[新聞] 在印度和美國受挫后世界開始轉向中國疫苗

看板Gossiping作者 (青山)時間3年前 (2021/05/12 11:17), 3年前編輯推噓-11(11223)
留言36則, 35人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
1.媒體來源: Bloomberg彭博 2.記者署名: Iain Marlow,?Sudhi Ranjan Sen, and?James Paton 3.完整新聞標題: World Turns to China for Vaccines After India, U.S. Stumble 在印度和美國受挫后,世界開始轉向中國疫苗 4.完整新聞內文: The world is fast becoming ever more reliant on China for vaccines, with Ind ia’s raging virus outbreak stifling its ability to deliver on supply deals, even as the U.S. tries to position itself as a champion of wider access. 世界正越來越依賴中國的疫苗,印度肆虐的病毒爆發扼殺了其履行供應協議的能力,同 時盡管美國試圖將自己定位為更廣泛獲取疫苗的倡導者。 Over the past few weeks, leaders of some of the globe’s most populous natio ns have sought more shots from China despite concerns about their effectiven ess. Demand is expected to rise even further now that the World Health Organ ization has?authorized?a vaccine from China’s?Sinopharm Group Co. Ltd.?and is expected to soon do the same for?Sinovac Biotech Ltd.’s. That will allow developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America to access them throu gh Covax, the global vaccination effort. 在過去的幾周里,一些世界上人口最多的國家的領導人盡管對其效力表示擔憂,但還是 向中國尋求更多的機會。由于世界衛生組織(WHO)的支持,預計需求將進一步上升。經 授權的疫苗來自中國的國藥集團,科興疫苗預計也將很快獲得批準。這將使亞洲、非洲 和拉丁美洲的發展中國家能夠通過Covax(全球疫苗接種工作)獲得疫苗。 “China has become not just the largest exporter,” said?Yanzhong Huang, a C hina specialist and senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreig n Relations. “In many countries it has become the only option.” “中國已經不僅僅是最大的疫苗出口國,在許多國家,中國已成為唯一的選擇。”中國 問題專家、(美國)外交關系委員會全球衛生高級研究員Yanzhong Huang說 China’s reliability as a vaccine supplier is increasing its geopolitical cl out at a time when the U.S. and the EU have been slow confronting the global pandemic as Covid hot spots rage out of control in India, Brazil and elsewh ere. Compounding the difficulties, India’s crisis has dried up vaccine supp lies and prompted many countries to turn toward China. Amid this backdrop, t he U.S., for months preoccupied with its domestic vaccination push, has come under intense criticism for hoarding shots at the expense of a global respo nse. 中國作為疫苗供應商的可靠性正在增強其地緣政治影響力,與此同時,美國和歐盟在應 對全球疫情大流行方面進展緩慢,而印度、巴西和其他地方疫情失控。雪上加霜的是, 印度的疫情危機導致疫苗供應枯竭,促使許多國家轉向中國。在這樣的背景下,幾個月 來一直忙于國內疫苗接種的美國,以犧牲全球影響力為代價而囤積疫苗,受到強烈的批 評。 President Joe Biden made it clear this week that the U.S. intends to start p laying a more active role. On Wednesday, the U.S. threw its weight behind a movement to waive patents on Covid-19 vaccines to allow other countries to m anufacture them. He’s vowing that the U.S. will become an “arsenal for fig hting Covid-19” globally as outbreaks elsewhere in the world risk spawning dangerous variants that could prolong the crisis. The administration’s effo rts so far include plans to give away 60 million doses of?AstraZeneca Plc’s shot and to ramp up production of doses made by?Moderna Inc.,?Pfizer Inc.?a nd?Johnson & Johnson. 美國總統拜登本周明確表示,美國打算開始發揮更積極的作用。周三,美國大力支持一 項運動,放棄新冠疫苗的專利,允許其他國家生產疫苗。他誓言,美國將成為全球“抗 擊新冠病毒的武器庫”,因為世界其他地方的病毒爆發有可能催生危險的變種,從而延 長危機。到目前為止,美國政府的努力包括計劃贈送6000萬劑AZ疫苗,并提高莫得納、 輝瑞和強生疫苗的生產劑量。 In the meantime, countries from Uruguay to Senegal to Indonesia have few pla ces to turn apart from Beijing -- and China is making the most of it. 與此同時,從烏拉圭到塞內加爾再到印度尼西亞,除了北京,幾乎沒有其他任何選擇, 而中國正充分利用這一機會。 