Re: [艾叔] Axl的訪談~

看板GunsNRoses作者 (bass手找團啦,幹)時間15年前 (2008/12/23 22:55), 編輯推噓8(805)
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邊看邊翻 希望對恨死英文的朋友們有所幫助 有錯誤的部分會請賜教orz ※ 引述《lordlpg (M)》之銘言: : more :P : AXL ROSE Takes Part In Another Online Chat, Says There Are 'No Plans' For : GN'R Tour Right Now - Dec. 14, 2008 : Reclusive GUNS N' ROSES singer Axl Rose took part in yet another online chat : Friday night (December 12), this time via the GUNS N' ROSES fan community : : BLABBERMOUTH.NET has compiled the most interesting bits from the : question-and-answer session and is re-posting them here for your reading : enjoyment. (Note: Some of Axl's responses were slightly edited for clarity.) 以上前言 : Q: If you tour the UK again, will you be going back to Newcastle? Despite the : last time one prick there throwing pound coins about. I was there that night : in 2006 and it would be a shame for the next tour not to stop there because : of one idiot out of thousands (although I'm sure it's a lot more complicated : then that and down to promoters). : Axl: That wouldn't stop us from playing there again. And the whole : throwing-shit [thing] sucks and is pretty cowardly, but the leaving : [threatening to walk off stage when people throw objects at you while you are : performing] I got at Donington from Lemmy. When we first played Donington, I : was so happy I had knocked a bottle of piss out of the air when Lemmy gave me : a lecture how if another band got hurt because I allowed people to throw : things at our shows I'd be responsible for other bands getting hurt. Whether : real or there's an argument against that, I've never been able to have : anything override that in my head, not even a riot, and I don't know why. If : you're working hard and some cunt throws something so he can tell his : buddies, I don't see where it's worth it. 這段好像在說2006在英國newcastle的表演出過一些事 會不會因此不再回去那裡表演 艾叔說不會因此不回去表演 (有人知道詳情嗎?) : Q: Is "Silkworms" on the next record? It's a masterpiece. : Axl: [It] has a lot of guitars, lots of different drum [patterns] and the : chorus is gone. 問:silkworms會放到下一張專輯中嗎? 艾:這首歌用到很多吉他,很多鼓,而且當時合音的人已經不見了 (沒正面回答會不會收錄) : Q: Just wondering if there truly was a rap song with Shaq [American : professional basketball player, rapper and actor Shaquille O'Neal] on it that : you recorded? This is one of the many rumors flying around since this album's : conception and I think we all wanna know. : Axl: In my opinion, that was just cheap shots from media jerkoffs knowing : that Shaq wasn't the most popular or respected rapper publicly. I've never : met the man. He goofed around with Paul [Tobias, a.k.a. Paul Huge; GUNS N' : ROSES guitarist 1996-2002] and Diz [GN'R keyboardist Dizzy Reed] and it went : from there. 問:真的有收錄跟歐肥合唱的rap嗎? 艾:我覺得這只是媒體在消費歐肥,我本人從沒見過他 可能是他跟paul huge (按:這誰啊?)跟dizzy混在一起所以有這謠言 : Q: I was wondering about new tour dates.... : Axl: No plans. We're talking. 問:新的巡迴時間? 艾:還在談 : Q: What is Brain's [GN'R drummer Bryan "Brain" Mantia] status? : Axl: I think he's doing alright. Maybe I should check. 問:Brain現在怎樣? 艾:我想應該還好,我應該要再去確認一下 (按:?) : Q: Can you bring back "Breakdown" or "Dead Horse" to the set? : Axl: Maybe. [I'm] more interested in [performing] the newer [material] now. 問:會把"Breakdown"或"Dead Horse"放到歌單裡嗎 ? 艾:我比較想唱新歌 : Q: Your music means more to me than I could ever express. : Axl: Thank you. [It] means a lot. 問:你的歌好棒 艾:謝謝指教 : Q: What's your opinion on the ["Chinese Democracy"] album, and : being banned in China? : Axl: China's a tough place. A lot of us have no idea how good we have it and : think less of those less fortunate. The Chinese people have been kept in the : dark through literally the fear of incarceration or death, which, to most, is : either unimaginable or only able to be contemplated with stories or movies : and such where there is an all-encompassing environment and they're growing : larger everyday. 問:對於新專輯跟網站在中國被禁有什麼看法? 艾:我想是因為現在出唱片的時機不宜吧(誤) 中國是個鬼地方。我們多數人並不清楚我們擁有的事情是多麼的美好,並且 不太關心那些不幸的人們.