[爆卦] 哈芬登郵報:穆罕默德是女權主義者消失

看板Gossiping作者時間7年前 (2016/10/30 14:27), 7年前編輯推噓19(24526)
留言55則, 29人參與, 最新討論串1/1
https://goo.gl/YYr5RW http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jim-garrison/muhammad-was-a-feminist_b_12638112 .html 哈芬登郵報,台灣人可能不清楚。 不過他是一個自詡為左派、進步、女權、社會正義的網路媒體。 在美國SJW內很受歡迎。 不過實質上只是一個集權的傳聲筒,之前收希拉蕊錢, 來詆毀伯尼臭老頭的女性政策。 會寫出這種垃圾文章也不意外拉。 歐美女權主義真的超好笑,舔伊斯蘭教LP到一個極點。 因為他們認為伊斯蘭教是被父權主義給迫害,跟女權主義站在同一陣線上。 --- 文章大意, 伊斯蘭教沒有歧視女性,現在有歧視是因為歷史因素跟文化因素。 可蘭經沒有歧視女性。 批評孔子、釋迦牟尼,都歧視女性。 穆罕默德很尊重女性,改革了社會給女性平權。 --- The prophet Muhammad would be appalled by how current Islamic Fundamentalists are treating women under their control. This suppression is done in the name of Islamic Law, known as Sharia. But the current suppression of women is shaped by cultural and history. It has little basis in the Quran and it is certainly not consistent with anything we know about what Muhammad taught or how he treated women. Of all the founders of the great religions - Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Islam and Judaism — Muhammad was easily the most radical and empowering in his treatment of women. Arguably he was history’s first feminist. This is of critical importance because if there is one single thing that Arabs and Muslims could do to reform and re-vitalize their crisis ridden cultures, it would be to liberate their women and provide them with the full rights women are enjoying in more and more countries around the world. Women’ s equality is key to a real Arab Spring. Among the founders of the great religions, Confucius barely mentioned women at all and assumed in all his teachings that they we subordinate to men within a patriarchal order. Buddha taught that women could become enlightened but had to be pressured three times before allowing women to become nuns, and then only on the condition, as he put it, that the highest nun would be lower than the lowest monk. In the Gospel accounts, Jesus did not explicitly comment on the status of women, although he did associate with women of ill repute and with non Jewish women. Moses was thoroughly patriarchal and there is virtually nothing in the Torah that indicates specific concern about women ’s rights. Muhammad was fundamentally different. He both explicitly taught the radical equality of women and men as a fundamental tenet of true spirituality, and he took numerous concrete measures to profoundly improve the status and role of women in Arabia during his own lifetime. Muhammad was sensitized to the plight of women because he was born poor and orphaned at a very early age. He was also illiterate. He knew as few did what poverty and social exclusion meant. Confucius was born into the gentry scholar class of ancient China. Buddha was born a wealthy prince in Nepal. Jesus was born the son of a carpenter with royal lineage and within a tightly knit Jewish community in Palestine. Moses was born into a Hebrew family and raised in the palace of the Pharaoh of Egypt. Muhammad had none of these advantages. Thus while other religious leaders seemed strangely silent about the oppression of women, Muhammad dramatically raised the status of women as a matter of religious conviction and state policy. Consider the following: During seventh century Arabia, female infanticide was commonplace. Muhammad abolished it. A saying in the Hadith (the collection of sayings of Muhammad) records that Muhammad said that the birth of a girl was a “blessing.” Women in Arabia at that time were essentially considered property and had absolutely no civil rights. Muhammad gave them the right to own property and they were extended very important marital and inheritance rights. Prior to Muhammad, the dowry paid by a man for his bride was given to her father as part of the contract between the two men. Women had no say in the matter. Muhammad declared that women needed to assent to the marriage and that the dowry should go to the bride, not the father; furthermore, she could keep the dowry even after marriage. The wife did not have to use the dowry for family expenses. That was the responsibility of the man. Women were also given the right to divorce their husbands, something unprecedented at that time. In