Re: [新聞] 英文列官方語?學者:孩子哪來「美國時間消失

看板Gossiping作者時間6年前 (2017/10/14 17:43), 編輯推噓-4(596)
留言20則, 18人參與, 最新討論串12/36 (看更多)
Although I am questioning this issue, I still want to translate this article word by word. ※ 引述《rial (deoo)》之銘言: : 很簡單啊 It's easy. : 全英語教學 Educating in English. : 從幼稚園開始、國小、國中、高中、大學… From kinder gardent to elementary school, middle school, high school and university, : 所有科目都用英語教 all subjest are taught in English. : 用英語教數學、自然、社會、公民、文學… Teach math, nature(?), the community(?), citizenship(?), literature, etc. in English. : 甚至可以用英語教「中國哲學(道家、儒家、墨家…)」 Even teach Chinese philosophy (Taoism, Confucianism, Mohist, etc) in English : 這樣不就解決了「哪來的美國時間」學英語 Therefore, the issue of "having no enough time" would be resolved. : : 她認為,沒有理由將英文列為台灣的第二官方語言,歷史上事出無源。 : 怎會沒有理由? Why is there no reason for that? : 最好的理由就是「實用」 The best reason is that English is useful and practical(?). : 國際上的科學方面的期刊、學術論文用什麼語言? What language are written in international journals in science and academic essays? : 用中文嗎? Chinese? : 全世界的國家,哪個語言最通行? Which launguage is spoken most commonly in the world? : 哪個語言是被最多國家列為「必修」的語言? Which language is requested as a required subject by most countries? : 中文嗎? Chinese? : 任何兩個不同國家、不同民族的人相遇,他們最可能使用來溝通的語言,是哪個語言? When people from any two different countries or different ethnicities meet together, what language would they possibly speak in order to communicate? : 中文嗎? Chinese : 全世界被最多人訂閱的 youtuber 頻道,是「瑞典人」,那他用什麼語言拍影片? The youtuber whose channel that most people subscribe in the world is a Swedish. What language was he speaking while filming? : 中文嗎? 瑞典語嗎? Chinese or Swedish? : 以上答案通通是:英語 The answer above the questions is "English." : 「中國話」並非台灣人的母語 Mandarin is not Taiwanese mother language. : 台灣人除了英語,的確要加強母語的教學(台語、客語、原住民語…) Besides English, Taiwanese really need to improve mother language education (Taiwanese, Hakka, indigenous people's languages, etc) : 過渡時期,可以訂個10年、20年… During transition time, we could have a decade or two decades plan that : 這段過渡期間,可以用舊的官方語言(中文)跟新的官方語言(英語)並列使用 people can use both previous official language (Mandarin) and new official language (English) : 讓大家有心理準備,有適應期 in order to get everyone prepared in adjustment stage. : 至少大家知道 10年後,或 20年後,政府就要改全英語書寫跟溝通,那大家就要開始學英語、用英語、講英語、寫英語 At least inform everyone that the government is going to do documentation and communication in English after a decade or two decades, so everyone has to begin to learn English, use English, speak and write in English. : 當然政府也應該有配套措施,讓台灣成年人有管道、有環境、有資源…可以輕鬆學英語 Of course the goverment should have plans in coordination, so that sites, environment and resources are available for Taiwanese adults to learn English : 中文並沒有很強勢 Chinese is not prevalent actually. : 不要再作夢了 Stop dreaming. : 非中文系國家,有哪幾國?佔多少國家的比例,把中文訂為「必修」? How many non-Mandarin speaking countries are there? How many percentage in the world? Classify Chinese as a required subject? : 馬來西亞、新加坡…的華語也不是必修,而是選修,反而英語才是必修 In Malaysia and Singapore, Mandarin is not required but a elective subject. Instead, English is a required subject. : 更別說,出了中國(以及被「中國流亡政府」統治的台灣)之後,在幾個國家可以用中文暢行無阻? Not to mention about after stepping out of PROC (and Taiwan, which is controlled by Chinese exciled government), how many countries can we communicate in Chinese without problems and obstacles? : 講的很好聽,你最好完全不會英語,還能在「科學」、「科技」方面有很高的實力啦?! Sounds great. Are you able to have a high achievement in science and technology if you know nothing about English? : 任何現代科學相關方面的學科,越往上讀,越深入,就一定需要英語 In any subject related to modern science, the higher level one wants to achieve and explore, English is needed. [This one is hard to translate word by word.] : 不然你用「全中文」去研究:生物、基因、人工智慧、電腦、數學、物理、化學、火箭、半導體、醫學(西醫)、企業管理、經濟、財務、金融… Otherwise you do research in biology, genes, artificial intelligence, computer, mathematics, physics, chemistry, rockets, semiconductor, medical science, business administration, economics and finance : 然後用「全中文」發表論文,看看可不可以受到「國際」認可,甚至得到諾貝爾獎 And then publish the research in "Chinese" only and to see if the study can be approved internationally, or even receive Nobel Prize : 中文到底有多強勢? What on Earth is Chinese so prevalent? : 你就試試看 You can give a try. I still have questions about this issue. If the purpose is to make Taiwanese competitive, there may be some other options that we can choose. Japan is a well-known country in which 99% citizens do not speak English. Japanese are still very competitive around the world. Although English is a previous official language in Malaysia, the country still have a lot of problems. I agree that English education in Taiwan needs to be improved, but I would seek more pros and cons from professionals and consultants if we are considering English as our new official language. Your English may be better than me. You may have a lot of resources available to improve your English. You may be smart and gifted in Languages, so you don't need to spend a lot of time learning it. But for me, it's kind of torturing process. I am too old to make my English better. If Taiwan was a great country, I might decide not to study abroad. Most Taiwanese students do not want to come back to Taiwan due to the income problems and life quality. Taiwan is a good country for retirement and also a heaven for employers, but I am just an ordinary working class employee......... Changing the political party in congress means switching different monkeys to fuck our ass...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

10/14 17:45, , 1F
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10/14 17:46, , 3F
Your opinion is appreciated.
10/14 17:46, 3F

10/14 17:48, , 4F
還不修改文章補中文字 蔡B
10/14 17:48, 4F

10/14 17:49, , 5F
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10/14 17:49, , 6F
noob bye
10/14 17:49, 6F

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10/14 17:50, , 8F
bucket is comming
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10/14 17:51, , 9F
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10/14 17:51, , 10F
你的英文真好 看來英文列官方語言有其必要性了
10/14 17:51, 10F

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10/14 18:00, , 13F
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10/14 18:08, , 14F
你的opinion該用中文 基本上魯蛇集散地看不懂 該改善的是
10/14 18:08, 14F

10/14 18:08, , 15F
教育本身 不是科目 不喜歡學習 母語都學不好了 遑論其他
10/14 18:08, 15F

10/14 18:09, , 16F
還有獨立思考 才不會被狗屁不通政客洗腦
10/14 18:09, 16F

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10/15 07:00, , 18F
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10/15 11:16, 20F
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