[爆卦] 澳門人反政府? 創作歌曲 力數問題消失

看板Gossiping作者時間7年前 (2017/07/21 22:47), 6年前編輯推噓4(407)
留言11則, 6人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
應該未有人post過這歌, 算是八卦吧. 三不五時, 八卦板就會有鄉民問卦問澳門的情況. 回文和推文都只是揣測或腦補, 因為根本沒有鄉民認識澳門. 既然如此, 倒不如直接看澳門人發報的消息. 這是「澳門方丈聯盟」製作的歌. 想認識澳門的新聞則可以看《論盡媒體》和《愛瞞日報》. 歌詞: 天有光 如來佛祖夥我靠岸 The sky is bright, Buddha come to shore with me 刁那星 泊柒錯位抄我八嚿 What the fuck, parking at wrong spot charge me MOP800 流淚了 百萬唐樓供到折墮 My tears are falling, thanks to my million dollar mortgage 人係廢 派錢放水大眾怯懦 Humans suck, relying on Buddha giving out money 博彩一仆輸爆肛 Gaming sector's getting fucked 隨便搞基建扮傻 Reckless government keeps building shit 就算商家分贜無禍 Land developers are getting filthy rich 你已在悠長麻木裡 You all are getting numb and dumb 習慣貪污無力抗 and Used to fail on anti-corruption 念眾生 我出山救濠江 For the sake of humanity, I've come to save Macau from mountain! 吹水安 笨撚廣東話夠正路 C eye Choi, your cantonese is very good! 區展新 呃吓公屋選票無壞 MCDI's getting votes from people in public housing 和諧了 你地同鄉會咁愛共 Harmony! Those community associations love Commies! 馮大炮 誓保吸煙萬眾拍和 Cannon Fong's being loved by smokers 就算街工不說謊 Even if folk and labor associations don't lie 全部澳豬愛滅亡 Macau pigs still get killed 唔嗌愛國盞打兩鑊 Getting beat up if they don't love CCP 哪怕係人窮唔柒理 Poor people's getting neglected 是非卜亦無謂看 Forget about bullshit facebook 受到低燈起底幾多個 How many people can stand those Lowden bullies? 貧僧會戰勝歸來 The Abbots will defeat them and return with victory 吳區你咪再磋跎 Pro-Democrats, don't be hesitant 垃圾貪官罪惡不變改 Useless and criminal officials won't change 有信念難能愚昧再 Faith keeps stupidity away 開咪勇敢說出來 We speak out against injustice 講小器 我威絕世代 We're the best at being thin-skinned 貧僧會戰勝歸來 The Abbots will defeat them and return with victory 賊首隻腳痛出來 CE's leg is getting hurt 渡化生蕃澳豬風氣開 We're here to stop idiocy 誓殺滅盲從全為愛 We shall kill dumbass out of love 即使戰鬥鍵盤外 Beyond being keybord warriors 我夢遺與天地同在 I, wet dream, shall stand by heaven and earth —------------------------------ 爛過乜鬼的教改 Fuck that bullshit educational reforms 教畜化身變大王 Lydia Ieong lives in Block 28 十九輕軌千億照袋 Officials pocketing billions over fucking LRTs 那塊地長年無人理 No one gives a fuck about this land 免市中心成澤國 Don't let city central be flooded 掘晒窿 汽車塞四方 Constructions, traffic jams everywhere 貧僧會戰勝歸來 The Abbots will defeat them and return with victory. 學社裡個個『天才』 NMA is full of “geniuses” 面對班官抗爭不變改 Remaining unchanged when dealing with officials 插滿著紅旗人人愛 People love red flags everywhere AB愛國左膠來 Albert Wong's being a Commies-loving leftard 高生你 比本護照來 Mr Coutinho, give us Portuguese passports! 貧僧會戰勝歸來 The Abbots will defeat them and return with victory 成班友晚晚開台 We do radio broadcast every night 萬眾生蕃伏拜這變改 Millions of morons waiting for change 六四夜如儀難復再 June 4 vigils getting lame Bill Vong本土惹青睞 Bill Vong's localism getting noticed 我夢遺與天地同在 I, wet dream, shall stand by heaven and earth 貧僧會戰勝歸來 The Abbots will defeat them and return with victory 貧僧會戰勝歸來 The Abbots will defeat them and return with victory 十八金剛耷到威四海 Eighteen King Kong beyond four seas 有信念能同仇敵慨 Faith make us stand against our foes 曲線勇敢說出來 Ready to speak up ironically 講小器 我威絕世代 We're the best at being thin-skinned 傻仔至乜都痴呆 Idiots are stupid at everything 城市已潰毀不來 This city is in ruins 佛法西天佑蔭風氣開 May the Buddha bless us all 誓殺滅盲從全為愛 We shall kill dumbass out of love 即使戰鬥鍵盤外 Beyond being keybord warriors 我夢遺與天地同在 I, wet dream, shall stand by heaven and earth 我夢遺與方丈同在 I, wet dream, shall stand by the Abbots -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1500648462.A.5A0.html

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07/21 23:14, , 9F
其實真的對澳門不太熟 只知道賭場 應該澳門人都賺飽賺滿吧
07/21 23:14, 9F
我不是澳門人, 不過看了些文章. 當中問題分兩部份. 1. 經濟好, 只是少數人富貴, 窮人依然存在. 貧富懸殊隨著GDP上升而不斷加劇. 對於大眾, 薪資升, 但房價和物價升得更快, 通膨嚴重. 澳門只有基隆四分一大, 開放賭權後, 奢侈的巨型賭場和酒店擠壓生活空間. 澳門社會的節奏也變快, 澳門過去的悠閒也消失了. 澳門的情況跟香港其實有點像, 富就富部份人, 問題就全部人一起承受. 2. 做賭場, 即是「荷官」, 的確賺很多. 不過那是賭業. 賭場完全僅是奢侈品, 完全不是民生用品. 賭業收入既容易暴升, 也容易暴跌. 近十年, 因為中國拼命催谷GDP, 所以有大量中國賭客. (洗錢) 不過近年, 因為中國走到盡頭, 所以少了很多中國大賭客. 賭業收入大幅下降, 大量荷官被裁員. 很多人一畢業就當荷官, 做了很多年, 根本不會做其他工作. 其實賭業佔經濟比重太重. 工業消失. 澳門以前和香港一樣是有工業的. 澳門現在產業太單一化. 賭業員工應該是最賺錢的, 不過有趣的是, 他們說, 隨著公司收入增加, 工作量大量, 薪金卻沒有同步上升. 扣除租金和生活開支後, 生活比以前辛苦.   在開放賭權後, 加入的公司沒有一個是澳門人. 即是錢是外流的.

07/21 23:29, , 10F
07/21 23:29, 10F

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07/21 23:53, 11F
※ 編輯: LeftLiberist (, 07/22/2017 02:41:25
文章代碼(AID): #1PSXGEMW (Gossiping)
文章代碼(AID): #1PSXGEMW (Gossiping)