Re: [新聞] 美軍不告而別,惹怒阿富汗政府軍

看板Gossiping作者 (保境安民)時間2年前 (2021/07/13 08:47), 編輯推噓9(11212)
留言25則, 16人參與, 2年前最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
這篇很有趣 都在笑美軍射後不理 某太平洋島國也要當心美爹烙跑 不過局勢這一兩天突然明朗了 阿富汗沒了美軍保護 塔利班政權開始往中國邊界進軍 外交部長王毅昨天緊急升空去土庫曼等中亞國家商討對策 還喊話說阿富汗不存在需要填補的權力真空 笑死 你中國無法像美帝一樣輸出秩序就承認 塔利班叫你中國趕快投資幫忙重建你就乖乖簽支票 話那麼多幹嘛啊笑死 中亞有塔利班 南邊有印度 海岸有日美聯軍 北邊則是趁你病要你割領土割闌趴的俄羅斯 你中國不是很強? 講話啊! 爛東西不要臉 窪地就是窪地 等著被輸入秩序吧 ※ 引述《loveve5566 (PAVONEPOI)》之銘言: : 1.媒體來源: : 英國衛報 The Guardian : 2.記者署名: : Peter Beaumont : 3.完整新聞標題: : Afghan anger over US’s sudden, silent Bagram departure : 4.完整新聞內文: : 簡略翻譯摘要 : 上禮拜五7/2晚間,在巴格拉姆機場的空軍基地 : 阿富汗政府軍突然發現怎麼斷電斷水了 : 原本以為是塔利班打過來,沒想到是美軍全數撤離 : 美軍很替地球著想,關門前連水跟電都關了 : 在停電停水的時間,空軍基地慘遭洗劫 : 美軍因為怕塔利班在美軍撤退的時候攻擊美軍 : 所以瞞著阿富汗政府軍就偷跑了 : 阿富汗政府軍整個氣炸 : US forces shut off the Bagram airfield’s electricity supply and did not : notify the base’s senior Afghan officer when they departed on Friday, : prompting puzzlement and anger among Afghan soldiers there. : The airfield’s new commander, Gen Mir Asadullah Kohistani, only discovered : the Americans’ departure more than two hours after they left, he said on : Monday. : The fresh details of the American forces’ stealthy nighttime withdrawal from : the sprawling base near Kabul, where they had spent two decades, underlined : the uneasiness with which US forces sometimes regarded their Afghan partners. : “We [heard] some rumour that the Americans had left Bagram … and finally by : 7am we understood that it was confirmed that they had already left” : Kohistani told Associated Press. : “We did not know of their timeline for departure. They did not tell us when : they left,” added the commander during a tour of the evacuated and : now-looted base for journalists. : Kohistani’s account appeared to contradict a statement issued last week by : the US that its forces had co-ordinated their departure from various bases : with Afghan leaders. In response to Kohistani’s account, US spokesman Col : Sonny Leggett referred back to the statement. : With 3,000 troops under his command, Kohistani’s forces are far smaller than : the US military presence at the base during its heyday when Bagram resembled : a small, if heavily militarised, town with its coffee shops, sports : facilities, fast food chains and even a cinema. : Commenting on the capabilities of Afghan forces in Bagram, who are expecting : to be attacked by a resurgent Taliban, he added: “You know, if we compare : ourselves with the Americans, it’s a big difference. But according to our : capabilities … we are trying to do the best and as much as possible secure : and serve all the people.” : Within 20 minutes of the US’s silent departure on Friday, the electricity : was shut down and the base was plunged into darkness, said Abdul Raouf, a : soldier of 10 years who has also served in Taliban strongholds of Helmand and : Kandahar provinces. : The sudden darkness was like a signal to the looters, he said. They entered : from the north, smashing through the first barrier, ransacking buildings, : loading anything that was not nailed down into trucks. : “In one night they lost all the goodwill of 20 years by leaving the way they : did, in the night, without telling the Afghan soldiers who were outside : patrolling the area,” another Afghan soldier told AP. : The new details of last week’s secretive withdrawal under cover of darkness : came as Afghan authorities deployed hundreds of commandos and pro-government : militiamen on Tuesday to counter the Taliban’s blistering offensive in the : north, a day after more than 1,000 government troops fled into neighbouring : Tajikistan. : Fighting has raged across several provinces, but the insurgents have focused : primarily on carrying out a devastating campaign across the northern : countryside, seizing dozens of districts in the past two months. : “We are planning to launch a big offensive to retake the lost territories : from the enemy,” Fawad Aman, a spokesman for the Ministry