Re: [問卦] 初次掌控台灣全島是哪個國家啊?已回收

看板Gossiping作者 (拉丁文好難)時間6年前 (2018/03/04 00:47), 編輯推噓1(102)
留言3則, 1人參與, 6年前最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《vQuQv (vQuQv)》之銘言: : 關於統治、殖民、征服有各種說法 : 但!一定代表掌握了這個地區的全部治權 : 那台灣呢? : 究竟是誰先統一?殖民?統治了台灣全島 : 原住民那種 (戰族)時代就不用講了 : 荷、西、清、日 : 究竟是誰先統治全島!獲得台灣全島的主權? 肥宅我以前去力行的台文系修課時剛好做到Charles W. Le Gendre,中文叫做李仙得的作 業,文本是"Foreign Adventures and the Aborigines of Southern Taiwan" 裡面有一篇"Has Japan the Right to Assume Suzerainty over Aboriginal Formosa?" 中文應該翻成,日本有權在台灣原住民地區取得宗主權嗎? 這邊多益都1000分,肥宅想睡覺覺了,應該不用翻譯吧>< 節錄內容如下 Emanating from the governor of the island himself: Article 11 and 13 of the Treaty (between America and China) provide that within the jurisdiction of the Emperor, either on shore or at sea, anyone who shall molest an American shall be punished by the civil and military authorities to the best of their ability; but as in the “Rover” case, the Americans were not murdered on Chinese territory or on Chinese seas, but in a region occupied by savage tribes, relief could not be asked for under the Treaty. Were it in our power to seize the murderers we would gladly do so, that the Chinese might keep friendly intercourse with foreigners. But the savage region does not come within the limit of our jurisdiction. In proceeding to Eastern Formosa, Japan could act as Court de Benyowski did in 1771. … The country of the aborigines is one of great beauty and natural resources, and, in the course of ten years or so, the places so occupied would form no unimportant addition to the Empire of Japan. … If after Japan had taken possession of the aboriginal portion of the island, China, in anticipation of such annoyances, should conclude to cede her own possessions, the former would doubtless be ready to listen to any reasonable propositions that might be made. … With a strong, industrious, war-like neighbor at her side, China will be no more able to hold her portion of the island profitably, than Spain was able to hold Florida; and the longer she delays in making the cession, the less valuable will it become to her, and the less money will it bring when, perceiving, too late, that she can hold it no longer, she will be forced to sell it. Having already shown the importance, in a strategic point of view, to an Eastern power of possessing both Formosa and the Pescadores, I need say nothing of the value which Japan should attach to the acquisition of such a station. 總之重點大概就是李仙得建議日本學匈牙利的Court de Benyowski(莫利斯·貝尼奧斯基) 在台灣原住民區建立基地,反正清朝對那些地方是沒有宗主權的,最後就可以慢慢把整個 台灣跟澎湖(Pescadores)收為己有 從這篇文獻來看,清朝在當時應該是沒有完全控制台灣的 不過在日本時代,台灣是受到蠻完整的控制的,鐵路也是到處都有 如果概略地來講,第一個完整控制台灣的應該是日本人啦 因為原住民地區比較難講,其他請給專業的補充 --

08/09 06:53,
08/09 06:53

08/09 06:54,
靠 笑屎我 果然藍的 08年是小夫 哪來的小英
08/09 06:54

08/09 06:55,
08/09 06:55
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