中國的人民被關在黑暗的所在並受到死亡及監禁 的威脅,這些是我們無法想像的,或是只能透過故事或電影才能理解到那是 一個完全壓迫的社會,並且這壓迫還在不斷地擴張. : Q: How does an average GN'R rehearsal go? Like, do you jam on any covers, go : over songs until they are extremely tight, etc.? Also, how frequent are GUNS : N' ROSES rehearsals? : Axl: Frequency depends on the reason, say a tour or particular gig, and how : we feel about where we're at with whatever the material is and not so much on : the covers but lots of jams. Generally, there's a lot of fun but a lot of : work and these guys take it very seriously, which is great. 問:你們平常是怎麼練團的 ?多久練一次團? 艾:練團的頻率並不一定,取決於演出或是我們對於歌曲的感覺。練團時 並非照本重練或是亂jam一通. 不過大致上說來他們都很認真,這是很棒的事. : Q: How do you feel about meeting your fans? What is the best way for a fan to : meet you if they happen to be a dude (since the stereotype is that rockers : only wanna meet hot chicks)? : Axl: I like meeting all kinds of fans, but after a show (I realize that's the : only time some may feel they have an opportunity, but with the exception of : close friends around...), not to be offensive, but I'm generally not looking : forward to walking off stage to hang with guys, whether they're fans or not. : I deal with GUNS all day every day, so coming off stage to talk about the : band is just like more of the same. Unless there's pressing business, I wanna : forget that 'till it's time to go at it again the next day. And people may : enjoy meet-and-greets and have their reasons why it meant a lot for them, : which I respect, but overall, charging fans for it, I think, [is] disgusting : of bands. Now if they did it for free to winners of a contest, etc., that : would be different. Charging is lame. How to meet bands? Maybe try to hang : out places you might hear they do sometimes. 問:對於跟歌迷見面你有什麼看法?如果他們不能插的話你會排斥嗎? 艾:我喜歡跟不同類型的歌迷碰面,但在表演完下台後並不喜歡跟歌迷甚至 其他人混在一起 (我曉得很多人覺得剛表演完是跟我們接近的好時機) 我整天都活在GNR的世界中,即使下了舞台談來談去還是那些事情,除非是接受 訪問,不然我並不想面對這些事情. 對於一般人來說,跟我們打招呼、見面可能是很不得了的事情,這點我能理解. 但見面要收錢這件事還滿雞巴的. 比較好的方式是到我們可能出現的地方去堵我們 : Q: How much does [J.D. Salinger's 1951 novel] "Catcher in the Rye" [have to : do with] the [GUNS N' ROSES] song ["Catcher N' The Rye"], or is [the title] : solely referring to Chapman [John Lennon's murderer Mark David Chapman was : carrying a copy of the book when he shot the ex-THE BEATLES member]? : Axl: For me, the song is inspired by what's referred to sometimes as Holden : Caulfield Syndrome. I feel there's a possibility that how the writing is : structured with the thinking of the main character could somehow re-program, : for lack of a better word, some who may be a bit more vulnerable, with a : skewed way of thinking, and tried to allow myself to go what may be there or : somewhat close during the verses. I'd think for most those lines are enjoyed : as just venting, blowing off steam, humor or some type of entertainment where : it may be how others seriously live in their minds. The bridge before the : solo is an artistic interpretation of an institutionalized mind. The outro is : a tribute to Lennon and an indictment of the author for writing what I feel : is utter garbage and I agree wholeheartedly that it should be discontinued as : required reading in schools. That's my take, I could be completely wrong. I : do realize that the song and title could have the next poor soul reading the : book and feeling inspired to make an unfortunate statement. So there's the : catch, I guess. When I came up with the focus, I got a call from the director : of "Imagine" wanting a bunch of money to make a documentary, had a guy : sending me strange packages about Lennon and serial killers, etc., and the : web started calling me Salinger, with no one knowing what I was writing. I : figured I was on the right track, at least for a song. 問:"Catcher in the Rye"跟槍殺約翰男膿的Mark David Chapman有什麼關係? (Mark David Chapman當時身上帶著一本"麥田捕手") 艾:這首歌的靈感來自於"Holden Caulfield Syndrome" (按:1.幹,我念醫學院十年都沒聽過這病名,艾叔真是太屌了! 2. <-Holden Caulfield是"麥田捕手"書中的主角, 好像有一些精神上的困境,"Holden Caulfield Syndrome"不曉得是不是 確實精神醫學上的症狀名稱,這點我有空再查查看 3.大家有空瞭解一下這首歌的歌詞或是去看看這本書 可能比較能清楚接下來幾段艾叔叔在講啥) 我覺得應該有辦法能夠重新整理這部建築在有點脆弱、有點偏激的主角的想法上 的作品,讓我本身更能夠進入作品的思維. 