[爆卦] 蝦皮廣告的優選賣家 如果是毒梟?

看板Gossiping作者 (Dont QQ)時間2年前 (2021/08/19 16:50), 2年前編輯推噓85(951034)
留言139則, 111人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
前情提要暨懶人包 一個在台灣的美國留學生在國外論壇發文: 稱在蝦皮賣家「森林系學院」購買非管制精神植物「鼠尾草」 https://i.imgur.com/duCr87e.jpg
結果屌的是,這個賣家所謂的「鼠尾草」 給的體驗跟"合成大麻素"相同 而不是鼠尾草該有的恐懼體驗 這下可好,如果這位月銷量上千 且有在蝦皮投放廣告的蝦皮官方優選賣家 所販賣的「鼠尾草」真的含有毒品危害防制條例附件的「THC其異構物及立體化學變體」 ?參見附表二第155項 那豈不是屌爆了? 最大販毒平台上線嘍? 原文 https://www.reddit.com/r/Salvia/comments/p0vy7c/a_story_of_fraud_spice_and_sal via/ 譯文: *開頭我必須要先跟您說聲道歉,因為此篇文章非常的長,因為我有很多事情想說。 *我是一個目前在臺灣的美國煙酒生,我非常愛抽大麻,但是有鑒於台灣大麻一公克要50 美金,除了非常難以取得之外,拿到的貨的品質更是爛到靠北。其他的物質更不用說,由 於台灣法律非常之嚴格,所有東西都超難拿。 *這段期間由於臺灣目前正在處於武漢肺炎的三級警戒階段,因此我需要一些東西來填補 我的空虛的身心靈。幾個月後我在蝦皮購物上(基本上就是亞洲人的亞馬遜)跟“第一位 賣家”購買了墨西哥鼠尾草。第一次使用鼠尾草時,我首先嘗試了低倍數的濃度,我躺在 床上但感覺像是在地震,然後看著我的筆電開始晃動與漂浮。 *為了想要再次搞清楚鼠尾草到底是啥感覺,我這次選擇了不同的賣家(第二位賣家)購 買鼠尾草。這次這個第二位賣家的鼠尾草抽起來很像是大麻,我的心靈感到非常緩慢,除 了感到疲憊之外,認真超餓,超想打砲。雖然這家聞起來跟上一家的不太一樣,但他賣的 鼠尾草“看起來”跟上一家是一樣的,因此我沒有多想。而且更不用說他帶來給我非常好 的體驗,我開始狂買爆買,我這樣子的情況持續了三個月,而且幾乎每天都抽了一公克, 並且我深信這就是“墨西哥鼠尾草”應該要有的樣子。 - *這位第二位(鼠尾草抽起來像大麻的賣家)擁有台灣市場的最大份額;他們賣得非常好, 一個月估計賣了超過1000包,其他賣家可能就100包左右。我也開始介紹我的朋友們開始 使用這位賣家的貨。 *有些之前有嘗試過鼠尾草的朋友說鼠尾草的體驗不是很好,但對此還是有點興趣。有一 位我的兄弟買了幾包後,我想說他應該沒問題的,畢竟我自己使用完之後還可以走路去逛 街、購物。但隔天,他從醫院打給了我,並且說他對昨晚發生的事情完全沒有記憶與意識 。 *我後來去了他的公寓,活像個命案現場,玻璃散佈一地,牆上還有個洞,地板與牆壁上 全都是血跡,他說他醒來時,他身上插滿了玻璃碎片,躺在一堆玻璃碎片中,意識清醒過 後就趕緊前往醫院就醫了。這次的事件過後他便發誓,他永遠不會再碰那個垃圾東西,但 我那時候認為他會到如此誇張的地步應該是因為他一次抽太多的關係吧?總而言之,我持 續把這個“鼠尾草”當作娛樂用藥及安眠藥來打發時間及幫助入眠。 *但幾個禮拜過後的晚上,我邊喝著琴酒邊抽著鼠尾草,隔天一早我也突然無意識的醒來 ,看到我全新的價值4000美元的筆電就泡在琴酒當中,我以為是因為我酒喝多了,(店家 報價修理至少要花費3000美金),我當時將此怪罪在琴酒頭上。 - *一個月後,我覺得我實在不能再繼續花錢在這個“鼠尾草”上面了,我必須要學著獨立 不依靠任何物質睡著。 但到了現在,我已經醒著超過48小時了,我持續在床上翻來覆去 。於是我開始懷疑這東西是否有問題,畢竟我嘗試過了許多精神物質,沒有任何一次像這 次一樣,有如此上癮的感覺。 *於是我上了蝦皮找了另外幾位賣家購買他們60倍濃縮的鼠尾草。幹,這東西真的不是在 開玩笑的,真實的鼠尾草給了我巨大的衝擊,在我嘗試過真正的鼠尾草過後我才理解,我 不可能每天都一直使用真正的鼠尾草,更不用說是一天使用一整包,將鼠尾草當作安眠藥 或是娛樂性用藥更是天方夜譚。 *我當下非常的生氣,不管這位臺灣最大的“鼠尾草”賣家到底是在賣什麼東西,絕對是 在欺騙我們大家。我感到無比的絕望,我不僅害了我的兄弟進醫院,還用壞了我的筆電, 更別說我還對這未知的垃圾上癮... - *如同上面所說,我目前人在臺灣,這邊的三級警戒非常的嚴格並已經持續了好幾個月, 我相信有許多人都跟我一樣,因為封城在家想要嘗試這個“鼠尾草”。 *我的朋友自從用了”一次“這個自稱是鼠尾草的“鼠尾草”之後,後遺症一直持續了2 個月之久,而我目前雖然也還是有著睡不著的後遺症,但已經漸漸的好很多了。 *我很希望能夠在不傷害其他誠實的鼠尾草賣家的情況下,讓大家注意到這件事情,但我 真的很怕我說出這些事情,會讓我在臺灣永遠碰不到“真實的鼠尾草”,鼠尾草固然可怕 ,但他的啟靈能力還是能夠幫助到需要幫助的人們,就像其他精神活性物質曾經幫助過我 一樣。 - *說真的我其實沒有很在意其他人喜歡用什麼貨或是到底在賣什麼貨,但我覺得欺騙消費 者是一件非常嚴重的問題,更不用說是這種精神用藥。這種偽裝的手法經常運用在『海洛 因/吩坦尼』 以及 『古柯鹼/冰毒』上,但我不知道連『鼠尾草/香料(化學合成物)』都 要這樣搞。 *我曾經平靜的私訊過第二位賣家,是否能夠像其他賣家一樣,提供荷蘭或是其他國家的 進貨證據,來證明他賣的是真正的鼠尾草,但他們堅持不提供。因爲這樣我十分確信,他 們賣的一定不是真正的墨西哥鼠尾草。 *總之不管這位賣家到底是在賣什麼,他確確實實的正在傷害我們,他也帶著人們遠離了 鼠尾草真實的樣貌。我朋友跟我正在設法在不傷害其他誠實的賣家的情況下讓這位不誠實 的賣家被逮捕。台灣的蝦皮購物是一個全繁中的平台,如果你不是繁體中文的使用者,你 在使用蝦皮會感覺到非常的蛋疼。我稍晚會公佈這位賣家的詳細資訊與賣場網址,但我目 前還不想告訴他。 