Fw: [閒聊] 高雄慣老闆蘇先生壓榨騷擾員工消失

看板Gossiping作者時間7年前 (2017/07/03 01:25), 編輯推噓84(89523)
留言117則, 96人參與, 最新討論串1/4 (看更多)
※ [本文轉錄自 Kaohsiung 看板 #1PMIfgbu ] 作者: Spade2 (黑桃二) 看板: Kaohsiung 標題: [閒聊] 高雄慣老闆蘇先生壓榨騷擾員工 時間: Mon Jul 3 01:16:23 2017 先來說說蘇先生的背景好了 蘇先生有3間數字飲料店(橋X店、X樹店、梓X店) 數間早餐店、歐X汽車以及橋X警局顧問 本身職業為賽車手 我在蘇先生旗下某間店工作過 先說說待遇好了 只有133基本時薪、無勞健保團保 要保保險還要跟他助理簽一堆文件 程序非常複雜 上班無依照勞基法規定 上班4小時強制休息半小時 連續上班8小時 10小時 不休息是常態 曾經有人從早上6點上班到晚上11點 無休息時間 收店打烊時間也只有10分鐘 超出時間不補貼加班費 打烊包括刷地拖地 刷吧檯、封口機 任何你看到的東西都要刷 假如沒刷乾淨 被他看到 他會人身攻擊 罵你是狗養的、廢物等等 甚至只是上班忙碌沒笑 他會當客人的面直接罵你服務態度是0分 為了節省人力 也不依照班表時數 而是讓你先打下班卡 再回去繼續做事 我還是新人時 曾經有上班1小時就下班 根本來耍寶 常常有打完下班卡 留下來做義工1個多小時才離開 當他的值班幹部更誇張 下班後還要點錢寫報表(至少半小時以上) 這些時間也都不算加班費 少錢還要自掏腰包賠錢 私生活我就不多加評論 但肢體接觸女員工我就看過好幾次 摸頭 摸手 甚至還當面評論過女員工身材 長的正不正 胸部大不大 我離職也是提了2次才成功 第1次提離職是因為薪水少了800元 只因為我忘記打下班卡 助理跟我說無法補領 那天是做義工 連我要打卡紀錄 助理也說是公司機密 不備份給我 因為以上總總原因我提了第1次離職 老闆以人情壓力以及認識黑白兩道強迫我留下 當面撕掉我的離職單 事後老闆有補貼我那800元在我下個月薪資 ----- 本人樂觀開朗,身體健康,無任何使我困擾之慢性病或心理疾病,故絕不可能做 出任何看似自殺之行為。 本人從無睡眠困擾,故不需服用安眠藥。 本人不酗酒亦不吸毒,也絕不會接近下列地點: 1. 開放性水域 2. 無救生員之游泳池 3. 有高壓、危險氣體,或密閉式未經抽氣處理之地下室、蓄水池、水桶等 4. 無安全護欄之任何高處 5. 任何施工地點(拆政府除外),包括製作消波塊之工地 6. 任何以上未提及但為一般人正常不會前往之地點 本人恪遵下列事項: 1. 車輛上路前會檢查煞車部件、油門線等,並會在加油前關閉車輛電源與行動電 話。 2. 絕不擅搶黃燈、闖紅燈。 3. 乘坐任何軌道類交通工具一定退到警戒線後一步以上,直到車輛停妥。 4. 騎乘機車必戴安全帽;乘車必繫安全帶。 5. 絕不接近任何會放射對人體有立即危害的輻射之場所(如核電廠)或設備。 6. 颱風天不登山、不觀浪。 本人將盡可能注意電器、瓦斯、火源之使用。 本人居住之房屋均使用符合法規之電路電線,絕無電線走火之可能; 也絕未在家中放置過量可燃性氣體或液體。 浴室中除該有之照明外,不放置任何電器用品,並在睡覺前關閉除電燈、冰箱、 電扇外之所有電器開關。 本人絕不會與隨機的不明人士起衝突,並盡可能保護自我人身安全。 所以若網友在看完此聲明之後,近期或將來發現此帳號不再上線,請幫我討回公 道,謝謝。 I, of sound mind and body, do not suffer from any chronic illnesses of either a physical or mental nature, and will therefore incontrovertibly refrain from all suicidal actions or any events that may be thus construed. I do not suffer from insomnia, and therefore do not and will not take sleep- inducing medication of any kind. I am not an alcoholic and am not a user of any illicit drugs or other illegal substances. I have never and will never venture in the vicinity of the following: 1. Open waters. 2. Swimming pools where a lifeguard is not present. 3. Places where high-pressured or hazardous gases are present, or basements or water storage facilities lacking proper ventilation. 4. Any elevated location where no proper safety rails or safeguards are present. 