[新聞] 失控的中國太空站,距離撞到地球更近了消失

看板Gossiping作者時間6年前 (2017/10/17 01:59), 6年前編輯推噓-5(388)
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1.媒體來源: 自由 2.完整新聞標題: 《中英對照讀新聞》Out-of-control Chinese space station closer to Earth impact 失控的中國太空站,距離撞到地球更近了 3.完整新聞內文: ◎劉宜庭 The Chinese space station Tiangong-1 has been hurtling out of control on a slow fall back to Earth for more than a year now, but it's time for people to start looking up. 中國太空站「天宮一號」失控猛衝,逾一年來逐步墜入地球,如今已到了人們該開始抬頭 張望的時刻。 The odds of someone being injured by falling space junk are minimal, but the 9.4-ton space station, which translates to "Heavenly Palace 1" has fallen below 185 miles in altitude. 太空垃圾下墜時砸傷人的可能性微乎其微,但這座意指「天上的宮殿一號」、重達9.4公 噸的太空站,已落至海拔高度低於185英里。 When China told the United Nations that its space station that was launched in 2011 was on a downward spiral, predictions were that it would crash to Earth somewhere between October 2017 and April 2018. 中方通知聯合國2011年發射的太空站正持續盤旋下墜時,預測(該太空站)在2017年10月 至2018年4月間將墜毀於地球某處。 When it was operational, the space lab orbited at 230 miles above Earth. The International Space Station orbits at 250 miles above Earth. 這座太空實驗艙過去運作時,軌道位於地球上方230英里處。國際太空站的軌道則在地球 上方250英里處。 In 2016, Wu Ping, deputy director of China's Manned Space Engineering office said most of the space station is expected to burn up on re-entry, but astrophysisist Jonathan McDowell told The Guardian that chunks weighing more than 200 pounds could make an impact on Earth. 中國載人航天工程辦公室副主任武平2016年曾聲稱,這座太空站再進入(地球大氣層)時 ,大部分都會焚毀殆盡,但天文物理學家麥道威向英國《衛報》表示,重量超過200磅的 塊體就可能對地球造成衝擊。 新聞辭典 hurtle:動詞,猛衝、呼嘯而過。例句:The express train hurtled past.(特快車疾 駛而過。) space junk:名詞,太空垃圾。例句:100 million pieces of "space junk" currently orbit our planet at 17,500 miles per hour. (1億件「太空垃圾」正以每小時1萬 7500英里的速度圍繞著我們的星球飛行。) altitude:名詞,高處、海拔。例句:The lower the altitude, the more dense the atmosphere.(海拔高度愈低,大氣密度愈大。) 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://tinyurl.com/y8xbfcp8 5.備註: --               / ̄ ̄ ̄ ㄟ |   |            /     ㄟ |    |               |   (> )( <) < XD  |             | /// (_人_) |    |            |    \__/ ! |    |             |      ㄟ \____| -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1508176765.A.EB5.html

10/17 01:59, , 1F
10/17 01:59, 1F

10/17 01:59, , 2F
10/17 01:59, 2F

10/17 02:00, , 3F
撞到一個小鄉村 那裡會變成一個湖
10/17 02:00, 3F

10/17 02:01, , 4F
自業自得 vs 沉痛哀悼 會是哪個呢?
10/17 02:01, 4F

10/17 02:01, , 5F
幹 地上天上都是中國垃圾
10/17 02:01, 5F

10/17 02:02, , 6F
10/17 02:02, 6F

10/17 02:02, , 7F
10/17 02:02, 7F

10/17 02:03, , 8F
10/17 02:03, 8F
Actually Taiwan has launched several satellites...six, I guess ※ 編輯: ed78617 (, 10/17/2017 02:07:11

10/17 02:04, , 9F
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10/17 02:14, , 13F
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10/17 02:14, , 14F
10/17 02:14, 14F

10/17 02:39, , 15F
就看掉到哪吧 = = 掉到中國與海洋=沒事 掉到各國城市就難講
10/17 02:39, 15F

10/17 02:43, , 16F
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10/17 07:03, , 17F
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10/17 07:06, , 18F
10/17 07:06, 18F

10/17 07:57, , 19F
10/17 07:57, 19F
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