原文備份: I have quite an issue and apologize for the length. I'm an American grad stude nt currently studying in Taiwan. I'm a big pot smoker but weed is almost $50/g , incredibly hard to find, and if you do it's shit quality. Other drugs are ev en rarer and can land you extremely harsh sentences. We're under very strict l ockdown so I needed to find something to occupy my mind this summer while I'm stuck inside my apartment. A few months ago I tried out salvia by purchasing s ome from an online shopping platform Shopee (basically Asian Amazon). My first experience was a low concentration, laid in bed feeling like there was an ear thquake and my laptop began levitating and shaking. Figured something was off with the product so I tried again but this time from a different seller. The n ext batch of salvia felt kinda like weed, my mind was slowed, really hungry, h orny, and tired. It smelled different but looked identical so I didn't think m uch of it. It gave me a more enjoyable experience so I continued to buy from t hem, thinking that this is what salvia was. I started to buy tons of it, smoki ng almost a gram per day every day for 3 months. The 2nd seller (weed feeling "salvia" guy) has by far the biggest market share . They sell well over 1000 bags per month while the few other Shopee salvia se llers are maybe hitting 100. I introduced some friends to it that were also bo red out of their minds in lockdown. The ones who had tried salvia before said fuck that but a few were intrigued. One buddy bought a few bags and I figured he would be fine since I smoked it by myself and walked and shopped on it no p rob. The next day he calls me from the hospital with absolutely no recollectio n of the night before. I show up at his apartment and it looks like a crime sc ene. Everything is broken, glass everywhere, holes in the wall, blood all over the floors and walls. He had woken up that morning laying in piles of glass w ith big shards stuck all over his body and immediately went to the hospital. He gives the rest of the "salvia" to me and vows to never touch the shit again . I figure that "salvia" has a completely different effect on him than it does on me and maybe he smoked multiple bags which led to his episode. After all, I had been using it to sleep and kill time for quite some time with no issues. A few weeks later I drank some gin and smoked some "salvia". I woke up with n o recollection of the night before, figured I drank too much, saw that my bran d new $4000 computer was soaking wet and totally ruined (brought it in for rep air, they confirm it would cost at least 3k to get it back to normal). I blame d the gin. A month later I decide I'm wasting too much money on this "salvia" and I had b ecome