[新聞] 立陶宛50議員呼籲總統挺台灣

看板Gossiping作者 (煎粿一下)時間4年前 (2020/04/23 00:07), 編輯推噓137(143638)
留言187則, 161人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/1
1.媒體來源: The Baltic Times 2.記者署名: BNS/TBT Staff 3.完整新聞標題: 50 Lithuanian MPs, public figures call on president to support Taiwan in WHO dis pute 50立陶宛議員和公眾人物 呼籲總統在WHO爭端中支持台灣 4.完整新聞內文: VILNIUS – 50 Lithuanian lawmakers and over 100 representatives of culture and s cience have on Wednesday called on Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda to suppo rt, at the highest political level, Taiwan’s involvement in the World Health Or ganization's activity. 維爾紐斯- 50立陶宛立法者和 超過100個 文化與科學界代表, 在星期三要求立陶宛總統吉塔納斯‧瑙賽達,在最高的政治層級上, 支持台灣參與世界衛生組織的活動。 China is blocking Taiwan's membership in the World Health Organization and China 's Communist government does not renounce its threats to regain the island's con trol by force, calling any support to Taiwan interference with its internal matt ers. 中國正排擠台灣於世衛的參與資格,而中國共產黨政府並不放棄武力侵攻這個島嶼的主張, 將任何對台灣的支持一概稱為干涉內政。 The authors of the open letter are calling on President Nauseda to support "at t he highest political level, Taiwan’s involvement in the World Health Organizati on meetings, activities and mechanisms (including the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network, or GOARN) and to support its full participation in the World H ealth Assembly". 這份公開信的作者們呼籲瑙賽達總統「在最高的政治層級,支持台灣參與世界衛生組織的 會議、活動和機制(包括全球疫情示警和反應網路,簡稱GOARN), 並支持其全面參與世界衛生大會」。 They are also calling on the Lithuanian president to take action regarding Taiwa n’s participation in the United Nations and its subsidiary international organi zations; initiate the opening of the Lithuanian Economic Representation in Taiwa n; raise the Taiwan recognition issue at the European Council and in other polit ical formats of the European Union. 他們也要求立陶宛總統對台灣於聯合國和附屬國際組織的參與展開行動; 在台設立立陶宛經貿代表處; 並在歐洲議會和其他歐盟的政治形式發起台灣認同的議題。 The letter's authors says Lithuania should show solidarity with Taiwan, taking i nto account its progress in fighting the spread of the coronavirus, as well as T aiwan's support to Lithuania during the years of Soviet occupation and Lithuania 's independence restoration. 這封信的作者們表示有鑒於台灣對冠狀病毒疫情的成功對應, 和台灣對立陶宛於蘇聯佔領期間和重建國家獨立期的支持,立陶宛應該和台灣站在一起。 "While Taiwan’s response to the coronavirus pandemic is cited as a paragon of g ood practice, China is preventing Taiwan from participating in the World Health Organization, even as an observer, whereby it could share good practices and obt ain timely information relevant to the pandemic," the letter reads. 信中表示:「儘管台灣對病毒大流行的處置被譽為優良典範, 中國卻在阻止台灣參與WHO、連以觀察員的身份都不允許, 而台灣可以分享經驗和疫情相關即時資訊,」 "We believe that now, three decades after March 11, Lithuania is herself ready t o demonstrate her commitment to the fundamental constitutional values of freedom and democracy by expressing similar support for Taiwan," the authors say. 「我們相信,在獨立日三月11號三十年後的現今, 立陶宛已經能夠對自由和民主的基本憲政價值展現貢獻, 就從對台灣表達同類型支持開始,」作者們聲明。 In their words, the development of Lithuania’s political and diplomatic relatio ns with Taiwan would also be "a good opportunity to strengthen cooperation" with the United States. 他們表示,立陶宛和台灣發展政治外交關係同時也能成為和美國 「加強合作關係的良機」。 The letter was signed by 50 lawmakers, including Deputy Speaker of the Lithuania n Seimas Arvydas Nekrosius, representing the ruling Lithuanian Farmers and Green s Union, as well as Gabrielius Landsbergis, the opposition leader and leader of the conservative Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats, as well as Vi ktorija Cmilyte-Nielsen, leader of the Liberal Movement. 50個立法者於在信上署名,包括同時代表執政黨立陶宛農民與綠人聯盟的立陶宛議會副議長 Arvydas Nekrosius, 反對黨祖國聯盟-立陶宛基督教民主黨黨魁Gabrielius Landsbergis, 和自由運動黨的Viktorija Cmilyte-Nielsen。 The signatories also include dozens of well-known people of culture, science and art. One of the signatories, HU-LCD MP Mantas Adomenas says Taiwan is an exampl e for the world these days on how to fight the coronavirus but China is blocking its access to the information and resources of international organizations. 署名者也包括許多文化、科學和藝術界的知名人物。 祖國聯盟基民黨的議員Mantas Adomenas表示,台灣是近來如何對抗疫情的世界範例, 但中國卻在阻擋台灣取得國際組織的資源和資訊。 "Lithuania has been in such a position itself when it was unrecognized and block ed by a giant aggressive regime. I believe now is a kind of an "Iceland moment" when Lithuania can make a brave and fateful step by helping Taiwan's internation al recognition. It would be a victory not only for Taiwan, an old supporter of L ithuania's freedom, but also for the whole free democratic world," Adomenas told BNS. 「立陶宛自身也曾處在不被承認、和被龐大兇惡政權阻絕的立場過。 我相信現在可以是個『冰島時刻』,立陶宛可以踏出勇敢和決定性的第一步, 幫助台灣獲得國際承認。這將不僅限於長年在自由方面支持立陶宛的台灣, 也是整個自由民主世界的勝利。」Adomenas告訴記者。 The letter was presented to the presidential office on Wednesday morning, he sai d. Initiatives of this nature usually led to a strong reaction of representatives o f the Chinese government. 他表示,這封信已在星期三早上交到了總統府。 像這樣的行動通常會引起中國政府代表的激烈反應。 The Lithuanian government, just like many other countries in the world, does not officially recognize Taiwan's independence and honors the long-standing "One Ch ina" policy. 立陶宛政府,就像世界上許多其他國家一樣,並不正式承認台灣的獨立, 並尊崇長久以來的「一個中國」政策。 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://www.baltictimes.com/50_lithuanian_mps__public_figures_call_on_president_ to_support_taiwan_in_who_dispute/ 6.備註: The Baltic Times 是波羅的海三國的英文報紙, 看到了就大概粗翻一下、希望出入不要太大.... 立陶宛最近動作挺多啊、不愧是從被蘇聯整的七葷八素九死一生出來的波羅的海國家, 很懂台灣的痛.... 雖然不太懂波羅的海政治、但這陣營看起來滿豪華的? 另外原來我們過去有那麼惺惺相惜支持立陶宛喔 看來我們的旅遊地名單和口罩優先好朋友又要增加了? 每日接駁盒飯(美日捷帛荷梵),要變成每日接駁盒飯粒(美日捷帛荷梵立)了嘛? 等等我去看一下立陶宛的旅遊書做一下記號.... -- https://i.imgur.com/EVxuGxW.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1587571635.A.294.html

