
看板Gossiping作者時間8年前 (2016/01/16 12:01), 8年前編輯推噓17(20328)
留言51則, 32人參與, 最新討論串3/689 (看更多)
有人去黃安媽媽的麵店嗎? 現在那邊情況怎樣? 話說 我澳洲朋友有問我到底發生什麼事情了 我打了一大串 有需要分享給外國朋友的人 不嫌棄我的文法也許有錯 可以分享 the story is ...this 16 years old girl is a singer and that is 9 people team..she was wave Taiwan flag in MV. after that..once time, just recently..China invited them to perform..because those shit Chinese dogs...saw she wave Taiwan flag in MV before...and there is a bustard who was Taiwan singer before..but live in China now. I even don't want menthion his name...this bustard he did a lot crazy things...he show the China media all the artists'name..who prefer Taiwan independent ,then the artist can't get any perform opportunity in China..well, to all the artists..they really can made good money from China. That bustard said he love China...(I really do want ask his mom..how can you teach your son like that, his mom's store is not far from my home.).And he did told all media in China..that little girl prefer Taiwan independent..then suddenly all the Chinese and media in China..they started refuse this young girl..(I am not surprise for that..that is the only poor sence they have). The young girl is belong JYP company..last night..the company force she record this video....the JYP company really did good job...why? they made Taiwanese more more more angry today..as you know, today is our presidential election. what they did, I think they were learn from ISIS.. the young girl in the video said.."I totaly agree only one China.Taiwan is belong China...sorry for everthing..it was my fault.....balabala"..(I was so angry last night..she just a teenager...of course..the Chinese pig don't have enough IQ to think about that..they always live in their imaging world..many times my friend who come from different nationality..said to me, only one China..Taiwanese is nothing different with Chinese...I always said:hey ,are you blind, we are totaly different country...plz open your mind and raise your IQ..we have different sence ,OK??!!Chinese pig always did shit thing to Taiwanese!And obviously , those Chinese did not accept that apology video..some of them think , yeah, we have a lot of money..we are strong country..so the young girl have to do like this..or she should suicide inplace of just record the video. The last thing I want said.SHUT UP CHINESE PIG!!!!!!WE ARE INDEPENDENT TAIWAN COUNTRY!!!ALL TAIWANESE BE BRAVE!!!.) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1452916896.A.2E6.html

01/16 12:02, , 1F
沒分段 看起來好累...
01/16 12:02, 1F

01/16 12:03, , 2F
01/16 12:03, 2F

01/16 12:03, , 3F
揮旗不是在MV喔 在節目裡
01/16 12:03, 3F

01/16 12:03, , 4F
然後最後一行不要放好嗎 會被誤會子瑜
01/16 12:03, 4F

01/16 12:03, , 5F
01/16 12:03, 5F

01/16 12:04, , 6F
01/16 12:04, 6F

01/16 12:04, , 7F
01/16 12:04, 7F

01/16 12:05, , 8F
01/16 12:05, 8F

01/16 12:05, , 9F
01/16 12:05, 9F

01/16 12:06, , 10F
01/16 12:06, 10F

01/16 12:06, , 11F
時態錯很多 修 一下
01/16 12:06, 11F

01/16 12:08, , 12F
01/16 12:08, 12F

01/16 12:09, , 13F
假裝國民黨是跟人民站一起 , 都磺胺的錯zzz
01/16 12:09, 13F

01/16 12:09, , 14F
投完票走過去看過 一切正常.這就是台灣人
01/16 12:09, 14F

01/16 12:09, , 15F
01/16 12:09, 15F

01/16 12:12, , 16F
最後一行 別放上去更好 別人會以為崩潰了?
01/16 12:12, 16F

01/16 12:13, , 17F
was "waving"
01/16 12:13, 17F

01/16 12:14, , 18F
01/16 12:14, 18F

01/16 12:14, , 19F
"living" in
01/16 12:14, 19F

01/16 12:15, , 20F
01/16 12:15, 20F
還有 11 則推文
還有 11 段內文
01/16 12:32, , 32F
01/16 12:32, 32F

01/16 12:35, , 33F
01/16 12:35, 33F

01/16 12:36, , 34F
竹北人表示 現在有警察保護站崗
01/16 12:36, 34F

01/16 12:41, , 35F
01/16 12:41, 35F

01/16 12:52, , 36F
01/16 12:52, 36F

01/16 12:52, , 37F
01/16 12:52, 37F

01/16 12:52, , 38F
01/16 12:52, 38F

01/16 12:58, , 39F
01/16 12:58, 39F

01/16 12:58, , 40F
01/16 12:58, 40F

01/16 13:14, , 41F
01/16 13:14, 41F

01/16 13:15, , 42F
01/16 13:15, 42F

01/16 13:48, , 43F
不用搞人家媽媽的店 ,不同人好嗎
01/16 13:48, 43F
※ 編輯: hosaka (, 01/16/2016 13:49:43

01/16 14:05, , 44F
真的別搞人家的家人! 別讓你的程度變成
01/16 14:05, 44F

01/16 14:07, , 45F
真的別搞人家的家人! 別讓你的程度變成
01/16 14:07, 45F

01/16 14:07, , 46F
01/16 14:07, 46F

01/16 14:08, , 47F
01/16 14:08, 47F

01/16 14:18, , 48F
說不定老母是 spy
01/16 14:18, 48F

01/16 15:22, , 49F
01/16 15:22, 49F

01/16 15:42, , 50F

01/16 16:25, , 51F
01/16 16:25, 51F
文章代碼(AID): #1McS2WBc (Gossiping)
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文章代碼(AID): #1McS2WBc (Gossiping)