Re: [新聞] 美陸戰隊大學兵推 第三次世界大戰台灣戰場這樣打...已回收

看板Gossiping作者 (猩巴克63)時間5年前 (2019/04/24 20:25), 編輯推噓5(6110)
留言17則, 11人參與, 5年前最新討論串3/4 (看更多)
The United States can win World War III, but it’s going to be ugly and it better end quick, or everyone starts looking for the nuclear trigger. 美國可以打贏WWIII,但是會非常慘烈並且最好在大家開始找核武按鈕之前早點結束 That is the verdict of a Marine Corps War College wargame I organized that allowed students to fight a multiple great state conflict last week. To set the stage, the students were given an eight-year road-to-war, during which time Russia seized the Baltics and all of Ukraine. Consequently, the scenario starts with a surging Russia threatening Poland. Similar to 1939, Poland became the catalyst that finally focused NATO’s attention on the looming Russian threat, leading to a massing of both NATO and Russian forces on the new Eastern Front. China begins the scenario in the midst of a debt-related financial crisis and plans to use America’s distraction with Russia to grab Taiwan and focus popular discontent outward. And Kim Jong-un, ever the opportunist, decides that the time has arrived to unify the Korean peninsula under his rule. For purposes of the wargame, each of these events occurred simultaneously. 我上週在海軍陸戰隊戰爭學院中組織了一個兵棋推演。在初始階段,學生有8年的時間可 以準備戰爭,在此同時俄羅斯掌控了波羅的海和整個烏克蘭。因此,整個情境開始於俄羅 斯威脅波蘭,類似於1939年,波蘭變成了北約面對俄羅斯威脅的催化劑,形成了大規模的 東線衝突。中國由於身處於金融危機之中,打算趁美國分心的同時奪取台灣發洩民怨。金 正恩想投機,決定統一朝鮮半島的時候到了。 The wargames were played by six student teams, or approximately five persons each. There were three red teams, representing Russia, China, and North Korea; combatting three blue teams representing Taiwan, Indo-Pacific Command (Korea conflict) and European Command. All of these teams were permitted to coordinate their activities both before the conflict and during. Interestingly, although it was not part of the original player organization the Blue side found it necessary to have a player take on the role of the Joint Staff, to better coordinate global activities. 兵棋推演由6個學生隊伍扮演,3紅3藍,紅方為俄羅斯、中國、北韓;藍方為台灣、印太 司令、歐洲司令。每個隊伍皆可以互相合作,有趣的是,雖然規則沒有規定,但是藍方認 為推舉一個總協調者是必要的。 ……………………省略…………………. As there was not enough American combat power to fight and win three simultaneous major conflicts, hard strategic choices were unavoidable. The American team quickly decided that losing Taiwan was not an existential threat to the United States, and except for a token Marine Corps force, Taiwan was left to fend for itself on the ground while substantial American air and naval assets challenged China’s access. The U.S. players viewed Taiwan as an economy of force effort that would be reinforced with ground troops once the big fight (Russia) was won. In the meantime, Team America opted to defend Taiwan with air and naval power, which continuously plagued Chinese attempts to reinforce their troops on the island ...省略 美國沒有同時打贏三場衝突的兵力,難以抉擇的取捨是避免不了的,美國決定不派地面部 隊到台灣,而是使用空海軍挑戰中國運兵。美國是台灣為economy of force(不懂似乎是 專有名詞),準備在戰勝俄羅斯後支援。 ------------韓戰部分大概---------------------- 北韓繞過首爾想深入進攻,但是無法突破北漢江,中國兩個軍支援依舊無法突破 美國調一個空降師支援,北韓動用化學武器造成數萬傷亡,印太司令部請求核武授權 --------------------------------------------- In Taiwan, after a brief but spirited defense of the nation’s beaches, Taiwanese troops were forced, by a successful Chinese airborne assault that captured a port in their rear, to retreat into the nation’s mountainous interior. 在台灣,在一場簡短但慘烈的灘頭防守戰後,一個成功的中國空降突襲佔領了國軍附近的 港口,國軍被迫撤退 As the Chinese consolidated their beachheads, brought in heavier forces, and moved cautiously inland, the Taiwanese fell back on Taipei. Here they intended to launch local counter-attacks and hold at least a portion of the island until the United States came to their aid. The Chinese build-up was severely hampered by U.S. naval and air power, which, despite the retreat of the carriers, was able to inflict serious losses upon the Chinese invasion armada and damage their debarkation ports in Taiwan. On the ground, the resistance of the Taiwanese forces was stiffened by the insertion of Japanese forces into the line — a result of American investments in pre-war directed diplomacy and a Japan concerned that both Taiwan and the Republic of Korea might fall to China. The Chinese, unable to make headway in the rough terrain and suffering from numerous local counter-attacks, as well as drawn out clearing operations in urban areas, soon settled into static positions, while they awaited more combat power to arrive from the mainland. 隨著解放軍站穩灘頭堡,重裝部隊謹慎地推進,國軍撤退至台北,準備反攻並守住島嶼 的一部份直到美國支援。解放軍依舊承受著美國海空軍的騷擾,就算海軍撤離東風反艦飛 彈的範圍也一樣。在地面,國軍受到了日本自衛隊的支援──在戰前階段時美國隊投注了 外交資源在日本上,使日本擔心韓國及台灣會淪陷。解放軍無法通過崎嶇的地形及反攻, 只能肅清佔領區,固守陣地等待來自大陸的支援。 我自己是覺得不用太認真看待拉 畢竟這只是軍校生的兵棋推演,而且文章戰鬥的描述也不清楚他們是怎麼打的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

04/24 20:28, 5年前 , 1F
economy of force 兵力經濟 簡單說不要花太多力量在
04/24 20:28, 1F

04/24 20:28, 5年前 , 2F
04/24 20:28, 2F

04/24 20:28, 5年前 , 3F
不需要過多軍隊的地區 夠打就好
04/24 20:28, 3F

04/24 20:29, 5年前 , 4F
04/24 20:29, 4F

04/24 20:30, 5年前 , 5F
04/24 20:30, 5F

04/24 20:37, 5年前 , 6F
世界大戰就不會講規矩了 戰術核彈能用 中子彈就逼臺投降
04/24 20:37, 6F

04/24 20:41, 5年前 , 7F
04/24 20:41, 7F

04/24 20:52, 5年前 , 8F
等戰爭台灣多死個幾萬人 島民就會嚇傻了
04/24 20:52, 8F

04/24 21:34, 5年前 , 9F
04/24 21:34, 9F

04/24 21:35, 5年前 , 10F
如何確定俄國一定主攻歐洲 他也可以捅刀中國
04/24 21:35, 10F

04/24 22:09, 5年前 , 11F
04/24 22:09, 11F

04/24 22:23, 5年前 , 12F
兵推就是大戰略那種電玩(真的) 調參數玩一玩
04/24 22:23, 12F

04/24 22:24, 5年前 , 13F
04/24 22:24, 13F

04/24 23:17, 5年前 , 14F
04/24 23:17, 14F

04/25 01:37, 5年前 , 15F
04/25 01:37, 15F

04/25 01:37, 5年前 , 16F
04/25 01:37, 16F

04/27 18:29, 5年前 , 17F
04/27 18:29, 17F
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