[新聞] 英國伊斯蘭學校:打拒絕做愛的女人是OK的已回收

看板Gossiping作者 (老大-摳比布萊恩)時間6年前 (2017/12/01 17:09), 6年前編輯推噓120(13212223)
留言367則, 148人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/1
1.媒體來源: rt.com 2.完整新聞標題: Beating wives if they refuse sex is OK, according to books in Britain’s Islamic schools 3.完整新聞內文: Books that sanction domestic violence and say women should never refuse their husbands sex are among a series of sexist materials that inspectors have found in Britain’s Islamic schools. The education watchdog has compiled a file of the worst examples. The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) discovered a book in a school library entitled ‘Women Who Deserve to Go to Hell’, which said it was wrong for wives to show “ingratitude to their husband” or “have tall ambitions,” according to the Times. It also detailed “mischievous” females who are a “trial for men.” In its pages, pupils are told: “In the beginning of the 20th century, a movement for the freedom of women was launched with the basic objective of driving women towards aberrant ways.” Another school Ofsted visited encouraged children to read a text that contrasted the “noble women of the East” who protects her modesty by wearing a veil, while the “internally torn woman of the West” attracts men and leaves her home to hang around in cinemas and cafés. Other materials claimed that in a Muslim marriage “the wife is not allowed to refuse sex to her husband” or “leave the house where she lives without his permission.” Boys and girls were also taught that “the man by way of correction can also beat her.” Work marked by teachers stated that women had a responsibility “only to bear children and bring them up as Muslims.” The social attitudes contained in the library books appear to have filtered through to children’s work. Ofsted inspectors found a student answered on a worksheet suggesting women have a responsibility “only to bear children and bring them up as Muslims” while men should be “protectors of women.” In a box headed “daily life and relationships” the pupil had written that men are “physically stronger” and women are “emotionally weaker.” The worksheet was covered in approving red ticks from the teacher. Ofsted said the books and writings made for “uncomfortable reading.” It added that the material it collected was out of step with mainstream Muslim thinking, and came from maintained schools as well as independent faith schools and unregistered schools. The education watchdog took issue in particular with primary schools which allow girls as young as four to wear the hijab. It said there is a “growing concern” about the trend. Inspectors are now planning to question Muslim girls who wear the hijab at primary school, because most Islamic teaching does not require girls to cover their heads until they reach puberty. An investigation is also being launched into a reported rise in the number of girls forbidden from taking swimming lessons in order to preserve their modesty. 簡易翻譯: https://imgur.com/k3vyOcm
伊斯蘭學校的小孩, 英格蘭 , Global Look Press 英國檢查員在英國伊斯蘭學校發現教材說:女人永遠不能拒絕她的丈夫做愛 並在學校圖書館發現一本名為"該下地獄的女人"的書,內容表示對丈夫不感恩、 有高大志向是錯的。 另一些教材宣稱:"女人不可拒絕與丈夫性愛""不可離家,如果沒有丈夫允許""男人可以打她們,為了矯正這些行為"、 "女人只需要生小孩和把小孩以一個穆斯林身分帶大" 據報導,為了保持謙遜,禁止游泳的女孩人數有所增加。 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://www.rt.com/uk/411144-islam-ofsted-sexist-violence/ 5.備註: 英國伊斯蘭小學就是這樣教小孩的! 阿拉花瓜! -- 2017 國際齋戒月炸彈松 第8屆 Final Score   http://imgur.com/0mZdzZN
恭喜伊斯蘭教 蟬聯八屆冠軍 八連冠!! 2007年聯合國人權理事會上,伊斯蘭會議組織宣布不承認個人有自由改變宗教信仰的權利. http://imgur.com/JU2Vb5b
各地穆斯林認為改信必須死的比率 http://imgur.com/idrg6Sq
44.85%穆斯林認為改信者該被殺死 目前穆斯林擁有改信自由的伊斯蘭國家: 0 個 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1512119393.A.0B4.html

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12/01 17:13, 6年前 , 13F
阿拉花瓜是不是說 甲甲不算人 殺了沒有罪
12/01 17:13, 13F

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12/01 17:13, 6年前 , 16F
12/01 17:13, 16F
我看英國人FB分享的 現在貼新聞也不行惹嗎? 這新聞好像滿熱門的 留言700多個

12/01 17:13, 6年前 , 17F
支持 不然怎麼解決少子化問題
12/01 17:13, 17F

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12/01 17:14, 6年前 , 22F
這就太過了 分手就好
12/01 17:14, 22F

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12/01 17:14, 6年前 , 24F
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12/01 17:15, 6年前 , 25F
阿拉花瓜教義:女人想分手 可以殺
12/01 17:15, 25F

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12/01 17:15, 6年前 , 27F
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12/01 17:16, 6年前 , 28F
垃圾宗教 地球毒瘤-伊斯蘭教
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12/01 17:16, 6年前 , 29F
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12/01 17:16, 6年前 , 30F
這樣的文484會被新版龜封殺呢 讓我們繼續看下去
12/01 17:16, 30F

12/01 17:16, 6年前 , 31F
你標題自己翻的 ?
12/01 17:16, 31F
Beating wives if they refuse sex is OK, according to books in Britain’s Islamic schools

12/01 17:16, 6年前 , 32F
12/01 17:16, 32F
※ 編輯: CobeBryant (, 12/01/2017 17:19:31

12/01 17:18, 6年前 , 33F
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12/01 17:19, 6年前 , 34F
爽 好羨慕
12/01 17:19, 34F

12/01 17:20, 6年前 , 35F
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12/01 17:21, 6年前 , 36F
連英國的都這樣教,其他各地也… …
12/01 17:21, 36F
還有 292 則推文
還有 3 段內文
12/02 17:20, 6年前 , 329F
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12/02 17:38, 6年前 , 334F
JQK2 你如果缺乏宗教知識就好好將聖經申命記看一遍吧
12/02 17:38, 334F

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12/02 17:53, 348F
他不管這個的唷 反正不准批評伊斯蘭教就對了^^ ※ 編輯: CobeBryant (, 12/02/2017 17:57:18

12/02 18:22, 6年前 , 349F
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12/02 20:29, 6年前 , 356F
台灣用了300年 從男權沙文主義 吃番膏等等 進步到現在
12/02 20:29, 356F

12/02 20:30, 6年前 , 357F
伊斯蘭用了1400年 到現在還是在用女性為男人附屬 女人
12/02 20:30, 357F

12/02 20:31, 6年前 , 358F
做事前都要經過家中男人同意 結果某哀把這兩個拿來比較
12/02 20:31, 358F

12/02 20:31, 6年前 , 359F
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12/02 20:32, 6年前 , 360F
台灣法律夠有保證女人人權 反觀伊斯蘭法 請你就事實面對
12/02 20:32, 360F

12/02 20:32, 6年前 , 361F
好的該讚揚 壞的該面對並且改正 而不是像AROUND14357
12/02 20:32, 361F

12/02 20:33, 6年前 , 362F
這樣的親伊斯蘭份子 遇到不對的事情先說別人也怎樣所以
12/02 20:33, 362F

12/02 20:33, 6年前 , 363F
伊斯蘭也怎樣 照你這樣子的態度 難怪大家會越來越討厭
12/02 20:33, 363F

12/02 20:34, 6年前 , 364F
伊斯蘭 這就是擺明的豬隊友 吸引仇恨值=而已
12/02 20:34, 364F

12/06 21:05, 6年前 , 365F
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文章代碼(AID): #1Q8HnX2q (Gossiping)