[新聞] Lai reaffirms support for independence消失

看板Gossiping作者時間6年前 (2017/09/27 13:41), 6年前編輯推噓-1(233)
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1.媒體來源: 自由 2.完整新聞標題: 《TAIPEI TIMES》 Lai reaffirms support for independence 3.完整新聞內文: CROSS-STRAIT POLICY: While advocating goodwill toward China, the premier said he stands by his principle of supporting Taiwanese independence whatever office he holds. By Sean Lin / Staff reporter Taiwan is a sovereign nation whose official title is the Republic of China, Premier William Lai (賴清德) said yesterday, adding that “the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are independent of each other.” Lai made the remarks when asked to clarify his cross-strait policy during a question-and-answer session at the legislature with People First Party Legislator Chen Yi-chieh (陳怡潔). When asked whether his cross-strait policy of "showing an affinity toward China while loving Taiwan" (親中愛台) contradicts President Tsai Ing-wen's (蔡英文)policy of maintaining the "status quo," Lai said it does not. "Showing an affinity toward China while loving Taiwan is based on a Taiwan-centric perspective, whereby we extend a hand of friendship to convey goodwill,” Lai said. "Hopefully, through exchanges, the two sides will be able to improve mutual understanding, reconciliation and forgiveness, thereby achieving peaceful development," he said. The premier added that he would follow Tsai's policy for Taiwan and China to engage in mutually beneficial collaboration and continue to convey goodwill, while not yielding to political pressure. Asked whether he felt he had a responsibility to improve cross-strait ties, Lai said he believes Taiwan and China should work together, since they have common goals, as well as common "enemies." These common enemies include typhoons, AIDS and pandemics, while their common goals should be set with the intent of improving the welfare of people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, which underpins cross-strait exchanges, Lai said. Asked about China's Taiwan Affairs Office Minister Zhang Zijun (張志軍) comment that he did not have any expectations upon learning that Lai had been named premier, Lai said: "Taiwan is a sovereign nation. Its goal is to serve the best interests of people on both sides [of the Strait]. We need not subject ourselves to a framework imposed by a superpower and there is absolutely no reason to care about certain people's remarks." Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) caucus secretary-general Lin Wei-chou (林為 洲) and vice secretary-general Wang Hui-mei (王惠美) also asked the premier to elaborate on his cross-strait policy. 林為洲和王惠美要行政院長詳細說明兩岸政策 “As I said before at the Tainan City Council, I am without a doubt a politician who supports Taiwanese independence. I will never change this stance no matter what office I hold,” Lai said. 賴:「如同我對台南市議會說的,我毫無疑問支持台獨,不論我在任何職位皆不改變立場」 His support for independence does not contradict his "affinity" remark, he added. 賴又說:「支持獨立與『親中』不抵觸」 Lin asked Lai whether Tsai is considering reforming the nation's semi-presidential system with her pledge to form a government whose power is proportionate to its accountability when she unveiled plans to push for constitutional reforms on Sunday. 林為洲問賴,蔡英文在週日揭幕的憲改,是否有考慮改革我國的"半總統制"? 因為蔡在該日誓言打造一個權責更相符的政府。 He also asked Lai whether constitutional reforms espoused by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) would involve changing the nation's title and territory, since the Constitution, promulgated in Nanjing in 1947, includes China as the ROC's territory. 他也問賴清德,DPP所擁護的修憲是否包含改國號及領土。因憲法於1947年頒布於南京, 領土包含中國大陸。 Lai said that constitutional reforms must be carried out on the strength of public opinion, which would shape the reforms, so it is unnecessary to become overly worried about the issues brought up by Lin. 賴則表示憲改會由大眾的意見來推動並塑形,所以不必擔心林為洲所提出的議題。 The government would value draft constitutional amendments tendered by the KMT, he added. 賴:政府會評估KMT提出的憲法修正草案 Lai also reaffirmed the DPP administration's resolve to achieve a " nuclear-free homeland" by 2025. 賴清德重申民進黨政府在2025年達成非核家園的決心 The DPP administration has no choice but to achieve a balance of 50 percent coal-fired power, 30 percent natural gas and 20 percent renewables by 2025, given that all nuclear power plants are set to be decommissioned by 2024 under the Electricity Act (電業法), Lai said. 賴:根據電業法,2024年所有核電都會除役,DPP政府只能達成50%燃煤,30%天然氣, 20%再生能源的比例 He reiterated the administration's goal to boost the nation's energy reserves from 10 percent to 15 percent. 他重申電力備轉容量會由10%調增至15% Wang warned Lai about the potential pitfall of making natural gas one of the nation's baseloads for energy supply, citing difficulties in replenishing it. 王惠美警告賴,將天然氣作為基載會有潛在危險,並舉出天然在燃料補充上的困難 Lin urged Lai to advise Tsai to adjust the government's "five plus two" initiative to upgrade and transition the nation's industries, which he said "misses the point." 林為洲力勸賴清德建議蔡英文調整失焦的"5+2產業",以完成產業升級與轉型 Quoting Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co chairman Morris Chang (張忠謀 ), Lin said the greatest challenge facing the nation's industries are shortages of water and electricity supply, workers, talent and land, and called on Tsai to tackle these issues rather than propose a policy that is out of touch with the private sector. 林為洲說,張忠謀曾表示國家遇到的最大挑戰為缺水缺電,還有勞工、人才,土地的缺乏 呼籲蔡英文趕快處理這些問題,而不是提一些和民間的產業不相干的政策 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/focus/breakingnews/2205572 5.備註: 整篇都在打太極 --               / ̄ ̄ ̄ ㄟ |   |            /     ㄟ |    |               |   (> )( <) < XD  |             | /// (_人_) |    |            |    \__/ ! |    |             |      ㄟ \____| -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1506490897.A.DA3.html

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speak English please
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原PO明明就有部分翻譯 大家都沒看內文
09/27 13:43, 6F
全翻太累了,而且我覺得後半段講憲改比較重要 ※ 編輯: ed78617 (, 09/27/2017 13:46:30

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