Re: [爆卦] 伊斯蘭協會針對塔綠班事件回應

看板Gossiping作者 (tunik)時間2年前 (2021/08/28 00:29), 2年前編輯推噓8(10225)
留言37則, 18人參與, 2年前最新討論串6/41 (看更多)
出於好奇去看了一下這個協會的官網 發現這個協會的反同立場相當堅定 不但認為同性戀就是有病 而且痛恨肛交 「台灣社會某部分人或許因為過去的創傷而走上偏離的道路,但他們不願尋求協助以徹底 解 決自己過去創傷所遺留下來的陰影與傷口,反而試著強迫將整個台灣社會導向他們所走的 偏狹之路,他們解決問題的方式就是將問題的本身合理化,他們治療病症的方式是說服大 家這個疾病不是病。 A part of Taiwan society is astray maybe because of past trauma, yet instead o f seeking help to resolve their traumas, they are trying to steer all the Taiw an society into their own way, and to solve the problems by justifying the pro blems, to cure the disease by accepting that it is not a disease.? 從亞當與夏娃開始,同性戀就不是正常的事情,而且永遠都不會在大地上被正常化。 Homosexuality had been a wrong thing since Adam and Eve, and it will never bec ome a normal thing on earth. 阿拉在古蘭經第49章第13節說:「人們啊!我們確實已將你們創造成男性和女性,而且讓 你們分成不同種族與部落,使你們能認識彼此。」 Allah says in Chapter 49 Verse 13, “O mankind, indeed We have created you fro m male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one anothe r.” 很清楚, 阿拉所創造的人類只有男性和女性之分,沒有第三種性別。因此,任誰說他自 己是第三性,我們都不應該接受,而是將之視為一種病症,需要整個社會一起來解決這個 問題,試著讓那些心中或腦中有這種糾結的人認清事實、化解創傷。 It is so clear that the creation of Allah for the mankind is only male and fem ale, so there is no third gender. Therefore whoever claim that they are a thir d gender, we should reject it and just consider it a disease that the whole so ciety is in charge of working closely with this issue and try to help those wh o have this issue in their hearts and minds. 伊斯蘭嚴禁肛交,古蘭經明確指出犯此重罪者必受到重罰, 阿拉在古蘭經第11章第82至8 3節說:「所以當我的命令一到,整個城市上下顛倒地翻了過來,燃火的岩石從天而降打 在他們上面,而且每顆石頭上面都註記著每個人的名字,每顆火石不偏不倚打在上面註記 名字的這個人身上, 阿拉的刑罰輕而易舉就能降臨在作惡者的身上。」這二節經文在講 述先知魯特的故事,他的族人以肛交為樂,最後除了那些試著將這些偏斜者引回正路者和 以行動或言語反對這項罪刑者獲救以外,其他無論是直接造此罪者或是支持、接受或對此 重罪悶不吭聲者都無法逃離被火石擊打且整片土地翻覆的刑罰。 Sodomy in Islam is prohibited and the punishment for those who commit this cri me is clear inuran, Allah says in Chapter 11 Verses 82-83, “So when Our com mand came, We made the city upside down and rained upon them firing stones, wh ich were marked with names from your Lord. And Allah's punishment is very easy to reach those wrongdoers.” This is about the story of Lut, whose people wer e committing sodomy, and all the sinners and those who supported, accepted, or kept silent toward this sin were ended up in total destruction, while those w ho tried to guide them to the right path or those who disagreed with them in a ction or in words were saved from this punishment. 對於肛交之罪,這就是非常明確的刑罰,而且不只肛交者會受到刑罰,那些支持的人以及 沒有犯此罪卻悶不吭聲且視若無睹的人,也會受到同樣的刑罰。 This is a clear punishment for those who commit this crime and also for those who accepts this to happen, moreover, it is for those who do not at least anno unce that they do not accept it to happen. 親愛的穆斯林兄弟姊妹們: Dear brothers and sisters, 我們在此呼籲你們,大家都身在台灣,無論你們過去和現在是否支持我們的想法與做法, 我們都應該前嫌盡釋地團結起來為這項議題努力。 This is a call for all of you in all of Taiwan regardless who agrees on our id eas and who do not, regardless who is supporting us or not, this is an issue t hat we all need to forget about all other disagreements between us and work to gether on this issue. 這是我們應盡的義務,我們必須站出來發聲,面對那些要將同性婚姻與多元成家合法化的 人的面前大聲說不,否則一旦這些法案在台灣三讀通過,讓台灣成為支持這種重罪的地方 ,我們都會在 阿拉的懲罰名單裡。 It is a responsibility on our shoulders and we need to stand up and say NO in front of those who are asking for passing the law of legalizing same-sex marri age and multiple-person marriage in Taiwan. Otherwise, we will all be included in the punishment from Allah if this law passes and if Taiwan becomes a land of supporting such big sin to happen. 不要說我們是社會中的少數,不要說這些不關我們的事,不要說這沒有牽涉到我們,不要 說我們的生活中沒有碰到這種問題,所以我們不須挺身而出,要知道, 阿拉在古蘭經一 再告誡我們,要我們行善止惡,這並不單指穆斯林社群而已,而是涵蓋我們居住的地方, 即使這裡不是穆斯林國家也一樣。 