of Defence, told : AFP. “Our forces are being organised on the ground for this operation.” : Troops and pro-government militiamen were deployed in the northern provinces : of Takhar and Badakhshan where the Taliban have captured swathes of territory : at lighting speed, often without any fighting. : The US announced on Friday it had completely vacated its biggest airfield in : the country in advance of a final withdrawal that the Pentagon says will be : completed by the end of August. : The statement said the handover of the many bases had been in process soon : after President Joe Biden’s mid-April announcement that the US was : withdrawing the last of its forces. : Before the Afghan army could take control of the airfield about an hour’s : drive from the Afghan capital, Kabul, it was invaded by a small army of : looters, who ransacked barracks and storage tents before being evicted, : according to Afghan military officials. : Kohistani insisted the Afghan forces could hold on to the heavily fortified : base despite a string of Taliban victories on the battlefield. The airfield : also includes a prison with about 5,000 prisoners, many of them allegedly : Taliban. : The militants’ latest surge comes as the last US and Nato forces pull out of : the country. As of last week, most Nato soldiers had already quietly left. : The last US soldiers are likely to remain until an agreement to protect the : Kabul airport, which is expected to be undertaken by Turkey, is completed. : Meanwhile, in northern Afghanistan, district after district has fallen to the : Taliban. In just the last two days, hundreds of Afghan soldiers fled across : the border into Tajikistan rather than fight the insurgents. “In battle it : is sometimes one step forward and some steps back,” said Kohistani. : The general said the Afghan military was changing its strategy to focus on : the strategic districts. He insisted they would retake them in the coming : days without saying how that would be accomplished. : Kohistani said the US left behind 3.5m objects, all itemised by the departing : military. They include tens of thousands of water bottles, energy drinks and : military ready-made meals. : They also include thousands of civilian vehicles, many of them without keys : to start them, and hundreds of armoured vehicles. Kohistani said the US also : left behind small weapons and the ammunition for them, but the departing : troops took heavy weapons with them : The Afghan soldiers who wandered through the base that had once housed as : many as 100,000 US troops were deeply critical of how they had left Bagram, : going in the night without telling the Afghan soldiers who were patrolling : the perimeter. : On Monday, three days after the US departure, Afghan soldiers were still : collecting piles of rubbish that included empty water bottles, cans and empty : energy drinks left behind by the looters. : 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): : : 6.備註: : ※ 一個人三天只能張貼一則新聞,被刪或自刪也算額度內,超貼者水桶,請注意 : ※ 備註請勿張貼三日內新聞(包含連結、標題等) -- Sent from nPTT on my iPhone SE (2 Gen) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:

07/13 08:49, 2年前 , 1F
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07/13 09:03, 2年前 , 8F
留顆不定時炸彈在中俄後門 遭殃的是誰
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07/13 09:12, 2年前 , 14F
笑死 攻三小 鍵盤前打手槍也叫攻嗎
07/13 09:12, 14F

07/13 09:29, 2年前 , 15F
烙跑?把國家擬人化真的可笑 國際間只有
07/13 09:29, 15F

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07/13 10:30, 2年前 , 19F
塔利班到中國馬上被制服吧 專制國家恐怖攻
07/13 10:30, 19F

07/13 10:30, 2年前 , 20F
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07/13 12:52, 2年前 , 21F
我比較無言的是都幫打碾壓了 居然還能扶植
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07/13 12:52, 2年前 , 22F
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07/13 18:53, 2年前 , 23F
你犯蠢喔? 塔利班舔中舔那麼大力你沒看到?
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07/14 19:37, 2年前 , 25F
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