the endless interviews and nonsense. : Personally, I'm so proud of them I wouldn't know how to express it. I can't : see me handing something like this as they have with so much class and : maturity especially being shit on publicly to such a degree. 'Hey join my : band, bring an umbrella!!' 沒有人提過要換個團名. 這些傢伙都很尊重舊槍,我也不清楚他們這些年來是不是說過什麼關於舊槍的事情. 不過跟我一起混了這麼多年,他們總是聽過我抱怨舊團的一些事,所以總是有人纏著 他們要他們說些什麼. 我個人對他們感到驕傲. 我覺得如果沒有他們成熟及有風度的表現,特別是在媒體上被這樣婊過,我沒有辦法 做到今天這些事情."嘿,來我的團吧,不過記得帶把傘來" : "If I were to leave GUNS, I could consider giving, selling, shelving or : opening a GNR Burger chain with the name!! Ha!! Just kidding. I'm not so : different than the alumni in that there's generally something going on that : makes things suck and when that reaches overflow I want out too but if you : didn't when it's ugly I think that'd be less normal. 如果我離開槍團的話,我猜我會把這個團名送人、賣掉、放著不管,或是乾脆來開一家 "槍與玫瑰漢堡連鎖店"!(哈哈,開玩笑的!) 我想我跟之前的前輩們並不會有什麼太大的不同. 通常總是有些糟糕的事情在發生,而當事情太超過的時候我也是會想要落跑的.如果你不 是這樣想的話那反而是比較奇怪的. : "If I went solo — which I haven't — I wouldn't call it GUNS. 如果我單飛了-雖然我並不會-我不會用槍與玫瑰的名字 : "The name does come from mine and Tracii's [Guns, current L.A. GUNS : guitarist] as the original inspiration but was something I played with, not : Tracii, and GUNS was GUNS before Tracii joined. It was GUNS before I knocked : on Izzy's window. Earlier I had gotten Tracii to use the name GUNS (as he had : mentioned a girl had called him Mr. Guns sometime) so he'd stop calling his : band PERSIAN ROSE. So I guess we have the girl to thank. 這名字並不是從我跟tracii各取一個來的,在tracci加入前槍團就是槍團了. 槍團在我找Izzy前就已經存在. 更早一點我找Tracii一起用這名字(那時他提到有個女生叫他Mr. Guns)所以他就不 再叫他的團"PERSIAN ROSE".所以我猜我們要謝謝哪個女孩. : "The others having a sense of entitlement to the name isn't completely off : but has more to do with how Slash dealt with things and his particular : strategy and I say strategy because that's what it's been. But since I : managed to hold out that didn't play out so well for him in regard to the : name. 其他覺得自己應該從這名字得到點什麼的人並沒有消失,但這跟slash處理這問題 的方法有關.我覺得這讓事情變成現在這個樣子. 不過既然我打算堅持下去,所以在這個名字的問題上slash還沒有要停手的樣子. : "It's a band name more than a brand name. As Tommy said regarding our : struggles to make this happen, 'We're not lettin' what took so much blood and : heart get turned to shit and dust.' And I guess you could apply that to : current former or whatever. 這個名字單純是個團名的成分比較多,而非一個品牌的名稱. 就像Tommy說的 "我們不為讓這些心血結晶化為狗屎" 我想這句話也適用於以前跟現在. : "Slash never had ANY arguments for keeping the name until long after and : again I feel that had a lot to do with seedy biz types and him feeling he had : to save face. 當時Slash並沒有堅持說他要用這個名字,直到很久之後,我猜因為一些可恥的商業考量 他覺得必須要做點事來保住他的面子. : "Keeping the band name alive was very important. Not out of ego and I don't : know exactly why in the sense of putting into words, but I think it has : something to do with the global effect it has and how GUNS surviving in some : way is sometimes inspiring to others around the world and in that there's a : sense of obligation. 讓這團名繼續活著是很重要的. 並非出於自尊,但是(我並不知道怎麼表達這個感覺)我覺得這會有世界性的影響. 槍團如何走過這一切重新出發的事可以激勵其他的團,畢竟這代表的是一種責任感. : "I don't regret keeping the name though I wish more were supportive or at : least not as aggressively opposed. 