[問卦] 白人對CCR的真心話

看板Gossiping作者 (guets)時間11年前 (2013/06/07 14:15), 編輯推噓131(1421162)
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某加拿大老外打出對於亞洲CCR女真心話 我覺得我們應該能跟他成為好朋友XD 原文看了會心一笑 心情都好多了~ 由於在下沒受過翻譯訓練 建議盡量看原文比較好笑 不過真的不行那就開燈吧 我會試著翻生活化一點 I think the penis argument when comparing Asian and White men is so stupid. Asian women could CARE LESS if a White guy has a small penis, what she cares about is his RACE. What I find so funny is that Asian women think they are elevating themselves to a higher plateau when they screw, date or marry a White man, and I think the total opposite when I see an Asian women with a White man. I think she is an ugly, insecure, racist, vagina-begging hypocrite. Asian women are giving themselves a bad reputation in Western culture and they are too stupid and single-minded in their desperate pursuit of White men to even realize it. Asian women are the laughing stock of my culture. 我覺得拿黃人白人老二長短做文章很蠢 今天若是白人老二其實很小 CCR又會跳針打 太極了 好笑的是CCR總覺得跟白人搞在一起能拉抬自己身價 我倒完全覺得那是作賤自己 看到的是醜陋 沒安全感 種族歧視(對內) 虛偽 表面上裝矜持 私底下 一附求插鮑的賤樣 這些CCR太蠢一心只想哈洋屌 殊不知破壞了自己在西方世界的風評 淪為我們茶餘飯後的 笑話 這邊則是對他們自己白魯蛇的看法 I've seen white guys who really are into asian girls. I wonder about that. These white guys are usually rejects in white society. Like in university these white guys are failing, so they go to asia to do what? To teach english! Give me a break. And they go there cuz they think they'll be automatically adored for being white, and some of them women do adore them. But I think they are adored by asian women who have an inferiority complex and want to be white themselves. Anyhow, these loser white guys are just arrogant. They think that asian women should automatically like them. I've known many asian women who date white guys, and when you meet these guys they are pathetic losers (no job, etc.). But the white guys know that no any woman from any race besides the asian one would tolerate them. Seen so many japanese girl / white guy combos that end up the japanese girl is miserable cuz they are badly treated and they end up supporting their loser white boyfriend/husband. 我看過一些很哈黃女的白人 很納悶(編:因為Taiwanese girls are easy啊!) 這些白男通常被我們的社會唾棄 像是大學死當之類的 猜猜看他們跑去亞洲做啥了? 教英文!! 頗呵 饒了我吧 他們以為在演進擊的白巨人嗎!? 可悲的是往往真的有如進出 無人之地般攻破一道道CCR下面的城牆 不過說到底那些CCR也只是嚴重自卑想漂白吧 這些白魯蛇很自大 總認為黃女會自動倒貼過來 我認識很多CCR的男伴都是徹底的魯蛇 像是無業之類的(編:有CCR包養還需要工作嗎?) 但他們也曉得全世界也只有亞洲女 能容忍他們 看過很多櫻花妹嫁白男的 婚姻都淪落到很慘 飽受先生歧視還要繼續賺錢 養他(編:至少結婚啦 灣灣CCR大概連嫁都嫁不成咧 頗呵) 如果妳是個不折不扣的西餐妹 看不懂英文也請別開燈 總之這堆英文是ㄧ堆稱讚的話 大意就是在歌頌你們的"真愛"呦 ^.<~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/07 14:17, , 1F
06/07 14:17, 1F