04/23 00:07, 4年前 , 1F
謝謝,thank you
04/23 00:07, 1F

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04/23 00:08, 4年前 , 6F
立陶宛真的知道台灣在哪嗎 會不會跟泰國搞混啦
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04/23 00:10, 4年前 , 13F
講講而已 綠共高潮
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04/23 00:11, 4年前 , 16F
說中南美洲的是故意鬧的嗎 XDD
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04/23 00:13, 4年前 , 19F
連這種正面的外交成果 都能一堆噓 五毛到底有多少
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04/23 00:20, 4年前 , 27F
哇 @@ 這麼力挺 感謝 感謝
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04/23 00:20, 4年前 , 29F
議員可以嘴砲 變總統後繼續挺支那
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04/23 00:21, 4年前 , 30F
結果自己連個華航正名都做不到 可恥
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還有 108 則推文
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04/23 08:53, 4年前 , 153F
推! 感謝
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04/23 09:01, 4年前 , 155F
立陶宛妹子 讚
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04/23 10:05, 4年前 , 163F
全世界一半以上主要國家挺台 俄羅斯北韓伊朗挺中
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04/23 10:41, 4年前 , 166F
還好我玩歐卡模擬2 知道這個地方
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04/23 20:11, 4年前 , 183F
五毛崩潰 耿爽又要不爽啦
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04/23 21:21, 4年前 , 184F
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04/23 22:56, 4年前 , 185F
推一下立陶宛,國民啤酒 vyturys很好喝
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