Do not say we are minority, do not say we are not involved, do not say it is n ot our business, do not say in our society we do not have this problem, so we need not to stand up. In many verses inuran, Allah is ordering us to enjoin good deeds and forbid bad deeds, and this is not only in our society, it is in the place where we live no matter it is a Muslim country or not. 要記得 阿拉在第16章第90節說:「 阿拉的確命令我們要行使正義、善行和接濟親屬,且 禁止違反道德之事、惡事和壓迫, 祂如此警告你們,或許可以讓你們警醒。」 And remember always that Allah says in Chapter 16 Verse 90, “Indeed, Allah or ders justice, good conduct, and giving to relatives, and forbids immorality, b ad conduct, and oppression. He admonishes you that perhaps you will be reminde d.” 所有清真寺都應該涉入這項議題,所有教長都應該盡速行動,所有領導人和決策者都應該 公開發言,台灣所有穆斯林都要站出來說不。 All mosques should be involved, all Imams should act fast, all leaders and dec ision makers should speak out, and all Muslims in Taiwan should stand up and s ay NO to this issue. 我們根據伊斯蘭教義所提出的這些觀點並非為了要提高社會中的對立,也並非歧視或排斥 那些支持立法的人,而是根據大自然的法則、人性的本質與長久以來的社會問題,呼籲大 家從根本認清這些存在社會中問題的本質,以智慧從根本解決問題而不是去改變整的社會 去適應這些存在的問題。 We are raising this issue according to the teachings of Islam neither to enhan ce the oppositions in the society, or to discriminate or reject those who supp ort these laws to be legalized, but to call for your attention according to th e law of Nature, the essence of humanity, and the long existing social problem s to recognize the nature of the problems existing in the society and to solve the problems wisely from the root instead of changing the whole society to ad apt to these problems. 最後,大家要知道,伊斯蘭沒有任何禁忌的問題,所有問題都有解決之道、所有問題都有 答案,任何人需要我們提供更多這方面的知識與訊息,以更了解 阿拉對這項議題的律法 和規定以及造物主對整個宇宙的規範,隨時歡迎與我們聯繫。 Finally! Everyone should know that in Islam we have solutions for everything a nd every issue, and there is no prohibited question nor question without answe r in Islam. So for those who need our help based on the rules and laws of Alla h regarding this issue, we are ready to offer the answers to all the questions based on Islam and the law of the Creator of the whole universe.」 所以我就在想 PTT之所以會被這個協會點名的原因 可能不是跟塔綠班有關 而是因為這裡充斥著跟肛交有關的推文 才會被盯上吧 ※ 引述《fttgfd (fttgfd)》之銘言: : 簡單來說,昨天的塔綠班事件使台灣伊斯蘭協會出來回應(但台灣伊斯蘭事務是中國回 : 網址: : 本會今日(2021年8月27日)得熱心民眾來信告知,近日國內批踢踢實業坊又充斥「嘲諷 穆? : We have received e-mail today (Aug. 27, 2021) from a warm-hearted person who i : 據批踢踢實業坊入口公告:「批踢踢Ptt)O以學術性質為目的,提供各專業學生實習的 平? : According to the official statement on Ptt Website, “Ptt serves the purpose o : 本會於2017年嘗試處理此問題,發現Ptt是不受控管的龍蛇雜處之地,對此問題,本會 當? : IAT tried to deal with this issue in 2017 and discovered that Ptt is an unco nt : is like the evil of others in the world. As long as we are not able to stop it : 阿富汗政局為全球提供新鮮刺激的話題,穆斯林再度成為眾矢之的。 : The political situation of Afghan has provided the world with fresh and exci ti : 伊斯蘭原意是對阿拉的指示拳拳服膺、對既定的事實坦然接受,伊斯蘭有獨立的律法, : Islam means total obedience of Allah’s orders and whole-hearted acceptance of : 至於被牽連的無辜穆斯林,一方面,我們的冤屈不是枉然,必有正義降臨,不是今生就 : As for those innocent Muslims who are involved, on the one hand, the injusti ce : 先知穆罕默德一則《聖訓》提到,天堂河流的一滴水落到地球,則地球永遠不再有苦難 : The Prophet Muhammed has mentioned in one of hisadithhat one drop of the riv er : deserve this Paradise or not. It is not by forcing others to believe in your r : 台灣這些看得到的謾罵不可怕,他們就像一杯毒藥,遠離就好;可怕的是國際上許多英 : The mocking and swearing we see in Taiwan are not scary; they are like a cup o : 祝福那些謾罵伊斯蘭和嘲笑穆斯林的人,願你們的心靈早日得到平靜。 : We do wish those who swear Islam and humiliate Muslims the best.e hope you f in : ----- : Sent from JPTT on my HMD Global Nokia 7.2. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:

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結果塔利班一堆在玩男童的 科科
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保守派基督天主伊斯蘭都一樣啊 禁止
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同性戀但孌童不算 我是覺得很呵呵啦
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有趣的就在這個協會非常的政治化 但是
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跟中國回教協會比起來 似乎又沒人鳥
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