The country has already shipped out about 240 million doses, more than all o ther nations combined, and has committed to providing another 500 million, a ccording to?Airfinity Ltd., a science information and analytics company. Ind ia, the world’s third-biggest supplier after China and the European Union, had exported 67 million doses to nearly 100 countries until the devastating Covid-19 outbreak prompted it to halt most deliveries in recent weeks. 根據Airfinity的統計數據,中國已經出口了約2.4億劑,超過所有其他國家的總和,并 承諾再提供5億劑。印度是僅次于中國和歐盟的世界第三大供應國,已經向近100個國家 出口了6700萬劑,直到毀滅性的新冠病毒爆發促使印度在最近幾周停止了大部分藥物的 供應。 Access to the shots will provide a boost to the WHO-backed Covax effort, whi ch relied heavily on the Serum Institute of India before the clampdown on ex ports. 獲得這些疫苗將促進世衛組織支持的Covax努力,在印度限制出口之前,Covax在很大程 度上依賴于印度血清研究所(Serum Institute of India)。 Covax has shipped more than 50 million doses to 121 countries and territorie s, well short of its goal and just a fifth of what the U.S. has administered domestically. A new pact with?Moderna?has expanded Covax’s portfolio, but only a fraction of the 500 million doses it pledged will be available this y ear. Covax已經向121個國家和地區運送了超過5000萬劑,遠未達到目標,僅為美國國內劑量 的五分之一。莫得納已經擴大了對Covax的供應,但今年只有承諾的5億劑量的一小部分 將會實現。 WHO authorization of Chinese vaccines could make an immediate difference for governments waiting for that stamp of approval before giving them to citize ns. Sri Lanka, for instance, has so far used less than 1% of its 600,000 Sin opharm shots on foreign Chinese workers. 世衛組織對中國疫苗的授權可能會立即改變各國政府等待批準后再將疫苗提供給公民的 狀況。以斯里蘭卡為例,迄今為止,該國60萬劑國藥疫苗中,只有不到1%的劑量用在( 在斯里蘭卡的)外籍中國工人身上。 Some experts, though, are worried about the potential public-health impact o f widely deploying Chinese vaccines that have demonstrated lower efficacy ra tes than those made Pfizer and Moderna. And Chinese shots have already been hampered by a lack of trial data and a preference for vaccines from the West ern companies. 不過,一些專家擔心,中國疫苗的廣泛應用可能會對公眾健康造成潛在影響,這些疫苗 的有效率低于輝瑞(Pfizer)和摩德納(Moderna)生產的疫苗。由于缺乏試驗數據和對 西方公司疫苗的偏好,中國的疫苗注射已經受到阻礙。 “The WHO approval of Chinese vaccines will, in the medium term, help to str engthen Chinese power and authority within the region,” said?Nicholas Thoma s, an associate professor at the City University of Hong Kong and editor of several books on global health and foreign policy. “However, the low effica cy rate of the Chinese vaccines means that this is an easily contestable pos ition if the Western countries can ramp up their own supplies.” 他說:“世衛組織批準中國疫苗,從中期來看,將有助于加強中國在該地區的權力和權 威。”?Nicholas Thomas是香港大學城的副教授,也是幾本關于全球衛生和外交政策的 書的編輯。然而,中國疫苗的低效率意味著,如果西方國家能夠增加自己的供應,這是 一個容易引起爭議的立場。” That’s all the more reason for China to seize the moment while it can. Fore ign Minister Wang Yi vowed last week that China would provide vaccines to co untries that had been dependent on India during a?call?with counterparts fro m South Asian nations. 這正是中國抓住時機的理由。外交部長王毅上周承諾,中國將向在危機中依賴印度疫苗 的國家提供疫苗,承諾將與南亞國家的同行。 On the same day, Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe spoke with Bangladesh a bout military cooperation. The country later approved emergency use of the S inopharm shot after the bulk of 15 million doses it paid for from the Serum Institute failed to arrive. 同日,中國國防部長魏鳳和與孟加拉國就軍事合作問題進行了會談。孟加拉國后來批準 緊急使用國藥集團的疫苗,因為它從印度血清研究所購買的1500萬劑疫苗未能送達。 Last month Chinese President Xi Jinping vowed to oppose “vaccine nationalis m” in a call with Indonesia leader Joko Widodo, whose government green-lit Sinopharm for emergencies soon afterward. Indonesia also secured as many as 15 million more shots of Sinovac. 上個月,中國習近平主席誓言反對“疫苗民族主義”,在印度尼西亞領導人佐科·維多 多的呼吁下,印尼政府迅速對國藥疫苗開了綠燈。印尼獲得了多達1500萬劑的疫苗。 “In plain view, India’s export ban has made Indonesia increasingly depende nt on vaccine supplies from China,” said Pandu Riono, an epidemiologist at the University of Indonesia. 印尼大學流行病學家潘杜里奧諾說:“顯而易見,印度的出口禁令使印尼越來越依賴中 國的疫苗供應。 Other countries have had to play nice with China on geopolitical spats. 其他國家不得不在地緣政治爭端上與中國友好相處。 India’s export delays deprived the Philippines of its biggest vaccine order at a time it’s sparring with China over a territorial dispute. President R odrigo Duterte rebuked his top diplomat this week for an expletive-laced twe et denouncing Beijing over the spat while his government negotiates with Sin ovac for a monthly delivery of as many as 4 million doses. 在菲律賓與中國就領土爭端發生爭執之際,印度的出口延遲剝奪了菲律賓最大的疫苗訂 單。菲律賓總統杜特爾特本周斥責他的首席外交官,稱他在推特上發表了一篇帶有咒罵 中國的文章,而他的政府正與國藥談判,爭取每月最多交付400萬劑國藥疫苗。 “China remains our benefactor,” Duterte said. “Just because we have a con flict with China doesn’t mean to say that we have to be rude and disrespect ful.” 杜特爾特說:“中國仍然是我們的恩人。”雖然我們與中國發生沖突,并不意味著我們 必須粗魯無禮。” Some countries relying on Chinese vaccines such as Chile have moved relative ly swiftly. However, worries persist about their potency: A Chilean governme nt study found in April that Sinovac’s vaccine is?67% effective?in preventi ng symptomatic Covid-19 infections and wards off 80% of fatalities. In Israe l, meanwhile, Pfizer’s mRNA shot was?found?to be 92% effective in preventin g symptomatic Covid-19 infections and 99% effective at preventing deaths -- though it’s harder to transport and must be stored at ultralow temperatures . 一些依賴中國疫苗的國家,如智利,行動相對迅速。然而,對疫苗效力的擔憂依然存在 :今年4月,智利政府的一項研究發現,國藥疫苗有效率為67%,并可以減少80%的死亡。 與此同時,在以色列,輝瑞公司mRNA疫苗有效率為92%,并且可以減少99%的死亡——盡 管它很難運輸,而且必須在超低溫下儲存。 India is confident it can ramp up supplies again in a few months once the cu rrent outbreak is contained, according to a Foreign Ministry official in New Delhi who asked not to be identified. The government sees China trying to e xploit India’s crisis but is confident that other countries understand its predicament, the official added. 印度外交部一位不愿透露姓名的官員表示,一旦疫情得到控制,印度有信心在幾個月內 再次增加供應。這位官員還說,印度政府認為中國試圖利用印度的危機,但相信其他國 家理解印度的困境。 “The shipments are being repurposed for domestic purposes given the demand, ” said Indian Foreign Ministry spokesman Arindam Bagchi. “We have already stated that our external supplies would be done keeping in mind our domestic requirements.” 印度外交部發言人巴吉(Arindam Bagchi)說:“鑒于需求,這些疫苗正被重新用于國 內用途。”我們已經說過,我們的外部供應將考慮到我們的國內需求。” Meanwhile, from Pakistan to Brazil and Africa, many ordinary people have exp ressed a lack of confidence in Chinese vaccines. In some areas of Africa, wh ich is using shots from the U.S., India, Russia and China, skepticism on vac cines mirrors that in parts of the developed world. 與此同時,從巴基斯坦到巴西和非洲,許多普通民眾對中國疫苗表示缺乏信心。非洲的 一些地區使用來自美國、印度、俄羅斯和中國的疫苗,他們對疫苗的懷疑態度與一些發 達國家的情況類似。 “We are being told that these vaccines are meant to get rid of Africans, so for now I will watch and observe those that have been inoculated,” said Pa ssmore Mwanza, a 29-year-old worker in Zimbabwe. “I don’t want to be part of an experiment of an outcome I don’t know.” 津巴布韋29歲的工人帕斯莫爾·姆萬扎(Passmore Mwanza)說:“我們被告知,這些疫 苗是為了消滅非洲人,所以現在我將觀察那些已經接種疫苗的人。”我不想參與一個我 不知道結果的實驗。” 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://tinyurl.com/4mtkfjhv 6.備註: 前段時間記得好多吱吱說中國疫苗在世界上沒人信,除了中國沒人會要中國疫苗。 這不,打臉來了,中國疫苗已經成為了世界上出口量最大的疫苗、超過其他國家出口疫苗 的總和。 我就想問一下綠腦吱們,臉疼不疼XDDDDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (中國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1620789453.A.0D9.html