我並不後悔保留這麼團名,雖然我希望得到更多的支持,或至少不要那麼強烈的反對. : "The details are that my attorney shit when I made the move. He was very : against it fearing long litigation but even then no one talked about brand : names or individual interests in a brand name. I look back and have no idea : why. Not my people, not his people, no one. No one pressured me, everyone was : afraid and no one including myself wanted to break up GUNS or the : relationship. 細節就是當我採取行動時,我找到的律師腦子裡裝的卻是大便. 他很怕訴訟會拖得太久,但當時並沒有人提到品牌或是品牌下的商業利益的問題. 現在回頭去想我也搞不懂. 沒有人強迫我.大家也都很害怕、都不想團或是彼此的關係散掉. : "The battles were during the breakup. Our people and my individual legal : basically forced me to go through the motions with everything I had to make : things work for over two years in the sense that if they felt I wasn't making : every effort 110% and with all the sincerity and all above board I wouldn't : have their support which I wanted, couldn't afford to lose or risk losing. : Which led to the trial period where Slash played the key bits of 'Fall to : Pieces' but once I showed some interest that was over. 爭論發生在團散掉的那時候. 我們的人以及我自己強迫我從這情緒中走出來. 在那兩年之中,我覺得如果我沒有讓他們覺得我是全心全意並且110%地努力在做的話, 我就得不到任何我需要的支持,並且我也不能失敗或是承擔失敗的風險. 這導致後來在實驗時期,當Slash主導"Fall to pieces"時,我一說我也有興趣時 事情就結束了. : "As far as people knowing me, this is a statement that in light of others : decisions that I chose to pursue as GUNS N' ROSES and what some may feel is a : different this or that may seem as if the arguments or disagreements are : about the band or the style of music such as blues or influences on earlier : GUNS has some relevance but, in my opinion, points more to deeper base : elements I wanted to put forth for people in general. Such as a more positive : intent and instead of as self-destructive, more of healing. There's all kinds : of things to help you die or be more negative. I wanted to try and make as : powerful a hard rock album as we could while incorporating beauty and an : openness to other forms both traditional and more recent without going : religious etc. I didn't attempt to make a party record or dance record, both : elements consciously in 'Appetite'. I wasn't trying to purposefully appeal to : the heartland or middle America in those ways (not that I was trying to avoid : them or have an issue). But for example, 'Sweet Child' wasn't in any way : trying to write a 'hit' mainstream song it was trying to write the best GUNS : N' ROSES LYNYRD SKYNYRD-influenced song we could as tribute and recognition : in the tradition of 'Tuesdays Gone With the Wind' or 'Simple Man', etc,, and : at a time when nothing could have seemed more unpopular. 從人們知道我開始,我就決定重點在於我想要給民眾什麼樣的東西,而不是 大家看到的,好像我們的爭論在於這個團或是音樂的元素之類的.例如正多正面的 企圖及撫慰,而不是自我毀滅.有各式各樣的東西教你去死或是活得消極. 我試著去做出一張強而有力,但是融合了美麗的事物以及各種傳統或現代元素的硬式 搖滾專輯.我並沒有要試圖要做出一張派對專輯或是舞曲專輯,這些元素在"毀滅慾" 中都有.我這麼做並不是要討好美國的主流聽眾(我也沒有要去閃開他們). 但是譬如"甜小孩"並不是為了成為主流歡迎的歌曲而寫的,這首歌是為了成為最好的 "槍與玫瑰受LYNYRD SKYNYRD影響"的歌而寫的,而我們可以把他當作是向"Tuesdays Gone With the Wind"或"Simple Man"致敬的歌曲. : "One man forced me to work with others. One man forced me to work with others : to survive. And I can't say what would have happened on different terms. I : say yes because it was agreed from day one. You have to realize we were on : the street. It wasn't the first band. Whoever thought of the name kept the : name unless he gave it up or moved on. Everyone was always having a new : version of whatever their band name was. I wouldn't have thought of using : L.A. GUNS or any of Slash's band names. We all knew that we could break up : the next week. You had to have that stuff somewhat sorted between each other : going in. It was a deal that we made. The issue becomes the value or : perceived value now and the fans attachment and or acceptance. Really weren't : things we consciously considered even during the breakup. 