06/07 14:17, , 2F
東亞人 奴性(還是性奴?)已經刻進DNA裡面了 沒藥救
06/07 14:17, 2F

06/07 14:17, , 3F
06/07 14:17, 3F

06/07 14:17, , 4F
06/07 14:17, 4F

06/07 14:17, , 5F
亞洲妹是通稱 但台灣ccr 症狀應該更嚴重一些
06/07 14:17, 5F

06/07 14:18, , 6F
06/07 14:18, 6F

06/07 14:18, , 7F
水唷 隔空水桶
06/07 14:18, 7F

06/07 14:18, , 8F
06/07 14:18, 8F

06/07 14:18, , 9F
06/07 14:18, 9F

06/07 14:18, , 10F
06/07 14:18, 10F

06/07 14:18, , 11F
ㄈㄈ尺版主 :
06/07 14:18, 11F

06/07 14:18, , 12F
zzZZ 台宅男又在反串了
06/07 14:18, 12F

06/07 14:18, , 13F
拜託 回收個魯蛇 資源回收一下 臭了嗎?
06/07 14:18, 13F

06/07 14:18, , 14F
完了完了 版主要殺過來了
06/07 14:18, 14F

06/07 14:19, , 15F
真心祝福 你的翻譯很浪漫:)
06/07 14:19, 15F

06/07 14:19, , 16F
06/07 14:19, 16F

06/07 14:19, , 17F
06/07 14:19, 17F

06/07 14:19, , 18F
06/07 14:19, 18F

06/07 14:19, , 19F
櫻花妹!!! 夢想
06/07 14:19, 19F

06/07 14:19, , 20F
06/07 14:19, 20F

06/07 14:20, , 21F
06/07 14:20, 21F

06/07 14:20, , 22F
06/07 14:20, 22F

06/07 14:20, , 23F
06/07 14:20, 23F

06/07 14:20, , 24F
easy to fuck
06/07 14:20, 24F

06/07 14:20, , 25F
06/07 14:20, 25F

06/07 14:21, , 26F
之前廣告就有啦 兩個流浪漢對話說 去亞洲教英文
06/07 14:21, 26F

06/07 14:21, , 27F
不錯 推一個 隨便去檢視一下這些白魯 超鳥的
06/07 14:21, 27F

06/07 14:21, , 28F
06/07 14:21, 28F

06/07 14:21, , 29F
06/07 14:21, 29F

06/07 14:21, , 30F
06/07 14:21, 30F

06/07 14:22, , 31F
06/07 14:22, 31F

06/07 14:22, , 32F
06/07 14:22, 32F

06/07 14:22, , 33F
06/07 14:22, 33F

06/07 14:23, , 34F
是否願意接受隔空水桶? (Y/y)
06/07 14:23, 34F

06/07 14:23, , 35F
06/07 14:23, 35F

06/07 14:23, , 36F
幹 至少也收個錢吧 不然白人都以為台灣是免錢的酒店
06/07 14:23, 36F

06/07 14:23, , 37F
06/07 14:23, 37F

06/07 14:23, , 38F
玩了玩了 隔空水桶準備
06/07 14:23, 38F

06/07 14:23, , 39F
06/07 14:23, 39F
還有 136 則推文
還有 4 段內文
06/07 19:23, , 176F
06/07 19:23, 176F

06/07 19:30, , 177F
基本上 會幼稚到只把人用種族來區分 論點還能好到哪去
06/07 19:30, 177F

06/07 19:33, , 178F
06/07 19:33, 178F

06/07 19:41, , 179F
上面CCN說的好 CCR就是這樣子做的
06/07 19:41, 179F

06/07 20:00, , 180F
ugly, insecure, racist, vagina-begging hypocrite...
06/07 20:00, 180F

06/07 20:00, , 181F
06/07 20:00, 181F

06/07 20:41, , 182F
06/07 20:41, 182F

06/07 21:24, , 183F
06/07 21:24, 183F

06/07 21:24, , 184F
27783篇的文章 http://0rz.tw/ktqsc
06/07 21:24, 184F

06/07 21:25, , 185F
27783篇原PO自己測試 http://tinyurl.com/lduzosq
06/07 21:25, 185F

06/07 21:25, , 186F
27783篇的文章 http://0rz.tw/ktqsc
06/07 21:25, 186F

06/07 21:25, , 187F
27783篇原PO自己測試 http://tinyurl.com/n55ypfm
06/07 21:25, 187F

06/07 21:26, , 188F
06/07 21:26, 188F

06/07 22:21, , 189F
06/07 22:21, 189F

06/07 22:44, , 190F
06/07 22:44, 190F

06/07 22:45, , 191F
這難度上能比? 當然是只要腿張開的比較賤格阿
06/07 22:45, 191F

06/07 22:45, , 192F
補出處再推 某家拿大人是哪招
06/07 22:45, 192F

06/07 22:46, , 193F
06/07 22:46, 193F

06/07 22:58, , 194F
06/07 22:58, 194F

06/07 23:18, , 195F
06/07 23:18, 195F

06/07 23:33, , 196F
06/07 23:33, 196F

06/07 23:49, , 197F
06/07 23:49, 197F

06/08 00:00, , 198F
完了 要被ㄈㄈ尺噓了
06/08 00:00, 198F

06/08 00:09, , 199F
推 西餐妹要崩潰了
06/08 00:09, 199F

06/08 00:58, , 200F
06/08 00:58, 200F

06/08 03:23, , 201F
弱勢文明 女人就會外流 又以台灣政府最弱最孬 CRR風盛
06/08 03:23, 201F

06/08 03:24, , 202F
雖然CCR很可悲 但說穿了也是我們男人對外軟弱的後遺症
06/08 03:24, 202F

06/08 10:52, , 203F
哭哭 本來就是魯蛇到落後國家當大王
06/08 10:52, 203F

06/08 10:53, , 204F
不然你覺得台灣找仲介外籍新娘的是菁英份子嗎 哈哈哈
06/08 10:53, 204F

06/08 16:32, , 205F
只能怪亞洲男生不爭氣又不努力又懶的健身 難怪會被CCR
06/08 16:32, 205F

06/08 17:23, , 206F
06/08 17:23, 206F

06/09 20:28, , 207F
06/09 20:28, 207F

06/10 10:31, , 208F
06/10 10:31, 208F

06/11 14:37, , 209F
06/11 14:37, 209F

06/20 23:14, , 210F
可憐 一堆puma
06/20 23:14, 210F

06/21 07:27, , 211F
06/21 07:27, 211F

08/27 13:55, , 212F
幹 這程度的英文我看得懂耶 CCR咩看得懂嗎^.<
08/27 13:55, 212F

10/18 04:01, , 213F
可憐 又釣出一群魯蛇台男集體自慰推爆 履試不爽
10/18 04:01, 213F

08/09 17:56, , 214F
08/09 17:56, 214F

01/27 20:51, , 215F
01/27 20:51, 215F
文章代碼(AID): #1HiNf_tS (Gossiping)