我寧可希望大部分的歌詞被拿來當作消遣跟抒發的娛樂,雖然歌詞可能是某些人 真實的想法. 在solo前的那個橋段是對於僵化的思想所做的藝術上的詮釋, outro的部分,則是對男膿的致敬及對寫出這本垃圾書的作者的指控 我完全贊成這些垃圾不應該再被指定為學生的指定閱讀刊物. 但這只是我的想法,我也有可能是錯的. 我瞭解這首歌的內容跟歌名可能會讓某些人去讀這本書,進而做出錯誤的解讀. 這首歌曝光後,"Imagine"的導演打了通電話給我,說要用一堆錢弄個紀錄片, 還叫人拿了一堆男膿跟連續殺人犯什麼的文件給我,網路上也開始叫我 Salinger(按:麥田捕手的作者),但他們連我在寫啥都還弄不清楚. 我想我應該沒有錯得太離譜,至少在寫一首歌上. : Q: Just wanted to ask this: out of all of the music you have written, what : song are you most proud of? : Axl: Right now, a lot on this album "Chinese Democracy". For me, musically, : it would have to be the orchestral arrangement in the bridge of "This I Love". 問:你最自豪的作品是哪一首 艾:大部分都在『中國民主』這張專輯中。 音樂上,應該是"This I love"中管弦樂的部分。 : Q: How does it feel to see your face everywhere? Especially these very old : pictures... : Axl: Fine. 問:到處都看得到自己的臉是什麼感覺,特別那些照片都是很久以前的 艾:fine. : Q: When GUNS played the surprise acoustic show in London, can you remember : what the request was that you denied before playing "Nightrain", and if so, : what was that request? : Axl: No idea. 問:你還記得在倫敦表演不插電那次,你為什麼拒絕表演"nighttrain"嗎? 艾:我不知道你在公三洨. : Q: Axl, what do you think of Duff's [McKagan, ex-GUNS N' ROSES bassist] : comments about "Chinese Democracy"? [Duff told the Seattle radio station KISW : 99.9 FM on Friday, December 12] that Axl "sounds amazing" on "Chinese : Democracy", before adding, "You know, I'm glad he [Axl] put out the record he : wanted to put out and I think it's gonna be successful, him going out and : touring. People have been talking how the record's doing. I think it's a : longevity thing; it will do fine for him. And I wish him the best of luck."] : Axl: And? 問:你對大夫對這張唱片的看法有什麼看法?(內容見前前篇翻譯) 艾:再來勒? : Q: Do ya Internet with a 56K modem, Axl? : Axl: Do you? 問:你還在用56k摩電嗎? 艾:那你勒? : Q: "Chinese Democracy" is awesome, but it's a pretty ballady album compared : to previous GN'R albums. Is this the new direction of GN'R or will some of : the future GN'R albums be more focused on hard-rocking songs again? : Axl: What I know is it's the record that was able to get through the red tape : and get itself out there while helping friends, loved ones and myself along : the way. The whole ballad or rocker thing has never been something I've ever : cared too much about. There's some meaner sections ahead, but a particular : focus once there were a few of the newer guys together was to bring a bit : more beauty into our efforts. 問:新專輯中的情歌偏多,這是新的方向嗎?還是以後會回到搖滾的曲風? 艾:就我的認知,這是一張幫我的朋友們,可愛的人們,以及我自己走過那些雞巴事情 並得以出版的專輯。 搖不搖滾或芭不芭樂並不在我考慮的範圍 未來還有一些更屌(更雞巴?)的部分,但重點是如果有新的團員,他們會給新作品 帶來一些新的氣象. : Q: Is the band still in contact with [former GN'R guitarist] Paul Huge : [a.k.a. Paul Tobias]? Any more future plans with him? Guest apperance on tour : maybe? : Axl: Paul helps out all the time and is on a lot more material. Paul helped : get a lot of the base credits, etc., together which were extensive. He's : always had a good memory on that stuff and it's generally important to him to : be as ethical as he's capable, which is invaluable. 問:paul huge會再回來嗎? 艾:他一直有再幫忙,也參與了很多作品.他對我們幫助很大. (按:paul huge到底是誰orz.) : Q: If you're composing music (piano), are you using some computer software to : write the notes down or are you using a sheet of paper and a pen for this? : If I want to capture it, I either use Logic or Pro Tools in the studio. I've : tried recording myself otherwise for years, but for some reason, no matter : what's there, it doesn't seem to be where my real focus should ultimately be. 問:寫歌的時候會用電腦嗎? 艾:如果是要抓譜的話,我會用錄音室的設備,但沒有說一定要用什麼來做. : Q: From interviews, tours, riots, and information you revealed yesterday : morning, this project has obviously had its ups and downs. If you could do : this whole process over again, with the making of CD, would you? : Axl: Only for the same reason I have, other than that... not in a billion : years. 問:如果可以的話,你會想重做這張唱片嗎? 