Re: [新聞] 餵新生嬰植物替代奶致死  茹素父母恐判18年消失

看板Gossiping作者時間7年前 (2017/05/19 16:12), 7年前編輯推噓11(1215)
留言18則, 14人參與, 最新討論串7/7 (看更多)
實在太無聊看了一下獨立報 ( ) 、 每日郵報 ( ) 、 環球新聞 ( ) 的來源新聞; "Van Meirvenne said: 'Lucas had an eating disorder. He got cramps when he was fed with a bottle and his parents tried out alternatives." 小孩喝牛奶會痙攣,所以父母試著尋找其他替代品 "The parents — identified as Peter, 34, and Sandrina, 30 — made the diagnosis that their son was gluten intolerant and had a lactose allergy. " "Public prosecutors in Belgium blamed the parents for their son’s death, saying: "The parents determined their own diagnosis that their child was gluten intolerant and had a lactose allergy."" 家長認為她們的兒子無法耐受gluten和乳糖所以擅自作主給嬰兒這些飲食 (父母腦補?) "According to local reports, he was suffering dehydration, and his stomach and intestines were found to be empty." 根據報導,嬰兒被發現的時候呈現脫水狀態,胃腸都是空的。(腦補是假,虐童是真?) "An autopsy showed his stomach was totally empty and despite the baby gasping for air in the days leading to his death, the parents never thought to seek medical attention. A prayer card was found in his nappy." 解剖後發現死因是父母無視小孩的狀況放任其餓死, 還在尿片裡面找到寫了禱文的卡片? wt*? 整篇報導 local media( )沒有提到父母吃素,一到台灣媒體手 上就突然冒出來 (妓者炒新聞標題殺人?) 看到這裡忽然想了解一下純素者怎麼養小孩的, 找到這篇營養學會的「4-6個月嬰兒副食品文宣」: ( ) ""現在這個階段,母奶還是我最主要的營養與熱量來源,牛奶與豆漿不能滿足我的營養需 求,甚至難以消化"" 即使不能喝母奶,嬰兒配方奶裡面都會加入特定營養素, 新聞裡的父母,直接拿他們自營店裡面賣的一般成人飲用的飲品餵食, 使寶寶缺乏成長所需營養素,是嫌自己腦袋破的洞不夠大嗎? 寫這稿的妓者就這瞧不起台灣讀者的智商? 真心覺得這對父母和發這篇中文新聞稿的妓者智商差不多,5F認同請給分。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

05/19 16:14, , 1F
挖靠 記者又被打臉惹
05/19 16:14, 1F

05/19 16:14, , 2F
05/19 16:14, 2F

05/19 16:15, , 3F
05/19 16:15, 3F

05/19 16:17, , 4F
有一篇有提到quinoa milk 應該從這裡聯想的吧 真扯
05/19 16:17, 4F

05/19 16:21, , 5F
9487 會太高嗎?
05/19 16:21, 5F
※ 編輯: kyioamandine (, 05/19/2017 16:24:31 ※ 編輯: kyioamandine (, 05/19/2017 16:26:30 ※ 編輯: kyioamandine (, 05/19/2017 16:29:15

05/19 16:33, , 6F
不會有人理你的 因為在這邊反素食是主流
05/19 16:33, 6F

05/19 16:37, , 7F
妓者智商低 台灣人也隨之起舞
05/19 16:37, 7F

05/19 16:37, , 8F
05/19 16:37, 8F

05/19 16:53, , 9F
人類之所以成功 一部分是因為他是雜食動物 吃素人根本是智障
05/19 16:53, 9F

05/19 19:27, , 10F
你沒發錢沒人會理你 這裡可是八卦版 XD
05/19 19:27, 10F

05/19 23:24, , 11F
yha: 賈伯斯吃素 歐巴馬吃素 柯林頓吃素 馬克伯格吃素
05/19 23:24, 11F

05/19 23:25, , 12F
愛因斯坦吃素 不知道這些人智商屌打你多少
05/19 23:25, 12F

05/20 00:57, , 13F
05/20 00:57, 13F

05/20 05:38, , 14F
05/20 05:38, 14F

05/21 22:59, , 15F
05/21 22:59, 15F

05/21 23:11, , 16F
[勿驚慌] #媒體標題誤導 #素食者躺著也中槍 #案外案
05/21 23:11, 16F

05/21 23:12, , 17F
05/21 23:12, 17F

05/21 23:15, , 18F
05/21 23:15, 18F
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