Fw: [花邊] Z-BO,感受幸福的方式

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1ONrS3tA ] 作者: RonArtest93 (阿福嫂) 看板: NBA 標題: [花邊] Z-BO,感受幸福的方式 時間: Sun Dec 25 13:19:56 2016 MEMPHIS, Tenn. -- The friendly smile that Memphis Grizzlies power forward Zach Randolph flashes as he hands out Christmas turkey dinners, along with hugs, handshakes and encouraging words, masks fresh pain. He sees his mother, Mae, in the eyes of many of the women who come through the line in the Hamilton High School gym on the city's rough south side. 帶著招牌笑容,親自為每一位社區民眾發送火雞餐點,Z-BO正為著一年一度 的聖誕節火雞晚宴餐會忙碌著。 事實上,Z-BO 以發送聖誕節大餐,與人擁抱、互相鼓勵來忘記喪母之痛。 他在這些被他幫助的人群中,發現他母親的慈愛。 "Man, I swear I do. I do, man," Randolph tells ESPN, sitting in the gym bleachers after the line dies down. "Seeing these older women like that, seeing how they appreciate it, you can tell. It means a lot, man. It makes me think of my mother. She's here with me in spirit, and I know she's smiling because this is what she wants me doing." 『在這裡,與這些年長的婦女一起渡過耶誕節,這對我來說很有意義。 這讓我覺得我與母親同在,我知道她在天上也為我(如此做)而驕傲。』 Mae probably would have been right next to her son during his annual food drive had she not passed away on Thanksgiving. Randolph's extensive charity work to help the poor communities in Memphis and his hometown of Marion, Ind., made his mother more proud than all of his points and rebounds. Randolph廣泛的做慈善事業幫助Memphis 貧困的社區還有回饋家鄉 Marion.Indiana 這些慈善付出比他在籃球場上的籃板球或得分記錄更加令她母親 覺得驕傲。 All NBA players do some charity work, at least the team-mandated appearances. Few, if any, do as much as Randolph, who frequently pitches the Grizzlies' community relations staff with ideas. For example, Randolph heard about people freezing to death during a particularly harsh winter seven years ago and pledged $20,000 to Memphis Light, Gas and Water to cover unpaid utility payments. He's done the same every winter since. 有些球隊的球員做慈善,是球團強制的服務工作 但對Z-BO而言,他是Grizzlies社區連繫、舉辦活動的發起人 舉例來說: 他聽聞Memphis 七年前一場特別的寒冬,造成凍死的事件 他想避免悲劇重演,於是他認捐了兩萬美元給Memphis 的冬用公共 事業開銷(如天然氣、熱水、照明)費用 他每年冬天都做同樣的事情。 Why? Because Randolph knew how it felt to shiver in a home without heat. Z-BO知道冬天家中缺乏這些必要資源會帶給人不安。 "Hell, yeah!" said Randolph, chuckling. "But when I think about my mama, though, if my mama had to borrow some money to make sure them lights didn't go off before she got her check on the first of the month, she borrowed money. My mama never let us go without. She did what she had to do to make sure we was good in whatever hood we stayed in, whatever block, whatever small house. 『沒有照明的家庭如同地獄一樣,但是我們家從來不曾如此,我的母親向來都是 月初事先檢查家中的照明設備是否正常運作,如果不靈光,即使她還沒到發薪日 她也會借些錢去修理好它。她這麼做使的我們從小無論住在哪裡‧從不缺乏溫暖』 "She kept food on the table and kept a roof over our head. It might not have been the best of it, the best house or whatever, but she did the best she could. If the lights was off, they'd only be off for a day because my mama was gonna find a way to get the lights back on for her kids." 『她會把食物準備好放在桌上,並且在我們居住的地方加蓋一個屋頂 這也許不是甚麼最好的房子,但她盡可能提供我們所需,如果家裡燈又壞了 我們會先過一天沒有光的日子,但我母親一定會想辦法盡快修復它。』 His mama, a single mother raising two boys in a rough neighborhood, was never shy about seeking help. Randolph remembers waking up every Sunday morning with his younger brother, Roger, and running down to the Salvation Army to get in the soup kitchen line. He remembers getting holiday dinners from the church mission, and receiving jeans and shoes and underwear as gifts after having his name picked off a Christmas tree. 單親家庭的背景、獨立在貧困社區帶著孩子們求生存 母親從Z-BO小時候就告訴他與他的弟弟別害羞向人求助 Z-BO記得每個星期天他都會帶著弟弟到基督教救世軍單位 去排隊領免費的湯喝 他記得從教會得到假日晚餐, 在他的名字字卡從一棵聖誕樹被挑出來,他得到牛仔褲和鞋子。 "Damn right! You don't think we did?" Randolph said. "Every Christmas tree, every basket, we was trying to get it. We came up in the struggle. That's what goes on when you come up from poverty, come up from nothing. "I'm used to that. I know about that. I come from that. I can relate to it." Z-BO說:『我習慣這樣的事。這是我出身的一部份。』 『當你從貧窮家庭長大,每一個概念都是從無到有。』 That's why Randolph takes so much pride in helping the poor, such as teaming up with Grizzlies shooting guard Tony Allen to take 200 kids on a Toys R Us shopping spree to working with the Memphis Police Department to donate coats to an entire economically disadvantaged elementary school. Randolph hopes to make charity work his primary focus when he retires, preferably in a position with the Grizzlies. 這就是為什麼Z-BO對幫助窮人們感到非常自豪 例如他與Tony Allen帶了二百個小朋友到玩具城瘋狂購物 例如他與Memphis 警局合作,為經濟狀況差的小學捐贈外衣。 Z-BO希望在退休時,讓慈善工作成為他事業的主要焦點,最好是在與灰熊同一陣線進行。 Randolph treasures the personal connections he makes in the community, some of which have turned into long-lasting relationships. He keeps in touch with a few dozen "young boys," as he calls them, exchanging occasional texts and calls, encouraging them to focus on academics as their path out of poverty. Z-BO珍惜他與社區中每個人的關係,其中有一些已經變成長期的關係。 他與幾十個年輕男孩保持交流,定期發訊息和電話給他們,告訴他們 擺脫貧窮的方式就是接受高等教育,鼓勵這些年輕人完成學業。 Several of those kids, Hamilton High basketball players, assisted in last week's food drive, carrying baskets for some of the women who were too frail to haul away their turkey dinners. They were joined by Randolph's 18-year-old son, Zachariah, who was visiting from Indiana for the holidays. "This is what it's all about," said Randolph, turning to his son after getting a big hug and heartfelt thanks from one woman and her young son. "This is where you receive your blessings from." 其中一些孩子是Hamilton高中的籃球隊員。他們幫忙運送火雞晚餐給那些身體虛弱 無法自己領取餐點的婦女。Z-BO的18歲兒子也一起參與父親發起的這些活動。 在與一對接受幫助的母子來個大擁抱與彼此互相道謝之後 Z-BO轉身告訴自己的兒子: 『看,這就是你感受到幸福的方式。』 原文連結:http://tinyurl.com/hhcxfph 影片支援: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVj1Fk-Iw3c
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1482643203.A.DCA.html ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: RonArtest93 (, 12/25/2016 13:21:02

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