一個叫我去跟其他團,一個叫我跟其他人合作好讓這團活下來.所以我沒有辦法告訴你 在各方面到底出了哪些事情. 我說"yes"是因為從第一天開始大家就同意這件事了. 你必須瞭解我們處在一個險惡的環境.我們並不是第一個遇到這個問題的團. 第一個想到這個團名的人就擁有他,除非他放棄或是跑到其他地方去了. 就像我不會想要去用L.A Guns或是其他slash的團的名稱一樣. 我們都曉得隨時都有誰可能要離團.你必須在那之前先把醜話說清楚.而我們當時 都是同意我有權保留這個名字. 這個問題後來變成了價值、歌迷的向心力或接受度的問題.這是我們離團時始料未及的. : "I don't exactly know what GUNS N' ROSES is, but I know it's my job in the : sense of an obligation and I'm good with that. 我並不清楚"槍與玫瑰"究竟是什麼,但我知道這是我的責任,而且我做得還不錯 : "The name and rights have nothing to do with the breakup. That's all a : created façade a decoy and a smoke screen. Now had what Slash said actually : transpired then I'd say of course but in reality, no. 名稱跟權利和團散掉無關,這些說法只是煙霧彈. 那些slash說有發生過的事實際上並沒有發生. : "Going into GUNS, there wasn't a #2. At that time I was going to make it in a : band that started as GUNS N' ROSES and could evolve but that was the starting : point and it was all the way or bust. I knew what I wanted when I knocked on : Izzy's window. I also knew I wanted Slash but we still had differences and : Izzy wasn't down with it. 團中並沒有老二的問題 在我開始組"槍與玫瑰時"的時候,我想要的就是一個團.但,當然,這個團會有演變. 在我晚上去敲Izzy的門時,我知道我並不是想要跟他幹一炮而是想要他的音樂. 當我去找slash時也是,雖然當時我們有一些歧見. Izzy並沒有因為我多找了slash就以為我想要3p而心情不好. : "Most critics have higher opinions of theirs than is merited. I haven't read : much from outside sources in the media regarding my world that know much of : anything let alone what would be in my best interest other than looking at : events in hindsight and playing armchair music mogul. Which most times means : nothing and though could seem logical is usually just as far off base as : anything else they've said. 大多數的批評都超過他們所能評論的. 我並沒有去看太多這些鬼話,畢竟我自己才是最知道這些事情的人. 而這樣做對我而言最好,不用去管什麼幕後的陰謀論或是扮演一個虛偽的音樂強人. 他們說的那些鬼話通常沒什麼意義,雖然有時候聽起來有點邏輯,但都離事實太遠. : "The heart and commitment these guys play the material with is much more than : the others were prepared to give pursuing their own interests for a very long : time. The music changed after Slash and I parted so the direction was where I : took GUNS not where I had intended or tried to go previously. It had a lot to : do with not finding or knowing a more blues based player that I found : inspiring and I was really knocked down and beat up. Slash, Duff and Matt's : [Sorum] decisions had as much to do with kicking a guy when he's down or : abandoning ship at the time as anything else. Other things were going on with : music as well, we were basically dead at Geffen. I liked other things as well : so I wanted to explore, be legitimate and survive. I wasn't doing what was : written so often about chasing fads etc. Jesus, I wouldn't have agreed for : Zakk [Wylde] to come down if any of Slash's or the media's nonsense were : real. And that could've worked on some level but like GUNS it would've been : up to those two and their relationship. They talk nice but it wasn't pretty… : but it was pretty awesome!! 