a divorce, the woman was empowered to take the dowry with her. Women were extended inheritance rights as well. They were only given half as much as their brothers because the men had more financial responsibilities for family expenses, but with Muhammad, women became inheritors of property and family assets for the first time in Arabia. At the time, this was considered revolutionary. Muhammad himself was often seen doing “women’s work” around the house and was very attentive to his family. His first marriage to Khadija was monogamous for the entire 15 years they were married, something rare in Arabia at that time. By all accounts, they were deeply in love and Khadija in fact was the first convert to Islam. She encouraged Muhammad from his very first encounter with the angel Gabriel and the recitation of the first suras that were to become the Quran. After Khadija’s death, Muhammad married 12 wives. One was Aisha, the daughter of his closest friend and ally Abu Baker. The rest were nearly all widows, divorced women, or captives. He preached consistently that it was the responsibility of men to protect those women who had met with misfortune. This was one of the reasons polygamy was encouraged. Even with female infanticide, women in seventh century Arabia far outnumbered men because so many men were killed in the inter-tribal warfare of the day. Several of Muhammad’s wives were poor and destitute and he took them in, along with their children, into his household. In his Farewell Sermon delivered shortly before he died in 632, Muhammad said to the men, “You have certain rights over women but they have certain rights over you.” Women, he said, are your “partners and helpers.” In one of the sayings of the Hadith, Muhammad says, “The best men are those who are best to their wives.” His wife Aisha took a leadership role after his death in bringing together the Hadith and another wife played a leading role in gathering together the suras that comprise the Quran. Each of the 114 suras that comprise the Quran with the exception of sura 9 begin with the words Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim. Translated most commonly as “In the Name of God, all compassionate, all merciful,” the deeper meaning of this phrase is “In the Name of the One who births compassion and mercy from the womb.” This invocation of the feminine aspect of Allah is key to an Islamic Renaissance. Finally, there is nothing in the Quran about women wearing the veil, the Hejab. That was certainly the custom in Arabia at that time and Muhammad’s wives wore the Hejab to designate their special status as “Mothers of the Believers,” but the only thing the Quran says directly is that women should dress “modestly.” Muhammad said the same thing to men. For him, modesty of dress was expressive of modesty of the heart. Muhammad himself, even when he was supreme leader, never wore anything more than simple white woolen attire. So radical were Muhammad’s reforms that the status of women in Arabia and early Islam was higher than any other society in the world at that time. Women in 7th century Arabia had rights not extended to most women in the West till recent centuries over 1,000 years later. The fact that women have ended up in such a degraded position in many contemporary Arab/Muslim counties is a tragedy and needs to be rectified if the Islamic culture and civilization is to flourish again as it did during the Abbasid Caliphate from the 8th - 13th centuries when Islamic civilization was a shining light to the world. Liberating women would have profound effects politically, economically, culturally, artistically, and religiously. It would take the Arab Spring to a whole new level, which is what is so desperately needed in those countries that suffered the first Arab Spring as a stillbirth. It is time for Islam to liberate women fully and do so upon the example of Muhammad and the authority of the Quran that holds compassion and mercy as the first and foremost attributes of Allah. Written with Banafsheh Sayyad, author, Dance of Oneness ※註:有電視或媒體有報導者,請勿使用爆卦! 未滿20字 一行文 退文 -- “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1477808847.A.318.html