5. Any construction site (except those pertaining to the demolishing of the government), including sites where breakwater blocks are made. 6. Any site or locale not covered in the above criteria, but is nevertheless not where normal persons of sound mind and body will enter. I have and will always adhere strictly to the following: 1. I will thoroughly inspect my vehicle for any faults or malfunctions before driving, and will turn off the power on my vehicle and on my cell phone before refueling. 2. I will never run a red light, nor accelerate past a yellow light. 3. When taking any form of rail transport, before the train has come to a complete stop, I will always retreat to a distance of at least one step behind the waiting line. 4. When riding a motorcycle, I will always wear a certified helmet; when driving or riding in a car, I will always wear a seat belt. 5. I will never venture near any locale or equipment where radiation poses an immediate risk to the human body (for example, nuclear power plants). 6. I will never head into the mountains or to the seashore during typhoons or otherwise stormy weather. I have and will always do my utmost to adhere to safety standards when using appliances and equipment powered by electricity, natural gas, or fire. The electrical wiring in my residence is in compliance with relevant regulations, and has not nor will ever be the cause of a fire. I have and will never store excessive amounts of flammable gases or liquids in my residence. My bathrooms are free of all electric appliances, except necessary lighting. Before sleeping, I always turn off all electric appliances, except any necessary lighting, the refrigerator, and electric fans. I have and will never engage in disputes or clashes, physical or otherwise, with persons with whom I am not acquainted. Moreover, I have and will always strive to ensure my personal safety. If, after being notified of the above, my fellow netizens discover that this ID has disappeared from online activity for a substantial amount of time, please do all in your means to seek justice for me. Thank you. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Kaohsiung/M.1499015786.A.978.html