艾:一百萬年內不會. (按:前面那句"the same reason i have"不知道指的是什麼) : Q: Also, would you consider GN'R to perform for a charity cause, and if yes, : what that cause would be? : Axl: All depends on the cause and if it feels right for us at the time. There : could be a disaster that we felt strongly about being involved with helping : in some way but often these turn into ways for bands to just promote : themselves — not really caring, but looking so publicly. Or the money : doesn't reach the victims or those in need while the celebrities are promoted : for their efforts. Efforts at what? Not into that so much. Medical situations : are always important. If you're really helping, then I'm for it. Which ones, : I couldn't really say. It's not like I would draw a line or argue the : importance of one over another in most cases. 問:有想過慈善演出嗎? 艾:看目的、憑感覺 有些慈善演出結果變成樂團在推銷自己,或是錢沒有到需要的人手上. 也有些名流只是要吹噓自己的功勞. 如果是真的要幫忙,那我會去,但我無法分辨哪些事情是比較重要,需要我去幫忙的. : Q: When did you start the recording of your voice for CD and when did it end : and which was the last song recorded? Are you here to promote the album, or : do you really care about your fan base? : Axl: I'll have to think about the first bit. With the second [question], I'm : not sure how much this is promoting the album as it's in our own backyard, so : to speak, but it is talking with fans about some of the realities of GUNS or : myself which whether I've wanted to or not didn't feel right until now. So : I'd say it's about us!! 問:什麼時候開始錄你vocal的部分的?什麼時候錄完的?哪一首歌是最後錄的? 你來這是要推銷你的新專輯嗎?你真的在乎你的歌迷嗎? 艾:這問題很難,我要想兩個小時 (按:仿自柯賜海2004年於軍購公投投票現場) 我不知道來這裡對於宣傳唱片有多大幫助,我只是來跟大家聊聊. : Q: Has anything Disney ever inspired you musically? Like "The Little Mermaid" : score or something? Are you a fan of "The Little Mermaid"? What's your : favorite Disney animated film? : Axl: I don't know about musically, but I'm pro Disney. Go about once a year : or so. Went with Bucket [former GN'R guitarist Buckethead] a lot. It's nice : to go somewhere where people allow themselves to be more in touch with a more : innocent side of themselves at least for what seems like the most part. 問:敵視妮有給你什麼靈感嗎?像是小美人魚跟人家搞上之類的?你是小美人魚的影迷嗎? 你最喜歡的敵視妮電影是? 艾:我不知道這跟音樂有啥關係,但我是pro級的敵視妮影迷. 一年前我跟桶頭常去敵視妮玩. 去一些能夠讓自己接觸自己天真無邪的一面的地方是件好事. : Q: Did you do a song with Eazy-E [late American rapper, producer, and record : executive] in the early '90s. I read it somewhere. I think it would be pretty : cool. Did you hang out with Eazy-E ever? What was a cool moment hanging out : with N.W.A.? : Axl: He recorded with Slash and Duff. He really wanted to attack the media : over attacking me for "One in a Million". There wasn't really any Easy on it. : I wasn't there. He gave me the tape to consider. Sounded a bit like the other : guys doing BODY COUNT. The idea was OK but the track wasn't really there and : I felt it would get more heat than the track could stand up to. Only hung a : couple times after a show with any of them. Was glad I got to meet Eazy. 問:你有跟 Eazy-E 合作過嗎?跟N.W.A.鬼混好玩嗎? (按:N.W.A好像是一個很有份量的饒舌團體 艾:他是跟屎拉稀還有大夫合作. 對於"One in a Million"這首歌,他好像不爽媒體更勝於我。 我並沒有跟eazy合作過. 他有給過我帶子試聽.聽起來有點像body count,但並不是一個原整的作品,我覺得 做成錄音作品的話效果可能沒那麼好. (按:不知道是不是這個團 : Q: Which of your songs ever is the most meaningful for you? And why? : Axl: I probably won't answer this for a while. It's a good question, but one : I'll have to think about. 問:你所寫的歌哪首對你最有意義? 艾:這問題很難,我要想兩個小時 (柯董再次附身) : Q: Which song on "Chinese Democracy" do you feel was your best work vocally? : Axl: End section of "There Was A Time", backgrounds in "Catcher N' The Rye". 問:「中國民主」中你哪部分唱得最好? 艾:TWAT最後面的部分."Catcher N' The Rye"背景合音的部分 : Q: What do you do in your spare time for a hobby? What else do you love : except music? : Axl: Cars, checking out art, F1 [Formula 1]. 問:平常的消遣? 艾:車子,藝術品,F1 : Q: If you don't mind, would you tell me what are your favorite 10 albums of : 2008 and all-time favorites? I would like to know more about your music taste. : Axl: I'm more into film scores. 問:你最喜歡的10張專輯? 艾:我比較想回答電影的. : Q: "Chinese Democracy" was a brilliant album, but do you miss the old GUNS : from time to time? : Axl: I miss the illusion we shared for only a few months, if that, of : thinking we were in this together. It wasn't real, or if so, only ever so : briefly while deeper currents of ambitions were temporarily put aside, but I : didn't know that then. 