Re: [爆卦]蔡英文 魚蛋革命港大學生會:永遠站在反抗消失

看板Gossiping作者時間8年前 (2016/02/10 23:59), 8年前編輯推噓9(1010)
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輪到香港浸會大學學生會出官方聲明 浸大學生會魚蛋革命聲明全文: 民不畏死 奈何以死懼之 二月九日凌晨,食環夥同警方強行到旺角掃蕩小販夜市,因此與民眾爆發衝突。期間警方 竟為了驅逐小販,多次使用胡椒噴霧、催淚水劑,更向天開槍,更以槍頭對著民眾,引發 龐大民憤。 如今警方無理拘押一眾抗爭者,毆打記者,打壓本土民主前線成員,政警合一,白色恐怖 瀰漫。民不畏死奈何以死懼之,我們強烈譴責港府使用不合理武力對待示威者,政府一寸 一分的打壓,示威者定必十倍奉還。 主權移交十數年,本港的荒謬怪誕之事愈演愈烈:雨傘革命警方暴力清場、暗角七警拖延 至今未定罪,受害者卻反先被控、大白象工程不斷通過超支撥款、普教中誓滅粵語文化、 中共疑越境執法而港府噤若寒蟬。一件一件荒誕之事,不斷踐踏港人底線,不斷壓迫港人 民族。 打壓的力度愈大,反抗的力度亦會愈大。真正迫港人踏上勇武之路的,正正是現今的特區 政府。自古正邪不兩立,怒火將愈熾愈烈,勇武抗爭必定會接踵而來。全民起義,為以武 制暴除污名,直至求得港人共同之大願。 高牆與雞蛋,我們永遠站在雞蛋一方。雞蛋永遠是雞蛋,那怕武裝了,它仍然是雞蛋。 香港浸會大學學生會 二零一六年二月九日 Louis Pang 睇返歷史,美國獨立戰爭、法國大革命、日本明治維新,如何造就今天國家 之文明思想,就應該思考,何謂行義?倒底是屈服於不公義、還是毋懼權威勇於撥亂反正 ? 民建聯作為香港第一大黨,縱容政府犯錯未能解決香港民怨,難辭其咎,暴政衍生暴民 香港人以為看不到火種就是安穩,任由庫房被亂掏一空,工程超支不理,鉛水不理,警察 濫權不理,繞過立會撥款不理,香港人被失蹤不理,強推簡体字普通話,人神共憤置之不 理才種下今日民怨沸騰之禍 ※ 引述《LWong (人人期望可達到)》之銘言: : 台灣蔡英文成榜樣了, 對外輸出革命了 : 魚蛋革命, 香港大學學生會官方聲明:「永遠站在反抗者一方」 : 全文: : : 香港大學學生會 The Hong Kong University Students' Union : 永遠站在反抗者一方 : 港大學生會就二月八日旺角之役聲明 : 時值新正頭,小販路邊擺賣,銷售魚蛋雞髀,市民樂也融融,本無大礙。然而,食環署連 : 日巡查,趕盡小販自力更新,殺絕黎民度歲雅興。警方又配備盾牌、伸縮棍、胡椒噴霧、 : 紅黃旗幡等到場,刻意挑起民憤。連番衝突過後,警員 PC5619 不顧流彈誤中途人之險, : 於群眾中鳴槍兩發,終引燃熊熊抗爭烈火,蔓延旺角街頭。 : 若諸君設身處地,耳聽槍響劃破長空,眼見槍管直指頭顱,豈不膽裂心顫?數百市民見狀 : ,克服怵惕恐懼,群起反抗還擊,實為大義之舉。如果 PC5619 因恐懼而開槍,敢問市民 : 慘遭黑警棍揮腳踢,又當如何?且未論被捕之士,久困漆黑囚車,飽受亂拳無數,抵達警 : 局又遭一番折磨。倘若泯滅良知,反謂其自找苦吃,豈非有欠惻隱同理之心?你我人身肉 : 造,被癢會笑,被打會痛,而人民被壓迫,理所當然會反抗。 : 冰封三尺,絕非一日之寒:磚頭火舌僅其物象表徵,專制政權壓迫實為原兇。過往港府尚 : 有些須節制,會因和平示威而讓步。近數年來,港共政權愈加無恥,面對逾百萬人爭取真 : 普選的民意,依然不聞不理。港人忍無可忍,遂於雨傘革命奮起抗爭,設障開傘,持盾擋 : 棍。今日旺角之役與雨傘革命一脈相承,分別在催淚白煙與懾人槍聲之下,不再畏懼,勇 : 往直前,掀起新式抗爭之序幕。 : 一如臺灣候任總統蔡英文所說:「天色漸漸光,這裡有一群人,為了守護我們的夢,變成 : 更加勇敢的人。」是役不少戰友均自發參與,甘冒性命之虞和刑責風險,赤身對抗警察血 : 腥暴行,好些身受重傷,生死未卜。亦有三位港大同窗被捕、受傷,當中包括候任學苑總 : 編輯,在採訪期間被無理拘捕。對此本會承諾向有關同學提供一切可行協助,絕不冷血割 : 蓆,絕不令行動者孤立無援。 : 我們永遠站在反抗者一方。 : 香港大學學生會 : 二零一六年二月十日 : Forever we stand with the rebels : Declaration of the Hong Kong University Students’ Union on the Battle of : Mongkok on 8th February : At the break of the Lunar New Year, hawkers set up their stalls along the : roadside and sold assortments of snacks. Citizens surely enjoyed their time, : and it was certainly not a problem. However, the Food and Environmental : Hygiene Department (FEHD) had been keeping a close watch on them, forcing : them not to make their own living, forbidding citizens not to enjoy their new : year holidays. The Police Force even arrived at the scene and armed : themselves with shields, contractable batons, pepper sprays and various flags : for warning, intentionally stirring up people’s fury. After various direct : confrontations, PC 5619 disregarded the danger of a stray bullet and : illegally shot two rounds of bullets amid the huge crowd. It only results in : the blazing conflict : and resistance widespread in the Mongkok neighbourhood hitherto. : Standing in others’ shoes, one shall only