[新聞] 路透社:美國司法部將對華為提出新的指控已回收

看板Gossiping作者 (住在海邊的地瓜)時間5年前 (2019/01/29 06:10), 5年前編輯推噓4(401)
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U.S. to announce criminal charges related to China's Huawei 美國司法部準備刑事控告華為 路透社新聞報導 https://reurl.cc/mZryl 美國司法部正準備對中國通訊製造商華為,提出新的刑事指控。 美國政府即將正式起訴,十二月份時在加拿被逮捕的華為CFO孟晚舟, 已做為將他加拿大引渡回美國的程序之一。 罪名是誤導了美國的銀行與伊朗進行交易,違反了制裁伊朗的禁令。 同時美國政府正試圖阻止美國企業購買華為產品,並施壓美國盟國, 不要使用華為產品,已避免來自中國的間諜行為。 與此同時,另外一件對於華為竊盜美國企業機器人技術的指控,也在進行中。 最新的消息是,今天美國時間下午四點半,美國司法部會舉行記者會,提出指控。 已做為對中國執法的一部份。"China-related law enforcement action.” 此外,根據官員透漏,白宮正在準備行政命令,最快在下個月, 透過宣布國家緊急狀態(national emergency)的方式, 禁止全美企業使用來自 華為 與 中興 的產品。 美國國會兩黨也正在草擬抵制華為的法案,將禁止美國公司出售晶片給華為與中興, 以及任何違反美國貿易禁令的中國企業。 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Justice is set to announce criminal charges related to Chinese telecommunications firm Huawei Technologies Co Ltd on Monday, four sources told Reuters. The U.S. government has been expected to announce charges against Meng Wanzhou, Huawei’s chief financial officer, as part of an effort to extradite her from Canada, where she was arrested in December at the request of the United States. U.S. authorities have accused Meng of misleading a global bank about Huawei’ s links to a company that the United States says operated as an unofficial subsidiary to conduct business in Iran in violation of sanctions against Tehran, Canadian court documents show. Meng has said that she is innocent. Meng is currently in Vancouver, staying in one of her family’s homes, as she awaits a decision from a Canadian court on whether she will be extradited to the United States. The U.S. government is trying to prevent American companies from buying Huawei routers and switches and is pressing allies to do the same. U.S. security experts are concerned that the equipment could be used to spy on the United States. Huawei’s founder, Ren Zhengfei, has denied that his company’s products would be used by the Chinese government to spy. There have also been reports by the Wall Street Journal and others that the Justice Department was nearing an indictment related to allegations that Huawei stole robotic technology from carrier T-Mobile US Inc to test smartphones’ durability. T-Mobile had accused Huawei of stealing the technology, called “Tappy,” which mimicked human fingers and was used to test smartphones. Huawei has said that the two companies settled their disputes in 2017. Huawei is the world’s biggest telecommunications equipment maker. The Justice Department said it would announce charges at a news conference at 4:30 p.m. in a “China-related law enforcement action.” Both the Justice Department and Huawei declined immediate comment. The White House is preparing an executive order to declare a national emergency that would bar U.S. companies from using telecommunications equipment made by China’s Huawei and ZTE. That order could come as early as next month, two officials said. Congress is also considering anti-Huawei bills. A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers introduced bills in January that would ban the sale of U.S. chips or other components to Huawei, ZTE Corp or other Chinese telecommunications companies that violate U.S. sanctions or export control laws. -- 中興華為 這下肯定要吃屎了 還不快去把 NOKIA 還有 Ericsson 的股票買起來 5G+加上華為仆街 概念股 肯定漲翻天啊 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1548713407.A.915.html

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快點吧 川普 等很久了
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