dependent on it to sleep. I was now staying up 48+ hours pretty regularl y just tossing and turning in bed when I tried. I start to think there's somet hing up with this stuff since I'm very experienced with pscyh's and have never felt such an addiction to them before. I go on shopee, buy another bag of 60x from a different seller which gave me a STRONG salvia trip. I realized there was no way I could've been going through a bag of real salvia every day, let a lone use to relax or sleep. I became extremely angry, the biggest salvia selle r on shopee was definitely lying and selling something else. I felt horrible t hat I had given it to my friend and put him in the hospital, destroyed my comp uter, and became addicted to this shit. As mentioned before, I'm currently in Taiwan where we are under very strict lo ckdown for the last 4-5 months. I'm sure many others were looking for stuff on line like I was. ALOT of people were already or about to go through the same t hing. My friend is still having lasting effects almost 2 months after using it ONCE. I myself am still finding it very difficult to sleep without it but it' s getting better. I want to raise awareness on this issue but also don't want to hurt the real shopee salvia sellers. I worry by speaking out I could get sa lvia potentially removed entirely. Salvia may be scary sometimes but I think i t should be available to people who are cautious, it has definitely helped me, just as other psychs have helped me in the past. I feel like I should mention that I don't care what drugs people enjoy or sell . I have a big problem with tricking people into doing something they aren't a ware of. Obviously this is common with heroin & fentanyl / coke & meth. I didn 't know it was an issue with salvia & spice. I've messaged the seller and calm ly asked them to provide proof of the original packaging from the Netherlands or elsewhere which the other Shopee salvia sellers will do, this guy won't. I am 100% sure this is NOT salvia. Whatever it is that they are selling is going to hurt people and is going to further turn people away from salvia. My frien d and I want to take down this fraudulent seller without hurting the honest se llers. Shopee.tw is purely in mandarin so unless you know a bit it will be ver y difficult to use. Thank you. *I added the fraudulent seller to the vendor info page on this subreddit 後記: 因為此賣家在台灣銷量很大 這篇老外的文也傳入部份臉書社團 有大量的人跟這位老外有相同的反應 不知道相關單位調查了沒? 如果直接有跟這位賣家購買的 不妨以詐欺或毒品危害防制條例等罪向執法機關告發 PS記者要抄就抄,不用來信通知了 節錄賣場評論 https://i.imgur.com/4RcVnCU.jpg
疑似是這起車禍 https://i.imgur.com/zKbFKI8.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1629363057.A.A92.html