問:你會偶爾想念舊槍嗎? 艾:剛開始的幾個月我會想像如果我們還在一起的話會是怎樣的情形.但這並不真切, 除非我內心強烈的企圖心暫時被壓抑下來,但我想不到有這個時候. : Q: I love "Oh My God", but it really sounds like a demo. Why? I'm sure we all : would love a new version. : Axl: Because that's all it was, only at the time having just got it together : only Jimmy Iovine [music producer, entrepreneur and chairman of : Interscope-Geffen-A&M] knew that who wanted it to sell their soundtrack ["End : of Days", released in 1999]. I saw segments of the movie which were good. As : a whole later not so much, but it wasn't ready yet then. I did write an : experimental piece inspired by the bits I'd seen called "Daddy Can the Devil : do Mommy and Me?" 問:oh my god 聽起來像 demo, why? 艾:因為他確實是啊.(按:大驚!?) 那時剛弄好,Jimmy Iovine(Geffen的老闆?)就把他賣掉了. 在看完"Daddy Can the Devil do Mommy and Me?"之後我確實寫了一些實驗性的東西. (按:"Daddy Can the Devil do Mommy and Me?"指的是end of days的片段嗎?) : Q: Sebastian Bach mentioned you were writing an autobiography. How is that : progressing? : Axl: It's not exactly an autobiography as much as legal record of every last : detail of what went down with the breakup. I have about 40,000 words on it : (don't know where [the previously reported number of words] 12,000 came from) : but it's generally really depressing so I don't go back to it so much. 問:色巴死舔 說你在寫自傳.寫得怎樣了? 艾:那並不是正式的自傳,只是關於我們團散掉的記錄而已. 我寫了四萬字,不知道人家說的十二萬字是哪來的 (按:可能是跟某些媒體說阿扁在看守所中寫回憶錄搞混了吧) 但因為寫起來很沮喪,所以暫時不會再動筆了. : Q: How many other new songs are fully complete and ready to go? : Axl: Haven't checked. 問:還有多少歌已經弄好準備發表了 艾:還沒確認 : Q: I find the verses on "Shackler's Revenge" to remind me of "The Sopranos" : theme tune in certain ways. Should they do? Furthermore, any chance of : getting the complete album on Rock Band? That would be swell. : Axl: Never thought of that with "The Sopranos", but a big fan of that song. : And I think that's a yes on Rock Band. 問:"Shackler's Revenge"聽起來跟"The Sopranos"主題曲有關?有可能拿到"Rock band" 的專輯嗎? 艾:不要把兩首歌放一起想. "Rock band"專輯的事則有可能. : Q: Which is the most emotional song for you too sing on "Chinese Democracy"? : Axl: "This I Love". 問:「中國民主」中哪首歌唱起來最有感覺? 艾:This I love. : Q: Outta the whole ["Chinese Democracy"] record, what is your favorite part : of music on it? Like a breakdown at some point, strings, anything. : Axl: Bucket's blues fill at the beginning of the last verse in "Prostitute" : and his "eventide" bits in the outro, the guitars in the bridge of "Better", : Robin's [Finck] solo in "There Was A Time", for a few of them. 問:整張唱片中你最喜歡的部分是哪裡? 艾:Prostitute最後一段歌詞的開頭桶頭所彈的的藍調,還有他在outro中所彈的 結束前的部分(eventide bits). 還有他在"better"的bridge的部分. Robin在TWAT的solo : Q: Do you think "This I Love" is still the heaviest thing you've written, or : has another song popped up that now holds that title? : Axl: That's still it and ultimately a great healing experience to compose : something you have no real idea you're capable of such as the bridge. It's a : lot more intricate than I think most realize yet as the guitar and vocals are : placed as they should be so dominant. The main string melody in that section : I had originally written to a hip-hop loop as well. 問:你覺得"This I love"是你寫過最有份量的作品嗎? 艾:是的. 寫這首歌是個很棒的經驗,讓你體驗你的能力能到哪裡,譬如說bridge那段. 這比我想像的還要複雜精細,並且讓我體驗到吉他跟聲音並不一定要放在最顯 眼的位置. 那一段的旋律主線我本來是放在其他hip hop的loop中的. : Q: Could you please talk at all about what inspired the lyrics to "Shackler's : Revenge" and/or "Catcher N' The Rye"? Or the meaning behind "Riad N' The : Bedouins"? : Axl: "Shackler's" was inspired by the insanity of senseless school shootings : and also the media trying desperately to make more out of one shooter's : preference for the GUNS song "Mr. Brownstone" to no avail. That said, : listening for my own enjoyment or if we were to make a video or performing : it, I lean more to the entertainment of a horror flick or something like : "Dexter", something with an interesting menacing character as opposed to real : life. 