10/30 14:29, , 1F
門前喊平等 門後幹女人
10/30 14:29, 1F

10/30 14:29, , 2F
non of my business
10/30 14:29, 2F

10/30 14:29, , 3F
10/30 14:29, 3F

10/30 14:29, , 4F
不錯阿 割禮以後要日常化吧
10/30 14:29, 4F

10/30 14:30, , 5F
10/30 14:30, 5F

10/30 14:30, , 6F
不錯啊 就跟吃自助餐的有87%像吧 就不覺得怪了啊
10/30 14:30, 6F

10/30 14:32, , 7F
10/30 14:32, 7F

10/30 14:32, , 8F
10/30 14:32, 8F

10/30 14:33, , 9F
10/30 14:33, 9F
他取了一個9歲的好嗎? 他可蘭經裡說女生被強暴要找出四個男性證人, 沒找出來,就算她通姦,要被丟石頭到死。 ※ 編輯: FlutteRage (, 10/30/2016 14:33:53

10/30 14:33, , 10F
10/30 14:33, 10F
※ 編輯: FlutteRage (, 10/30/2016 14:35:29

10/30 14:34, , 11F
10/30 14:34, 11F

10/30 14:35, , 12F
10/30 14:35, 12F

10/30 14:35, , 13F
不e.g. 他和平定義本來就跟人家不一樣
10/30 14:35, 13F

10/30 14:36, , 14F
10/30 14:36, 14F

10/30 14:39, , 15F
10/30 14:39, 15F

10/30 14:39, , 16F
10/30 14:39, 16F

10/30 14:40, , 17F
10/30 14:40, 17F

10/30 14:43, , 18F
The blog"
10/30 14:43, 18F

10/30 14:46, , 19F
文中寫的是大老婆死後 他娶了12個老婆 不過都是寡婦俘虜
10/30 14:46, 19F

10/30 14:47, , 20F
所以現在的極端伊斯蘭教行事其實是不符合可蘭經的 @@
10/30 14:47, 20F

10/30 14:48, , 21F
有不符合嗎? 殺他老公把他搶過來的概念
10/30 14:48, 21F

10/30 14:48, , 22F
10/30 14:48, 22F

10/30 14:49, , 23F
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10/30 14:50, , 24F
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10/30 14:52, , 25F
10/30 14:52, 25F

10/30 14:54, , 26F
10/30 14:54, 26F

10/30 14:55, , 27F
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10/30 14:55, , 28F
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10/30 14:56, , 29F
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10/30 15:01, , 30F
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10/30 15:02, , 31F
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10/30 15:02, , 32F
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10/30 15:07, , 33F
可蘭經的某些教義 相較於當年中亞的傳統 確實待女性好些
10/30 15:07, 33F

10/30 15:07, , 34F
10/30 15:07, 34F

10/30 15:08, , 35F
10/30 15:08, 35F
TyuzuChou:轉錄至看板 joke 10/30 15:08

10/30 15:26, , 36F
實話 只是政治不正確 伊斯蘭一直被抹黑
10/30 15:26, 36F

10/30 15:28, , 37F
連分遺傳女兒媽媽都有分 華人反而傳子不傳女 伊斯蘭相對
10/30 15:28, 37F

10/30 15:28, , 38F
10/30 15:28, 38F

10/30 15:58, , 39F
現在的伊斯蘭教? LUL
10/30 15:58, 39F

10/30 16:00, , 40F
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10/30 16:15, , 41F
10/30 16:15, 41F

10/30 16:54, , 42F
看到SJW就知道不意外了 呵呵
10/30 16:54, 42F

10/30 17:33, , 43F
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10/30 17:34, , 44F
10/30 17:34, 44F

10/30 20:57, , 45F
以當時西元五世紀來看 伊斯蘭的確是有獨到之處 可以說
10/30 20:57, 45F

10/30 20:58, , 46F
較進步 但是不要說可蘭經 就算你把莫罕默德放到現代 他
10/30 20:58, 46F

10/30 20:59, , 47F
們當時的行為放到現代都是不人道部女權的 偏偏莫罕默德
10/30 20:59, 47F

10/30 20:59, , 48F
還自己加一個條件說他是最後一個先知 沒有人可以更改可
10/30 20:59, 48F

10/30 21:00, , 49F
改可蘭經 所以現在就變笑話拉 另外 伊斯蘭開宗的時候
10/30 21:00, 49F

10/30 21:00, , 50F
正值打戰時期 當然會有女少男多情形 就跟現在敘利亞一樣
10/30 21:00, 50F

10/30 21:01, , 51F
又為了人口的增加 當然就會實行一夫多妻制 不用想的這麼
10/30 21:01, 51F

10/30 21:01, , 52F
女權 現在敘利亞 一樣男少女多 實行一夫多妻制 所以敘利
10/30 21:01, 52F

10/30 21:02, , 53F
亞 現在很女權主義? 想都知道不可能
10/30 21:02, 53F

10/30 22:25, , 54F
10/30 22:25, 54F

10/30 22:26, , 55F
10/30 22:26, 55F
文章代碼(AID): #1O5PBFCO (Gossiping)