07/03 01:23, , 1F
07/03 01:23, 1F

07/03 01:23, , 2F
07/03 01:23, 2F

07/03 01:23, , 3F
07/03 01:23, 3F

07/03 01:24, , 4F
07/03 01:24, 4F

07/03 01:25, , 5F
可轉 謝謝
07/03 01:25, 5F

07/03 01:25, , 6F
07/03 01:25, 6F

07/03 01:25, , 7F
07/03 01:25, 7F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: kktt254 (, 07/03/2017 01:25:31

07/03 01:27, , 8F
誰拉 大聲
07/03 01:27, 8F

07/03 01:27, , 9F
07/03 01:27, 9F

07/03 01:28, , 10F
07/03 01:28, 10F

07/03 01:28, , 11F
07/03 01:28, 11F

07/03 01:30, , 12F
07/03 01:30, 12F

07/03 01:31, , 13F
07/03 01:31, 13F

07/03 01:31, , 14F
07/03 01:31, 14F

07/03 01:31, , 15F
高雄老闆不壓榨員工再來PO文好不好 不然版面會被洗
07/03 01:31, 15F

07/03 01:31, , 16F
都要爆料了 不知道不敢打出來的原PO是怎樣==
07/03 01:31, 16F

07/03 01:31, , 17F
07/03 01:31, 17F

07/03 01:32, , 18F
07/03 01:32, 18F

07/03 01:32, , 19F
07/03 01:32, 19F

07/03 01:32, , 20F
07/03 01:32, 20F

07/03 01:33, , 21F
07/03 01:33, 21F

07/03 01:33, , 22F
高雄喔…先輔導 在觀望 以幸福資方做收
07/03 01:33, 22F

07/03 01:34, , 23F
07/03 01:34, 23F

07/03 01:35, , 24F
07/03 01:35, 24F

07/03 01:37, , 25F
07/03 01:37, 25F

07/03 01:40, , 26F
07/03 01:40, 26F

07/03 01:41, , 27F
07/03 01:41, 27F

07/03 01:42, , 28F
07/03 01:42, 28F

07/03 01:43, , 29F
07/03 01:43, 29F

07/03 01:44, , 30F
所以名字呢 爆掛爆一半
07/03 01:44, 30F

07/03 01:46, , 31F
07/03 01:46, 31F

07/03 01:47, , 32F
07/03 01:47, 32F

07/03 01:47, , 33F
07/03 01:47, 33F

07/03 01:49, , 34F
人生嘛 玩不起你就吞 特別是最後一段 真的夠廢
07/03 01:49, 34F

07/03 01:50, , 35F
高雄很多慣老闆花大錢玩車 然後發給員工"幸福"的薪水
07/03 01:50, 35F

07/03 01:50, , 36F
剛GOOGLE一下 不知道是不是橋頭專改裝MINI的那間 老闆姓
07/03 01:50, 36F

07/03 01:50, , 37F
07/03 01:50, 37F

07/03 01:50, , 38F
07/03 01:50, 38F
還有 46 則推文
07/03 07:11, , 85F
07/03 07:11, 85F

07/03 07:17, , 86F
07/03 07:17, 86F

07/03 07:19, , 87F
07/03 07:19, 87F

07/03 07:22, , 88F
07/03 07:22, 88F

07/03 07:28, , 89F
07/03 07:28, 89F

07/03 07:29, , 90F
07/03 07:29, 90F

07/03 07:36, , 91F
07/03 07:36, 91F

07/03 07:37, , 92F
07/03 07:37, 92F

07/03 07:41, , 93F
07/03 07:41, 93F

07/03 08:01, , 94F
07/03 08:01, 94F

07/03 08:03, , 95F
07/03 08:03, 95F

07/03 08:18, , 96F
07/03 08:18, 96F

07/03 08:41, , 97F
07/03 08:41, 97F

07/03 08:45, , 98F
黑白兩道咧 連付工資都要他們橋 未免太廢物了吧
07/03 08:45, 98F

07/03 08:45, , 99F
這種說出來真他媽的不怕丟臉耶 付工資要黑白兩道喬wwww
07/03 08:45, 99F

07/03 08:57, , 100F
07/03 08:57, 100F

07/03 09:29, , 101F
07/03 09:29, 101F

07/03 09:43, , 102F
07/03 09:43, 102F

07/03 09:47, , 103F
07/03 09:47, 103F

07/03 09:49, , 104F
07/03 09:49, 104F

07/03 09:49, , 105F
07/03 09:49, 105F

07/03 09:57, , 106F
07/03 09:57, 106F

07/03 11:37, , 107F
07/03 11:37, 107F

07/03 11:50, , 108F
07/03 11:50, 108F

07/03 14:20, , 109F
07/03 14:20, 109F

07/03 15:07, , 110F
工讀時薪要離職 還要動用黑白兩道!? XD
07/03 15:07, 110F

07/03 16:01, , 111F
07/03 16:01, 111F

07/03 16:01, , 112F
07/03 16:01, 112F

07/03 16:03, , 113F
07/03 16:03, 113F

07/03 16:12, , 114F
= =
07/03 16:12, 114F

07/03 16:25, , 115F
這簡直自己開公司 自己當土皇帝了
07/03 16:25, 115F

07/03 16:26, , 116F
07/03 16:26, 116F

07/03 18:40, , 117F
07/03 18:40, 117F

07/03 18:50, , 118F
07/03 18:50, 118F

07/03 19:24, , 119F
07/03 19:24, 119F

07/04 11:21, , 120F
07/04 11:21, 120F

07/04 11:21, , 121F
07/04 11:21, 121F

07/04 12:39, , 122F
07/04 12:39, 122F

07/04 14:11, , 123F
07/04 14:11, 123F

07/04 14:20, , 124F
07/04 14:20, 124F
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