shrivel in horror when the gunshot : across the air was heard, the gun barrel pointing at skulls were witnessed. : In view of such situation, hundreds of citizens overcame their terror and : rose to revolt for justice. Had PC 5619 taken the shot out of fear, how : should people have reacted in face of the strikes and kicks of the fiendish : police? At the same time, held in custody in the deep black car, the : detainees suffered countless blows and punches, let alone further tortures as : they arrived the police station. Did you, devoid of conscience, deem them to : ask for their own troubles, it would only show your total lack of empathy. We : are all the same. We are just human. We laugh when tickled, hurt when beaten. : And when people are suppressed, they rebel for sure. : It was never only a day for all these to happen. Bricks and flames are the : surface, the authoritarian and its suppression are indeed the crux. The Hong : Kong government had once behaved and given in in view of peaceful : demonstrations. But in recent years, the Hong Kong communist regime only : became more shameless and even remained indifferent towards the hundreds of : millions of support to true universal suffrage. As Hongkongers could no : longer tolerate, people rose to revolt in the Umbrella Revolution with : barricades and shields. Battle of Mongkok today originated from and resembled : the Umbrella Revolution. In the midst of teary smog and frightening gunshot, : we no longer fear and we stride forward with courage, unveiling the start of : a brand-new way in protest. : As Tsai Ing-wen, the incoming President of Taiwan said, ‘As the sky dims, : here are a group of people turning braver in order to protect our dreams.’ : Many compatriots today were volunteers willing to take the risk of criminal : offence or even their lives. Unarmed, they struggled against the violence and : bloodshed of the police. Many are severely injured, with their situations : unknown yet. Three schoolmates were also arrested and hurt, including the : incoming Editor-In-Chief of the Undergrad, HKUSU who had been unreasonably : arrested when reporting. We promise that we shall offer any possible : assitances to the concerned students. We shall never turn our back on or : leave them alone and unassisted. : Forever we stand with the rebels. : The Hong Kong University Students’ Union : 10 February 2016 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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※ 編輯: LWong (, 02/11/2016 00:05:34

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02/11 00:41, , 7F
呃 反正現在對政府不滿就可以殺警就對了 都是政府的錯
02/11 00:41, 7F

02/11 01:07, , 8F
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02/11 09:14, , 11F
這篇文章好好笑, 解唔貼去就可?有笑有推喇。
02/11 09:14, 11F
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