05/12 11:18, 3年前 , 1F
支那仔滾啦 世界毒瘤
05/12 11:18, 1F

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05/12 11:20, 3年前 , 8F
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05/12 11:20, 3年前 , 9F
笑死 信中国得永生啦
05/12 11:20, 9F

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05/12 11:23, 3年前 , 13F
奶粉都可以有毒了 還疫苗勒
05/12 11:23, 13F

05/12 11:24, 3年前 , 14F
05/12 11:24, 14F
※ 編輯: czqs2000 ( 中國), 05/12/2021 11:25:33

05/12 11:29, 3年前 , 15F
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05/12 11:36, 3年前 , 17F
崛起歸崛起 不爽就是不爽
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05/12 11:46, 3年前 , 19F
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05/12 11:47, 3年前 , 20F
國民共產黨都是臭卒仔 沒一個敢打
05/12 11:47, 20F

05/12 11:47, 3年前 , 21F
還敢信中國阿 真的學不乖耶
05/12 11:47, 21F

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05/12 15:43, 3年前 , 25F
冠狀病毒就百變怪 疫苗本來效用就有限
05/12 15:43, 25F

05/12 15:44, 3年前 , 26F
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05/12 15:45, 3年前 , 27F
中國很聰明 中國人沒打完就先出口疫苗賺錢
05/12 15:45, 27F

05/12 15:48, 3年前 , 28F
N/S 能出口,我們也可以
05/12 15:48, 28F

05/12 15:50, 3年前 , 29F
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05/12 15:51, 3年前 , 30F
印度人也很聰明 宣稱戰勝病毒 還大量出口疫苗
05/12 15:51, 30F

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05/12 16:34, 3年前 , 35F
推 綠畜崩潰
05/12 16:34, 35F

05/12 17:27, 3年前 , 36F
就是有吱障覺青不相信科學 還在那懷疑防疫模範生
05/12 17:27, 36F
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