[情報] Google Latitude will be retired.

看板Google作者 (Tenka)時間11年前 (2013/07/10 23:11), 編輯推噓11(1108)
留言19則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
1. 情報or新聞 連結: http://goo.gl/Xm24u 2. 內文: Latitude will be retired Google Latitude will be retired on August 9th, 2013. Products being retired include Google Latitude in Google Maps for Android, Latitude for iPhone, the Latitude API, the public badge, the iGoogle Gadget, and the Latitude website at maps.google.com/latitude. What does this mean for me? You’ll no longer be able to share your location using Latitude after retirement. We haven’t included Latitude as a feature in the latest version of Google Maps for mobile on Android and we’ll remove Latitude for iPhone on the App Store. We’ll delete your list of friends on Latitude. You won’t be able to see or manage friends. Any existing friends will no longer see your location in Google Maps for mobile on Android, Latitude for iPhone, the public badge, the iGoogle Gadget, and the Latitude website at maps.google.com/latitude, if you continue to use these products. You’ll also see other changes: Third Party Applications Applications that use the Latitude API will no longer be able to access your location data, including Location History data, on Google servers. However, these non-Google applications may continue to store data they’ve already accessed. Please contact the developer of these applications for more information. Latitude Privacy Reminders We’ll remove the privacy reminder settings and you’ll no longer receive email reminders. Check-ins We’ll remove check-ins from Google Maps for mobile. Any previously enabled automatic check-ins will also be turned off. But don't worry, you’ll be able to check in and view your past check-ins on Google+. 3.心得: (記得附上至少15字心得唷,或是底下推文至少15字亦可) http://imgur.com/zdUr2qR
已行進 28,185 公里 距離月球還有 334,918 公里 我連十分之一都沒走到... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/10 23:19, , 1F
07/10 23:19, 1F

07/10 23:22, , 2F
Maps中我最喜歡的應用數據耶,該不會以後變成付費版吧 QQ
07/10 23:22, 2F

07/11 00:36, , 3F
我用了四年多 已行進 82,209 公里 差不多前進月球25%...
07/11 00:36, 3F

07/11 00:56, , 4F
難怪今天下午發現Android map沒辦法check in...
07/11 00:56, 4F

07/11 00:58, , 5F
07/11 00:58, 5F

07/11 01:33, , 6F
07/11 01:33, 6F

07/11 02:37, , 7F
07/11 02:37, 7F

07/11 02:38, , 8F
07/11 02:38, 8F

07/11 02:42, , 9F
.... 什麼都要跟G+合,用戶只會越來越少
07/11 02:42, 9F

07/11 04:05, , 10F
這第一次知道也太誇張了吧,就google maps定位裡的選項打勾
07/11 04:05, 10F

07/11 09:28, , 11F
已行進 406,537 公里 距離火星還有 54,193,462 公里
07/11 09:28, 11F

07/11 11:14, , 12F
對沒有智慧型手機的人 第一次知道奇怪嗎XD
07/11 11:14, 12F

07/11 18:09, , 13F
07/11 18:09, 13F

07/11 22:01, , 14F
07/11 22:01, 14F

07/11 22:01, , 15F
07/11 22:01, 15F

07/11 23:44, , 16F
07/11 23:44, 16F

07/11 23:44, , 17F
07/11 23:44, 17F

07/12 20:23, , 18F
我的意思是 現在是分享當下的位置資訊 那如果我回到家後
07/12 20:23, 18F

07/12 20:23, , 19F
就沒有人看到 自己以後可能也不會記得去過(因無打卡)
07/12 20:23, 19F
文章代碼(AID): #1HtNcH84 (Google)