08/19 16:51, 2年前 , 1F
08/19 16:51, 1F

08/19 16:52, 2年前 , 2F
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08/19 16:52, 2年前 , 3F
買個草而已 是要跟中國一樣買菜刀犯
08/19 16:52, 3F

08/19 16:52, 2年前 , 4F
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08/19 16:53, 2年前 , 5F
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08/19 16:53, 2年前 , 6F
合法大麻= =?
08/19 16:53, 6F

08/19 16:54, 2年前 , 7F
這是廣告嗎? 本來不想吸的看了都想吸吸
08/19 16:54, 7F

08/19 16:54, 2年前 , 8F
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08/19 16:54, 2年前 , 9F
媽的合法大麻 太爽了8
08/19 16:54, 9F

08/19 16:54, 2年前 , 10F
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08/19 16:56, 2年前 , 11F
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08/19 16:56, 2年前 , 12F
強力膠也可以賣啊 沒人叫你拿來吸
08/19 16:56, 12F

08/19 16:56, 2年前 , 13F
太爽了吧 業配文
08/19 16:56, 13F

08/19 16:57, 2年前 , 14F
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08/19 16:57, 2年前 , 15F
哇靠 這草有毒阿
08/19 16:57, 15F

08/19 16:58, 2年前 , 16F
還會成癮 有夠恐怖
08/19 16:58, 16F

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08/19 17:02, 2年前 , 24F
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08/19 17:02, 2年前 , 25F
K2很糟欸 真的很糟 千萬別碰
08/19 17:02, 25F

08/19 17:03, 2年前 , 26F
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08/19 17:04, 2年前 , 27F
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08/19 17:05, 2年前 , 28F
這個大條了 卡位
08/19 17:05, 28F

08/19 17:05, 2年前 , 29F
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08/19 17:06, 2年前 , 30F
K2在英國誤用過一次 真的下不了床
08/19 17:06, 30F

08/19 17:06, 2年前 , 31F
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08/19 17:06, 2年前 , 32F
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08/19 17:08, 2年前 , 35F
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08/19 17:08, 2年前 , 36F
笑死 吸毒還有分等級喔
08/19 17:08, 36F

08/19 17:09, 2年前 , 37F
@喬王 @謝和弦
08/19 17:09, 37F

08/19 17:09, 2年前 , 38F
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08/19 17:09, 2年前 , 39F
#柯建銘 #柯兒 #調查局 #FBI
08/19 17:09, 39F
還有 61 則推文
還有 2 段內文
08/19 19:46, 2年前 , 101F
應該是合法的吧?就沒多想了 咦~?
08/19 19:46, 101F

08/19 19:49, 2年前 , 102F
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08/19 21:04, 2年前 , 114F
08/19 21:04, 114F
error123:轉錄至看板 e-shopping 08/19 21:10

08/19 21:12, 2年前 , 115F
天然的狂抓 疑似化工的不抓 笑死
08/19 21:12, 115F

08/19 21:27, 2年前 , 116F
幹蝦皮真的很瞎沒在管 公然販售違禁品
08/19 21:27, 116F

08/19 21:27, 2年前 , 117F
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08/19 21:31, 2年前 , 118F
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08/19 22:02, 2年前 , 119F
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08/19 22:44, 2年前 , 120F
先查查看有沒有黨證 小菸販毒集團
08/19 22:44, 120F

08/19 22:53, 2年前 , 121F
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08/20 00:42, 2年前 , 124F
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08/20 00:46, 2年前 , 125F
say my name
08/20 00:46, 125F

08/20 00:47, 2年前 , 126F
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08/20 01:18, 2年前 , 127F
youtube搜鼠尾草 居然出現台灣在鼓勵吸大麻的
08/20 01:18, 127F

08/20 01:42, 2年前 , 128F
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08/20 01:43, 2年前 , 129F
08/20 01:43, 129F

08/20 01:46, 2年前 , 130F
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08/20 03:20, 2年前 , 131F
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08/20 03:51, 2年前 , 132F
下一篇 九層塔
08/20 03:51, 132F

08/20 05:50, 2年前 , 133F
08/20 05:50, 133F

08/20 06:13, 2年前 , 134F
08/20 06:13, 134F

08/20 07:40, 2年前 , 135F
不然你以為誰挺蝦皮 就菸毒黨啊
08/20 07:40, 135F

08/20 10:28, 2年前 , 136F
08/20 10:28, 136F

08/20 13:42, 2年前 , 137F
08/20 13:42, 137F

08/20 18:25, 2年前 , 138F
真假 先高調
08/20 18:25, 138F

08/20 18:36, 2年前 , 139F
08/20 18:36, 139F
文章代碼(AID): #1X7XjngI (Gossiping)
文章代碼(AID): #1X7XjngI (Gossiping)