問:聊一下"Shackler's Revenge","Catcher N' The Rye","Riad N' The Bedouins" 艾:"Shackler's Revenge"的靈感來自校園槍擊案以及某些媒體想要把事情跟 其中一個槍手聽"Mr. Brownstone"牽拖在一起. : On song inspirations: (按:接下來這段好像是axl自己轉貼以前的談話內容,有關於歌的靈感來源 有點長,所以分段看分段翻,聖誕夜女友不在身邊,時間很多,金溝背.) : Axl: I tried sending this ages ago but apparently it never went through. It : was a direct response but now fits others questions on the same subject. 艾:幾年前我就想貼出這些內容,但好像沒有貼成功(按:先去百分百貼圖練習一下) 這是直接反應,但對於現在的一些相關的問題也滿適用的. : The whole "who's it about?" bit with songs doesn't work for me that much as : in whether a line or whatever was inspired by a particular person or : situation doesn't mean that in the end that's what or who the song's about. I 對於"這首歌跟誰有關"的問題並不適用於我,雖然有些歌中的某部分靈感來自某些人或 某些事,但不代表這首歌就跟該人或該件事有關. : could be working with clay and think of someone or something and somehow that : could inspire me to take the work in a different direction at the moment but : in the end it could just be a nice vase. I often wonder where the people who : inspired so many songs are now and why it's only important with some songs : such as "Layla" as opposed to others. I'm guessin' a fair number of beautiful : love songs or otherwise were inspired by some that the artists and public : might consider now or in hindsight to be the opposite of how they are : depicted or allegedly represented. 我可以對著一堆泥土工作,想著可以激發我靈感的某些人或事或方法,引導我朝向不 同的方向去創作,結果可能就捏出一個不錯但沒有內容的花瓶. 我常在想那些激發許多其他歌曲靈感的人現在在哪?以及為什麼只有一些歌像"Layla" 強調靈感而其他歌不用? 我猜有許多好歌或其他歌曲是被音樂家或大眾所注意到的歌曲所激發,或是本來 被遺忘,但被改編之後重新詮釋過. With "Sorry", like a lot of the material : is drawn from a lot of different situations. The main focus on the boards : with the track seems to be either Slash or "the fans" (and the collective of : "the fans" is another thing that doesn't work for me) and is much too : restrictive or narrow and limits what I feel I intended. For me it's for : anyone talking nonsense at mine and the public's expense and that many of : those as well as the public don't know who to believe. Also where possible : I'd like to give people the opportunity to get what they can from the : material for a while before clouding that with my inspirations. Of course : that's not always avoidable. 像"sorry",就像其他的歌曲素材一樣,其實是由許多地方得來的靈感所合成. 版上討論的重點都在於slash或是"歌迷們"(所謂的"歌迷們"對我並沒有太大的影響), 但對我而言這都太狹隘了,會限制我的企圖及感受. 對我而言這個版只是給別人討論關於我的一些無聊傳言,而很多人並不知道哪些事情 是可以相信的. 同時我也願意讓民眾在我的鼓勵下從這些東西中得到他們想要的,在事情變得 混亂之前.當然通常這是無法避免的. (按:這一大段我不知道有沒有誤解axl的意思,因為怪怪的 我不太清楚他的"the boards"指的是討論版還是唱片) : Q: What effect do leaks REALLY have on the band/the album? There's a lot of : speculation but no clear answer. : Axl: Basically, for us it's devastating across the board. And when you have : such a majority openly justifying their actions and throwing out nonsense, : such as it's not actually stealing as the original is still with whomever, : it's unbelievably insane. It exists because of the greed of the record : industry, the greed of large-scale pirating, the ease and common nature now : of the act itself and personal motivations such as popularity among certain : groups, possible momentary media recognition etc. And it's too rampant and : widespread. It's simply too huge a mess for the courts to deal with and in : that with those numbers and the expense and manpower involved necessary at : this time to curtail it... obviously there are more serious crimes for : society to focus on. Besides, fuck musicians, right? If they didn't make : enough already, then they probably suck anyway, right? "I ain't cryin' for no : rich dude." Whatever. And who knows? What are our numbers on the torrent : sites for this album? I don't know. So I don't know how or if it's affected : us in terms of sales this time around. Maybe not, but with the economy and : the core of our market, I'd think there's a possibility it has had a negative : effect. Anyone? 問:之前的無碼流出版對專輯或樂團有什麼影響嗎? 艾:基本上這對我們的傷害很大. 但大多數人卻還狡辯,說堆屁話,說三小雖然下載了但原版還在當事人手上,所以 並不算偷.(按:聽不懂的請參考宋世傑關於竊取公文的辯解) 這實在是不可思議地有夠雞巴. 這種鳥事會存在是因為唱片工業、大規模盜版商的貪婪,容易下載、以及個人的動機 如博取版友歡迎或是炒作媒體的知名度等等. 並且也流傳得太廣了,要告起來也很費力,這社會也有很多其他的事情要處理. 除此之外,"幹他媽的音樂家","如果他們做得不夠好,那他們也是個爛東西" "我不會為有錢人哭泣"三小之類的,對吧? 我們唱片的銷售排名?誰知道呢?