Re: [爆卦] 紐時:美向台灣總統重申,將履行對台承諾已回收

看板Gossiping作者 (基佬的小黃瓜)時間5年前 (2019/04/12 02:37), 編輯推噓14(14042)
留言56則, 12人參與, 5年前最新討論串4/4 (看更多)
Gerald Connolly, 是一位特別關心台灣議題的眾議員, 曾經擔任過眾議院台灣連線的主席 在這篇文章我想節錄他在台灣關係法40周年與美台關係會議上的Q&A給各位鄉民討論討論。 此Q&A有討論到眾議員對美台FTA的看法,值得鄉民一看。
Q : "Hi congressman, I would like to follow the Richard Bush's question Is a free trade agreement or some sort of bilateral trade or investment agreement with Taiwan rattling the cage or putting a stick in it ? I mean is that something that the congressman support ? " Rattle someone's cage 這是美式英語的習語,我聽不懂所以有去查字典。 意思 : to make someone feel worried or upset 例句 : Don't worry about what he said. He was just trying to rattle your cage. Put stick 好像是習語,查google有很多意思,但我不懂,有待鄉民補充。 A : "I am so sorry I couldn't hear you" (語畢哄堂大笑) Q : "I understand thanks" A : "It depands on the fine details right? um... I don't think Congress is going to engage an overly provactive act that can jeopardize Taiwan and the security. On the other hand, Congress, as I said, chafes at Beijing's presumption of being able to review and ooxxxly(聽不懂) approve of messures between Taiwan and us and Congress has a lot less respect for that than the executive branch does. So, if the right kind of economic agreement could be drawn off, I believe it probably would have a fair chance for Congress but remember gererally...I mean those agreements are negotiated with by executive branch not by Congress. uh...Through USTR... some other mechanism. So, we react to those. We don't initiate them. We could direct it being initiated but gerenally on trade, Congress is historicly allowed...the executive branch should take initiative and then we dispose of it." 個人感想: Connolly議員在開頭不支持美台FTA,中間又說國會對這個議題有很多的爭論及摩擦 後面又說如果可以提出正確的經濟協議,那國會就很有機會通過。我看不懂他對美台 FTA是正面還是反面的態度。 我想知道鄉民們看完這段Q&A有什麼感想,歡迎提出來,大家一起討論討論。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

04/12 02:40, 5年前 , 1F
甩鍋給共和黨政府吧 呵
04/12 02:40, 1F

04/12 02:43, 5年前 , 2F
04/12 02:43, 2F

04/12 02:44, 5年前 , 3F
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04/12 02:45, 5年前 , 4F
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04/12 02:45, 5年前 , 5F
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04/12 02:49, 5年前 , 6F
美台FTA 看具體內容吧 但從歷史來看 台灣不管簽訂什麼FTA
04/12 02:49, 6F

04/12 02:49, 5年前 , 7F
或加入什麼國際性貿易組織 最後吃虧的都是台灣
04/12 02:49, 7F

04/12 02:50, 5年前 , 8F
發問者之所以會問貿易協定算不算rattle the cage 是因為
04/12 02:50, 8F

04/12 02:50, 5年前 , 9F
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04/12 02:53, 5年前 , 10F
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04/12 02:55, 5年前 , 11F
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04/12 02:55, 5年前 , 12F
去國會是沒意義的還會讓台灣不安全 但我記得他好像支持
04/12 02:55, 12F

04/12 02:55, 5年前 , 13F
fta 而這個議員認為簽FTA是太誇張 川普政府行政方反而
04/12 02:55, 13F

04/12 02:55, 5年前 , 14F
是最鷹的 說顧慮多可能是貿易戰吧 但我覺得在甩鍋
04/12 02:55, 14F

04/12 02:57, 5年前 , 15F
04/12 02:57, 15F

04/12 02:57, 5年前 , 16F
這個議員應該沒有認為簽FTA太誇張吧 我覺得他偏向支持耶
04/12 02:57, 16F

04/12 02:59, 5年前 , 17F
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04/12 03:01, 5年前 , 22F
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04/12 03:01, 5年前 , 23F
其他的連線大概只有 30 或 40人
04/12 03:01, 23F

04/12 03:01, 5年前 , 24F
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04/12 03:02, 5年前 , 25F
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04/12 03:05, 5年前 , 26F
卜是藍藍路我知道 2012還在挺馬囧的 現在才轉向
04/12 03:05, 26F

04/12 03:09, 5年前 , 27F
我說的是Richard Bush: I’ll ask you a question.那題
04/12 03:09, 27F

04/12 03:14, 5年前 , 28F
rattle the cage / put a stick in it 也是眾議員先用的
04/12 03:14, 28F

04/12 03:15, 5年前 , 29F
詞彙,他還自嘲說是老式英文,所以發問者才follow that
04/12 03:15, 29F

04/12 03:20, 5年前 , 30F
我感覺有一句話說得很重I think you'll see more of that!
04/12 03:20, 30F

04/12 03:21, 5年前 , 31F
not less
04/12 03:21, 31F

04/12 03:23, 5年前 , 32F
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04/12 03:23, 5年前 , 33F
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04/12 03:26, 5年前 , 34F
Connolly對FTA態度很明確,視協議細節(fine details)而定
04/12 03:26, 34F

04/12 03:27, 5年前 , 35F
,只要協議好(right kind of economic agreement),國會
04/12 03:27, 35F

04/12 03:27, 5年前 , 36F
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04/12 03:33, 5年前 , 42F
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04/12 03:33, 5年前 , 43F

04/12 03:33, 5年前 , 44F
就depends on the details.
04/12 03:33, 44F

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