這些傢伙演奏這些東西時所付出的誠意比其他那些還要繼續追求自己的目標的人 所能付出的還要多. 因為音樂在我跟slash拆夥後已經有了變化,所以槍團的方向是我後來決定的而 非當時的想法. 後來的事情跟我找不到或不認得更有藍調基礎且具啟發性的樂手有關,我真的被這件事 給打敗了. slash、大夫、馬特當時的決定(按:離團?)就好像在一個跳船的人臉上踢一腳一樣. 其他的事情也同時在發生,我們在Geffen裡基本上已經黑掉了. 我喜歡不同的事物,在當時我只想要去開發不同的東西,在法律上能站得住腳,並且 存活下來. 我並沒有做那些雞巴人常說的事,像是一窩風的吹求風尚之類的,如果slash跟媒體講的是 真的那我又何必找zakk一起合作. 其實Zakk跟slash合作的是可能可行,但就跟其他槍團的事一樣,這還得視他們兩個人的 相處狀況而定. 他們兩個其實還算聊得滿來的,但是事情並不順利.不過他們倆的合作還是很屌! : "No plans not to be GUNS for the future. 沒有打算離開"槍與玫瑰" : "Solo efforts… Much more experimental and instrumental. 個人專輯的話...會更具實驗性以及更多的樂器部分. : "It doesn't bother me unless it's being done at my expense and or to keep him : associated as in Guitar Hero. Him being [in] Guitar Hero's fine but not when : Activison is using 'Jungle', having Yahoo! use 'Sweet Child' unauthorized, : claims no involvement with Slash, his or anyone's image or VR or anyone or : anyone's music in either camp in promotion or commercials etc. I wasn't : broadsided. I read about it as it moved along but Activision continually : denied it right up to the release. That's some low life chicanery on all : their parts. 對我而言我並不在意這一些事情,除非他拿我來消費或是用來讓他能夠留在"吉他英雄"裡. 他要參與"吉他英雄"是沒關係,但Activison跟Yahoo!在沒有被授權下使用"jungle"跟 "sweet child",宣稱沒有使用到slash或VR或雙邊的肖像權及音樂來宣傳時,我也沒有 做出太大的抨擊. 那些Activision否認即將發行的事我都是看報紙才知道的. 但那不過是他們沒品的狡辯方式而已. : "Yes, Slash was in GUNS and on 'Jungle' (and the whole 'I came to him for his : riff' is as much crap as him saying he brought 'Locomotive' and 'Coma' in as : complete songs) and he has rights to perform it but not to be represented in : this context in association with GUNS. And since they weren't granted the : license it'll take some sorting. 是,slash 那時是槍的成員,並且也參與了"jungle",他有權力表演這首歌,但是不可以 用GNR的名義表演. (至於那些"我幫他弄出了他的riff"以及"locomotive"跟"coma"整首都是他寫的 之類的屁話則是鬼扯蛋). 而既然他們沒有被允許,那合法性就有帶釐清. : "Universal has GUNS under contract but I own the name. 環球唱片在合約上擁有槍與玫瑰,但是團名還是歸我. : "I don't have problems with whoever doing the songs but film or video gets : into sync rights and I don't have an interest in anyone new, old or whatever : trying to sell themselves as GNR under another name that way. 我跟誰一起表演這些歌都ok, 但是電影或是威低喔的話可能會牽扯到其他的權利問題, 至於如果有人想要用其他名字但是骨子裡賣弄他們是GNR成員的事我沒有興趣. : "It's my understanding the lawyers were scammed like the everyone else so for : them to continually try and find a way to reverse things is normal and would : seem appropriate but again it NEVER happened. 就我瞭解,那些律師都被耍了,不然他們不會企圖找到方法來扭轉這些事,而我要再說一次 -那 都 不 是 真 的. : "Thanks everyone. Hope to get back soon. I'll take a look at that list. As : long as we don't get to personal or offensive, I'm good with things. Thanks : for all the questions, my apologies for not answering specifically to each, : this was just a bit easier for this subject. Hope no one took wanting to stay : on topic to personal. Thanks again to everyone who participated. Thanks to : everyone for the great comments and appreciation." 謝謝大家 : : itemID=110830 : -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/27 00:54, , 1F
12/27 00:54, 1F

12/28 14:21, , 2F
12/28 14:21, 2F

12/28 18:00, , 3F
12/28 18:00, 3F
※ 編輯: dondothat 來自: (12/30 21:41)

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01/02 00:55, 4F

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04/18 15:55, 5F
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