我不知道那會不會影響唱片的銷售,至少目前 還不清楚,或許不會,但我想應該很有可能產生負面的影響. : Q: Axl, I'd just like to say I feel that you have captured the mood and feel : of J.D Sallinger's "Catcher in the Rye" perfectly. Why did you chose this : book to reference as regards to "Chinese Democracy"? : Axl: OK, I've never actually tried to put this into words this way before, : and this'll probably get me in trouble with someone, but here goes... : The piano started while watching a documentary or A&E type show on Chapman : and wanting to write something for Lennon and his family. : With the book, it started as fascination and curiosity with Holden Caufield : Syndrome and what was or could possibly be in the book that obviously certain : vulnerable people have seemed to become so passionate about and resort to : outrageous public attempts or acts of violence. That and the question most : have in regard to Lennon's death... Why? : Can't say I have those answers, but I feel our song pays the emotional : tribute to John Lennon in the end that I'd wanted to write since the night he : was killed and also since first listening to Elton and Bernie's "Empty : Garden". 問:為什麼想要把"Catcher in the Rye"放到「中國民主」中? 艾:ok,我本來不想把事情講出來的,這可能會讓我跟別人架樑子,不過 現在管他去死吧. 有次在看跟Chapman有關的紀錄片或A&E type show什麼的時候,那個開頭 的鋼琴響起,我就想要寫些什麼給約漢男膿跟他的家人. 讀這本書時,我一開始是對Holden Caufield Syndrome,感到好奇. 書中想談的似乎是一個脆弱的人也能變得很情感熱切,並訴諸粗暴的舉動甚至 是暴力行為. 這跟所有的疑問應該都跟男膿的死有關,對嗎? 但我不能說我得到了解答,不過我想這首歌在情感上是向男膿致敬. 從他死的那一晚上以及第一次聽到老屁眼 Elton 跟 Bernie的"empty garden" 時我就想寫些什麼了. : I read the book. I fell into a deep dark sleep. Went to the studio and sang : as a joke what I refer to as the Holden parts off the top of my head and felt : at the time, at least in my opinion, I had stumbled on a way of thinking that : had a pattern and a flow but was broken up like a television station going : out and coming back slightly off course intermittently and not making sense : with its earlier portion. 我讀了這本書.陷入了深深的長眠.進到錄音室半開玩笑地唱了一些當時我腦子裡對於 Holden的想法跟感覺. 當時腦子裡有些段落跟思緒,但是卻斷斷續續的,在當時對於這首歌並沒有太多的意義. : Where this unease helped to justify or even demand taking action and feeling : the power of taking that action against whoever your mind felt was somehow : involved or the root of this unease and alienation. Accompanied by a calming : surreal almost religious (but totally insane) vibe I think that if some were : to experience having limited capabilities, insecurities or are mentally and : emotionally challenged in some way could find a false sense of solace and : take comfort in like being on some type of drugs or meds but with an added : completely false sense of an imagined calling or purpose. It certainly could : and very well often would feel better than some individuals real world or : having to experience or live with a clearer perspective of their true : reality... All of which, of course, could be imagined and hooked together by : events like Lennon's murder, reading the book, wanting to write a song about : someone being insane, John Lennon, Chapman, people shooting people and : watching Mel Gibson's "Conspiracy"! And when I got home, not in any dramatic : way, but more like cleaning off the dinner table, I threw my book away. : Don't know if any of that's really what any of that's about but that's how it : hit me and just like an instant cake we got the basis for a song. 這股浮躁的感覺,讓我有種想要做些什麼,或者是去對抗某個人的衝動,而這似乎是 這股不安跟錯亂的根源. 這股平靜卻超現實、近乎信仰般(但卻十分荒謬)的悸動,讓我覺得可能某些人在遭遇 到無力、不安的感覺,或是精神及情緒上受到某種打擊時,可能會去許找錯誤的慰藉 或用錯誤的方式得到安全感,例如嗑藥,但是卻在幻想出來的宿命或目的之中不斷 的錯誤下去. 當然非常可能對這些人而言,這樣的錯誤行為會比活在現實生活中來得輕鬆. 而這一堆事,都可以跟男膿的死、讀這本書,或想要寫些什麼給錯亂的人、男膿、 殺男膿的人、槍殺別人的人,以及看沒耳雞巴森的"納粹大屠殺"聯想在一起. 當我到家時,就像清理餐桌一樣平靜地,我把書丟到一旁. 我不知道這些衝擊是不是真的跟這首歌有關,但我在這之中得到了這首歌的基礎. : Q: What are your five favorite books? : Axl: "The Stand", "A Scanner Darkly", "The Mutant King", "The Zodiac", "Mary : Shelley's Frankenstein". 問:最喜歡的五本書? 艾:(按:我一本都沒聽過) : Q: Will there ever be decent promo and interviews, etc. concerning this : album, or is this it? : Axl: There were, in my opinion, well-thought-out plans and strategies that : unfortunately were ignored once we were pressing CDs. There will be proper : interviews and some are already scheduled for much later intentionally. Good : idea, bad… we'll see. I'm happy the record's out; the rest… one nightmare : at a time. 