[新聞] 【TOMO雙語爆】鱷魚咬斷男子腿 血腥現場直擊消失

看板Gossiping作者時間8年前 (2016/03/06 01:47), 編輯推噓7(814)
留言13則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
蘋果日報 2.完整新聞標題: 鱷魚咬斷男子腿 血腥現場直擊 3.完整新聞內文: 原本湖邊寧靜的下午,轉眼間變成恐怖電影場景。由於一名男子被鱷魚攻擊,被咬掉了一 條腿。 影片顯示,這名男子和同伴在湖邊,地點不詳。 鱷魚應是在岸邊攻擊男子,咬著他的腿,要把他拉入水中。 男子半身沒入水中,焦急萬分。他緊抓住朋友,朋友試圖把他拉上岸。 看到男子的腿被咬掉,旁人驚恐尖叫。 男子被三人抬走時,看來蒼白虛弱,但似乎還有意識。 由於本站限制血腥暴力內容,無法在此播出完整版,要看更清楚的影片,請點擊原文影片 連結。 其中一名旁觀者看到男子血淋淋的斷腿,嚇得當場昏倒。 目前並不知傷者狀況如何,亦不清楚他是否能保住性命。 英文原文: What should have been a quiet afternoon near the lake turned into a scene from a horror movie, when a man is attacked by a crocodile — and loses a limb. Footage of the incident shows the man and his companions near a lake in an unidentified location. The reptile likely attacked the man near the water and attempted to drag him in by the leg. Half-submerged and looking desperate, the man clings to his friends, who try to drag him out. Onlookers scream in terror when they see the crocodile has bitten off the unfortunate man’s leg. He’s deathly pale but appears to be semi-conscious as he’s carried away by three people. Due to YouTube's guidelines on violent or graphic content, we can't show you the entire thing here. But a fuller version is available on our website, via the link in the description. One bystander was so traumatized by the sight of the bloody, severed leg that he fainted. It’s not known just how badly the croc victim was injured — or whether he even survived the terrifying attack. 原文影片請看此 http://goo.gl/uT5Qac 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): http://goo.gl/P34LVg 5.備註: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1457200028.A.435.html

03/06 01:48, , 1F
不敢點 樓下點
03/06 01:48, 1F

03/06 01:48, , 2F
03/06 01:48, 2F

03/06 01:52, , 3F
03/06 01:52, 3F

03/06 01:56, , 4F
03/06 01:56, 4F

03/06 01:56, , 5F
靠杯 那皮在那甩超噁.... 後悔點影片
03/06 01:56, 5F

03/06 01:57, , 6F
03/06 01:57, 6F

03/06 01:57, , 7F
03/06 01:57, 7F

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03/06 02:14, , 10F
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03/06 03:05, , 11F
旁邊的人怎不拿棍子或東西k鱷魚 雖然會有風險
03/06 03:05, 11F

03/06 03:36, , 12F
03/06 03:36, 12F

03/06 09:01, , 13F
03/06 09:01, 13F
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