問:會有正式的宣傳跟訪問嗎? 艾:我想本來應該要有比較完整的宣傳策略跟計畫的,但很可惜的我們在印CD的時候 忽略了 (按:幹你娘,你可以來台灣當閣員了orz.) 將來會有比較正式的訪問跟宣傳. 我很高興唱片終於出來了,其他的...一場惡夢. : Q: What part of guitar work for "There Was A Time" is yours? : Axl: I wrote Robin's bit in the second verse. There's microscopic bits : throughout usually woven down in the other guitars. The bits throughout the : end, the basic power chord bit was originally mine. There's a ghost-like bit : that formed the basis for the end vocal melody right before Robin's riff in : one side in the outro before Bucket's solo and as it gets to the very end : there's lots of little overdubbed bits woven in and out — very small, but : structured bits. 問:TWAT哪部分的吉他是你彈的? 艾:我寫了robin在第二段的部分.其他時候一直有很細微的部分穿插在其他吉他之間. 從頭到尾的bits,打底的powerchord是我彈的. (按:有人可以告訴我這個bits中文怎麼翻嗎?) 在結尾的vocal部分有很小聲的吉他,就在robin的riff之前, 還有outro桶頭solo之前, 還有結尾前有許多粗糙的聲音浮浮沈沈的,很小聲,但是很重要的部分都是. : Q: Which women influenced the writing of the new ballads. : Axl: Ha! We'll get to these a bit later as they're a bit more complicated : than a simple answer of a few names, but most are composites and became much : more about the song than particular individuals. Also, again, I'd like people : to have a chance to develop their own relationship with the material a bit. : Not dodging, as most of these answers will come out over time. 問:那個女人對你寫情歌影響最多. 艾:哈!或許等我的名單更長一點再來討論這個問題比較好. 但大多數時候是混在一起寫的,沒有特別給誰. 同時,我也希望每個人都有機會有跟這些題材產生自己的聯繫 不是我要閃話題,大部分的答案時間到了自然會出現. : Q: Any plans on updating the website to make it more... fan-friendly? And : what ever happened to the fan club thing? : Axl: I've started (again) recently to make an attempt to try and get : something going there. It's been extremely frustrating. I've had ideas but : former management went with theirs. Previous to what we have now, I've : consistently had others attempt to pressure and railroad me into working with : others that I chose not to as it was more about managerial control than a : good website and not in my best interest, so the ideas get shelved and it : generally just sits there. Plus, as frustrating as it was for everyone, it : was not time to talk publicly. So it gets consistently shelved. 問:有想要更新網站的計畫嗎? 艾:我想要更動一些東西,不過之前的管理員就玩他們自己的,感覺滿討厭的. 因為之前有人要我跟一些我不想要的人一起合作,但我覺得這只是管理上 的問題而且我也沒太大興趣,所以事情跟網站就被擱在在那裡. : Q: What are your views on [VELVET REVOLVER's] "Contraband" and "Libertad"? : Axl: I'll save this one. These are obviously highly charged areas and I'd : rather take things one step at a time. 問:對於VELVET REVOLVER的兩張唱片的看法. 艾:依法處理,謝謝指教.(仿自馬總統平時閃話題時的發言) : : wsitemID=110812 : : 有問到Silkworms會不會放到下張專輯中。XD : 目前暫時沒有巡迴的計劃。=_= : Axl Rose提到他對中國的看法。:p : Axl Rose說他在Chinese Democracy中唱最好的是There Was A Time, : 最佳的合聲是Catcher In The Rye。 : 再一次提到Oh My God這首歌。 : Axl Rose自己最想唱新專輯中的歌是This I Love。 : 又多提到了他自己的想法。 (by AnthonyL) 翻完覺得艾叔叔英文好棒,知道好多單字orz -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/23 23:43, , 1F
12/23 23:43, 1F

12/24 00:01, , 2F
12/24 00:01, 2F

12/25 02:38, , 3F
12/25 02:38, 3F
是喔@@?那我有看過,小學的時候,現在忘光了... 麥田捕手也是,高中看過,現在一個字都想不起來orz.... 不過看完艾叔叔的說法 才瞭解原來這麼淺薄的歌詞背後有那麼多的想法 算是意外的發現 平常都聽陳昇的歌 陳昇的歌歌詞裡都會把故事跟想法交代得很清楚 所以不太能瞭解英文歌那種背後有很大含意或隱含其他故事的意境 像是"knockin` on heavens door"等

12/25 03:37, , 4F
12/25 03:37, 4F

12/25 03:42, , 5F
12/25 03:42, 5F
這我真的沒聽過 倒是黃色錄影帶殺了我不少兒子 (向愛姐致敬)

12/25 03:45, , 6F
原PO真厲害 我差點笑死XD
12/25 03:45, 6F

12/25 07:01, , 7F
"A scanner Darkly"是Philip.K.Dick的科幻小說
12/25 07:01, 7F

12/25 07:02, , 8F
12/25 07:02, 8F

12/25 07:02, , 9F
12/25 07:02, 9F

12/25 07:03, , 10F
12/25 07:03, 10F
我就知道版上有高手 幫忙看一下我有沒有弄錯原意的地方吧 謝謝orz ※ 編輯: dondothat 來自: (12/25 14:35)

12/25 18:25, , 11F
12/25 18:25, 11F

12/25 18:27, , 12F
Paul Huge後面有註明他曾經是GNR的吉他手
12/25 18:27, 12F

12/26 00:28, , 13F
12/26 00:28, 13F
謝謝各位 順便聊聊 有人看完catcher in the rye的歌詞之後 想到aerosmith的"janie`s got a gun"嗎? ※ 編輯: dondothat 來自: (12/26 17:26) ※ 編輯: dondothat 來自: (12/28 19:20) ※ 編輯: dondothat 來自: (12/28 20:08)
文章代碼(AID): #19KFlvZi (GunsNRoses)
文章代碼(AID): #19KFlvZi (GunsNRoses)